i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2021 19:35:02 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The first strike

Cpt. Douglas was determined to make a difference.

He needed to create results. Put his name on the map of everyone that mattered. He wanted, needed to be involved on Anti-Rocket operations- and being noticed for competence was the most important step.

Age was his first wall, as always; hyper-competence would be his pick axe.

To that end, this whole operation had been organized by him.

Which brought him to Mauville City.

Hoenn's greatest commercial hub, home to the region's premiere news network and its first ever-state-of-the-line power plant.

And Captain 's responsibility. But the first of the fruits of his labor- and where he would make his flag ascend.

Being the economic bastion that it was, the criminal underbelly of Mauville was suitably large. Previous efforts to deal with crime and curve the activity of syndicates had proven ineffective until now, mostly managing to maintain a 'balance' between local authorities and the mobsters.

He would shatter this balance and stomp them all out.

Starting with this one.

An hour and a half before dawn. All pre-raid planning had been thorough; The location had been confirmed to the best of both human, pokemon and technological ability. Intel from several sources allowed them to say with confidence that the leader was present.

Every minor detail had been double and triple checked to ensure no human or pokemon error.

It was time.

Cpt. Douglas turned his gaze towards Major . Between the two of them, they represented the leadership of the Raid.

Her input and word had been invaluable in getting the Operation approved by the high command.

He nodded at her, then brought gaze towards his Orbeetle, who's eyes shone, linking itself to a broad web of other Orbeetle's within the Raiding party, spread discreetly around the area.

It was go time.

The main doors were blasted open. The walls, ceilings and floors soon followed.

And all around, under, and over the structure, holes were blasted, burnt, drilled, and punched, the combined might of Camp Winstrate's forces and Mauville City's PD SWAT teams rushing in, to the shocked shouting of the criminals present, caught with their pants down in the middle of loading up their 'wares' for transport.

Cpt. Douglas rushed in as well, his Stoutland besides him.

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2021 0:49:08 GMT
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Eva stood beside in her appropriate raid gear with her hands on her hips. She breathed deeply, relishing the adrenaline making her heart race as they readied for the raid. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride swell in her chest when she glanced over at Doug. The Captain did a wonderful, thorough job planning and organizing this. Impressed was an understatement.

Letting him take the reins was easy. Hell, she was just here for medical support mostly. If their information was correct, there would be plenty to provide. Poachers didn’t normally take the pokemon’s well-being into consideration when both doing the poaching as well as the housing and transporting.

The Doctor’s Gardevoir stood beside her, equipped with TELEPATHY that could communicate with the army of Orbeetle. Eva nodded back to Doug with a wide grin. She was more than ready to bust these poachers.

Syah the Machamp stood before them with the rest of the infiltration crew. With the cue from the psychic-types, the Machamp roared, BULKING UP before rushing forward and slamming through the wall with a powerful STRENGTH. As trained she readied a WIDE GUARD to protect incoming troops from any wide-range attacks they might be initially assaulted with.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2021 21:03:44 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The first strike

Though caught by surprise, some sharp reflexes among the criminals saw not only pokemon attacks flying their way, but gun fire as well, bullets falling at the Machamp's feet alongside boulders and ice as he a wide barrier around the entrance.

An order to don their oxygen masks was cast through the telepathic link by the Captain before he threw a pokeball over the barrier, releasing a coiled up, tightly wound Centiskorch onto the field.

Like a smoke grenade, the bug quickly began to spin and unfurl out of control above the floor, noxious fumes being released and forming a smokescreen all around the place, to the panicked shouting of the criminals.

Unable to see what was going on, they and their pokemon attacked at random. This was were the Psychic Pokemon stepped forth however; linked to the living radars, the Orbeetles, they could detect the enemy with pinpoint accuracy, striking with psychic while the Orbeetles erected screens to protect against the attacks.

Before long, the main entrance had been secured.

Cpt. Douglas was quick to move forward.

He turned his gaze to Eva, nodding.

'Take a squad with you and go-!'

