hard times [s][c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Adam Lycaon
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 3:59:55 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

Adam didn’t want to admit it—

He was broke.

Well, not broke broke yet, but times had definitely been lean these past few weeks and the money coming in was very slow. Too slow, it had almost evaporated to a near trickle!

This left Adam literally picking up any kind of odd job that was available—only it also seemed that there was little in the way of odd jobs available as well due to the current climate.

How in the bloody hell’s a man supposed to earn his bloody keep if they keep turning part-timers away?! he thought crossly, nursing a cup of instant ramen.

It was the only thing he could afford at this point.

Sure, he had enough left to cover the rent for this month, but next month was looking to be a problem—a big problem, considering that the price had been jacked up and he wasn’t able to get a word in edgewise.

So, here he was right now, near one of the roadside stalls savoring what remained of the cup of instant ramen.

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artie, finn, finch
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arthur finnian vanderbilt
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 4:12:14 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar



i want your heart between my teeth

Arthur Finnian Vanderbilt was a free spirit.

[break][break] That much could be true. Despite his upbringing mimicking that of , or other similarly minded people, Artie had never quite taken upon himself to mind the chains that shackled him. In fact, in many ways, he enjoyed it. Unlike Remy who sometimes seemed to detest his position, Artie embraced it. For him, there was not a life where he had not been born with a Silver Spoon in his mouth, where he had no been raised upon golden silverware and shimmering jewelry and long, satin gowns. it was simply not him.

[break][break] And this was definitely not him.

[break][break] The young Circhester heir suddenly appeared in front of , seemingly out of nowhere. His nose wrinkled. "What is that?" Unfortunately for Artie - and probably everyone else in the vicinity - there was no @dakota , or sane-minded individual, to stop him.

[break][break] Poor Adam.



[newclass=.prince] width:490px; background:#2B2B2B; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px; border:1px solid #232323; border-radius:10px; margin:0px auto; position:relative;[/newclass][newclass=.prince] --accent:#91f4ff; --speech:#91f4ff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox b] color:var(--speech); font-size:13px; text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox i] color:var(--speech); text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top] transition:2s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top] background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/72/98/d672981e4f5e10566ccbed5292287efe.jpg); opacity:0.95; filter:contrast(130%); height:250px; padding-top:20px; background-size:cover; background-position:50% 25%; position:relative; overflow:hidden; transition:0.5s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyricbox] position:absolute; width:430px; right:25px; bottom:25px; z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .lyric] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric] color:#000; text-transform:uppercase; font:italic 35px roboto; line-height:30px; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #52f6ff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px 1px 0 #fff; letter-spacing:5px; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px; transition:1s all; text-align:right;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric .span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric] font:15px poppins; line-height:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#000; background:var(--accent); text-align:right; text-transform:uppercase; padding:5px 20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all; color:var(--speech);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title] background:var(--accent); color:#222; font:bold 17px roboto; line-height:15px; margin-top:8px; letter-spacing:-1px; padding-bottom:1px; margin-bottom:10px; width:90px; padding:50px 25px 50px 30px; box-shadow:5px 5px #fff; border-radius:100px; position:relative; top:-50px; left:-10px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title span] padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:10px solid #fff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main] font:11px roboto; text-align:justify; padding:20px; color:#fff; border-image:slice; border-bottom: 10px solid; border-image-slice: 1; border-width: 5px; border-image-source: linear-gradient(to left, var(--accent), #fff); position:relative; z-index:99;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main::first-line] color:var(--speech); font:14px playfair display;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox] padding:0px 50px; border-left: 1px solid var(--accent); border-right: 1px solid var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab] text-align:center; margin-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img] filter:grayscale(100%); background:rgba(50,50,50,0.5); border-radius:100px; padding-bottom:10px; position:relative; z-index:99; transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img:hover] filter:none; transition:1s all; background:var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .flower] background:url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); height:450px; width:450px; right:0px; bottom:0px; position:absolute; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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Adam Lycaon
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 19:36:39 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

Just as he was about to grab another forkful of noodles in the cup, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

By a loud, obnoxious voice.

