Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 14:23:19 GMT
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The sweat drenched his shirt, but he refused to take them off. Some things about it set him off in the slightest.

The irritating cling of moist clothing to his skin.

The annoying urge to wipe his brows was fresh sweat ran down from his forehead.

The petty haze of a focused summer heat that bore down on his back.

All of it just undermined his sense of comfort and pissed him off just enough to make his battle tactics a swipe more aggressive.


Terawr used PSYCHIC FANGS!

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● notes: (H✩T) 03.01

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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 16:24:52 GMT
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The psychic fangs will have him done for in two hits. He reacts as quickly as he can.

"Baneful bunker!"

The call given couldn't be acted upon, not immediately. She tried to use her baneful bunker but that dino was too quick. The attack causes her to screech, but she's putting down her BANEFUL BUNKER just after the attack.

One more bite like that and she's gone. Sam knows it, and he knows that with that knowledge, he's already lost the battle. It was now just a waiting game-- but he refused to give up. Perhaps the poisoned dinosaur would be easier to deal with...
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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 17:44:25 GMT
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Terawr used PSYCHIC FANGS; its Super Effective!

Toxapex were dangerous and this one was no different. His own was quite merciless which meant he knew exactly how to deal with the most aggressive of the species. Still, even in winning the battle, there were setbacks.

Even in landing the proper attacks on the Toxapex, Terawr's young skin was irritated by its natural spikes.

The blue royal got so irritated at not being able to soothe its own itches that it began to screech at his trainer/father to help. "Will you settle down." When words didn't soothe the youngling Sénon pushed it no further.

As much as he needed Terawr to heed him the Tyrunt would only be as loud as he could be without drowning out the sound of his trainer.

If Sénon started to yell the Tyrunt would yell louder.

Instead, the ranger crossed his arms and let the 'toddler' have its way. Fortunately Terawr had impeccable battle instincts.


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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 17:56:34 GMT
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The toxapex could hear the fit the tyrunt was throwing, and that STOMPING TANTRUM caused the toxapex to open up. She tried her best to retaliate, but as she conjured some bubbles for a LIQUIDATION she ended up fizzling out, barely getting the water out of her maul before her limbs all fell limp.

The final whistle blew and Sam returned his toxapex.

Sénon was announced the winner and Sam kept his distance only because of the tyrunt pitching a fit. It wasn't that Sam felt bad for the damage done, it was a battle and these things happen.

But damn was that thing loud.

"Does he need an antidote? I have an extra..."

Not like there wasn't a pokémon center tent nearby that they could go and heal their pokémon at, which was Sam's plan.
is the WINNER!

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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 18:41:03 GMT
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Terawr used STOMPING TANTRUM; its Super Effective!
Terawr was POISONED!

Despite making leaps and bounds in his personal obedience to Sénon, the tyrunt was still a brat through and through and its pained wailing turned into its ritualistic victory roar.

Unlike the pained squealing the ranger seemed to flash a smirk of pride in the prehistoric nibbler. "Sorry, he earned that one." He offered small condolences to the other trainer about all the noise.

Seemingly already feeling the effects of the poison he took on Terawr seemed quickly lightheaded and dizzy.

Nice as it was for to offer an antidote, Terawr; a particularly special pokémon in Sénon's roster had a lesson to learn. "No, he needs to sit with a while. He's too eager to inflict. He's egoistic and his empathy is buried pretty deep." It was something he found fairly common in most prehistoric pokémon.

"He can poison. He ought to know what its like to be poisoned."

Eventually the dino-tot came to settle standing a bit tuckered out at Sénon's feet.

"That aside Carter, how long have you been in Hoenn?"

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● notes: (H✩T) 03.03

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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 0:08:17 GMT
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"A few months now."

The answer is given as he looks over the tyrunt one last time. The trainer has said that it'll be fine, so Sam leaves it at that and focuses instead on the conversation at hand.

"I've taken over Mt. Pyre as the groundskeeper."

In truth, he owned the property that was Mt. Pyre's Memorial Grounds-- it was just quite a mouthful. He oversaw the graves, took care of the lands, made sure the dead weren't dug up by wild pokémon.

"And you?"
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Thirty One
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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 0:41:42 GMT
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As an active trainer Sénon's late teens and early twenties some only a small few cases of death of his pokémoon. Every Kantonian made the voyage and buried their lost and fallen proper at the Pokémon Tower if they didn't own the land to bury them at home.

What Carter did for Lavender Town, and by extension Kanto; residing over the resting places of the fallen and showing loved ones down the path of grieving was a civil service the people of the region couldn't begin to pay back.

It brought him no joy to see Carter here.

In his mind it meant he'd come because he'd been forced out of Kanto.

"I've been here for about one year." -and what a year it had been. "I came here after..." He trailed off clearly not wanting to dive too deep into it. "Jakka, my charizard and most of my old team... they were killed."

Anyone who knew Sénon as a trainer back in Kanto would remember some of the standouts of his team; a ditto, pidgeot, tirtouga and of course, his charizard.

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● notes: (H✩T) 03.04

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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 0:52:48 GMT
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Sam's usually ridged and unreadable features softened. He relaxed his shoulders and rolled them forward a bit. Invested, with a small tinge of remorse for the fallen.

"I'm sorry for your losses."

In a way, he had been raised to say those words. But he did, in fact, mean them. There were plenty of those from Kanto and Johto alike that knew Sam because of him and his mother running the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town.

Sénon was no different, and Sam was very good at remembering faces and the pokémon attached to them.

