cursing the sun [m][ss]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Laurence Anderson
cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 19:31:30 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Why was this heat absolute fucking murder, anyway?

Sure, Lars hated the summer season out of the four that rotated through Hoenn, but it was always this one particular season that would always drive him to near-insanity. Was it because of the extreme temperature change? The humidity? The moisture?

Or maybe…

…it was because of the fact that he now shared a certain proclivity with a deity borne of ice that his hatred of this season was only exacerbated even further?

Either way…

Most of the beaches were too crowded for his liking, and while he would’ve loved to run through Shoal Cave topless, even his own Pokémon were suffering, so here they all were, basking down at the crater lake.

The crater lake…

While the shining silver Metagross lay on the rocky shore, the other five he owned were in, some degree, bubbling away or staying as close to the shore as possible because the sun was bearing down on them all once again.

And where was Lars himself in this mess?

Submerged almost up to his neck not too far away from where his own team was lounging. Not wanting to move because of this terrible, terrible heat…

death by heat wave

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cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2021 1:50:03 GMT
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The Andersons were ocean people. Always had been. Their happy family had spent their lives around the water. Sailing, swimming, exploring the wonders of the beach and the mysteries of the nearby islands. Under Bill and Abigail's watchful eyes, the three children had grown up in salt and sun. They had  loved Summer.

Bill still did. He walked down one of a hundred carved stone stairways, heading for Crater Lake. Freshwater, and shaded by the towering cliffs of the city, the lake was a few degrees cooler than the ocean. 

Little waves lapped the edges of the lake, all that remained from the splashing of the children and holidaymakers who were relaxing along the rocky shore. Bill found a quiet spot, rolled up his pants, and removed his sandals, dipping his feet into the chilled water. He let out a sigh, closing his eyes, and leaned back against a jut of rock, kicking his feet to keep away any curious Wishiwashi.

Much better, he thought, as tension bled from his shoulders into the pristine waters. Memories of family Summers surfaced, and Bill stopped smiling, lost in bittersweet thoughts. He noticed someone nearby. They were almost submerged, with only their blonde hair visible. Hair that was unmistakably Anderson. 

To run into his son so quickly, and in their old family Summer spot? Truly this was more than luck. Was something drawing the Andersons back together? Was this part of some greater plan. "It's nice to see that you still come down to the lake to cool off," Bill said, his voice carrying across the calm water. 

"How's life treating you, Lars?" 

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Laurence Anderson
cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2021 2:01:37 GMT
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Out of the six Pokémon that were with him, only half of them were familiar—somewhat—with the original members of the family.

While Suijin the Swampert had long since left for a better place, it was the Lucario swimming over and bumping into Lars (who was blowing bubbles out of his nose in the water like a big-ass kid) that drew his attention.

“What?” he asked, surfacing for a bit before the dual-type tilted his head in a particular direction—and then, right then and there—

The shining silver Metagross let out a noise. It wasn’t the friendly kind of white noise either, it was more of the warning kind as the large creature moved closer to where Lars was currently basking, trying to cool down.

‘What’s going on?’ he heard a familiar snarky voice reach out to him in the depths of his mind.

‘Never mind, it’s nothing…nothing much,’ he replied, as a hand surfaced from the blessed cold water to pinch the bridge of his nose as he very reluctantly surfaced and turned in the general direction of—


His normally placid expression flashed the briefest hints of a scowl, before he squared his shoulders and stretched his neck.

“Oh. It’s you,” he deadpanned. Normally, Lars would’ve come out guns blazing and ready to pick a scrap, however there was something that was keeping him deadly calm at this time.

The Altaria turned, from her wet, soggy position at the shore to look at the source of the voice—before turning back to waddle over to where Lars was now slowly turning to face the other.

The summation of his internal demons.

The old man.