Definitely nothing like his coworkers at Vantage, he was sure of that!

“What’s your problem?” he said crossly, looking up and seeing the source of the voice leering at him and his poor culinary decision.

“Haven’t you had anything like this before?” he continued, his Galarian accent leaking out due to his annoyance. “By the way, who are you? he followed up a few moments later.

Today was going to be a very long day, it seemed.

No money left after this month’s rent is paid, what the bloody hell is food, and now this guy mocks my food choice? What the bloody—what a tosspot! He thought angrily, his brows meeting as he continued to look at the other, eyebrows going up a few moments later.

“Well?” he prompted afterward.

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artie, finn, finch
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TAG WITH @arthur
arthur finnian vanderbilt
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2021 17:16:23 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar



i want your heart between my teeth

"What's your problem?"

[break][break] A normal person would have been remorseful, embarrassed, shameful — at the very least, reluctant to engage with this full-grown-cat-sized-man who accosted him. Not Artie, though.

[break][break] "Me?" he said innocently, with a bright smile. "Nothing. No problems here, buddy." He took the other's words as an invitation to slide down in a seat next to him, grabbing some forks that he noticed lying nearby and poking it into the other's food. His face wrinkled at the taste of MSG, salt, and oil all combined together. "Huh?" he said, mouthful full of 's food. "Oh no. They don't have anything like this in the palace."

[break][break] "Who are you?"

[break][break] The blond swallowed, and then let out a carefree laugh. Oh, he saw. The poor boy was going to play innocent! How funny commoners were sometimes. "You can call me Artie," he said, with a reassuring pat on the other's shoulder. "No need to worry about that other stuff." He hated it when @dakota called him His Highness, or god forbid, Arthur.



[newclass=.prince] width:490px; background:#2B2B2B; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px; border:1px solid #232323; border-radius:10px; margin:0px auto; position:relative;[/newclass][newclass=.prince] --accent:#91f4ff; --speech:#91f4ff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox b] color:var(--speech); font-size:13px; text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox i] color:var(--speech); text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top] transition:2s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top] background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/72/98/d672981e4f5e10566ccbed5292287efe.jpg); opacity:0.95; filter:contrast(130%); height:250px; padding-top:20px; background-size:cover; background-position:50% 25%; position:relative; overflow:hidden; transition:0.5s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyricbox] position:absolute; width:430px; right:25px; bottom:25px; z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .lyric] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric] color:#000; text-transform:uppercase; font:italic 35px roboto; line-height:30px; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #52f6ff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px 1px 0 #fff; letter-spacing:5px; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px; transition:1s all; text-align:right;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric .span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric] font:15px poppins; line-height:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#000; background:var(--accent); text-align:right; text-transform:uppercase; padding:5px 20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all; color:var(--speech);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title] background:var(--accent); color:#222; font:bold 17px roboto; line-height:15px; margin-top:8px; letter-spacing:-1px; padding-bottom:1px; margin-bottom:10px; width:90px; padding:50px 25px 50px 30px; box-shadow:5px 5px #fff; border-radius:100px; position:relative; top:-50px; left:-10px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title span] padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:10px solid #fff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main] font:11px roboto; text-align:justify; padding:20px; color:#fff; border-image:slice; border-bottom: 10px solid; border-image-slice: 1; border-width: 5px; border-image-source: linear-gradient(to left, var(--accent), #fff); position:relative; z-index:99;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main::first-line] color:var(--speech); font:14px playfair display;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox] padding:0px 50px; border-left: 1px solid var(--accent); border-right: 1px solid var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab] text-align:center; margin-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img] filter:grayscale(100%); background:rgba(50,50,50,0.5); border-radius:100px; padding-bottom:10px; position:relative; z-index:99; transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img:hover] filter:none; transition:1s all; background:var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .flower] background:url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); height:450px; width:450px; right:0px; bottom:0px; position:absolute; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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Adam Lycaon
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2021 21:36:22 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

At the mention of ‘palace’, his shoulders tensed up.

