[s] fight or flight

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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siobhan burke
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 6:04:08 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
the concept of a courtyard underwater was too good to pass up. she would roam HQ until she found it, pushing open the door to the location with withheld eagerness. strolling forward, she would glance this way and that. with her this fine night was her new Dreepy, a gift from another Rocket.

Siobhan wanted to inspect her spectral ghost away from prying eyes. she had seen them before in Galar, but never owned one. she was fascinated with the way it lived and evolved - through the concept of teamwork. something she would never truly understand with people, but more with Pokémon. but ah, someone was already here.

"Remiel" she says to the man, greeting him neutrally.

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the crown prince
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hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 6:23:27 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




The African milk thistle, otherwise known as the Euphorbia trigona, was a plant of impressive size and structure. Even more impressive was the fact that a plant that thrived on so much sunlight could survive in this underwater, artificial eco-system. Remiel had taken a stroll with his butler Sinistea before stopping to stand before it. He admired its thin and spiky stems, lined with rows of smaller leaves that themselves grew like chandeliers from the main stem.[break][break]

With a single arm crossed over his chest, and the other propped upon it, he seemed captured in thought about the succulent before his name was called. Slightly surprised, but indifferent otherwise, he turns to see his smuggled apprentice standing there. "Good morning, Siobhan." The Sinistea by his side hovers forward to offer the lass a polite tilt of its teacup.[break][break]

Remiel, in the meantime, eyes the Dreepy floating beside her. "I see you've acquired a new Pokémon. I happen to be very familiar with Dreepy."[break][break]


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siobhan burke
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 6:58:41 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
"is that so?"

her eyes go from Remiel to the teacup ghost, offering it a smile. a hand raised as if to touch the Pokémon but thought better of it; she lowered it slowly and almost regretfully. her eyes stray back to the Galarian prince.

"you will have to at least share with me some care routines for Lich" Siobhan adds in, walking slowly toward the man and stands off to his side "he is not a species I am familiar with." ghosts all had their special little routines.

but dragons were new to her. she was much more versed in fairy-types. "I also acquired a Dratini" she says "and I hope to train her soon as well." it was apparent talking about Pokémon was an easier subject for the woman.

but Poe would always be her go-to with flight. "I admit I did not know anyone would be here" she fiddles with a small velvet pouch she had brought along as well "I can leave, if you like."

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 7:29:22 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




Shame. Earl Grey would have been happy to be cupped between her hands. Only the finest of ladies dared to hold the possessed teacup, he thought. The last time he could recall, it had been the dark-haired beauty Remiel had been seeing for some time. Where had she gone?[break][break]

The royal, in the meantime, observes Siobhan as calmly and quietly as he'd been observing the plant earlier. "Hm. I have hundreds of them at my draciary. Perhaps we can spend an evening there to familiarize yourself with them."[break][break]

As she continued on about a Dratini, Remiel realized the mood between them had considerably shifted since last night. All this talk about Pokémon was to blame, surely, but perhaps she was coming around to reevaluating his character and his purpose. Such an idea would bode well for the both of them, he imagined, so that they could focus on more important matters.[break][break]

Upon hearing her latest suggestion, the admin shakes his head. "This is a common area. There's no need to leave on my behalf, unless you'd rather forfeit being in my presence yourself." He adds, gauging her expression for a moment before looking off towards the stone-paved path ahead. "I was just about to go see how the juniper trees were doing. Care to come along?" The teacup happily spins.[break][break]


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siobhan burke
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 7:40:03 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
she huffs, snorting with amusement. "you seem quite eager for the presence of someone who rebuffed you before" Siobhan points out gently, trying to gauge if he was insulted by her previous actions "I assumed you'd rather me leave, and find better company?" more willing company. was that a tease? it was difficult to tell with her.

Lich, meanwhile, swirled around the tea cup and began to chat quietly to it. 

"I suppose I am curious" Siobhan relents, moving a bit closer "how you Rockets have a whole biodome hidden under the water" pocketing the velvet satchel, she would gesture for him to lead the way. "you like plants?" she would ask him, sparing a glance his way. she had a passing interest in the cultural affects of some plant life.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 7:53:03 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




There was a point in time in his life, very recent, in fact, where he thought he'd finally understood all types of women. He'd engaged in a romantic relationship with one of the the most mystifying and odd Hoenn had to offer, after all. It couldn't get stranger than that.[break][break]

Well, he was wrong.

