Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2021 4:21:59 GMT
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Oscar was looking forward to this next fight. A fun match with his new rich friend Amor, what could be better? As his opponent arrived, Oscar could be seen tossing a pokeball up and down in his hand. His amused expression masked his delight to lay eyes upon the angelic philanthropist once more.

"Greetings Amor. I hope you won't hold back, even when you see my champion for today's fight."

Oscar caught the pokeball one more time before opening it with a flourish. There was a bright light, and from it emerged an eager murkrow. Paulie here was a newer member of Oscar's team, and had been lagging behind in his training. It was time he got a taste of real combat, and so here he was to test his current limits. 

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He, Him
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2021 5:46:12 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Amor smiled at Oscar as they finally met during this tournament, he was wondering when they were going to meet in battle, and it happened. Though he was a bit surprised when the man sent out a Murkrow, but he was asked to not hold back, which begged the question of which Pokemon he should use that he had brought today. He hadn't brought any of his younger dragons, but he did have one that might be an appropriate challenge, if he just wanted to win, he'd use Draco in every fight, but he wanted to test himself, while his choice might give him an advantage he wanted to see if the man across from would be able to handle it.

"Chimera, you're up!" He tossed the pokeball into the air, and released his Dracozolt, the fossil pokemon was charged with electricity as it stared at the Murkrow in front of it. "I don't get to use Chimera very often, but I think he'll prove a suitable challenge...Let's make a bet...How about the loser has to buy drinks tonight, yeah?" He smiled brightly at the white haired man across from him.

Obviously it was a non bet, either of them could just buy any bar they walked into to, but why not make it a little fun. Besides he could always use another friend to go out with, and have a fun night when he was bored, and not busy.

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oscar clayton
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2021 2:09:28 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oof, this was a bad matchup. Flat out, the odds were not in Paulie's favor and the murkrow knew it. Looking upon the jolly abomination filled Paulie with dread, and his twig-like knees would begin to shake with fear. Nevertheless, he was expected to fight. While he may have felt disheartened, he would give this battle his all.

Oscar chuckled at Amor's suggestion, "You know, I was gonna offer the same deal. You got yourself a bet." Oscar wasn't too worried about this fight. I mean, drinks with Amor fucking Rose afterwards? He won no matter what.

It was time to begin, and Oscar would make the first move. "Paulie! Execute preparations!" Paulie launched into the air, his body swirling as air rushed around him. This gust heightened his speed, allowing for greater maneuverability during this likely frantic fight (Tailwind). Once in the air, Paulie began to caw incessantly. 

Its caw rapidly shifted into a terrible melody, and while it was horrid as it was annoying its worst trait would be its catchiness. With this terrible tune stuck in its head, Paulie hoped to Torment the dracozolt and make the fight more even.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 14:11:57 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Amor watched as the Murkrow began it's preparations as Oscar called them, and a breeze flew overhead in the air seeming to bolster the speed of the flying Pokemon up there. Then it used Torment, and Amor was incredibly amused, it was a good set up tactic, he however had no such set ups. Typically he just bulldozed his way through all of his problems, meeting them head on with the power of his dragons, and destroying any walls that dared to get in his way.

"Not bad..." he murmured his approval at the Trainer, and Murkrow across from him, and he looked over at his own Pokemon who was raring to go. "Chimera...Go..." It was a single word order, that could mean anything, but Chimera immediately knew what it had to do. Instinct is what drove forward both dragon, and trainer in their battles. They could feel that bond, and Dracozolt looked into the skies perhaps amused, and then it leapt into the air, seeming to vanish for a brief moment as it used Aerial Ace to take to the skies, and get close to it's opponent.

There was no place that this draconic abomination couldn't reach, and soon it was upon the Murkrow, with electricity surrounding his body, and it Discharged it all at once in an attempt to simply fry the little bird. Chimera didn't understand what holding back meant, he was just as savage as his namesake, when he smelt a fight, he would give it his all. In a way he shared that with Veritas, perhaps it was just something that Prehistoric pokemon shared in their DNA, might be worth exploring when he set up his research lab.

"If he seems eager, I apologize. Chimera just enjoys the thrill of fighting, so he is ferocious typically..." Amor apologized sincerely to Oscar hoping that Chimera wouldn't overdo it, and seriously injure that Murkrow. The last thing he wanted was to sour his relationship with Oscar. He had been nothing but kind to him since they met, and he wanted to have a long, and fruitful relationship with him. Though Amor was already picking out the most expensive bottle of alcohol at the bar they were going to go to, it had been a while since he had been properly drunk. The lsat time being his impromptu bachelor party with Josh, when he found out the man had proposed.

He needed to unwind, and with no women in sight, a drinking partner, and alcohol was the next best solution.

