Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Josh Dragomir
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Josh Dragomir
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON May 20, 2021 17:15:29 GMT
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This was it.

Josh had challenged a Gym years ago, but had been big leagued by the Gym Leader at the time. This would be the first time in years since he had even considered doing another. Josh hadn't really ever been interested in Gyms, but he understood that in Hoenn, they were a big deal. And for a Ranger, being able to show your peers that you were capable of doing good work at their side, well... That prompted Josh to at least look into Gym challenge openings. It had taken a lot of months, but the Gym Challenge in Fortree had an opening. A Flying Type Gym, notably. This should be... Interesting.

With Lightning as his side, he took a gulp and ventured inside.



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Alexei Ivanov
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON May 24, 2021 16:02:38 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Today was one of the slower days at the Sanctuary, and Alexei himself was at the receptionist’s desk, going through some paperwork that Claire had left behind before she had taken today off.

He knew the other receptionist wasn’t going to be coming in for another couple of days, so—

Well it would be a surprise for anyone who would be coming in today to see the Fortree Gym Leader himself behind the front desk signing off some papers that were left behind.

It didn’t take too long for him to notice that someone had come in through the front entrance, and he looked up once he’d signed a few more papers.

“You here today for the non-traditional gym challenge?” he inquired, hoping that the other wouldn’t recognize him until he revealed himself in the aerial arena out back.

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Josh Dragomir
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Josh Dragomir
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON May 26, 2021 3:12:21 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Josh could admit he was a bit nervous. He had never actually challenged a Gym proper before. But he had heard there were "Non Traditional" Gym Battles held here, and that piqued his interest. So he had signed up and now today was the appointed time. A young man was at the reception. Looked unassuming enough on the surface, but... There was something about him that told of experience. Was he a Trainer himself? Josh wasn't sure. There was definitely more than what met the eye.

But for now, he was here on business. He nodded his head in turn when the man asked his question. "Yes, sir" he answered curtly. "My name is Josh Dragomir. This will be my first Gym Challenge."

Ironic, considering his age. But it was never too late to start, right?


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Alexei Ivanov
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2021 4:20:45 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He couldn’t help but cackle a little in the back of his head at the sudden formality in front of him.

Once the last piece of paper in the stack had been read over and signed, he stood up from where he was sitting.

“You sound really nervous,” he quipped as he made his way to the door that led to the outdoor arena and fiddled with the doorknob a bit. “Is it your first time challenging a gym?”

After the door had opened, he tilted his head.

“The arena’s outside,” he continued while allowing the other to head out first.

When both of them had stepped outside, he would discreetly lock the door again and let the other man take a look around for himself. The place definitely did not look like a traditional gym at all—there were several aviaries in the distance, along with other smaller buildings.

Amongst everything, there were outdoor perches, and a wide variety of Pokémon running and flying around.

“The place is a two-in-one thing, asides from the outdoor arena, it’s also a rehab and rescue facility. Most of the Pokémon that stay here only ever do so for a while, as they’re eventually released back into the wild once they’re strong enough to stand on their own once more. At the same time, the place also doubles as a rest stop for migrating birds, among other things.”

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Josh Dragomir
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Josh Dragomir
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 3:07:47 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

The blonde smiled faintly as the man remarked that he was nervous. "You can tell?" he spoke softly, with a hint of amusement in his voice. Of course he was nervous. It was indeed his first time properly challenging a gym, after all. "Indeed. I've attempted before, but it's always one thing after another. Showing up at a bad time, or even being stood up at an appointment one point with offer to reschedule. Then I just got busy, and well... That's just how it goes" he remarked with a casual shrug. He'd made his peace with not being able to challenge Gyms when he was younger, and even this was more of a whim than anything.

This... Definitely wasn't a Gym by traditional means. It was as much of an aviary as it was an arena. A Bird Pokemon rescue facility? That was a first. Still, it seemed whoever this Gym Leader was, they were kind at least. He could respect that. He slowly nodded his head.

"They're kind. I look forward to meeting this Gym Leader."


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Alexei Ivanov
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 18:46:05 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“You’re not from around here, are you?” he mused, his back turned.

He couldn’t help but crack this mysterious grin as he went towards the outdoor perches and looked skyward—most of the Pokémon were out or doing something, somewhere.

Reaching for the thin whistle he wore on a chain around his neck, he blew a singular note.

A few moments later, a massive flock of shadows came swarming towards the outdoor arena, some alighting on the perches, while others alighted on the perimeter fences and looked at the really tall blonde. What was up with that hair?

As a blue-plumed Braviary circled above before coming close enough to land, he turned around to face the blonde—

“I’m the Gym Leader,” he revealed a few moments later as the Braviary came in for a two-point landing, right into his outstretched hand for a well-timed chin scratch.