There was only one place in the entire known Pokéverse that had royalty—royalty by blood, and not by title. The Kalosians and that so-called ‘Battle Chateau’ didn’t count.

He had a suspicion this stranger, who had introduced himself as ‘Artie’, was from his home region of Galar. The question now was though, which city did he come from, since he mentioned ‘royalty’, and that definitely made his ears prickle.

Okay, how did this other man—or ‘man child’, from the looks of things—decide to join him?

“Is there—something I can help you with, Artie?” he asked, breaking the silence.

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artie, finn, finch
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arthur finnian vanderbilt
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2021 21:43:55 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar



i want your heart between my teeth

Twirling a fork into the bowl for a spoonful, Artie is caught mid-bite as the other direct their - was it Artie's imagination or did he look a little disgruntled? - gaze at him. "Huh?" he said, with a hard swallow. Man, this was not hitting the spot. How could peasants just eat stuff like this. "Nope, thanks."

[break][break] He decides to take a spoon instead and sip the broth — maybe it'll taste better if he does that.

[break][break] However, for some reason, he can feel someone staring at him, and he stops, sitting up straight. A laugh puffs out of him. "Hey, man, I know I'm pretty but you don't have to stare." Instead, he leans his head into his hands, blinking bashfully. "You can just tell me I'm cute. C'mon. Don't be shy."



[newclass=.prince] width:490px; background:#2B2B2B; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px; border:1px solid #232323; border-radius:10px; margin:0px auto; position:relative;[/newclass][newclass=.prince] --accent:#91f4ff; --speech:#91f4ff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox b] color:var(--speech); font-size:13px; text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox i] color:var(--speech); text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top] transition:2s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top] background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/72/98/d672981e4f5e10566ccbed5292287efe.jpg); opacity:0.95; filter:contrast(130%); height:250px; padding-top:20px; background-size:cover; background-position:50% 25%; position:relative; overflow:hidden; transition:0.5s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyricbox] position:absolute; width:430px; right:25px; bottom:25px; z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .lyric] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric] color:#000; text-transform:uppercase; font:italic 35px roboto; line-height:30px; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #52f6ff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px 1px 0 #fff; letter-spacing:5px; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px; transition:1s all; text-align:right;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric .span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric] font:15px poppins; line-height:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#000; background:var(--accent); text-align:right; text-transform:uppercase; padding:5px 20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all; color:var(--speech);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title] background:var(--accent); color:#222; font:bold 17px roboto; line-height:15px; margin-top:8px; letter-spacing:-1px; padding-bottom:1px; margin-bottom:10px; width:90px; padding:50px 25px 50px 30px; box-shadow:5px 5px #fff; border-radius:100px; position:relative; top:-50px; left:-10px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title span] padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:10px solid #fff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main] font:11px roboto; text-align:justify; padding:20px; color:#fff; border-image:slice; border-bottom: 10px solid; border-image-slice: 1; border-width: 5px; border-image-source: linear-gradient(to left, var(--accent), #fff); position:relative; z-index:99;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main::first-line] color:var(--speech); font:14px playfair display;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox] padding:0px 50px; border-left: 1px solid var(--accent); border-right: 1px solid var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab] text-align:center; margin-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img] filter:grayscale(100%); background:rgba(50,50,50,0.5); border-radius:100px; padding-bottom:10px; position:relative; z-index:99; transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img:hover] filter:none; transition:1s all; background:var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .flower] background:url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); height:450px; width:450px; right:0px; bottom:0px; position:absolute; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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Adam Lycaon
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 0:13:24 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

The—the audacity of this man child!

He wondered how easily the other would take to insults… well, it wasn’t an insult if he was merely stating the facts, right?

Either way, he continued to eat through the remainder of his noodles, before finally reaching the bottom of the cup. Once he was done, he then turned his attention back to Artie.