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2021 23:31:15 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Paulie was ready to rumble. He had prepared the best he could and was excited to make his move. Training with Oscar was a brutal process, but he believed he had learned enough to make it through this battle. Perhaps even win! Paulie aimed himself at the dracozolt, and--

Was fried by the discharge.

For a moment Oscar thought Paulie had just fuckin' died right in front of him, an idea strengthened as the bird fell to the ground with comical abruptness. Oscar folded his arms, waiting to respond to Amor until he knew if Paulie were dead or not. The murkrow let out a cough, rolling onto his back as he heaved out smoke. Oscar nodded and smiled, "It's quite alright, failure builds character. Wouldn't you agree Paulie?

Paulie let out a sound that could have been a caw, but it was kinda hard to tell. Oscar withdrew the bird and shrugged.

"That was way quicker than I thought it'd be but you won fair and square, where are we drinking?"

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2021 20:17:00 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Amor watched as Chimera did what he did best, and he had expected the Murkrow to have some countermeasure, but he was thoroughly surprised when the electric attack made contact, and then promptly fried the bird. It was almost comical like something out of a saturday morning cartoon. Rubbing the back of his head awkwardly he hadn't thought he would win so handily, but Oscar didn't seem that bothered by it which was curious. Taking out Chimera's Pokeball he returned the Dracozolt back to it's ball in a flash of red. Looking at the Murkrow as it was returned, and then at Oscar when he asked where they were drinking Amor placed a finger on his bottom lip as if in deep thought.

"Y'know...I'm thinking you lost on purpose just so you could go on a date with me...Even though it's not a date..." He quirked a brow at the man across from him. Oscar was certainly attractive, and if Amor ever became interested in men, he would go for him first. He made a mental note of that promise to himself, though Oscar would never know. "Well let's see...Follow me." A charming smile on his lips as he began to walk towards their destination. Amor knew a classy place, but that isn't where he was going, instead he took a few turns to a more somewhat less luxurious place, one could call it.

While he had been wondering around looking for a certain woman named Athena in some back alley he had saw this out of the way bar, and had wanted to check it out. The door creaked when he opened it, and it looked just as seedy as some dive bar in the movies, it was perfect. This was going to be his vacation for the night, to get away from everything. The sign as they walked in had the words "The Obnoxious Mightyena" engraved on it.

The barkeep was a portly man who was for some reason just polishing a glass behind the counter, there were a few other customers around, but it was mostly empty. To Amor this was perfect, he loved places like this, where he could just stop being so professional for a while, and not have people kiss up to him. Maybe if he got lucky he'd get into a bar fight, though Walter would be rather upset at him if he did that.

"This shall be our destination for tonight! Barkeep hit me with your strongest whiskey, and don't worry about the price...My friend here is treating me." He flashed a wink to Oscar, a bright smile still on his lips.

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 4:58:40 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar's cheeks turned red as he scoffed at Amor's accusation. He fluttered his hair a bit, a failed attempt to mask his embarrassment. "No sir! You think I wanna pay for drinks? The very idea of losing on purpose, of all the nerve." Oscar shoved his hands into his pockets, turning his head away as he grouchily waited for Amor to make his choice.

Luckily it didn't take that long, and Oscar was soon lead to the last place he expected. Amor was certainly full of surprises, this seedy little alley bar was the last place Oscar thought they would land. Amor was in the driver's seat though, so Oscar questioned nothing and followed him in like a good investor in debauchery. 

Oscar sat down next to Armor, and as the victor gave his order the portly bartender would peer toward Oscar wearily. Oscar blinked, furrowing his brow at the man's apparent skepticism. "Two of that please. Leave the bottle." The bartender shrugged, walking off to retrieve the drinks. Oscar sighed as tension flowed out of his body, and as he took in the atmosphere he would begin to relax.

"I have to admit, this was a nice choice. Been here before?"

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 18:50:04 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
That slight blush on his cheeks was so endearing to Amor, he enjoyed playing this game, but of course he knew better than to take it to far. After all a little teasing was fine, but he didn't want to unnecessarily get someone's hopes only to disappoint them later on. Though his surprise at the choice of venue, amused Amor more when he asked if Amor had been here before, Amor simply shook his head. The answer was he hadn't, he had just seen it in passing, thought it was interesting, and kept a mental note of where to find.

"Nope. I was wandering the city one day, I get bored so I tend to just explore. Stumbled upon this place, but I couldn't come in here at the time, so I tucked the knowledge of it away for a rainy day. And well the rainy day just happened to be today." He laughed easily, and the portly bartender brought them the bottle of their strongest whiskey, and two glasses which were already filled, and iced. "Besides this is nice every once in a while. I go to so many nice restaurants, so many nice bars, everyone just treats me like everything I touch turns to gold. And while that isn't far from the truth." he mused a little as he picked up his glass, and pressed it to his lips.

