lulu vs skyler [H✩T]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2021 19:20:08 GMT
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The water rolled to her side, and splashed lightly on her feet. Footprints sank in the dark, to be gone with several waves and turning sand. Wingulls and Pelippers were sleeping somewhere, mostly. All was the breath of the ocean, and the cool breeze of tropical evening.

Lights danced across the surface of depths, reminding her that she was hardly alone. The festivities never fully died. However, she'd wandered far enough off from them that the sound of the ocean muffled everything else, and there was some sense of solitude.

Eyes wandered over to the lighthouse still far off, and briefly contemplated paying it another visit for old time’s sake.

“Remember that?”

She nodded towards the structure. Lunatone’s eyes beside her glowed red, but it was wordless.

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dross, captain
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 14:32:20 GMT
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Whatever fierce competitiveness permeates the Slateport seaside during the day quickly gives way to blooming festivities as soon as the sun crosses over the line of the horizon. A certain Captain Dross finds herself pulled into the burgeoning revelry, giving into it with reckless abandon and drunken laughter.

When she's spit out onto the dark sands of Slateport beach the sun has long left the sky, giving way to faint stars that nearby lights have as much as chased away. Sweat sticks to her forehead and back, and euphoria (or alcohol, either or) stains her sun-kissed cheeks in shades of pink.

Voices call out to her, eager to pull her back into the fray, but the captain ignores them to chase after the crashing of the waves. Bits and bobs of her earlier ventures come along with her: a flower crown askew on wild golden curls, a purple bruise along her knuckles, a halfway empty bottle grasped in her hand.

She takes the latter to her lips for a swig while bare feet sink into the ocean. The surface teasingly brushes past her ankles, her knees, her thighs. Only then does she becomes aware of another person nearby, scarce moonlight making it difficult to distinguish any features.

"Cheers." A bottle glints with silvery moonlight as Skyler hoists it up into the air with an insolent grin.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 4:44:12 GMT
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Broken bones healed.

It wasn’t that it was no hard feelings. Not quite. But, Dross had a way of captivating her. She didn’t want to kill her quite as badly as she might’ve anyone else. Was there a logical reason for it? Not really. Not that she could pin, anyways, or had ever really tried to. Lulu had a tendency to latch onto things at random, maybe.

She didn’t think about the captain too often these days. Dreams had subsided—obviously. Memories flashed in brief tingles on her neck, and were gone like the ghost of their good times. It was only in the recurring instances when saw the woman, right there in front of her, that mysterious effects took hold.

No MISTY TERRAIN necessary.

Maybe it was her aura, or something; like the stuff saw. Something she couldn’t see.

Maybe it was that grin, ever-toeing the line between fun and uncivil. It resonated with her.

Maybe it was the silver, and how it looked in the moonlight. Beauty encompassing the taste of salt and sweat of a hard day’s work, and an escalating night of debauchery…

Perhaps there’d been a reason Rinc’s coin had fallen on her boat that night. His spirit and the captain’s were kindred. Maybe he’d just wanted to sail away with her.

Lulu almost didn’t recognize Skyler, under her wreath of blossoms. Silly.

“Cheers, Captain.”

Eyes were locked on her face through the dark, not making a move to approach. Her feet weren’t planted enough for a standoff, but her steps lingered, making little to no progress to pass.

The Lunatone at her side had turned as well, red eyes beaming.

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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 22:42:06 GMT
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The raised bottle falters at the familiar timbre that shivers into her brain, its lilting accent carved into her consciousness in the wake of countless restless nights spent under the tender mercies of her nightmares.

It's not in Captain Dross's nature to look back. Her heart is a wild and defiant creature that steers her mercilessly forward with no care for who might be left behind. Those that cannot keep up become wisps of afterthoughts in the everchanging reality that the captain relentlessly carves for herself. 

With one exception.


Her smile is a thing of feral beasts, glinting under the moonlight like a promise. Like a threat. Like it wants to sink into Lulu's neck just to drag her under. If the captain feels self-conscious about the way amber eyes pierce into her, she shows none of it. Her head tilts, moon-bright eyes feverish with belligerent provocation. This is a game, they challenge, come play, Lu.

A lazy step is taken back into the waves, sinking the captain further. The swig she takes from the bottle is almost an afterthought, lips gleaming with the burn of alcohol. 

"Fancy meeting you here." Another swig, followed by a brief shifting of Skyler's gaze. "How's the wrist?"

Something is wrong here.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 23:43:32 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

She stopped circling coyly, and lined up her hunt.

Stupid. Every time, she kicked herself for forgetting half of her new identity that first night. She’d never corrected the woman. It wasn’t a nickname. It was just embarrassing.