“Wow, way to think of yourself like that,” he said at last once he was done with the last of the salty noodles. “Sitting on a high horse I believe?” he continued, unable to keep the snark out of his tone.

“You said ‘palace’, so I suspect you’re from my home region as well,” he dropped off, waiting for the other to either confirm or deny this.

You bloody idiot, he added in his head. What a… I can’t put a finger on it but your attitude is so… snooty! He continued as he waited for the other to answer.

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artie, finn, finch
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TAG WITH @arthur
arthur finnian vanderbilt
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 0:21:07 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar



i want your heart between my teeth

"Horses?" Artie said, with a tilt of his head, letting the other take the cup back from him. It was, after all, 's food — not that one would have thought Artie knew that, with the way the princling had been devouring it. "Nope, don't see any here. You sure you're okay, bud?"

[break][break] The taste of salty food was still on his tongue, and was rather distasteful, so he raised a finger to order some water. And for that matter, a frozen cocktail while he was at it. When it arrived, with a twirly straw and all, he took a sip.

[break][break] To some, it might have seemed like Artie was stalling.

[break][break] Of course, to those who knew him, they would know the blond was incapable of such a thing.

[break][break] "That would require me knowing where you're from, silly." His eyes twinkled. "Besides, you didn't answer my question. So you do think I'm cute, huh?"




[newclass=.prince] width:490px; background:#2B2B2B; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px; border:1px solid #232323; border-radius:10px; margin:0px auto; position:relative;[/newclass][newclass=.prince] --accent:#91f4ff; --speech:#91f4ff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox b] color:var(--speech); font-size:13px; text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox i] color:var(--speech); text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top] transition:2s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top] background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/72/98/d672981e4f5e10566ccbed5292287efe.jpg); opacity:0.95; filter:contrast(130%); height:250px; padding-top:20px; background-size:cover; background-position:50% 25%; position:relative; overflow:hidden; transition:0.5s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyricbox] position:absolute; width:430px; right:25px; bottom:25px; z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .lyric] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric] color:#000; text-transform:uppercase; font:italic 35px roboto; line-height:30px; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #52f6ff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px 1px 0 #fff; letter-spacing:5px; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px; transition:1s all; text-align:right;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric .span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric] font:15px poppins; line-height:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#000; background:var(--accent); text-align:right; text-transform:uppercase; padding:5px 20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all; color:var(--speech);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title] background:var(--accent); color:#222; font:bold 17px roboto; line-height:15px; margin-top:8px; letter-spacing:-1px; padding-bottom:1px; margin-bottom:10px; width:90px; padding:50px 25px 50px 30px; box-shadow:5px 5px #fff; border-radius:100px; position:relative; top:-50px; left:-10px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title span] padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:10px solid #fff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main] font:11px roboto; text-align:justify; padding:20px; color:#fff; border-image:slice; border-bottom: 10px solid; border-image-slice: 1; border-width: 5px; border-image-source: linear-gradient(to left, var(--accent), #fff); position:relative; z-index:99;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main::first-line] color:var(--speech); font:14px playfair display;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox] padding:0px 50px; border-left: 1px solid var(--accent); border-right: 1px solid var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab] text-align:center; margin-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img] filter:grayscale(100%); background:rgba(50,50,50,0.5); border-radius:100px; padding-bottom:10px; position:relative; z-index:99; transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img:hover] filter:none; transition:1s all; background:var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .flower] background:url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); height:450px; width:450px; right:0px; bottom:0px; position:absolute; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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Adam Lycaon
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 0:30:21 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

It didn’t take him too long to realize that—

Wait a second… he thought as he looked at the cup where nothing but the salty soup remained. Did this tosspot just—

“Did you just eat my noodles?” he said between gritted teeth. Oh, the utter audacity of this bi—man child, indeed!

A few moments later it was time to drop the ball, figuratively.

“You have a Galarian accent. Yet you try to hide it so much,” he said at last, still squinting angrily at the other man who had dared snatch a sizable portion of the noodles in his cup!