Siobhan seemed to shift between aggression, curiosity, humor, confusion, appreciation, and disgust at her chaotic whim. Quite frankly, he couldn't get a good reading on her at all. Perhaps this was how she felt about him as well. Or, perhaps, she was continuing to misunderstand him. Such a thing was not uncommon with the Galarian crown prince.[break][break]

"You proposed the idea, and I offered the means. This is almost no different to the discussion we had that brought you here in the first place." He calmly answers, neither appearing aggravated or eager. "What occurred the previous night hasn't changed much, Siobhan. You forget I work in politics. It takes much more than that to dissuade me from something." Especially the faith he had in her talent.[break][break]

Gesturing forward towards the path, so that, perhaps, they may walk side-by-side, Remiel answers her question quite simply, whilst hooking his hands against his pockets. "I do. I find them quite... stoic."[break][break]


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siobhan burke
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 8:00:45 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
"I am used to insulting others quite easily" she gives him, tilting her head at the man. her Clear Bell replica tingles in response to her sudden movement "frankly, you are puzzling" she also gives him this, bluntly but strangely not unkindly. it is merely a fact "no matter how many times I bite, you take it with stride."

she glances away as they begin to walk, her Dreepy following them faithfully like a good little ghost. "and I would assume - due to politics - you'd rather have a much friendlier relationship with someone in your free time" Siobhan points this out idly "I am the first to admit; I am not easy to get along with." she knew this. it would be vain to assume she was charismatic.

the woman reaches out above her head, touching the leaves of one tree gently. "oh? I find they have their own personalities and histories." and so much more to tell humanity.
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 8:40:58 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




The ringing of her bell hits his ear like a soft breeze. It's a pleasant chime, though it certainly doesn't match the content of her words. The admin hadn't felt insulted that night. In fact, he had suspected he'd insulted her. Regardless, he has to suppress a chuckle at the mention of being 'puzzling' to her.[break][break]

"I 'bite' back only when I'm truly needed to."

Looking back on things, it seemed Siobhan had been testing and prodding him from the start, rather than the other way around. If they were to reach an understanding, and become mentor and student as planned, then this was a test Remiel would have to pass first. And it was clear she accepted nothing less than raw honesty, even if he didn't have all the answers at this time.[break][break]

The blue-haired lass says she's not easy to get along with. "And I'm not easy to scare away." He responds, running a hand through his messy black hair. "You lack faith in what I see in you, or my ability to see such things in the first place. You lack faith in me. But I'll remain present until you reach your own, informed conclusion."[break][break]

He turns to watch as she straightens in posture, and reaches up to touch the dangling leaf of a tree. The Clear Bell replica she wears catches his attention with an interested gleam as she talks. "Is that so? Then I suppose I'm not looking deep enough, hm?" The admin suggests, looking back into her eyes afterwards. "You grew up amongst all kinds in the glimwood..."[break][break]


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siobhan burke
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 9:41:08 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
she grins almost mischievously. "I lack faith in humanity, Remiel" Siobhan would correct the administrator "it is nothing personal against you." if they were indeed to reach an understanding, the other Galarian needed to know that. prove me wrong is what she said to all of human kind prove to me that you are worthy. humans destroyed, wrecked and killed.

Pokémon were easier to understand. they did not typically do anything vile unless directed by humans. and while Siobhan was no saint herself, being indebted to both Rocket and this man, and questionable at times... she believed in the purity of nature and Pokémon. who said she had to be stark raving mad to be in Rocket? no one. she was here to advance herself.

"I did" she agrees quietly, plucking a withered leaf from the branch expertly. pulling it toward her, she examined it before tossing it to the ground. the leaf drifted slowly to the submarine's floor "every being has a reason for existing" Siobhan adds "and I've found the Glimwood to be a singular unit. it works in tantum with all kinds of personalities, goals..."

she smiles faintly. "but if you treat something right, it will open itself to you" and the same could be said of humans "building trust is like that too." she adds with a point.

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Remiel Calcifet
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 17:29:54 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




It would be nigh impossible to find someone in Team Rocket who didn't lack some degree of faith in humanity. Most of its members had learned to expect the worst. Remiel had never considered Siobhan's attitude even vaguely personal, at least until that night in the main foyer. It certainly did help to hear her admit what she admitted, though he still harbored his own doubts.[break][break]

The Sinistea dances in the air, weaving between tree branches and leaves gracefully, in an attempt to entice the Dreepy into a good chase. It played these childish games often with the Dreepy back at the master's estate and draciary. In a past life, it imagined it was once caretaker for children.[break][break]

Meanwhile, Siobhan's words draw a curious look from the royal. As they cross between blooming azalea bushes in hues of red and purple, he responds. "Everything, everyone, has a purpose. Not all survive to see it, however. Sometimes it helps to have a guiding hand to prune dead leaves and encourage growth. Sometimes, a plant— or a person— proves more stubborn than others." [break][break]

He reaches up, too, to pluck a withered leaf from a branch hanging over head. Instead of tearing it off completely, however, he lets it go the moment it shows any resistance, and the branch bounces upward in a swift jerk. The leaf is left there to die and fall on its own accord, clinging to a tree that didn't care to feed it any longer.[break][break]

"Are you familiar with the hierarchy of most dragons?"


