skyler vs. sam [ h✩t ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 14:48:05 GMT
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Sam fidgeted with a part of his shirt, frowning. He'd gotten some shaved lemonade ice on it and now he was afraid as it air dried, there'd be a stain.

The call for the battle to begin caught his attention, and as he looked up, he caught eye of the blonde across from him.

Seemed as though he hadn't had the time to introduce himself this time around, so instead, he just pulled three capsules out from his satchel and released his three pokémon for the triple battle.
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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 11:36:56 GMT
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In Skyler's defense, she'd argued and grumbled all the way to the arena. Apparently, someone had signed her up for the traditional tournament battles without her input. She'd nearly escaped too, or would've if not for the all too-cheerful beefy guards promptly depositing her in the arena.

The crowd wanted blood and she was to be their entertainment. Brilliant.

The guy from across the way (her opponent) is treated to the sight of a wild-looking blonde woman throwing the middle finger at the two security guards securing the premises - and only then turning to face him. A silvery gaze sweeps over the three pokemon, its sharpness contrasting with the otherwise lackadaisical character.

Three pokemon are sent out to the field, immediately locking eyes with the other three. At the referee's sharp whistle, Golisopod moves first - a sheen enveloping the bug as an Iron Defense shimmers into existence. Kommo-o slams his fists together, Working himself Up for the fight.

Between those two a Lapras simply stares out, serene. She does nothing.

triple battle!
Golisopod uses Iron Defense, Kommo-o uses Work Up. Lapras... stares ominously.
Notes: I was going to bring Phione, but I have other plans for it. D: 

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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 15:36:38 GMT
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The middle fingers actually made Sam smirk. What a character. She seemed wild and fun enough, but the battle was starting before he even got to wish her luck. He hoped this didn't reflect on their first impression-- oh well.

The idea of first impression is lost when the pokémon are preparing themselves. He gives the cue for his pokémon to do the same, only by making a single command.

"Get ready."

To prepare, his gastly lets out a sinister sort of noise and aims his HYPNOSIS at the three, whichever is caught in its gaze is bound to the doom of a nap. The toxtricity in the middle gives a TEARFUL LOOK to that kung-fu dragon, trying to play herself as 'innocent' to lower its attack. The metagross finishes the trio by initiating its MAGNET RISE, all four legs tucking in as it hovers over the ground like a flying saucer.

With that, the whistle blows.


uses HYPNOSIS on whoever you want to fall asleep.


uses MAGNET RISE; immunity to ground moves round 1/5

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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2021 17:33:13 GMT
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"Right-o!" Wholly unused to participating in traditional battles, Captain Dross is at a bit of a loss. While her opponent prepares, she blinks against the glare of the sun in her eyes, strategies crumbling like sand castles during high tide.

It didn't help that she was getting restless, just standing around.

"Just uh- do something." The lackluster command gets her a few boo's out of the spectators closest to her, to which she replies with another rude gesture - prompting a few shocked gasps that sharpen the amused curve of her smile. Maybe she'd start liking these showdowns yet.

Despite their trainer's vague wording, the three pokemon on the field don't hesitate. Long used to acting on their own, Kommo-o charges forward with a CLOSE COMBAT at the Toxtricity, ready to all-out pummel the electric type. Unfortunately, the Golisopod finds itself the victim of Gastly's HYPNOSIS, wobbling in place as its eyes close and it succumbs to sleep. Watching this with too-intelligent eyes, Lapras lets out a single high note, summoning MIST from thin air to surround them and help disguise their location.

triple battle!
Golisopod is asleep! Kommo-o uses CLOSE COMBAT on Toxtricity. Lapras uses MIST to disguise their location.

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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 1:38:16 GMT
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"Toxtricity let it hit! Gastly, switch targets! Metagross let's confuse that dragon!"

Each command given has a pokémon reacting quickly in kind.

As the toxtricity allows the attack to hit, no only does its STATIC ability hit, but she's able to get off a SPARK attack while that dragon's close, grinning like an evil bitch as she does so.

The gastly's target is switch to that lapras, though the field of view is rendered nearly useless, so he moves forward toward the lapras in an attempt to lock eyes with it and use another HYPNOSIS.