“You know how it sucks when expectations are built up and shattered, right?” he continued as the Braviary leaned into his touch. “Well… I hope I can rebuild that. You signed up for the navigation non-trad challenge, right? Pick your flier and we’ll get started in short order.”

Reaching for a blindfold and an extra pair of goggles, he then walked over to where the blonde stood, waiting.

“The entire thing with my non-traditional challenge is trusting your partner. You have that, in spades, although—can you trust them to take you to where you have to go when they can’t see where they’re headed?”

He then passed the blindfold to him, along with the goggles.

“We’ll be flying through weather—first half’s a test of aerial navigation, with obstacles here and there. You’d want to get the goggles on, because visibility can be a bitch once we’re in the air. Don’t forget to blindfold your companion. I’ll wait for you.”

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Josh Dragomir
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Josh Dragomir
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 19:35:56 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

No, no he was not. And as he said that, and as the grin began to unfold on his face, Josh realized immediately what he was looking at. As he blew the whistle and the flocks overshadowed them, he took a deep breath. Lightning's cheeks began to spark as the Raichu took a step forward, as if ready to defend its trainer should it come to it. A testament to their bond. Lightning hadn't hesitated whatsoever, and Josh had trusted his judgement enough to not stop him unless it was obvious that the defense was not necessary. A Braviary landed soon after, and then came the reveal he knew was coming.

"After the show, I kind of figured" he remarked with a small smile, motioning for Lightning to stand down with a small motion of his wrist. With that, it seemed they were ready to begin in short order. He considered what flier to use as Alexei, as he now knew him as, ran him through the plan behind the challenge. When he brought up having his Pokemon use a blindfold, he quirked a brow in surprise. He had known this would be challenging, but this sounded dangerous.

Regardless, he nodded as he placed his goggles on and took the blindfold. After a bit more debate, he made his choice. Taking a Pokeball from his belt and brought out his Charizard. Fawkes loosed a roar when the overly-large Charizard was brought out, and Josh brought a hand to its head. The Charizard lowered its head to meet his, and he whispered something to the Charizard. Likely explaining the situation, in what way he could. The Charizard looked at the blindfold, and grunted lightly, snorting a speck of flame from its nostrils. It wasn't happy with the idea, but it could at least sense that it was necessary for whatever this was. Fawkes did not protest as Josh placed the blindfold over its eyes.

"I'll be your eyes, if able" he promised softly, before turning to the Gym Leader. He kept an arm outstretched as he did, so the Charizard knew he was moving and could turn to face them in turn.


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Alexei Ivanov
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 1:45:57 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Before I forget,” he remembered as he approached the Braviary and prepared for take-off.

“…please try to stay within the weather boundaries as much as you can. Dispelling the weather isn’t a good idea either, because that’s mainly the point of the challenge. Good luck, and see you on the other side of the storm!”

With that, he snapped the goggles down and hopped onto Kyouya’s back, before taking off and flying into a weather disturbance that brought down nothing but biting cold—

What few Ice-types he had, came out to play and were now causing a Hail storm. It was slightly better than the other alternative he’d thought of (which was a torrential downpour) but they would both be flying with some slight (dis)advantage, if that helped?

What the taller blonde would not be expecting was the large chunks of flash-frozen ice that would come crashing down at random intervals, as well as some sudden, surprise Blizzard-worthy drifts ready to knock them off-course.

And visibility was definitely going to be a bitch, now.

Weather disturbance: Hail + Blizzard! (1 / 5)

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
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Josh Dragomir
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2021 22:04:08 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

The Gym Leader requested that he stay within the weather boundaries and try not to dispel them either. That wouldn't be very sportsman-like. Considering he had brought out a Charizard, he was expecting either a downpour or a snowstorm of some sort. A heatwave wouldn't do anything to a Charizard, after all. "Wait for our return" he told Lightning. The Raichu was clearly disappointed and pouted at this, but otherwise seemed to agree to this. As it had not been mentioned he could use other Pokemon, he assumed that also using Lightning to aid in the challenge would be cheating.

Shame. It would be a huge help in a storm. But that was the breaks. He climbed onto Fawkes and tapped a few points on his back to indicate for him to take off as Josh put on the goggles. Soon enough, then came the biting cold. Then came the hail. It was one of the two possibilities he had foreseen. "Up your tail heat. Two ticks. I think I know what's coming next" Josh spoke to Fawkes. The Charizard's tail flame grew as it projected more heat, giving the two of them some matter of protection. Josh zipped up his jacket as well.