“Also, you bloody tosser, you mooched off my last meal!” he continued, his voice going up in tone along with his eyebrows. He had never been this—this angry before.

“You bloody git,” he growled, his own accent bleeding through.

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arthur finnian vanderbilt
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POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 0:38:29 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar



i want your heart between my teeth

"Yeah," Artie said with a blink, as if it were obvious. Which - honestly - he thought it had been. Was it possible that this was one of the more intellectually challenged peasants? "I wanted to try it."

[break][break] Completely ignorant to the other's building rage, Artie continued to sip on his newly obtained frozen cocktail. Every now and then, he swirled his straw, expression thoughtful — until the other spoke again.

[break][break] Ah. So maybe he wasn't a complete dunce?

[break][break] "Oh," Artie said, with a laugh. "You noticed?" It was true — he had been trying to hide it. Not in a malicious way or anything, more like a curious way. Though, perhaps, there were some things that couldn't really be kept.

[break][break] "Well, it was nice chatting with you," he said cheerfully, pushing himself to his feet. He reached into his pocket and dropped a few hundred in cash - likely a good deal more than the ramen cup and drink were worth - before pushing himself to his feet and walking right out of the "restaurant." Though it was less of a restaurant, and more of a shady booth. His hand reached to flip up the fabric of the roof as he left, just as seemed to realize Sir Arthur's crime.

[break][break] The scream was muffled in Artie's own thoughts, as oblivious as he was, as he walked away into the city streets.



[newclass=.prince] width:490px; background:#2B2B2B; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px; border:1px solid #232323; border-radius:10px; margin:0px auto; position:relative;[/newclass][newclass=.prince] --accent:#91f4ff; --speech:#91f4ff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox b] color:var(--speech); font-size:13px; text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox i] color:var(--speech); text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top] transition:2s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top] background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/72/98/d672981e4f5e10566ccbed5292287efe.jpg); opacity:0.95; filter:contrast(130%); height:250px; padding-top:20px; background-size:cover; background-position:50% 25%; position:relative; overflow:hidden; transition:0.5s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyricbox] position:absolute; width:430px; right:25px; bottom:25px; z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .lyric] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric] color:#000; text-transform:uppercase; font:italic 35px roboto; line-height:30px; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #52f6ff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px 1px 0 #fff; letter-spacing:5px; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px; transition:1s all; text-align:right;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric .span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric] font:15px poppins; line-height:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#000; background:var(--accent); text-align:right; text-transform:uppercase; padding:5px 20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all; color:var(--speech);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title] background:var(--accent); color:#222; font:bold 17px roboto; line-height:15px; margin-top:8px; letter-spacing:-1px; padding-bottom:1px; margin-bottom:10px; width:90px; padding:50px 25px 50px 30px; box-shadow:5px 5px #fff; border-radius:100px; position:relative; top:-50px; left:-10px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title span] padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:10px solid #fff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main] font:11px roboto; text-align:justify; padding:20px; color:#fff; border-image:slice; border-bottom: 10px solid; border-image-slice: 1; border-width: 5px; border-image-source: linear-gradient(to left, var(--accent), #fff); position:relative; z-index:99;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main::first-line] color:var(--speech); font:14px playfair display;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox] padding:0px 50px; border-left: 1px solid var(--accent); border-right: 1px solid var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab] text-align:center; margin-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img] filter:grayscale(100%); background:rgba(50,50,50,0.5); border-radius:100px; padding-bottom:10px; position:relative; z-index:99; transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img:hover] filter:none; transition:1s all; background:var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .flower] background:url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); height:450px; width:450px; right:0px; bottom:0px; position:absolute; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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he / him / his
august 1
silently judging everything
112 posts
Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @adam
Adam Lycaon
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 0:51:47 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

“I can tell when people are hiding their real accents. Takes one to know one,” he remarked, still squinting suspiciously at the—wow, how dare he!

Just going to stand up and leave?! He thought, watching as the idiot had the sheer balls to walk away from his crime!