The dragon attached to toxtricity was the metagross' new target. Hovering above the ground still using it's magnet rise, it used that psychic energy it could manipulate to try and cause some CONFUSION, surrounding it and pressing psychic energy along its body.

TOXTRICITY uses SPARK; physical contact used against toxtricity will PARALYZE due to STATIC ability.
METAGROSS uses CONFUSION; immunity to ground moves round 2/5

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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 21:00:15 GMT
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"Well," Skyler peeks out at the ongoing battle with a frown, watching the mist cover both Lapras' and Golisopod's figures, "...shit." A restless foot taps on the ground, looking to use some of her pent-up energy.

Then she sees Kommo-o launch itself at the Toxtrocity, sparks of electricity floating over the dragon's scales as it is PARALYZED by the former's electric charge. "Ophi, PROTECT yourself!"

The command comes just in time to halt Metagross's Confusion from hitting the dragon, the pink-hued energy finding a shimmery shield between itself and its target. Stopping just shy of hitting Kommo-o.

Behind the misty shroud, a clear single note cuts impossibly through the din of the crowd. Silence follows in its wake, as if by virtue of its existence, every other sound shrivelled down to whispers. A pause, then another note. Rising high in a haunting hymn that echoes throughout the arena.

Standing in the shadows of crowded yet hushed audience stands, Skyler smirks.

triple battle!
Golisopod is still asleep! Kommo-o uses PROTECT to stop Metagross's Confusion. Lapras uses PERISH SONG (1/3) here we go!

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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 22:54:52 GMT
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"A well played move."

As far as strategy went, it was clever. That is, unless Sam could pull something out of his ass within the time limit required for perish song to take its toll.

"Single target," maybe this would end in a draw. "Kommo-o!"

If they were able to take out the only pokémon that was able to survive the song, then that strategy would backfire. And Sam assumed, knowing the dual type well enough through research, that it would be the dragon.

Sparks surround toxtricity yet again, hoping to paralyze the kommo-o with a NUZZLE while it was close enough. Gastly came around from the shadows, emerging close enough to instill a CURSE on the kommo-o, and by then toxtricity leg to of the dragon just in time for metagross to come barreling toward the dragon with a ZEN HEADBUTT.

TOXTRICITY uses NUZZLE, inflicts paralysis
METAGROSS uses ZEN HEADBUTT; immunity to ground moves round 3/5

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POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 22:07:26 GMT
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From within the misty shroud, something awakens. Its shuffling can barely be heard above the haunting song that spills from the curling mists, but its origin soon becomes apparent when a previously asleep Golisopod surges out of the cover with a war cry.

Captain Dross, who has absolutely no experience when it comes to traditional battles and would've felt more at ease under the surface of the ocean punching fish, lets out a cry of encouragement, closed fists pumping up as the bug charges Metagross - taking the Zen Headbutt himself instead of letting it hit the dragon. Mandibles latch onto the steel-type, the FIRST IMPRESSION buzzing with energy as it attempts to hurt the opponent.

Unfortunately, Kommo-o is in a bind. Despite being pumped up for the fight, static electricity snakes through its scales, holding it in place for the time being. That makes it an easy target for the Toxtricity to attack - which it does, along with Gastly. For this round it seems, the Kommo-o is paralyzed. Thankfully, its typing makes it resist electric-type damage.

triple battle!
Golisopod woke up due to a hero complex! Kommo-o is paralyzed so it can't do anything. Lapras uses PERISH SONG (2/3) woot!
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the ferryman
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skyler vs. sam [ h✩t ]
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2021 13:03:44 GMT
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The timer for that perish song is quickly coming to a close. Sam clenches his fists and decides...

"It's all or nothing!"

Toxtricity responds first, sending out an array of ACID out into the arena. It doesn't affect the gastly or metagross, inflicting damage to the opponent's pokémon only.

But that was not the case for gastly's assault, a DARK PULSE of malicious energy consumed the battlefield. Each pokémon within being hit by it.

Metagross, freshly wounded by the gastly's attack, let out one last ditch effort against the dragon. It would likely protect itself, but the metagross was hoping it'd caught the dragon off guard. At least a little bit.