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siobhan burke
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 18:03:30 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar

she briefly shakes her head, blue locks twisting about. as a newly minted dragon trainer, Siobhan had much to learn about tending to the species. she was more involved with ghosts and fairies over the years, save for her Corviknight. she had rescued him from the Glimwood as a Rookidee who fell in the forest. lost and alone. she nursed him back to health.

her Dreepy would chase after the ghostly tea cup with the eagerness of a child above their heads. she would wonder if Remiel was talking about her - for she was proving too stubborn to prune and clip to his liking. she waits for Remiel to explain, her interest piqued along the way. dragons were pseudo-legendries, thought to be mythical Pokémon.

until a Dratini colony were discovered in Kanto ages ago.

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the crown prince
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hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2021 5:05:44 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




"There are some species that prefer a solitary life, as most reptiles do. Druddigon, Salamence, Hydreigon— to name a few. Those that thrive in colonies, however, follow what is called a 'dominance hierarchy'. In other words, the trust they form between one another has its foundation on power... and mutual benefit." He explains, looking ahead as they near a large, circular plaza with aforementioned juniper trees.[break][break]

Spotting this himself, Earl Grey swiftly zooms out from the tree's branches and takes the lead, eager to escort the lord and the lady onto the beautiful plaza. The stone-paved path they walk upon splits in two different directions, forming a perfect circle around a small grassy hill with three different juniper trees and several metal benches and water fountains. Usually, this place is filled with Rocket grunts on their lunch break socializing. This earl in the morning, however, Siobhan and Remiel have it all to themselves.[break][break]

After stopping to admire the sight for a moment, Remiel turns back to the blue-haired lass standing beside him. "If you're aspiring to truly tame dragons, Siobhan, you will need to understand that through and through." Powerful bonds weren't simply formed on friendship.[break][break]


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siobhan burke
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2021 18:44:22 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
she was silent for a moment, content to listen and walk until he directed his last comments on her. Siobhan did not so much as blink but stroll by him, echoing her words back to him. "I am not weak" she says with some conviction "so do not mistake."

Siobhan may be a novice compared to him, but she did not think herself weak. perhaps physically, yes, but she had potential. everyone did in their small little ways. but she would rather prove it to her Pokémon than Remiel.

but hadn't he said she had the potential to grow? once again, she was blurring thoughts and words past. "I aspire to be respected" the folklorist says "I don't need to be liked." a gentle huff escapes her lips.

if she had to wrestle her own dragons, so be it. popularity was never in her cards. "and what about you?" she directs at him "surely you've gotten mostly everything you wanted? politics and money aside, you have grown here."

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 17:59:50 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




Remiel raises a slight brow at her, eyes gleaming with curiosity more than anything. "Dominance isn't all about strength, Siobhan. And respect is earned differently depending on the party." Aspiring to be respected by all, especially out of fear, typically ended bloody. There were countless stories in the history of Galar that could attest to that note.[break][break]

"Tell me... who are you trying to impress?"

It'd be excessively vainglorious of him to assume she was trying to garner his respect. Quite frankly, he didn't. And, even if she was, Siobhan seemed far too stubborn and proud to admit it. Even so, he was curious to hear how she'd respond. His first guess, based on her history, had to be 'Pokémon'.[break][break]

He shakes his head after she's assumed the extent of his wants in this region. In relaxed stride, the black-haired royal makes his way towards the juniper trees ahead, crossing the boundary between stone-paved path and grassy knoll. An artificial breeze sweeps through, teasing a lock of his hair free from his combed head, dangling over his forehead. "My wants go beyond politics and money. Those are no more than a few of the necessary means to achieve them. Steps in the right direction."[break][break]


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siobhan burke
[s] fight or flight
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 18:09:15 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
"I don't need to be respected by everyone" she would correct him, having no reason to rule with fear and blood "I want to make waves but not drown anyone in the process."

her eyes glittered with something unknown at his query. it looked like she would not reply to him at all, until she did. Siobhan was silent for a good long time, as if debating answering Remiel.


it was a simple answer. he could take what he liked from it. "I have nobody to impress" she adds in idly "and it would be silly to try and impress people who do not know of me or do not care."

she was at least truthful about it. there was nobody that stood out, nobody she wanted to look her way. perhaps that wasn't entirely true. Siobhan gives Remiel a lofty look as he passes.

"and what direction is that?"