Realizing that there was maybe—a little too much money, the stall owner balked at the large amount, before asking Adam to return the rest—which he… maybe wouldn’t.

Look, times were hard!

After hurried negotiations with the stall owner, Adam stood up and left the stall, looking left and right—where had the jackass gone off to?

“Get back here, you git!”

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artie, finn, finch
august 13
mirror, mirror on the wall
45 height
45 height
110 posts
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TAG WITH @arthur
arthur finnian vanderbilt
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 0:55:44 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar



i want your heart between my teeth

would find the princling several feet away, in the center of the road. In one hand would be a sweet candy apple, and the other a decorated gift bag containing a number of various objects. In the span of what was probably three seconds, Artie had somehow... gone shopping?

[break][break] Regardless, the blond waved broadly at his new friend.

[break][break] "Looking for me? Over here!"

[break][break] Aw, did have a little crush?




[newclass=.prince] width:490px; background:#2B2B2B; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px; border:1px solid #232323; border-radius:10px; margin:0px auto; position:relative;[/newclass][newclass=.prince] --accent:#91f4ff; --speech:#91f4ff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox b] color:var(--speech); font-size:13px; text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox i] color:var(--speech); text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top] transition:2s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top] background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/72/98/d672981e4f5e10566ccbed5292287efe.jpg); opacity:0.95; filter:contrast(130%); height:250px; padding-top:20px; background-size:cover; background-position:50% 25%; position:relative; overflow:hidden; transition:0.5s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyricbox] position:absolute; width:430px; right:25px; bottom:25px; z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .lyric] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric] color:#000; text-transform:uppercase; font:italic 35px roboto; line-height:30px; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #52f6ff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px 1px 0 #fff; letter-spacing:5px; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px; transition:1s all; text-align:right;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric .span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric] font:15px poppins; line-height:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#000; background:var(--accent); text-align:right; text-transform:uppercase; padding:5px 20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all; color:var(--speech);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title] background:var(--accent); color:#222; font:bold 17px roboto; line-height:15px; margin-top:8px; letter-spacing:-1px; padding-bottom:1px; margin-bottom:10px; width:90px; padding:50px 25px 50px 30px; box-shadow:5px 5px #fff; border-radius:100px; position:relative; top:-50px; left:-10px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title span] padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:10px solid #fff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main] font:11px roboto; text-align:justify; padding:20px; color:#fff; border-image:slice; border-bottom: 10px solid; border-image-slice: 1; border-width: 5px; border-image-source: linear-gradient(to left, var(--accent), #fff); position:relative; z-index:99;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main::first-line] color:var(--speech); font:14px playfair display;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox] padding:0px 50px; border-left: 1px solid var(--accent); border-right: 1px solid var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab] text-align:center; margin-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img] filter:grayscale(100%); background:rgba(50,50,50,0.5); border-radius:100px; padding-bottom:10px; position:relative; z-index:99; transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img:hover] filter:none; transition:1s all; background:var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .flower] background:url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); height:450px; width:450px; right:0px; bottom:0px; position:absolute; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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he / him / his
august 1
silently judging everything
112 posts
Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @adam
Adam Lycaon
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 16:58:13 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

“You shameless prat!” he shouted the moment he heard that familiar, grating voice.

He spun around on the spot and then made his way over to the other as fast as possible. “You—you are the last of my food! You bloody idiot!” he continued, very much ready to have a scrap with this ass.

Adam was very much ready to butt heads with this… with this ingrate. He was fairly certain that ‘Artie’ wasn’t his real name…

“Tell me, Artie, if that’s even your real name,” he went on, crossing his arms as he approached.

“Do you even give a single bloody fuck about other people around you, you oversized man child?

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artie, finn, finch
august 13
mirror, mirror on the wall
45 height
45 height
110 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arthur
arthur finnian vanderbilt
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 17:35:49 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar



i want your heart between my teeth

Oooh. He was mad.