Taking a slow drink he felt the warmth of the whiskey hit him, though he had a good enough alcohol tolerance he doubted that entire bottle would even get him drunk as long as he paced himself. Well it wouldn't get him blasted drunk as well, he'd definitely be warm by the end of the night.

"Sometimes it's just nice to not be known by anyone, and treated normal, y'know?" His teal eyes gazed into Oscars face. His unique slit pupils looking into the face of his friend, wondering if he had similar thoughts. "Or is that weird?" He honestly didn't know, his entire life, he had been treated as if the world belonged to him, and then he lost that, and so he decided he would take the world his own way, but when they heard his name people still looked at him as if he was on some pedestal. Some with reverence, or respect, and others with disgust, and scorn. It didn't bother him, but there were days he just wanted to be like anyone else.

He felt like a Prince who wasn't allowed to have any fun because people would always hold back with him, it made him question a lot of things.

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2021 17:48:31 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Oscar took a sip of his own drink, he would shake his head. "Not weird at all. Probably the opposite of weird. What is that, natural? Normal? You get it." He set his glass down, the courage it granted filling him with the urge to reveal some of his backstory.

"I grew up rich y'know? Family was old money, kept their accounts filled with construction. Good ol' Infinity Industries. I was given a lot of freedom and was expected to be responsible with it. Sure wasn't, so they cut me off. I lived on my own for about a decade, and let me tell you the perspective that granted has proven invaluable."

Oscar used to hate the hardships of his past, but seeing where those struggles had gotten him put his life before into a new light. He'd be half the man he was now if it weren't for those years of clawing ruthlessly toward what he was owed. He would surely be a less competent criminal at the very least.

Oscar smirked, "Earned my way back, but my mindset never really left those days. I find comfort in simplicity, now more than ever."

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 8:19:09 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
As the drinks started, Oscar decided to take the approach of sharing a bit about himself, and Amor simply listened. He explained how he hadn't been the most responsible person with his money, and how his parents had cut him off, and essentially made him earn his way back, to show that he was worthy of their trust, and success. It was an interesting story, and Amor on level wished he could relate. He wondered how much different he would have been had his parents still been around, not that anyone knew he didn't have any, it wasn't something he talked about to anyone. Not even his best friend knew. Amor was incredibly guarded when it came to his past. Taking another drink, he just smiled at Oscar.

"It's hard to imagine you not being responsible with money..." He laughed a little remembered how their first meeting had gone, when Oscar brought up every project in the book to see if anything had interested Amor, outside of their Mega Stone Generators. Amor had found some promise in his work, and invested, and thus their friendship was born. Here they were now sharing a drink, and he had to admit it was nice.

"I can't say I was ever irresponsible enough for my parents to cut me off. But I did travel to every region, and learn about them, what they liked, how they functioned. What sort of businesses they had, what sold, the normal stuff. I think that helped me appreciate what I had, you learn quickly when you see children starving, people killing each other for a few scraps of bread. Everything appears pretty, and neat on the outside, but when you dig into it, the fundamental problems are always there. From Kanto, to Galar...Everyone suffers about the same." He explained a bit of his own adventures.

"Perhaps because of them I began to appreciate the simpler things more. My favorite drink is Lemonade after all, probably as simple as you can get aside from water." He chuckled easily as the warmth of the alcohol spread through his blood. "Though I'm glad you were irresponsible, because if you weren't...We wouldn't be friends, sharing drinks right now." He said sincerely, happy that he had a new friend among his growing roster.

Josh, Zac, and now Oscar were the few that he considered real friends. He knew that if he was bored, and called them up for some sort of hangout, they'd answer easily. Perhaps that was rich privilege's, but he was just happy he didn't feel so alone anymore.

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 19:47:24 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Friends? Hm, yes Oscar supposed they were friends. He wouldn't be out drinking with an acquaintance after all. The thought made Oscar smile, it brought him comfort to know that he could still form connections with good natured people. Oscar sipped his drink, chuckling to himself as he put down the empty glass.

Oscar decided to use what he learned from Amor to jump into a related but different topic. "You've been all over eh? Ever been to Orre? Made a huge mistake going there in my youth. Attended a party on a train, fucking crazy night. Raiders derailed it though, nearly died. One of many dumb decisions I made."

Oscar chuckled as he poured himself another glass full of whiskey. He offered the bottle to Amor, "Top you off?"

