beware of the dogs [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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november ninth
eterna city, sinnoh
pokemon ranger
another sleeps while the other waits. bear your burden, the winded balm. bury it down and down.
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millicent mills
beware of the dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2021 3:23:51 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]"Like, don't worry about it Mr. Green," Millicent brightly reassures the anxious young man beside her. Her eyes scan the field of Wooloo as he speaks, pointing out bits of recently repaired fence and explaining that's where he's sure something has been coming to spirit away his livestock.

"It's, like, literally my job to do this; and I've been doing my job for a super long time!" she cuts him off as he begins to worry over whether one ranger can handle this, "I could do this job in my sleep -- not that I'm gonna sleep on the job or anything -- and if that doesn't make you confident enough I'm, like, totally not doing this job by myself. So it'll be even easier!"

Sure, Millicent doesn't know exactly who's coming to help her out. If they're even a ranger. But this is a pretty normal job all things considered. Be it poachers or an overeager Mightyena, it won't be her first time dealing with a threat like them.

"So, like, go back into the house. The sun's setting, and once my partner's here I'm gonna need all my attention to keep your sweet little Wooloo safe!"

As he reluctantly heads back home she goes to smooth her dress on reflex, only to frown when she remembers she's in uniform. The uniform is nice and all -- an honor to wear to boot -- but . . . it's so plain! She can't help but sigh heavily as she switches to instead double-checking that she's dressed to standard.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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beware of the dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2021 3:32:28 GMT
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rounding up Wooloo, keeping them safe from harm... that was a rancher's job. Tallulah eagerly took the mission from HQ, riding to the scene on her Mudsdale. she sees a young lady with pink hair ahead of her. "hey!"

she lifts a hand, hollering to who she thinks is her partner for this job. reigning in Mudsdale, she'd trot forward until dismounting. casually dressed in her Ranger Uniform, Tallulah views the other in a friendly way.

a hand extends heartily. "I'm Tallulah Colt; Rangers sent me."

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november ninth
eterna city, sinnoh
pokemon ranger
another sleeps while the other waits. bear your burden, the winded balm. bury it down and down.
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millicent mills
beware of the dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2021 20:21:07 GMT
millicent mills Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]The heavy footfalls of her partner's Mudsdale announce her arrival before Millicent can actually see her. The excitement on her face when she does see the large pokemon approaching defies description. She's practically bouncing when the other woman dismounts.

Millicent wastes no time clearing the space between herself and the Mudsdale before showering it with affectionate pets and pats on its snout.

It takes a moment for her to take in the other person here; but she switches the focus of her attention smoothly. There's no embarrassment or bashfulness to be seen. She even keeps her right hand rubbing up and down the length of the Mudsdale's face, accepting Tallulah's own outstretched hand with her other.

"It's, like, super nice to meet you! And this big fella, too!" the moment she finishes shaking Tallulah's hand she's back to pampering the Mudsdale with both of her own, "I'm Millicent Mills! What's their name?"

She's looking in the Mudsdale's eyes when she asks the question; but then in a flash turns around with an open-mouthed expression. Apparently something just occurred to her.

Before her question can be answered or any questions of Tallulah's own can be posed she takes the pointer and middle fingers on both of her hands and slots them into the corners of her mouth. Then she whistles. Loud.

"Darling! We have company!" she shouts into the sky in a singsong voice, summoning a feathery silhouette that grows more and more distinct before landing on her outstretched arm. A Staravia (or as Millicent referred to him, "Darling").


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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beware of the dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2021 21:36:37 GMT
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Tallulah couldn't help but chuckle at the bouncing eagerness. "this here is Rusty" she moves to the Mudsdale's side and gives him an affectionate pat. the draft horse would attempt to nibble Millicent's fingers in a welcoming way. "he was the main ranch horse back home" she explains to the woman "but Pa retired him early so he could join me here."

and Rusty's grandkids were running around the farm now. all little Mudbray hoping to be top dog at the place. Pa worried, she know he did, so the man sent his most trusted Pokemon with Tallulah. to keep her out of trouble. the avian's arrive caused the green-haired lass to smile. "a fine bird, ya have, ma'am" she compliments at the glossy wings and sharp beak.