His prediction was correct. The Gym Leader had utilized Blizzard. The flames offered some protection from the cold, from the ice layering clouding his goggles too much, and kept the hail from Fawkes' hindsight, allowing Josh to shift himself forward so he could pull the hood of his jacket on and protect Fawkes' head from the hail.

Then came the large chunks from the Blizzard. He knew they were coming now. Keeping his calm, Josh acted as Fawkes' eyes as he shifted his weight to signal for Fawkes to move left and right. His years of experience were on full display.



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Alexei Ivanov
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2021 18:39:58 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Normally he would take his Salamence through this particular weather disturbance to toughen Gabriel up, however he decided to take Kyouya out for a spin instead—

Hopefully this wasn’t going to backfire hard on their asses.

The gale-force Blizzard winds began to blow, bringing along with it a large dumping of ice and hail pelting at them from multiple sides.

“Hang on!” he hissed, flattening himself as a sudden Avalanche of icicles and snow came pouring down where they flew. “Left, and then bank straight upward!”

Not too far behind him, where Josh and the Charizard were flying—

Sudden spikes of ice would shoot up from the ground should they fly too low or too close to the ground. Up ahead, visibility conditions were worsening—it was looking to be a near-zero ‘snow storm’.

Weather disturbance: Hail + Blizzard! (2 / 5)

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Josh Dragomir
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Josh Dragomir
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2021 0:06:46 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

First there were the spikes of ice that were coming from below. The rumbling tipped him off that they should fly upwards, so he shifted back so Fawkes would move up. While this was far from ideal, it was clear that Trainer and Pokemon were perfectly in sync. They just might survive this after all…

Then came the avalanche. They had survived the spikes, which Josh took note of when they appeared, but now they were dealing with the tail end of the avalanche the Gym Leader had just faced. And vision was getting worse. The blonde cursed under his breath, but did his best to keep calm.

“Flare Blitz.”

Flames enveloped Fawkes. While Josh’s gear protected him from the flaming aura that was projected above them so long as he ducked and hung onto the Charizard, he was forced to hold on tight as the Charizard spun through the air, gaining momentum and shooting forwards full speed. Snow and icicles melted before they could even contact them as Josh hoped they could try and breeze through the worst of it in time.


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Alexei Ivanov
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2021 18:18:54 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Unlike rain, which was a more common occurrence in the Hoennian weather sphere, ice and snow very rarely came knocking on this region—so this was one of the more volatile weather conditions that had to be carefully orchestrated whenever it came up in the challenge—

“We got a situation.” the earpiece crackled as a voice came on over the line.

“What?” he answered back.

“There’s like, fire somewhere behind you.”

“Wait—well, it’s a Charizard, what do you expect?”

“What do you want to do?”

“Bring out the full guns.”

What that basically meant: more ice and snow; and luckily among the staff, there were some that had extra Pokémon to spare that could help out with the weather disturbance before two successive bursts of Blizzard came screaming down on the location where the Charizard was flying; and the Hail picked up in intensity.

Over where they were flying, the Braviary flew straight ahead; very narrowly avoiding a sudden updraft that included a burst of Blizzard as well before righting their flight pattern and this time flying upwards to avoid another burst of cold wind that threatened to knock them down and off-course.

Weather disturbance: Hail + Blizzard! (3 / 5)

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Josh Dragomir
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Josh Dragomir
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2021 21:36:20 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Just as the Flare Blitz ended, they were beset upon by far worse conditions than before. The Charizard bucked a bit, but Josh held on and positioned himself to where he could stroke behind Fawkes’ ears and keep them calm. These weather conditions were something, and he could still barely make out the Gym Leader who had seemed completely unphased by the sudden weather changes. Weather changes that were completely unnatural, occurring in a way that affected the Gym Leader, but nowhere near as much as it seemed to be hitting when he came around. No blizzard he had encountered in his long career had ever been this continuously fierce and only got worse instead of even slightly petering out at any point. Blizzards were unpredictable, with winds that changed track and velocity at the whims of nature. It didn't just keep steadily increasing and point at one area in particular. But he was being beset on both sides by simultaneous winds, both increasing in tempo at the constant... That made no sense from a natural standpoint.


Removing the goggles he was wearing, he put them back on his belt and fished something out of his belt. A pair of goggles that interfaced with his HoloWatch, a prototype his mother had been working on. He had intended to field test it, and well… No better time to field test it than now, right? Putting the goggles on, he found them to be well-adjusted to his eyes, and the minor inside light improved his visibility. Holograms popped up in his vision and allowed him to zoom on where he could feel the wind of Blizzard coming from.