Lulu could have passed through the grains of sand, and across the shadows of low waves to appear there, right in front of her as before, but she didn’t. Held back. Her gait was slow, savoring each step in perhaps what might be a lifelong pursuit—with an end willfully avoided, because the chase was simply too much fun.

For once, she paced herself. Called back, voice projected confidently across the waves, but cutting smooth and calm:

“It’s fine. All healed up; no harm done.”

The salt in the air stung her nostrils, and she felt the sand between her toes, and embraced that these things always reminded her of the captain. She was the ocean. It didn’t make sense, really. Something so vast, represented by a woman of mere moments in her life. Maybe it had been the purity of them—between swings of fists. There was, maybe, something else though.

It was complicated.

Water sloshed across the arches of her feet, and she shrugged, still leisurely breaking distance.

“How're the dreams?”

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dross, captain
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 13:56:36 GMT
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Perhaps it’s for the best that sunlight doesn’t touch whatever lies, unspoken, between Skyler and Lulu. Perhaps it's for the best that they only find each other in the shadow of what might have been. Memories of passion (and something that could've been tenderness) tempered by time and distance, weathered to faint recollections.

Otherwise they would’ve already pushed each other off of some unavoidable edge from which there would be no return.

And Skyler wouldn't hesitate to fall, if only to take Lulu down with her. Not when the breath catches in the captain’s throat, a hopeless victim to Lulu’s gravity, inevitably tugging her ever so closer. Sharp teeth in the moonlight, a frantic heartbeat that forgets itself to chase after the rhythm of an amber-eyed nightmare. Unflinching and wild.

It's addicting. 

Lulu slowly shortens the distance between the two of them, and the captain follows with silver eyes whetted razor-sharp and eager for battle. The ocean kisses the back of her thighs, then washes around her hips.

"..." It isn't in Skyler's nature to stay quiet, yet her lips part wordless before any sound spills from her mouth. Moonlight pools in the scarred curve of her neck. "Would you like me to tell you about my dreams, Lu?"

Beneath the waves, something lingers. Skyler's smile grows feral.

"Or would you rather I show you?"

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2021 5:06:51 GMT
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She hadn’t been in the ocean since an unfortunate encounter with a Mareanie. Maybe it was best not to fuck with the ocean, but here it was, staring at her. Beckoning. Lapping at her legs as she waded deeper towards the siren, aglow with moonlight.

Her voice sent chills past her ears and down the back of her neck. It sent with it wanting in ways she wasn’t sure of. Fingers at the end of a healed wrist flexed, feeling splashes as the water reached her knee.

Closer, closer.

It was too dark to glimpse the silver, but the white of her grin was like the sudden strike of a match. It sent adrenaline rushing through her.

Lunatone hovered at the edge of sand still, reflecting over the watery sheen of the shoreline.

Though feeling an impending sense of threat, Lulu did nothing. Only stopped, right where the very tip of her middle finger dragged a wave.

“They’re bad, aren’t they?”

She smirked, flashing teeth as well.

“Go on, then, Captain. Show me what a nightmare looks like.”

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dross, captain
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 14:35:43 GMT
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Sometimes it feels good to hurt. Sometimes it feels good to make others hurt. And sometimes you just couldn't help it, not when gravity inevitably has you clash against another with teeth and claw.

It's something that until very recently had only played a very small part in Skyler's life, and mostly when a certain amber-eyed woman blew through it with all the subtlety of a hurricane.

Watching Lulu wade into the water to the sound of her challenge pulls an all-too satisfied smile from the ship captain's mouth.

Nightmares shiver in the surface of Skyler's mind, dragged from the depths. And while the slap against her cheek that fateful night had faded rapidly, other things lingered in the rapidly darkening of silver eyes. In the way she watches Lulu's prowl with ravenous purpose.

A finger drags itself over a wave, like a lover's caress.

From somewhere beyond the shallow waves, a single note pierces through the night, warbling and strange - but beautiful. It is a pied piper's call to follow, a siren's song beckoning, painted silver by moonlight.

When Lulu next looks, Skyler seems to have vanished in the water. Only the song remains, haunting and all-encompassing.

lapras sings a melody that causes everyone within the vicinity to try and drown themselves for TWO POSTS. if inapplicable, they will instead be unable to take action. taking significant damage will break the trance early.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 22:16:29 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
More mind control.

She felt the shift, and then she vanished into some sort of void.

All of these other dreams… this was one of her own nightmares. She didn’t fear it in the waking world, like , but it had haunted her nonetheless—back in those days when she had been able to sleep.

All sense of heat and amusement faded from Lulu, and her face went flat. The ocean sang, and called to her, and there was nothing else. Reaching down near her submerged toes in the sand, she fished around until hands closed around a rock.