"shall we get to the job now?" she grins "Rusty'll be with me so you can pet him any time ya want."

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november ninth
eterna city, sinnoh
pokemon ranger
another sleeps while the other waits. bear your burden, the winded balm. bury it down and down.
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millicent mills
beware of the dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 6:35:55 GMT
millicent mills Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]"That's so wonderful!" Millicent says, voice genuine and smile bright as she runs a hand through Darling's feathers, "It must be, like, really comforting to have such a big part of home with you wherever you go!"

The Staravia gets extra scritches on the feathers under his wings, so he's being literally preened when he preens himself internally at the praise. Millicent takes a moment to run her fingers down the insides of his wings, straightening out his feathers a little. He coos affectionately at the attention.

"I'm, like, a step ahead of you, pardner," she replies to Tallulah, smile growing a bit wider as she very intentionally puts a heavy Unovan dialect on the word 'pardner', "I had Darling here doing some recon; and I'm sure you did such a super amazing job didn't you?"

Darling coos again as Millicent drops her hand to reach into a pouch at her belt.

"Did you see anything, huh?" she asks and is met with a shake of the head from her pokemon. Oh well, guess that would be too easy. She gives him a treat from the pouch she was reaching into and throws her arm out -- sending him back into the sky.

"I can, like, show you where the owner thinks they've been breaking in?" she offers, turning to fully face Tallulah again. A hand absently reaches out to pat the side of Rusty's face kindly.


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[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #EDC1CC[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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beware of the dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 20:16:57 GMT
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Millicent was a nice young lady. very proper and polite. Tallulah smiles as she continues to pet the Mudsdale, who lapped up the attention dutifully. it was a shame Darling couldn't pin-point the rustlers but making things easy wasn't part of the job. "aye, lead the way" she gestures to Millicent to take the lead.

"do you have any canine Pokémon?" she asked as they walked toward where the strays were breaking in "if not, I have an Arcanine. he can follow a trail." Beau was a great tracker and a bonus - he had been a Wooloo guard back home. this was his time to shine if Millicent didn't have any dogs to help. even a feline would be a decent tracker.

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november ninth
eterna city, sinnoh
pokemon ranger
another sleeps while the other waits. bear your burden, the winded balm. bury it down and down.
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TAG WITH @millicent
millicent mills
beware of the dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 18:55:31 GMT
millicent mills Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]"Happily!" Millicent says before, finally, stopping petting Rusty to lightly jog across the field. A few of the Wooloo mill about on the path to the fence. Millicent stops in front of an obviously fresh addition, the repaired portion of the barrier notable for its new slab of woods -- so young and potentially impermanent that they haven't even been painted.

"Mr. Green said that this is, like, where he thinks whatever -- or whoever -- is stealing his Wooloo breaks in," she says, gesturing in front of her.

The question about canine pokemon earns a shake of Millicent's head and a bashful expression.

"I worked with a few back in Sinnoh, but they weren't, like, exactly mine to take when I moved here," she admits, her tongue peeking out shyly between her teeth when she finishes the sentence. The mention of the Arcanine immediately perks her back up, though.

"Oh, I love Arcanine! They're so fluffy!" Millicent replies, bouncing again, "Please! I'd like, love to see how you two work together!"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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beware of the dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 19:20:48 GMT
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"hmm" she murmurs to herself mostly, bending down to examine the fence. yes, it was new but - ah! - she pulls out a tuft of black-grey fur from between two posts. rubbing it between her fingers, Tallulah guesses it is "Mightyena" she straightens, holding out the fur for Millicent to see "maybe one or two."

releasing Beau, the Arcanine was given the tuft to sniff. he glances and barks at Millicent in way of greeting before picking up the scent. "good boy" Tallulah says, giving him room to track "dogs show dominance to their alpha - if we take out the alpha with another dog, they'll see Beau as their new leader. he'll tell 'em not to touch the Wooloo when we're gone."

she flashes the pinkette a grin. "if it please ye, we can track 'em down now. Darlin' can assault 'em from the air while Beau tackles the leader?" this was all purely a suggestion, and Tallulah gave Millicent ample time to add in her own decisions and ideas.

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