[m] carpe diem and all that

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2021 1:51:22 GMT
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capturing water-types was a great old time. she liked the beasties of the deep. maybe it was 'cause she was raised in a port town. maybe not. Dutch actually enlisted two people today to help. she liked the risk, and she liked the premise of inviting a League folk along for the ride. it was the sneakity-sneak that made her all tingly. 

sitting on her Gyarados, she sent out GPS to the two's phones. one was a Rocket, for back-up. the other a League member to watch their backs. the guise was she was in need of more water-types; she trained solely them and would like some extra hands to help capture. of course, the Rocket and her - also Rocket - would be shepherding the Pokemon to their organization.

she hoped to land a big one.

open SOOTOPOLIS: SEIZE mission. one league and one rocket allowed.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 2:24:48 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Since today he was playing the role of Mars, Team Rocket grunt like any other, and not mister rich CEO of a bank Martín del Mar, the man made the wise choice not to bring his yacht. That would have been a bit of a tell, huh? Most people just didn’t have boats like that! Kind of a shame, if you asked Mars.
On the bright side, it did give him the chance to have some fun with his pokémon, and fun he sure did have: bringing along his wake board, he had securely tied a rope to his Sharpedo’s dorsal fin (which Terpsichore didn’t seem to really mind), and with one command, she had began swimming at top speed. Improvised wakeboarding session! Hell yeah! And, let me tell you, ‘top speed’ sure was something when we’re talking about a pokémon with Speed Boost as an ability.
His Glaceon rode at the front of the board, and holding onto the handle with just one hand, the other reached for an empty pokéball – ready to chuck it at the first thing he saw. After all, Mars knew a thing or two about catching water types (considering they usually were the only type of pokémon he did catch) and if Team Rocket was going to send him to go get a whole bunch, he might as well have a hell of a time while at it, right?!

In the distance, he could see the Gyarados belonging to his fellow Rocket member, but wasn't someone else going to join them? Hasn't she said something about a League member? Huh... That would be interesting.


+ @dutch & @stylianos | MISSION



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 2:54:31 GMT
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A GPS ping went straight to a phone. A little, slightly out of date touch-phone with a Rotom theme. Not one of those fancy pokedexes, mind you. Just a thing to text friends and bump Steely Dan with. Stylianos felt a buzz in his pocket. He was wearing a striped button-up, white jeans, and white leather sandals with no socks.

Having requisitioned a paddleboat fit for two, he managed to row his way out to the coordinates given. He'd be a little later than expected, but that'd be fine. She didn't look too lonely out there on the water. There was that man out there, wakeboarding atop the back of some kind of shark! Oh, that incorrigible Ms. Ahlberg!

Stylianos finally made his way over, and nearly keeled over in the boat under the duress of paddling out there. Luckily, he landed on a pokeball clipped to his belt, not unlike sitting on your keyring. A humongous fruit bat chirped at him, trying to hold him upright long enough to narrow his eyes and smile weakly at the two.

"Oh! It's you again! Miss Ahlberg! I finally found work... but I didn't think I'd see you again!! Oh, and... you there! I don't know your name... but I used to work with her! My name is Stylianos!"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 3:46:14 GMT
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she wasn't as really known to the organization as some grunts. having been a pirate first and a Rocket second, she just joined after a period of wandering Hoenn aimlessly. thankfully they took her in, but she didn't mind if they hadn't. there was always something to do in this godsforsaken region. "oi! sick moves!" she calls to and his Pokemon, waving energetically.

a random ass water-type would appear at her yell, seizing up when it stared into the face of her Gyarados. he leered at it before Dutch threw a Pokeball, capturing it. well, that was fuckin' easy. but out of all the peeps she didn't expect to run into, she ran into a fellow crewmate. "Style!" she caws as he made his way over, having earned a nickname long ago from the woman.

she wanted to lean over and slap him on the back of the head, rustle his hair but was too focused on the task. a Magikarp jumped - making an easy capture as she pulled another Pokeball out and threw it. "fancy seein' yer ugly mug around here, eh?!" she retrieves the full sphere from the Gyarados' tail. @stylianos, finding 'honest' work?

the world knew it could happen. "so you chums helpin' me out today? fuck yeah. I need all the water-types I can get." course she knew Martin was a Rocket, but Styles seemed to be on the straight and narrow. shame. 