[break][break] Even Artie, in all his thick-skull thinking and stupid-boy-brainness, could understand this. The other blond stomped up to him, with all the rage of a ill-tempered Mudsdale glowing in his eyes. Even Artie had the sense to step back, only a bit. It wasn't because he was intimidated, mind you. Just — seemed like the right thing to do at the moment.

[break][break] The slaughter of insults that followed was not surprising, nor was it unbearable. Of course, as prince, he had been on his fair share of vocal onslaughts. Not that, of course, that deterred him any.

[break][break] He let a silence pass as the last word of oversized man child (really, this peasant ought to take a language class, his vocabulary was severely lacking) hung through the air. The blond reached into his bag and then took a large bite of the Bouffalant bun that was in his hand, before offering the steaming hot, tasty treat to his new friend.

[break][break] The smell of beef filled the air, no doubt much more delectable than the MSG-ridden monstrosity that Adam had recently purchased.

[break][break] "You want some? It's good, promise."

[break][break] He smiles brilliantly, as if was not absolutely seething in front of him.



[newclass=.prince] width:490px; background:#2B2B2B; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px; border:1px solid #232323; border-radius:10px; margin:0px auto; position:relative;[/newclass][newclass=.prince] --accent:#91f4ff; --speech:#91f4ff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox b] color:var(--speech); font-size:13px; text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox i] color:var(--speech); text-shadow:1px 1px #222;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top] transition:2s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top] background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/72/98/d672981e4f5e10566ccbed5292287efe.jpg); opacity:0.95; filter:contrast(130%); height:250px; padding-top:20px; background-size:cover; background-position:50% 25%; position:relative; overflow:hidden; transition:0.5s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyricbox] position:absolute; width:430px; right:25px; bottom:25px; z-index:5;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .lyric] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric] color:#000; text-transform:uppercase; font:italic 35px roboto; line-height:30px; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #52f6ff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px 1px 0 #fff; letter-spacing:5px; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px; transition:1s all; text-align:right;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .lyric .span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric] font:15px poppins; line-height:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#000; background:var(--accent); text-align:right; text-transform:uppercase; padding:5px 20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince:hover .top .sublyric span] transition:1s all; color:var(--speech);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title] background:var(--accent); color:#222; font:bold 17px roboto; line-height:15px; margin-top:8px; letter-spacing:-1px; padding-bottom:1px; margin-bottom:10px; width:90px; padding:50px 25px 50px 30px; box-shadow:5px 5px #fff; border-radius:100px; position:relative; top:-50px; left:-10px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .title span] padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:10px solid #fff;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main] font:11px roboto; text-align:justify; padding:20px; color:#fff; border-image:slice; border-bottom: 10px solid; border-image-slice: 1; border-width: 5px; border-image-source: linear-gradient(to left, var(--accent), #fff); position:relative; z-index:99;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .main::first-line] color:var(--speech); font:14px playfair display;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .textbox] padding:0px 50px; border-left: 1px solid var(--accent); border-right: 1px solid var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab] text-align:center; margin-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img] filter:grayscale(100%); background:rgba(50,50,50,0.5); border-radius:100px; padding-bottom:10px; position:relative; z-index:99; transition:1s all;[/newclass][newclass=.prince .pkmntab img:hover] filter:none; transition:1s all; background:var(--accent);[/newclass][newclass=.prince .flower] background:url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); height:450px; width:450px; right:0px; bottom:0px; position:absolute; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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he / him / his
august 1
silently judging everything
112 posts
Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @adam
Adam Lycaon
hard times [s][c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 17:59:25 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

Oh, so he was unfazed at the insult he’d thrown at the other blonde’s face just now.

Well, well, he thought as his arms were still crossed as he kept his eyes narrowed at the other before watching him take out something from one of the bags that he was holding and—

What the hell, the audacity of this bi—

“Are you mocking me?” he finally managed to hiss out, keeping his eyes well away from the steamed bun the other was eating. He wasn’t hungry, he was not hungry, no—

Even if he’d downed the last of the soup and had to literally scrape the bottom of the Styrofoam cup of noodles earlier, what in the name of everything Galarian was this man even doing—

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