  • to the underground parking lot. Stop them from running away with whatever they've loaded up! (3 turns left...)
  • secure all the exits; not a single can be allowed to get away! (3 turns left...)
  • up and stop them from destroying any evidence! (3 turns left...)
  • up to the Boss' chambers! (3 turns left...)


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
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Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 21:29:32 GMT
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Syah’s WIDE GUARD gave the troops an appropriate amount of time to enter, unscathed by the barrage of attacks. As trained, they are quick to set up. Doug’s fiery bug type clouded them with a well-planned SMOKESCREEN just as Eva remembered to don her own oxygen mask.

The Psychic-types move forward, including Eva’s own Gardevoir to assault the enemy with PSYCHIC power. Blade took up a spot alongside the Orbeetles, covering whatever holes in their screens he could with PROTECT.

A gentle hand on the Machamp’s back silently tells her that she can relax. The hulking fighting type lowers her arms, taking a sharp breath of the noxious smokescreen that should make her reel but the TELEPATHY keeps her from its effects. Eva peers around the Machamp and through the smokescreen. She can make out a few dark shadows of the poachers not thrown around by Psychic scrambling to regroup and retaliate.

When it’s all said and done, and the entrance is secure, there’s still no time to waste. These aren’t the only scumbags in the building. Her head turns towards the Captain who gives her the command to start the spreading out.

Eva’s objective here is the pokemon, Doug’s is the capture and arrest of the poachers. The pokemon’s health and well-being drives her to take a squad with her to the parking lot. She couldn’t let them get away with anything they have loaded up. A wave of her hands signals the group to follow. Blade and Syah take their position at the front of the group, Eva and the Gardevoir follow close behind.

It doesn’t take long to reach the parking lot. The noise and commotion from their entrance clued them in on what might be coming. A PROTECT erects from Blade’s open palms as they round the corner, met by a series of sharp ice shards fired in their direction. Through the barrage of attack, Adele steps forward. A brilliant fae light splits from her palms as they push forward. It courses across the parking lot like a tidal wave, aiming to temporarily blind the enemy and give the squad a chance to set up and drive forward.

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 18:17:38 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The first strike

"Secure all the exits!" Blared the young Captain as Dr. Eva took control of a squad went into the parking lot.

The panicked screeching of criminals filled the underground as soldiers and light flooded the area. Errant attacks from blinded pokemon as well as armed thugs filled the air, several smashing against the barrier erected by Blade, even more blasting at random vehicles and structures around the lot.

"Forget this, I ain't going back to the slammer!" Screamed the driver of the largest truck as he yanked onto the lever and stepped on it, the screech of metal filling the room as the steel sheet serving as a ramp into the truck dragged along the pavement. The half loaded 'cargo' tumbled out of the large vehicle as it turned swiftly in an attempt towards the exit, the back of the truck swinging dangerously and rattling the several boxes and cages still inside.

  • to the underground parking lot. Stop them from running away with whatever they've loaded up!
  • secure all the exits; not a single can be allowed to get away!
  • up and stop them from destroying any evidence! (2 turns left...)
  • up to the Boss' chambers! (2 turns left...)


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The Peacemaker
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you dream of me
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 20:30:48 GMT
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Even through the chaos, the mission is clear. Blade continues to PROTECT the group to the best of his abilities while Eva addresses the other two pokemon she has with her. A finger points through the fading attack towards the screeching van that attempts to flee, “Stop it,” Adele places a hand on Syah’s shoulder. In a flash of light, the Gardevoir TELEPORTS the Machamp to the exit. The beast’s four hands clap together and another WIDE GUARD spread across the exit, attempting to block the vehicle form crossing the threshold.

“Secure those pokemon,” she orders the rest of the squad she’s arrived with. A few of them directly address the left over criminals blocking their path while the other continue forward to attempt to climb up the dragging ramp of the truck and secure it for themselves. Eva follows with Blade, ready to assess the condition of the captured pokemon for forensic evidence as they build their case against these poachers . . . Speaking of evidence. Eva pauses, casting a glance towards Blade, "We got this, head back upstairs to help secure any evidence."

