lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 17:05:47 GMT
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An underwater battle.

Sam had submerged in the diving gear and let the dratini he released from a park ball. He minimized the pokéball before putting it back onto the small clip on his Alolan styled board shorts.

The way he curled and swam around Sam in excitement showed just how much he adored Sam. He rested his head into Sam's palm and enjoyed the way Sam moved his hand along his serpentine figure. But the second he heard somebody else entering the water, their opponent, dratini swam into position, ready to battle.

Sam locked eyes with his opponent and hoped to anybody listening that it wouldn't be something ridiculous like a swampert....


dratini is ready to battle
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lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 18:01:58 GMT
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On the other hand, Lars really wanted to skip the wet suit and go only for the oxygen tank—blame it on him being used to swimming in the water when he was much younger.

As always, he’d grabbed a Pokéball at random, not realizing that he’d grabbed the one that had one of his jackass Pokémon in it…

Grabbing the oxygen tank and the mask, he slung it on as he arrived, wearing nothing but a pair of board shorts and—no, his hair didn’t have gel in it, that would be stupid!

Either way—

Once he’d dived down in the water, he popped the containment unit—before letting out an inaudible scream that came out as a burst of bubbles.

It was his jackass Mareanie.

He thought he heard the cackling coming from the Alolan Pokémon swimming in circles in front of him.

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samuel carter
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 18:15:12 GMT
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Seeing the man get into the water wasn't a shock, but the reaction that the man had given at the pokémon he'd summoned had Sam wondering if the guy knew how ridiculous he looked? Or maybe he was just absent-minded.

Sam had those days. The days when the cereal gets put away in the fridge and the milk goes in the cabinet on accident.

With a buzz, their underwater single battle was signaled to begin. Sam quickly made a motion of surrounding himself and dratini followed suit. A pale energy formed around his scales as he twisted and moved in the water, getting up a SAFE GUARD.


dratini used safeguard
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Laurence Anderson
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 18:24:45 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The cackling was getting to him.

Well, shit, why did it have to be you?! He thought frantically as he caught sight of the Dratini on the other side, who had used a familiar—well, double shit.

Guess his initial plan wasn’t going to fly after all.

Thank hell there was a plan B.

Alright, alright, time to get through this… he continued to himself before the Mareanie turned around in time to look at him.

He had to act—quickly.

Acting out a hand gesture that was about to chomp down on something, he hoped she’d get the message—and off she went, whizzing through the water, batting her “hair” out of the way and getting ready to take a nice, big, fat Bite out of the serpent!

Mareanie used Bite!

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the ferryman
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samuel carter
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 19:40:42 GMT
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Watching his dratini FLINCH due to the bite had him frowning. Of course she flinched, the thing was like a mad hatter in the sea. Sam took out from his pocket a clicker. It was used to signal water pokémon. He'd learned it from some of the girls in Cerulean City, who'd gifted him the dratini after he helped them fend off some thugs.

He was reassuring his dratini, telling him that it was alright that he'd flinched, and to prepare himself for the next attack as quickly as he could.


dratini flinched!
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Laurence Anderson
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 19:51:00 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He was surprised, that for once, the jackass had done something right.

Wait, what? Holy shit there may still be hope for you! He thought as the Mareanie cackled again, swinging her ‘hair’ around before taking advantage of the fact that the Dratini was momentarily stunned and attempting a Peck attack before swimming backward.

Most of her move set had been built around causing poison, however there was still the little problem of Safeguard to contend with.

How many more turns did he have before the Mareanie could move in and go ham with her preferred strategy?

Lars hovered in the back, treading water and wondering what his Mareanie was thinking of doing next…

Mareanie used Peck!

endeavor completed: cause a flinch!

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the ferryman
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samuel carter
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2021 18:36:20 GMT
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Another few clicks and the dratini was snapping out of his hesitation. The flinch had faded and he was back and ready for more.

Those wing like ears paid close attention to the clicks given. Once they finished, the dratini started to twist and move his body elegantly in the water. The energy that gathered during his beautiful dance caused his skin to gain less resistance, his movements quicker and more fluid-- and it certainly raised his fighting spirit.

There was quite the competitive fire in his eyes now.


dratini used dragon dance!
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he / him / his
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Sootopolis, Hoenn
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2021 18:24:39 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

This move he recognized—and if left unchecked, would spell more than enough trouble.

It was hard enough catching a serpentine Pokémon in the water, but for it to be even faster? Hoo boy.

The Marenaie cackled as she turned around to face him once more, and he sighed. Massaging the sides of his head, he then mimed a sudden motion moving forward, as it was the only thing he could think of while underwater and couldn’t communicate.

The Pokémon looked at him curiously, blinking, before he repeated the same motion again.

If it was possible for a Pokémon to give a look of confusion, she’d have done so now. Another empathetic forward gesturing, and the Mareanie finally understood—

The little Alolan Pokémon propelled itself forward in a Liquidation attack.

While he was very sure that Water-type attacks weren’t going to do jack shit on a Dragon-type, well, it was still worth a try!