And with it, he could see the wind blowing and from where. He had a theory, but… He placed a hand on Fawkes’ snout, diverting his focus between the path in front of them, and the way he was looking at. Fawkes’ head would follow his finger movements as he urged the Charizard to look right at where he could see the wind blowing...


Fawkes would shoot a lengthy Flamethrower in that direction. If a Pokemon was causing the winds to blow like that, then the shot might be enough to force them on the defensive in order to dodge it, and force these insane weather conditions to let up a bit. Just enough to make it easier to pass. But for now, Josh's head would snap to attention as he would lean to the left in order to instruct Fawkes to dodge a large rock that had jutted out in front of them.


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Alexei Ivanov
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2021 6:21:40 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

With the weather going berserk, the temperatures dropped further—and for some strange reason a burst of heated air made him stop for a few moments to turn around and see—


“We got another situation!”

“I can tell!”

“What do you want us to do now?”

“Bring the temperature down even further!”

“Are you crazy?! You’re on Kyouya, you—”

“I’ve been through worse!”

Well, Alexei was stubborn, but when it came to flying through foul weather, the Braviary was stubborner.

The flames that came shooting from the Charizard’s snout were met with an incredible blast of cold, freezing wind—the way the Blizzard had blown over the area would only spread from that point; the chunks of Hail falling with more intensity.

One would wonder where the Ice-types were hiding in this mess—to be honest, that was a secret Alexei wasn’t going to disclose all too easily. The howling wind dropped in temperature, however increased in intensity—

Almost unseating him the further he flew into the storm.

“Shh, don’t make any noise,” he hissed as he patted the back of the Braviary—while an equally-frigid blast of cold wind threatened to blow the Charizard off-course, right into another frigid wall of falling ice and snow.

Weather disturbance: Hail + Blizzard! (4 / 5)

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Josh Dragomir
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Josh Dragomir
Breaking the Mold [Fortree City Gym Challenge]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 3:23:51 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Surprisingly, the temperature only worsened. His guess had been that Alexei had led him into the territory of a group of Pokemon who could be territorial, in order to simulate these conditions without putting himself at too much risk. So he had thought that by scaring them off, he could level down the conditions and make some progress before they came back. But these Pokemon were stubborn and responded only by attacking even worse. Why? This was unusual behavior for wild Pokemon, he thought. Typically when challenged by that sort of force, especially of an opposing Type they were weak to, a wild Pokemon would retreat. Either waiting for the threat to pass, or to regroup with its allies and prepare a backup plan. Considering this response had been instant, it felt almost planned. Which considering the wild Pokemon couldn’t have known he was coming, was very unlikely.

Which meant most likely these Pokemon weren’t acting on wild instincts. They were acting under specific orders. Trainer orders.

Of course. This was a Gym area. He hadn’t thought of them being utilized this way. But that didn’t help his cause much, as Fawkes was blown sideways and Josh himself was sent flying off. Loudly swearing, the blonde grabbed onto the Charizard’s leg and held on for dear life. Fawkes could feel him fall, and let out a cry in concern.

“Keep flying straight! I’ll be fine!”

While Fawkes didn’t want to listen, it knew the best thing was to trust him. So Fawkes kept flying as Josh started the effort of climbing back up. But Fawkes was soon hit by another harsh burst of wind that tilted it once more. Josh had luckily thought to use the grappling hooks he had attached to his wrists though, allowing him to lock them around Fawkes’ arms just in time. As Fawkes would fly upside down, Josh used the hooks to move himself into position on Fawkes’ back, locking himself down by wrapping the hooks around his body and Fawkes’ to keep him tied down until they could get back to a vertical base.

But he wasn’t done giving them a hard time just yet. “Spin through the air and flap your wings” he instructed as Fawkes would then allow the winds to tilt him all the way around, flapping his wings quickly in turn to bat back the frozen winds and hail, giving them some leeway. With the wall of snow and ice getting far too close, they didn’t have much time. Once they were finally positioned upright again, Josh untangled and withdrew the hooks, giving himself a bit more mobility. Shifting so Fawkes would get some distance from the frozen wall, he enacted his countermeasure. His Mega Gauntlet would begin to glow, and the Charizard began to transform.

“Fawkes, use Heat Wave!”

Josh used touch again to tell Fawkes where to aim. If they were going to put pressure on him, he would pressure them right back. Fawkes unleashed a Heat Wave that would push back the frozen winds, potentially even sending them back at the attackers as well. With that, Josh tapped Fawkes on the back a few times.

"Straight through, full speed ahead!"

With Josh acting as a navigator, Fawkes loosed a loud roar as the Charizard rocketed forward. With its physical attributes increased drastically due to Mega Evolution, it would find itself gliding through the blizzard much faster.