The Gallade disappears in a flash of light, TELEPORTING back up to the first floor, reaching out, searching for the panic that accompanies a criminal's haste to bury their dirty deeds.

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2021 17:03:48 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The first strike

"What the hell-!" Shouted the truck's driver as the Machamp suddenly popped in front of the exit. A sneer crossed the man's face, eyes narrowing as his foot stomped down the gas.

The Truck's engine roared as it tore towards the Machamp- just in time for the pokemon to summon a barrier in front of itself, making the driver scream.

"OH SHI-!" His arms swung to the side wide, swerving off towards the wall.

Trying to, that is.

The massive truck tilted to the side as the momentum carried, its large backend swinging into the Machamp's barrier with a crashing smash and sending cages hurtling out of its container, trapped pokemon screeching in a panic!

The rest of the vehicle crashed soundly against the concrete walls, the driver's body getting thrown forward just as his airbag popped free, the only thing keeping him from flying through the glass and eating gravel.

And yet... a small fire came to life at the front of the truck, while the truck driver's unconscious body slumped over the wheel.

It's a bit difficult to cut through the haze of emotions in the air, but Blade the Gallade eventually manages to make out a particular kind of desperation amongst them.

Should he teleport towards them, he would find himself inside a steaming hot room filled to the brim with papers thrown haphazardly everywhere-

As well as fire. Lots and lots of fire- and smoke. Three man and their Houndours immediately turned their gaze towards him as he popped up, two of the men yelping before the last one snapped at them.

"Get your shits together, it's only ONE pokemon! KILL IT!" Ordered the man to the Houndoors, the canines swiftly springing forth towards the fighter, teeth glinting as they ran the length of the small room towards him in the blink of an eye, maws wide.

  • to the underground parking lot. Stop them from running away with whatever they've loaded up!
-Save the caged pokemon! (1 post)
-Save the vehicle driver! (1 post)

[li]secure all the exits; not a single can be allowed to get away![/li]
[li]up and stop them from destroying any evidence![/li]
-Defeat the Houndours before the evidence burns! (2 turns)

[li]up to the Boss' chambers! (1 turns left...)[/li]


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 22:30:11 GMT
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A screech, a loud crash, and a spark later, Eva is staring wide eyed at a crumpled truck and small fire. Honestly, she should have seen that coming when Syah erected the WIDE GUARD. Eva springs forward, “Quick! Get em out of here!” she’s speaking to the small team she’s brought with her. Her palms spread wide to indicate towards the cages of the pokemon that had fallen out of the van.

The other members of her team and quick to follow orders, scrambling to collect cages and move them further away and into a neat pile for evaluation once everything is secure. Eva had made a beeline for the driver. Despite being on opposite sides of a war, no one deserved to be burned alive. Her petite form struggles to pull him out of the driver’s seat. The large hands of a Machamp reach over her, easily plucking the man out of the seat and over her shoulder, “Thanks Syah, now get back!” they didn’t need to be anywhere near the van if it decided to catch fire.

Delegating, that is the key to victory. Eva can’t be everywhere at once. She has to trust her team to do thinks correctly, and she does, “Alright Syah, stay and help them here. Adele, let’s go see what’s happening upstairs,” Syah nods, stepping towards the other humans with the man slung over her shoulders. A man is ready with a set of handcuffs. Adele takes Eva’s hand, and the two TELEPORT in a flash of light.

Suffocating heat. Smoke. Fire. That’s what Blade finds amongst the paper thrown about the room. His first instinct to douse the fire. Unfortunately, all he has at his disposal is LIFE DEW. He summons the light rain, regardless, hoping it will be enough to slow the burn and aid him in battle.

The pups lunge forward, maws open wide. A quick AERIAL ACE knocks one back while a second latches on to his right arms. A wince of pain as the BITE strikes true. Blade is quick to spin, aiming to knock the Houndours body into the other as it lunges for his other arm, perhaps even knocking the other loose in the process. The Life Dew soothes new wounds.