Mareanie used Liquidation!

endeavor completed: use a not very effective move!

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the ferryman
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samuel carter
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 14:07:09 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
That safeguard was beginning to lose its sheen. Sam could see it fading and because of that, he tried to compromise by attacking first instead of stacking his dratini for a one hit-KO situation. With another dragon dance or so, it would have been simple. But it was best to get on the offensive as quickly as possible.

So he gave a small flourish of his hand, clicking as well. The flourish he knew might have looked a bit ... well, flamboyant, and anybody that knew him would know that he didn't usually flourish himself like that. But then the dratini turned with a determined gaze toward the pointy urchin and dove head first with a DRAGON RUSH.

The flourish was a way to boost the dratini's spirits, mostly.


dratini used dragon rush!

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he / him / his
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Sootopolis, Hoenn
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Laurence Anderson
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2021 17:19:24 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The Mareanie was cackling, as always.

Once she’d rebounded backwards (and was rather unamused at the not-so-effectivity of her attack) she then turned back to face her human companion, who had taken the opportunity to smack a palm to his face.

Honestly, sometimes she can be an idiot… he thought to himself, doing the same ‘biting’ gesture again.

If he did his mental math right, there would only be a couple more turns before she could truly go ham—but for now, he had to wait!

The Mareanie, caught by surprise with the Dragon Rush attack, let out a howl of displeasure before batting back her ‘hair’ and attempting to take another Bite out of the Dratini.

That attack hurt!

Mareanie used Bite!

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the ferryman
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samuel carter
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2021 18:48:50 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
Though that last attack hadn't done much damage, time was immediately wasted when that mareanie came in for a bite that caused the dratini to flinch.

For now, Sam couldn't do much. But he did take into account the comedy that was before him. It was hard to keep serious when somebody was so beside themselves because of their pokémon.

The situation greatly reminded him of his toxel, who was quite the handful. Perhaps all poison pokémon were like that, considering his gastly could be quite the little shit as well when he wanted to be.

Though gastly did mind Sam well and always looked out for him. Something Sam would eternally be grateful for.

While that flinch finally began to fade, Sam could see that the safeguard had also faded, and he couldn't ask dratini to quickly bring it back up before the mareanie's next attack. So instead, he gave a few clicks to warn the dratini to brace himself.


dratini flinched!
dratini's safeguard has ended.

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
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ranger & courier
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is gonna be the loneliest
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nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2021 18:55:54 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

If he did the mental math right—

Was luck on his side?

The Mareanie cackled again, sassing the Dratini with a ‘hair flip’ before a malicious grin spread across its face. Of course, Lars couldn’t see any of this.

All he could see was the hair flip—before the water suddenly turned a darker shade of purple just in front of the Mareanie.

Oh, boy… here we go… he thought as the Mareanie had finally released the attack she’d kept bottled up for so long—a splash of Toxic sludge!

Mareanie used Toxic!

completed an endeavor: Poison an opponent’s Pokémon!

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
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samuel carter
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2021 22:13:29 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
There was no getting away from the toxic ooze that was produced by the sea urchin. Sam could feel it then and there, dratini wasn't going to last the rest of this fight. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to let it go down easily.

To ensure that they showed their fighting spirit, Sam made eye contact with his dratini and nodded firmly.

It seemed only that nod was all that was needed for dratini to begin giving it his all. He twisted his body and moved through the water at great speed, an attempt to slam his body into the mareanie.


dratini is poisoned!
dratini used slam!
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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
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ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2021 23:59:28 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Now that the water near the Dratini had stained a darker shade of purple, the Mareanie was cackling her head off—as always—before keeping one beady little eye on the troublesome opponent.

Maybe it was a good thing she was part-Poison type as well, because that normally meant Poison-type attacks wouldn’t miss, or something like that.

Either way, now that the Dratini was—whoa, wait a second!

The Slam attack had caught her off-guard for the briefest of moments, however she lashed out by swinging her ‘hair’ and unleashing a Venoshock attack at the same time she did that.

That lithe serpentine body slamming into her own really hurt, okay!

Mareanie used Venoshock!

completed an endeavor: Poison an opponent’s Pokémon!

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
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samuel carter
lars vs. sam [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 2:46:06 GMT
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That venoshock did more damage than Sam would have liked. Sam frowned at the impact and furrowed his brows. He could see it, he had made the calculations. Even as the drifting had shed his skin to remove the status condition, he struggled against mareanie for yet another slam.

But the poison had been too much. The effort exerted the poor dratini and Sam could see the light go out, and the dratini fainted. The poison had cured but not before taking its toll. And in one last ditch effort of a slam, the dratini exerted itself into falling unconscious.

The match was called then, and Sam returned his dratini before going to the surface. He removed the gear from his mouth and flipped his hair from his face, pushing his hand down his face to remove excess water as he got up onto the platform. His heart removed, he headed over to the competitor and held out his hand for a hand shake.

“Congratulations. It was a good battle. Quite the spitfire you have there.”


dratini’s ability shed skin removed it’s poison!
dratini used slam!
dratini fainted!
sam lost the battle!