Raising upright again, she waded deeper, deeper… Walking right past the captain without so much as a glance.

Then, she began swimming...

Lunatone followed benignly, moon body levitating strangely until it skimmed the foam of waves, and then  submerged itself.

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dross, captain
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 21:39:19 GMT
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For perhaps the first time in her life, Captain Skyler Dross simply watches.

Waves part to reveal an elegant neck and doe-like eyes, the shape of a gentle creature turned horror under the scarce moonlight that kisses the landscape around them. The song floats within Skyler's mind, but only from memory. Even the shifting surface of the sea is silent to her tonight - though its beckoning allure is no different.

She's always belonged to the ocean.

Silver falls into shadow as wispy strands of dark hair disappear beneath the shallow waters. Floating silently above, a Lunatone follows soon after, its red glare fading into darkness.

Captain Dross has been here many, many times before. In dreams, in nightmares. Watching the drowned. Guiding them to gently rest at the bottom of the sea, fathoms below.

What is one more, really? 

lapras sings a melody that causes everyone within the vicinity to try and drown themselves for TWO POSTS. if inapplicable, they will instead be unable to take action. taking significant damage will break the trance early.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 0:42:01 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
She reached far waves.

Where was Darkrai in all of this?

Given that the god was ever-present with Lulu, it too had succumbed to the Lapras’ song. It was, perhaps, the furthest into the ocean by now, descending into abyss.

Hopefully, by the grace of its powers, it would not drown.

Lulu, too, finally committed to losing herself to the ocean. The hand with the rock went up, and then came down on her head, knocking her unconscious. She sunk into the water.

Lunatone’s eyes glowed, only to light their mortal descent.


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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 21:03:55 GMT
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Captain Dross leans over the surface of the water to catch sight of a figure crumbling in the shallow depths. It isn't so much the moonlight, its pale gaze unable to reach past the dark surface, as it is the Solrock that floats behind her, shining a weak light in that particular spot.

Curiosity blooms, insidious, within Captain Dross's expression. The ship captain had long learned not to look back, and it is no different with Lulu. Whatever temptations might've lingered in foregone memories have long been buried to make way for new horizons. With one very recent exception.

The amber-eyed woman had wrestled control from Skyler once. The captain was simply paying her dues.

And death was perhaps too harsh a response.

Her flower crown is lost to greedy undercurrents as she dives into the water, a muscled arm wrapping around Lulu's waist to bring her to the surface and onto a Lapras shell.

Captain Dross hoists herself up, leaning precariously over Lulu's shape, dripping seawater onto drenched fabric and skin. 

Drowning, the captain decides, does not look good on Lulu. 

Better make sure she doesn't stay that way.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 5:07:20 GMT
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Darkrai rose from the ocean, conscious and alive, and instantly aware of its avatar’s condition. Furious, dark energy spilled out from it as it neared the Lapras.

It hovered there, glaring, maybe, but didn’t attack—because Lulu’s life depended on this woman.

‘Save her.’

Its deep voice was commanding.

Meanwhile, the Lunatone did not return. Perhaps it had succumbed to the song...

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dross, captain
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 9:11:16 GMT
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The captain teeters on the edge of a decision she'd already taken, silver gaze drawn to condensed shadows and a furious glare. Defiance rises up in her chest in spite of its foolishness, facing off against a god that could easily tear her mind to shreds.

"I was going to." Her voice is quiet, breathed over salt-stained skin. It rings out hollow in the aftermath of near (?) death, regardless of its honesty.

She could've blamed the tequila on her tongue, but since the war Captain Dross had ceased taking much stock in the divine. Even when it promises to destroy. Especially when it promises to destroy.

Moonlight pools in the curve of Lulu's neck, rough pads tracing its edges as the captain leans forward and over Lulu's body - a warped parody of gentleness. 

"My nightmares are my own." Teeth flash out, visible only to shadows made deific, before the ship captain leans in to pull the water out of Lulu's lungs. 

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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lulu vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 6:27:13 GMT
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His skin. His touch, running along the nape of her neck…

“It’s been so long.”

“It was all just a dream.”



As she awoke, water hurled from her lungs violently and she came back kicking all at once, beneath another body, and went limp for a moment. She stared up at the captain, who was not him.

Unaware of what had happened, but feeling a sense of dread she couldn’t shake, and the explosiveness of her sudden heartache, her head rammed forward to headbutt Skyler. Regardless of the outcome, her body was engulfed in shadow and disappeared from the back of the Lapras, and out from the captain’s arms.

Darkrai disappeared as well, and their forms could maybe be scarcely seen reappearing through thicker darkness away from the beach.

Lunatone had been left behind. It rose out of the water, staring at Skyler, but making no move to attack. It then floated off into the distance.

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