ooc; 2/5
open SOOTOPOLIS: SEIZE mission. one league and one rocket allowed.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 15:07:10 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”Ha! Thanks! You wanna give it a shot?”
This Dutch Ahlberg seemed like his type of gal. See, usually Mars did a thorough background check on his mission partners if he considered it necessary, but since in this case it could have easily passed for them just being a bunch of trainers wanting to have a good time and catch some water types, he thought there wasn’t much point in bothering with all that. Anyone who rode around on a Gyarados and understood the beauty of wakeboarding was someone he could vibe with though! As for the other guy…
”Hey!” Mars did a casual two-finger salute with the hand that was holding the pokéball, making Terpsichore turn and go slower in order to pass by the paddleboat. ”I’m Mars! How’s it going?” Apparently, Dutch knew him, which was good, since that made it much more likely for him to buy the whole story about their goal with capturing all these pokémon. Someone else may have felt a bit guilty about the fact that the guy was being tricked, but Mars himself? Eh… well… he didn’t really give it a thought.
He was much more preoccupied with enjoying himself and watching the crystalline waters around them. And, as such, he was more than ready to act when a Mantine suddenly jumped out nearby. He whistled. ”Mel, on your left,” and without needing any more instruction than that, the Glaceon shot an effective Freeze-Dry at the Kite Pokémon. How’s that for an Ice Type move?! ’Miss me with those type advantages.’
”Good one!” Was all the praise he gave, chucking the pokéball in the direction of the now-frozen Mantine and then making sure to pick it up before it sank.


+ @dutch & @stylianos | MISSION



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 21:12:42 GMT
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A GPS ping went straight to a phone. A little notification letting him know he arrived. The straight and narrow as she put it was slightly patronizing. Ads left and right telling you that you’re a goody good boy who deserves a treaty treat. Buy charja-cola and order from Gatto Randagio Bistro in Mauville. It’s the sort of thing that made him slightly grateful that he was whisked away to some fishing trip in the middle of nowhere.

Having come to his senses, he recalled Swoobat and ushered out Natu. The bird was orders of magnitude smaller than anything else, thank Arceus. His Bampas from the old country bet the house on a career in bird breeding... sentenced the family to a cramped apartment in Unova. His mind wandered, but he had to smile and respond to the jab from that incorrigible Ms Ahlberg.

”Oh, I’m ugly. When’s the last time you had a man, you old bat?

Stylianos made a bird call with cupped hands, calling for Natu to use Confuse Ray on the waters below. A wave rocked his boat, signaling a collision between two great big fish for them to capitalize on.

"Oh! I don’t have a rod, but I can stir them up for you all. Thanks, Mars."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 23:36:29 GMT
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did she want to try it? did her Gyarados have no arms? "fuck yeah!" she hollers back at the dark haired man "after this job, you and me, pretty boy" she winks at with a broad grin "then we'll have a race!" and winner take all the glory and all that jazz. she turns back to 'Style' with a widened smirk "as much fun as it'd be regaling ya with my conquests, we got work to do!" she didn't kiss and tell anyway.

some losers did that. it was wrong, even for her position in Rocket. why go around spreading that shit? nobody needed to brag about their sleeping partners unless they was on a pirate ship - and that ship had sailed months prior. "besides" she crosses her arms with a more playful grin "who says I'm just into men?" hah, take that Styles, my boy. he had much to learn about Former Quartermaster Dutch. she didn't see gender or lack of gender.

a Huntail would be the next prey, confused by Styles' Pokemon. she saluted the blue haired man as it appeared, and she had Leviathan bite it idly, shaking it for good effort. what? it was a fucking Gyarados. you expect it to be nice and gentle? "leave some for the Pokeball, Levi" she requests, tossing the sphere at it and capturing.

ooc; 3/5
open SOOTOPOLIS: SEIZE mission. one league and one rocket allowed.
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 19:05:17 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”Sounds good! It’s a date! Grinning, he winked right back at Dutch, his words threading the fine line between joking and flirtatious. He was good at that: balancing acts. Both literal and metaphorical, as should have been made obvious by the way he so easily seemed to find balance atop of his wake board. Did all that come naturally or was it the result of hours of practice? In a way, it was both, since in both cases practice makes perfect, after all.
”Ey, nice call! Bet that’ll get us a whole bunch.” Mars praised the handiwork of both Stylianos and his pokémon, just in time for a Huntail to appear and for the Gyarados to almost chow down on it for dinner. Well… they sure were going to need a whole bunch if that’s the way things were going to go, huh? Not like he could say much though, considering that Terpsichore was bound to thrash anything that blocked her path.
And speaking of…
Out of the blue, the Sharpedo sank deeper into the water, her dorsal fin completely disappearing under the surface. ”Woah! Hey!” The man wiggled comically on the board, adjusting positions in order not to fall over. It only lasted a few seconds though. For, soon enough a Tentacool was tossed high out of the water and into the skies, the Sharpedo returning as if nothing had happened at all. Ah, so one of the confused pokémon had gotten in her way after all.
Mars threw a pokéball at it, of course.