“I thought you left this place.”

death by heat wave

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cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2021 2:20:17 GMT
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Bill watched in surprised as his son's Pokemon moved to protect him. Altaria, Metagross, Lucario. They seemed so skittish and wary of another human presence. Were they always like this? 

"Is that any way to greet family, Lars? I taught you better than that! I hope you aren't so cold when reporters ask you for  interviews." Bill laughed. A genuine, family laugh. It was good to see Lars, even if his son wasn't glad to see him just yet. Soon enough, he'd be happy to have him back.

"Not forever, Lars. Of course not. And it's not like I didn't try to keep you informed. I assume you didn't open the cards or the presents that I sent then?" Bill had sent a few letters a year, and presents for birthdays and Arceusmas. Nice, heartfelt gifts, like bricks of cash, or Mega Stones. He'd never received a reply. 

"Are you still living in Sootopolis?" He asked, hopeful. 

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Laurence Anderson
cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2021 2:31:24 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Normally, at this point he’d have gone forward and taken a swing.


However, there was the reputation he now carried on his shoulders, blasted Initiative that he sold his soul to, to consider.

That, and the media always had their eyes and ears out ready for a scandal or two. Or several.

“What gifts,” was the first thing he’d say, lips going into a thin line. “I left for somewhere, not that you’d know where I went, and spent some time with—family.”

That last word he would never use so casually, especially around him of all people.

‘You’re losing it. I can tell.’

‘Oh, shush, what do you know?!’ he retorted, taking a deep breath in order to calm himself down.

‘Asides from the fact that you’d lived alone ever since you were twenty-one, and—’

‘Were you reading my mind?!’ he mentally screamed as he pinched the bridge of his nose again.

‘It’s free real estate in here, you know.’

Biting back the urge to groan, he released the deep breath he’d taken in a singular sigh.

“They were asking me about her, you know. How she was doing, and all that. I couldn’t tell them what happened to her.”

A beat of silence for a few moments as he remembered the last question posed, followed by—

“Not at the moment. Why do you ask?”

And then the Swampert chose to surface from the water at the most inopportune time—by suddenly drenching Lars with a sizable tidal wave of water, before turning to face the other person who was talking with her human companion—and just for the hell of it, drenching him as well.

It was damned hot, after all!

death by heat wave

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Father Bill
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cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2021 3:00:35 GMT
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"How would I have known? You never contacted me," Bill said, feet slowly kicking at the water. He saw a flash of luminous blue through the crystal waters. A Finneon, its gorgeous colors made even more striking by the patch of black. "And please try to be more direct, Lars. Your love for vagueness does you no favors. If you're in the public eye you can't afford to leave room to be misconstrued."

Especially since Lars was so lacking in details. He'd said it himself. He couldn't tell Abigail's family what had become of the wonderful woman. How could Lars even begin to explain. 'She's dead,' he would say. 'How?' they would ask, begging for information. What would inevitably follow would be a long string of 'I don't know.'

The only thing Lars could know for certain was that one day his mother took the family boat for a trip, and she never returned. No body. No grave. No hint of where the woman had gone. There hadn't even been a speck of blood. Not one. Drop.

Lars's Swampert surfaced. A fourth protective Pokemon. Bill was no stranger to the playful water type, and he stood up, letting the rogue wave wash across the stones and dampen the bottom of his rolled pants. "Lars please, I have my phone in my pocket." Bill remained standing, not wanting to sit down on the soaked rocks. He looked around for the Finneon, but it was gone. Scared away by the Swampert. "I ask because I'm back. At least for a few years. Possibly forever. I know it's late, but I'm finally home."

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Laurence Anderson
cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2021 4:08:31 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The Altaria then attempted to shake herself dry—sprinkling a finer mist all over both men that had converged at that point.

“Nami, not here,” he growled quietly, waving the dual-type off to one side. “At least, not yet.”

The Swampert, having done its business, cackled for a few moments before sinking back into the cold water of the lake and swimming around Lars’s feet just in case something did come up. The Lucario still eyed the older man with some suspicion—it was like there was something… not right.