Eva and Adele find themselves in a quiet hallway. Eva trots, while Adele gracefully floats beside. An eerie silence unbefitting of the chaos on the levels below, is unsettling, “Adele, where is everyone?” The Gardevoir can feel an uncharacteristically calm presence behind a set of tall wooden doors at the end of the hallway. There’s a dark aura, one that unquestionably needed cleansing. A finger points, and Eva follows. In a very characteristic manner, Eva grasps the handles, flinging the door open into the large office without much regard for her own safety, “Stand down,” she orders any antagonist that wished to get in her way before she even sees them. A MISTY TERRAIN stirs at her feet, creeping across the room like a sparkling fog.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2021 16:55:51 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The first strike

Eva finds a... funny looking man sitting at his chair, hands steepled together calmly as he stares at her coolly.

He says nothing in response to her, but looks utterly confident in his chances, for whatever reason.

Crack and sha-pow!

One of the puppies is sent reeling back as another is swung head first into its litter sibling, cracking their skulls together with sonorous sound that made really unsurprising when they both crumpled to the floor unconscious.

The light rain can't hope to stop all of the fire- not as long as he's focused on fighting.

Luckily, at that moment, the door's kicked down just as the men attempted to make their escape while the Gallade was distracted, several officers marching in with their pokemon in tow.

Wartortles and Poliwhirls blast water over the flames as the last remaining Houndoor cowers, completely outgunned and outnumbered.

The men attempting to escape realized then that their chances of escape were done.

  • to the underground parking lot. Stop them from running away with whatever they've loaded up!
-Save the caged pokemon! (1 post)
-Save the vehicle driver! (1 post)

[li]secure all the exits; not a single can be allowed to get away![/li]
[li]up and stop them from destroying any evidence![/li]
-Defeat the Houndours before the evidence burns! (2 turns)

[li]up to the Boss' chambers! (? ? ?...)[/li]
-Uh... Secure the boss(?) (No time limit.)
-? ? ?(? ? ? left)[/ul]

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2022 18:22:23 GMT
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The MISTY TERRAIN continues to spread across the room as the two slowly enter. She’s, understandably, a bit confused. She expects there to be more resistance around the ‘boss’. Emerald eyes scan the room quickly, searching the hidden corners for threats, “Adele,” her voice is low, muffled between tight lips. The psychic-type understands, eyes glowing magenta as she PEERS INTO THE FUTURE. The Gardevoir’s TELEPATHY spans the army of psychic-types below with , alerting them of their whereabouts.

“I’m lookin’ for your boss, cooperate and we’ll go easy on ya,” she has every intention of capturing this man regardless, but confirmation he’s actually the boss would be nice. There’s something strange about him . . . a face that doesn’t quite resemble that of . . . well . . . a man.

Adele sense something strange and out of the ordinary about this man. Without Eva’s orders, she blasts a DAZZLING GLEAM towards the human. If anything, it would at least blind him, “Adele!” Eva scolds, the unprovoked attack is a risky move.

With heavy breaths, Blade turns towards the men. Though crimson bleeds from his wounds, he takes his battle stance, ready to fulfill his duty. Thankfully, reinforcements arrive, moving through the room like a wave. Water-types douse the flames, making his Life Dew rather useless. A HEAL PULSE emits from his palms, bathing his wounds in a healing glow. With the evidence secured, Blade TELEPORTS to regroup with Eva and Adele.


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 17:22:05 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The first strike

With the fire taken care of by the soldiers' pokemon, Blade is free to rejoin his trainer. Meanwhile, Adele's Future sight gives her a brief glimpse into the future?!
A long, dark corridor. A shadowy figure darts through it in a desperate sprint.

The strange man regards the Mayor silently, confidently. It does not seem like he'll talk, no matter what she threatens him with!

So perhaps it was good that Adele took the initiative.

The confidence quickly evaporates as the flash surges towards the man, his eyes growing wide as he yelped- no, yipped in a panic and ducked underneath his desk, which was blasted to pieces by the Dazzling Gleam.