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 20:05:02 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Amor listened to Oscar talk about his time in the Orre region, it was not one of the places Amor had been to before, there hadn't been a reason for him to go to such an out of the way place. Perhaps he would go there one day. Finishing what was left in his glass when Oscar asked to top him off he nodded.

"No never been there, but I was in Galar a few years ago. I got into an actual sword fight with some guy. He took his roleplay way to seriously, I think I insulted his family or something I don't remember, but he tried to impale me." Amor said with a chuckle as he remembered the man clearly. Not many people had ever tried to fight him outside of Pokemon Battles, that was the preferred method of settling things after all. however that man had been unique in his approach, and so Amor humored him, and fought for his honor, and from that man he learned a valuable lesson.

"Gotta tell you, some people take honor, and trust very seriously, and it made me think along those same lines. Why lie, why deceive others it takes so much effort to weave an intricate web, and keep track of it." He laughed a bit. "I'm a terrible liar personally..." That was a lie right there, but the rose color of his cheeks, and the smile on his lips weren't. "Which is bad for someone who does business." He laughs a little at the irony, and takes another drink of the whiskey, letting the warmth caress his insides.

When was the last time Amor had ever truly let his guard down? While he wasn't going to go into an exposition dump of his life on Oscar he did enjoy his company as one of the few who would hopefully not stab him in the back.

[newclass=.gold]background-color:#fff;padding:2px;border-left:#9463c9 10px solid;font-family:century gothic;font-size:10px;color:#693a9b;width:120px;margin-top:10px;opacity:0;transition: 1s all;text-align:left;[/newclass]

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 18:14:10 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar nearly choked on his drink as he heard Amor's story, leaving a burning sensation lingering in the back of his throat. He laughed despite the pain, a hardy chuckle with a sprinkle of astonishment. "I have enough Galar friends to know that kinda shit is totally plausible. Fuckers never got the memo that chivalry and knighthood died as soon as they stopped using Wooloo for currency."

Oscar felt well within his rights to make fun of Galar as much as possible, considering his ancestors hailed from there. He returned his attention to his drink, taking a nice long gulp as Amor talked about liars and intricate webs of deception. If Oscar weren't such a good liar, he probably would have laughed again. The irony in Armor's statement considering who he was conversing with was comedy gold. 

Oscar put his drink down gently, "You seem to do fine without it. That takes a lot of skill right there, I can respect that.

This would be the last serious topic they would probably discuss. Several drinks passed, and soon Oscar would be more than a little bit intoxicated. As they got halfway through a second bottle, we can see just how far their inebriation has brought them. 

"So--like I don't mean to be vulgar but like--do pokemon have dicks? I've--I've never seen a pokedick before. Isn't that weird? How---how do they breed? I don't get it. Nature's fuckin' wild dude..."

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 18:45:14 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
[attr="class","sun"]One by One
I'm addicted to the panic
Amor's entire body was warm, and he felt like jello, whatever they were drinking was finally taking it's toll on him, and he giggled a little bit at Oscars question. If he was being completely honest he had no clue, he had often wondered where the reproductive organs of Pokemon were, because eggs did exist, which mean that Pokemon could bang. At his answer of nature being wild Amor just nodded, and threw in his own observations.

"On top of that...Gardevoir can be male...But it clearly looks incredibly feminine...And then, there is Ditto...Did you know that Ditto can transform into people!" Amor said a bit too loudly, and his eyes were a bit wide as he explained that to oscar. "I'm telling you, I am willing to bet at least one million dollars there is an underground Ditto Prostitution Service...Because there are degenerates in this world." Amor stated simply trying to figure out how that would even work before finishing off his current glass of this Whiskey.

Another giggle left his lips as he set the glass down, and he just lulled his head back letting out a 'agh' sound, before looking at the bar in front of him.

"And before you ask, no I have not slept with a Ditto." Amor said shooting a probably unneeded glare in Oscars direction. He didn't know if the man would think he had, or not, but he was going to make it completely clear that he had never once stuck his dick in any kind of Pokemon, whether it could become human or not. Amor preferred his women as human, or at least Amazons, he could get behind an Amazon. He thought about that, and giggled a little bit more at his own pun, the drunkeness was making him far more bubbly than usual.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
Oscar vs. Amor (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 17:42:06 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar gave Amor a concerned look. "I um--didn't think you did." Though at that point it did cross his drunken mind that Amor seemed especially defensive about that. Did he like, sleep with a ditto by accident? That would explain how he knew so much about their sex habits. Was that what he was talking about? Oscar swayed in his stool, unsure exactly what was happening. He might have had one too many drinks.

He suddenly cackled, slapping his hand on the bar. "That reminds me of a time my friend s-saw um--what's it called. Don't tell me..." Oscar paused for a long moment before his head leaned forward and slammed into the bar surface. He was out cold.

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