Even the Metagross had stood up from his position on the rocks, turning its beady red eyes on the man that bore a resemblance to the one he considered his ‘master’ in all things.

‘You’re rattled.’

‘Very funny,’ he sassed back, taking another deep breath to calm himself down. With the ol’ man so close, it was literally a free target for Lars to take a swing at. However—he steadied his hand for the moment.

‘You want to punch him, huh?’

‘Obviously. But not out here!’

‘I can’t help you there, that’s all you, though. I would advise to keep calm, though!’

‘Thanks for the vote of confidence,’ he snarked back, running a hand through his hair.

“A few years,” he drawled out. Shit, he’d left everything else at the—guest house. He’d come down here just with his clothes, and his team. Well, this was going to be tough.

“And what did Claude say when he saw you? Presuming he’d already met you, of course.”

It was true—he really was his mother’s son, after all. There was—something, that even Alpha the Lucario could pick up on; murky at best, but still entailed a lot of danger. Warning them, especially Lars, to be careful.

death by heat wave

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Father Bill
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Bill Anderson
cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 5:05:21 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

“At least, not yet.”

Altaria's mist sprinkled Bill. The droplets evaporated quickly in the Summer heat. "What are you doing, Laurence. I'm just here to cool off. Maybe you should follow my lead for once." Bill said, disappointed. His sons posture was aggressive, his words hard and goading, and his Pokemon kept appearing, surrounding him like bodyguards. 

"Are you seriously preparing for a fight?"
Bill asked, incredulous. He took another step back from the water, putting some familiar distance between them. "Do you see any Pokemon with me?"

Bill's tone had darkened, his breezy summer mood turned to sour rain by Lars' childish attitude. "Claude was a wonderful host. Despite his initial reservations we chatted, and caught up, and I dare say I repaired some of the rift between us. Something I had hoped to do with you." 

"Where are the manners your mother taught you? Where is the hospitality and forgiveness? Where's the charm? If you're not going to act like an adult, then at least act like a damned Anderson."

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Laurence Anderson
cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 9:04:13 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

‘You’re definitely losing it.’

‘Can’t you tell?!’ Lars screamed in the back of his head. Sometimes, the deity wasn’t very helpful…

‘Don’t cause a scene!’ the snarky voice warned him.

‘How can I not? If you’ve gone through everything in my head, I’m pretty sure you know my entire life story now!’ he continued to himself, raising a hand to the bridge of his nose to pinch it once more before hissing slightly.

“Che palle,” he hissed to himself in Alto Marean for a few moments. While he could still hear the deity trying to snark him in the back of his mind, he shut the ‘second voice’ out for a few seconds so he could think.

“Ro. Nami, Ryujin,” he began, and the three Pokémon he mentioned looked his way. A singular burning eye of red, a pair of beady eyes underwater, and a deflated cloud turned to stare at him.

“Thank you,” he said quietly. “For watching out for me. Stand down, please. Just for a while. You too, Alpha.”

Even if the Lucario let out a bark of alarm and made to stand in front of Lars, a singular cold glare from emerald-green eyes made the jackal Pokémon stop and stammer in PokéSpeak for a few moments before retreating a few steps.

The four Pokémon exchanged a look between each other, before backing away—there was no need to call Gareth and Lynette just yet. At least, not until things got to a head.

“Don’t call me that. I go by a different name these days,” he said as he turned to face the old man. While legally he could say ‘oyaji’, it didn’t roll off the tongue as nicely as the other moniker did.

“Answer me this, then. Where is she? Where’s Mom. Where did you hide her? And don’t give me any of the ‘she went home’ shit, I lived in Alto Mare with her family for a while, he went on, turning to face the ol’ man.

Il vecchio, in his mind.