"I've heard it's been quite an interesting year, and a more devastating one the year prior."
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Thirty One
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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 1:01:36 GMT
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He bowed slightly in a traditional Kantonian form of respect and civility. "I appreciate that." He hadn't been seen in Kanto since before he left for Culinary school in Kalos in his early twenties.

It was nice to know he left enough of an impression to be remembered.

"Hoenn seems to have become a hotzone for the improbable and unprecedented. Sometimes it means miracles, sometimes its nothing short of catastrophe." Before he let his thoughts fully settle on Hoenn there was still some Kanto-related things he wondered about.

"I'd like to ask you. About your coming here." He chose his words carefully given the potentially sensitive nature of what he was about to ask.

"Was your new position forced on you?" Crossing his arms he clarified. "Did you leave Lavender because you had to? Or was it all the suffering and loss in this region that brought you here?"

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● notes: (H✩T) 03.05

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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 12:36:19 GMT
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"I didn't leave Lavender Town."

Sam didn't like the way it sounded, 'leaving' Lavender Town.

"The man who owned and took care of Mt. Pyre was becoming too old to deal with the influx of work that was coming to Mt. Pyre. He wasn't quite young enough to get the place back to its former glory, and funding to Mt. Pyre is stand alone. It isn't influenced by League, Rocket, or otherwise. Whoever owns it, those funds are what fuels it."

He never thought he'd be explaining this situation to anybody. Oh well.

"My mother and I used to request his help and resources when things were bad in Kanto. Because of that, we have a longstanding relationship with the man, me specifically as I did the majority of the traveling when it came to the Pokémon Tower."

He had been dubbed The Ferryman for a reason.

"When Mr. Dom Pey decided he wanted to retire and step down, he reached out to me, and asked if I was interested in taking something like Mt. Pyre under my wing. I agreed. It was high time I had something to call my own."
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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 17:06:59 GMT
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It didn't go unnoticed, the shift in his body language over Lanvender Town and its standing with himself and his mother.

He wanted for clarity and so Sénon took in his words carefully.

He made it clear his being in Hoenn had nothing to do with a loss or faltering of the Pokémon Tower. It seemed Sam's mother was still in charge there.

Sam was simply making his own path; expanding the Family's reach and the much needed service they brought to this balance between human and pokémon lives.

The way he clarified showed he had pride in what he did, in what he was. That was always a uplifting thing to see; someone who chased down their own purpose with a dogged dedication. "That's a relief to hear actually."

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● notes: (H✩T) 03.06

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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 18:26:44 GMT
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"And what brought you to Hoenn originally? Chasing down Rocket?"

Sam decided then that the spotlight needed turned. Chasing Rocket down was ninety percent of the reason most came from Kanto or Johto these days.

Best way to avoid war was to try and move forward from previous wars. But both sides were making that impossible. Even this battle tournament, Sam knew well that it was a way for both sides to gauge what up and coming trainers were assets or threats.

The endorsements would likely be out the wahzoo after this.
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Thirty One
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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 18:51:26 GMT
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"After my team was killed standing against Rocket I barely escaped in one piece. I needed a place to recover and had family here already." His parents had moved from Kanto while he was still working on his plating and garnish arrangements in Kalos. "Had to hide until I was strong enough to fight back again."

Now he was the one who didn't want to get into the minutia of his own backstory.

What interested him more was the nuance in details about Sam's relocation to Hoenn. What it meant in regards to Rocket occupancy and the growth of Sam's family.

It gave Sénon some ideas, reminding him of his own family business and how Rocket affected it.

Team Rocket seemed to adopt a model of acquisition rather than assimilation in Kanto.

They didn't take over places individually, filling its staff with Rockets to control it from the inside they simply took over the entire region and left the functioning infrastructure in place.

His own uncle confirmed as much; the Game Corner in Goldenrod ran the same day to day as the one in Celadon. The only difference being Rockets have more money to burn than civilians and they're far more reckless in their spending.

The sound of a plopping thud brought him out of his thinking; Terawr feinting from its POISONED status.

Terawr feinted from the POISON!

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● notes: (H✩T) 03.07

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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 19:47:12 GMT
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It wasn't Sam's place to say whether or not somebody should or shouldn't seek revenge. Why? Because typically Sam wasn't emotionally invested enough in anything to actually do something as passionate as revenge.

"I'm glad you were at least able to,"

Then the dino fainted, and Sam turned to look at it. When Sénon didn't say anything further, he just looked back to Sénon and finished his thought.

"Make it out alive. I know a lot of those who were fighting more directly were at risk."
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Thirty One
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Summer Battle Solstice 03 (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 19:58:51 GMT
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"Uh oh." Reaching down he picked up the dinobabe by its thick ankle hoisting it up in the air to inspect its face.

Terawr usually starting getting nippy if he was flipped upside down, or you know, if he's conscious at all. "Time to get this one all healed up."

It was good to see Sam and useful to know he was living in Hoenn now. Despite only living here for a year Sénon already had over a dozen fallen pokémon laid to rest at Mt. Pyre.

To say the least of it, Sénon and Sam would be seeing each other again. He offered his hand in a earnest shake.

"I'm late on the take but Welcome to Hoenn. You'd best be training hard Ferryman. Death is for the living and Mt. Pyre ain't shrinking anytime soon."

Rather than call back the Tyrunt to his ball Sénon carried him by hand, off to the Slateport Pokémon Center. It was time for a break; get some lunch, get a drink...

then get back to the back to back beach battles.

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● notes: (H✩T) 03.08