A moment later, a little fox darted out from the wreckage and made a beeline for the wall behind the former desk, bonking its head off it and bouncing off. A moment later, it was up against it again, pawing at the wall in a panic while whining, as if trying to move beyond it. It looked hurt.

  • to the underground parking lot. Stop them from running away with whatever they've loaded up!
-Save the caged pokemon! (1 post)
-Save the vehicle driver! (1 post)

[li]secure all the exits; not a single can be allowed to get away![/li]
[li]up and stop them from destroying any evidence![/li]
-Defeat the Houndours before the evidence burns! (2 turns)

[li]up to the Boss' chambers! (? ? ?...)[/li]
-Uh... Secure the boss(?) (No time limit.)
-? ? ?(? ? ? left)
-Something's odd here!(? ? ? left)[/ul]

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON May 12, 2022 21:39:10 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
The dazzling gleam flashes, nearly blinding Eva too in the process. She retreats behind her raised arms, looking away from the desk and the man sitting there. He yipped in surprise . . . wait . . . yipped?

Eva poked her head out from behind her hands with furrowed brows. The man was gone, and there was rustling behind the desk. Adele was already near the furniture, peering over the edge. The pup bumped its head and darted forward to a particular spot along the wall.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down there little guy,” Eva speaks gently, crouching down to calm the Zorua. A more faint flash of light reunites Blade with the group. He watches Adele move past Eva, reaching her hands to search for some sort of secret door. Her vision flashes through her head and intuition tells her there’s more to this than just a wall. Adele uses PSCYCHIC to probe across the wall, pushing and searching for a passage.

Eva tries to calm the Zorua
Adele searches for a secret door

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 15:22:01 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The first strike

The Zorua makes a token effort to back away from Dr. Eva as her Gardevoir searches the room.

Inevitably, she finds that there's a false panel on the wall. It does not take much effort to reveal the door behind it, which leads into a long, dark corridor.

Yipping audibly, the Zorua immediately made an attempt to escape through it, sprinting towards the darkness.

  • to the underground parking lot. Stop them from running away with whatever they've loaded up!
  • - Stop the Truck!
  • -Save the caged pokemon! (1 post)
  • -Save the vehicle driver! (1 post)
  • secure all the exits; not a single can be allowed to get away!
  • up and stop them from destroying any evidence!
  • -Defeat the Houndours before the evidence burns! (2 turns)
  • up to the Boss' chambers! (? ? ?...)
  • -Uh... Secure the boss(?) (No time limit.)
  • -? ? ?(? ? ? left)
  • -Something's odd here!(? ? ? left)
  • -A door has been revealed! What will Eva do?(? ? ? left)

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 19:47:59 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
Adele reaches out to stop the Zorua from escaping. Eva reaches out a hand to stop the pokemon, simply watching the pup make a dash for the dark hallway. The doctor lets it go, eyeing her Gallade and Gardevoir with a quirked brow. Venturing down the dark hallway doesn’t seem like a great idea but it likely led to more answers and a potential stop the smuggling ring they were seeking to destroy.

“Alright, forward I guess,” she lets the Gallade lead the way, Eva trailing behind him and the Gardevoir behind her, “Let ‘em know what’s up, ok?” Eva assumes the Gardevoir maintains the TELEPATHIC connection with ’s Orbeetles. She relays their position and an image of the strange hallway so they know where they disappeared to.

They follow the Zorua!

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2022 17:55:33 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The first strike

It's dark, but impossible to lose one's way. As straight forward as it gets, the dark corridor offers no alternatives but forward and back.

And when Major Morales finally makes it to the end, well— she'll find herself climbing up a ladder. And eventually... Whatever measures she takes, at the end of the ladder there's cool air and the sound of waves.

Route 118— better known in Mauville as the beach. A small, old, but regular looking sea cabin. It seems as though several things have been moved and taken recently; the tell tale signs of displaced, long-time dust are all over the place.

A supply house connected to the Boss-man's evacuation route, perhaps? It seems as though he took whatever he needed and ran... locking the door behind him.

The same Zorua from earlier was whining as he pawed at the locked door, trapped. Bossman had not waited for him.