“It’s hard, you know? It’s hard—not having a place to bring flowers for her. It’s impossible someone just disappeared without warning, no trace, no word, for years. I’d know, I’ve seen so many missing persons cases ever since I started working with the Rangers. But for this—fifteen years missing?”

He was sorely tempted to tell him about Léanne, but he decided against it. For now, at least.

“How hard do you think it is—you treated us from a distance, it was always, always mamma who was there for me, for Léanne, for Claude—you were gone a lot! With no explanation whatsoever. You always held us at a distance! And you never answered me where she really is! I still remember that time, you know.”

The memories he’d hidden for so long—even the deity didn’t have access to the ‘forbidden ones’, the time he was fourteen—began to surface again.

“How could you say we were all mistakes…” he continued, resisting the urge to lash out. His hands were beginning to tremble, him resisting the urge to smack a good one breaking by the second.

“How do you think a kid would feel about that?”

Even in the summer sun, there was a slight vapor of frigid condensation swirling around his fists—the manifestation of one of his Avatar powers breaking through the cracks as he clenched and unclenched.

A thin layer of ice began forming across both his hands, unmelting despite the terrible summer sun above.

“Much as I want to hit you, I’m not going to do that, especially not out here where so many people and eyes can see. So just—humor me with my questions. Where’s Mom. So I can at least let her know that I’m alright…or leave flowers for her.”

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POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 9:38:52 GMT
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“At least, not yet.”

"She's dead Lars," Bill said simply. "I know it, the police know it, and deep inside you've known it for years." 

"Do you know how hard it is to lose a wife?" Bill asked, meeting his son's eyes with his own. Green, like freshly printed money. "It's no harder than losing a mother, I'll wager, but to go home every night to see three smiling reminders of her, asking where she'd gone? You and your siblings tore a fresh hole in my heart every day."

Bill brought to mind the mosaic of his life. He found it calming, almost meditative. There were hundreds of shards of Abigail. Some were black like her hair, still wet from the shower, or from an unplanned dip in the sea. Others were classic gold, like the ring she had worn for almost twenty years. But the most vibrant shards were green. Green as her eyes had been when they still held life.

Some of the shards were still jagged in his memory, but their edges had been worn down by time. Little by little. 
"I miss her Lars. I miss her like you wouldn't believe."

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Laurence Anderson
cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2021 4:36:52 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“You sure have a funny way of showing it,” he said with a bit of a sigh.

Not until he looked down at his fists did he realize there was a very thin coating of frost on them. Shaking them free, he watched as the ice melted to water, before sliding off the back of his hands and dripping to join the cold crater lake water lapping around his knees.

“So, humor me then—where’d you bury her? Or at the very least, did you even give her like, a shrine or something. Or at least bury a few of her favorite things in her place.”

They did things differently back in Alto Mare for the dead.

“It’s hard not having—a place, a marker, to visit her, you know?!”

death by heat wave

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Bill Anderson
cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2021 18:18:46 GMT
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“At least, not yet.”

"I refused to have a burial with an empty coffin," Bill said, his tone hard, a flicker of the man he used to be. He sighed, and his brow softened, settling back into the pastoral features he was known for now. "Looking back, perhaps it was harder on you three that way, but I couldn't bring myself to have a mock funeral when she could still be out there."

Bill stood above his son, watching the young man swim in the cold waters of their hometown. "There's no shrine, unless you built one," he said.  "Her things are still in storage. It was easier that way." The waves from a distant boat reached them, slapping lightly on the pale stones under Bill's feet. He put his sandals back on. "You're right Lars. It's time we laid her to rest properly. Meet me here tomorrow. We'll set things right."

A few minutes later he was heading up the stairs, the lake at his back. He had told a single lie to Lars. One tiny untruth among the bed of honest emotions. It was excusable. Preferable, really. There was no need to burden the boy with ancient history. Abigail was dead. That was the end of it. 

The tides kept their secrets, and so did Bill. 

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cursing the sun [m][ss]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2021 22:23:18 GMT
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