METAGROSS uses ZEN HEADBUTT; immunity to ground moves round 4/5
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skyler vs. sam [ h✩t ]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 18:38:40 GMT
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When it comes to Skyler's strategy... well, there is none. She's used to fighting in the depths, where circumstances change from one second to the next, so she's become adept at improvising. Long term planning though? Not her thing.

So when her opponent's efforts seem to converge into a specific, soundproof pokemon, she grits her teeth and takes a few steps forward before being warned against it. Ugh, traditional battle were bullshit. You couldn't even punch someone.

"Ophiurus, protect yourself!" It seems like the most logical course of action, given that Lapras' song was at an end. Gastly's Acid manages to hurt the Golisopod, making it hiss in pain. The following Dark Pulse has it teetering over the edge of fainting, though it retaliates with a SUCKER PUNCH. Thankfully, Kommo-o's PROTECT manages to stave off attacks long enough for the song to finish.

Even if the Zen Headbutt manages to have the dragon take a few steps back out of its sheer strength.

As the PERISH SONG finishes, the Mist is blown away by an oceanic breeze - revealing the shape of a MEGA LAPRAS.

triple battle!
Golisopod uses Sucker Punch on Metagross! Kommo-o is paralyzed but manages to use PROTECT! Lapras uses PERISH SONG (3/3) woot!
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POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 20:37:17 GMT
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with the end of a song, the battle is over, and victory belongs to the enchantress of the seas.

sam gives a smile as he watches all three of his pokémon faint. it's no surprise he's lost, the strategy was played against him well. or so he assumed. the crowd roars her praise and sam follows suit, clapping after he's returned his pokémon.

by time the crowd has died down and she is announced the winner, sam makes his way to the center and gives his opponent an extended hand for a handshake and a compliment.

"it was a brilliant strategy, miss dross."
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skyler vs. sam [ h✩t ]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 21:24:49 GMT
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Pokemon are recalled back into their pokeballs, all fainted save for a very confused dragon. Captain Dross blinks at the sound of her name being echoed from the stands, and while she'd been perfectly at easy flipping off a few annoying people, this kind of attention feels like an itch across her skin.

Still, she doesn't hesitate to meet her opponent in the center of the arena as the cheers fade away. Her hand unhesitatingly reaches for his in a handshake. A wry grin steals over her expression at his words, edged with a playful sort of mischief.

"Strategy? That's not really my thing, I'm afraid. But I'm honored you think so." She's shameless in her admission, amusement underlining her words. A head tilts to the side then, eyes alight with curiosity. "I think I've seen you before, but I can't remember where..."

There'd been a HNN article mentioning the new caretaker of Mt Pyre along with the respective picture, but Skyler often didn't retain information which didn't pertain to 1. fighting 2. drinking or 3. sailing.

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POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 13:06:01 GMT
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"my name is sam carter, i'm the new caretaker for mt. pyre."

it rolled off his tongue with ease. he's said it at least eighteen times just that day, all while introducing himself to new trainers around the region. he'd been in so many battles he wasn't surprised she recognized him. tattoos and HNN spotlights were dead giveaways.

"not only have i been battling nearly every day during this festival, but i was also features in the hnn articles."
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POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 13:06:16 GMT
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"my name is sam carter, i'm the new caretaker for mt. pyre."

it rolled off his tongue with ease. he's said it at least eighteen times just that day, all while introducing himself to new trainers around the region. he'd been in so many battles he wasn't surprised she recognized him. tattoos and HNN spotlights were dead giveaways.

"not only have i been battling nearly every day during this festival, but i was also features in the hnn articles."
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POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 15:04:06 GMT
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A look of recognition lights up Skyler Dross's face at the mention of the HNN article and Mt Pyre. Although she isn't keen on following the news, spending most of her days in oceanic depths, her parents had mentioned something about a new caretaker for the ghostly cemetery.

The thought of even stepping a foot in that place sends a shiver up her spine. It probably shows in the way her face pales ever so slightly.

"I think I've visited the once. I don't do too well around ghosts." She's better now, having acquired a couple of her own, but she still didn't dare trespass into haunted soil. "You know how it is with sailors and superstitions."

Grinning, she nudges him out of the arena to make way for a nearby bar. Of course. 

"Skyler Dross, ship captain and treasure hunter, at your service." Her grin is followed by an ice-cold beverage that is all but shoved at him. "My treat, Sam."

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