+ @dutch & @stylianos | MISSION



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 18:21:21 GMT
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The boat rolled on the waves gently. He wasn’t fully deterred by the two rushing, thrashing around and wrestling smaller fish. Steel was slightly shaken. A smile sat on his face. If the boat rocked any more rhythmically, he’d be slowly lulled to sleep. It seemed obvious now, how someone could lay down at sea and wake up pink all over hours later.

Having come to his senses, Natu sat on him and pecked a small thing off his shoulder. Steel hadn’t even noticed what looked like a little moth egg on his button-up until his bird dealt with it.

”Either way, you’re right. We have work to do. I’ll rustle something up, but you can take care of it.

Stylianos made a bird call with cupped hands, calling for Natu to use Extrasensory on the waters below. A wave rocked his boat, signaling a great big Tentacruel being pulled up to surface, chasing smaller fish up with it. Its eyes darted around. Steel gripped the edge of the boat to avoid falling over.

"Mars! On your left!"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 0:43:19 GMT
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she roared with laughter at the man's rebuke, throwing her head back with her long brunette locks rocking. oh yeah, she liked this Mars guy. he knew how to have a good time. speaking of a good time, Styles let it drop even if she wanted them to tease each other back and forth like they used to do on the ship. she longed for those simpler times. not war and factions - but benefiting from them.

another Tentacruel emerged from the depths as the first one did, spitting poison. Leviathan was quick to dodge, slapping the offending Pokemon with his tail in rage. how dare it attack the mighty sea carp?! Dutch was quick to capture it, adding it to the many Pokeballs already between them. Styles didn't even ask questions. she liked that. maybe it was cause he knew the former Quartermaster. 

she liked her water-types. she liked capturing water-types. she liked fighting them. "nother round, folks!" she waved energetically from her spot "let's get some big'uns!"

ooc; 4/5
open SOOTOPOLIS: SEIZE mission. one league and one rocket allowed.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 6:01:15 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Some would have had reason to think that someone who “specialized” in water type pokémon would have felt a certain type of way about capturing so many of them for Team Rocket’s sake. It was unlikely that most of them would be treated kindly by those who ended up receiving those pokéballs, and none of these creatures had done anything egregious enough to deserve such a fate. Mars knew all this, but he saw no problem with it.
The bounties of the sea were plentiful, and even if they hadn’t been, wasn’t it the pokémon's own fault for being captured so easily? They could have at least fought, no? Weakness was intolerable to him, and so none of the pokémon that now formed part of a high stack of orbs had managed to spark his interest.
Like the pair of Tentacruel that suddenly appeared; Mars raising a brow when he looked to his left with Stylianos’ warning. The pokémon tried a Water Gun, but his Glaceon was quick to solidify the stream with a Freeze-Dry, then gracefully jumping onto it to go Bite the silly squid that thought it could attack her. Mars chucked a pokéball at it. Melpomene swam back to the board. It was business as usual.
But then, stirring the water and causing Mars to hold onto his Sharpedo, it was a confused Wailord that floated up to the surface, bobbing along with the tide as if a gigantic blue buoy.
”Ha! Well, damn, you wanted big ones! Anyone want dibs on catching that one?”


+ @dutch & @stylianos | MISSION
[break]Gotta go to the wrap with a bang! hehe



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2021 5:41:45 GMT
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The bird was orders of magnitude smaller than anything else, thank Arceus. The sea rumbled with Dutch and Martin pulling out countless fish. The sun caught the ripples of the deep blue, giving them white flashes. The salt of the sea evaporated in the heat, dispersing and giving all of them the faint scent of it.

Then, oh sweet mother of God. These people stirred up a blue whale, for their trouble. The sheer displacement of the water turned his boat 45 degrees, dunking his slumped over head in the water for a second. He then shoved the boat to keep it up. Steel sucked air past clenched teeth with discomfort.

”It's all yours. I insist.

Stylianos made a bird call with cupped hands, calling for Natu to use Confuse Ray on Wailord infront of them. Surely if it thrashed about in its dazed state, the two would realize that it was no longer just fun and games.

"I don't think I could knock that thing out if I had a whole day to do it."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2021 18:56:28 GMT
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"git it, Leviathan" Dutch ordered at the whale's emergence. the Gyarados swam forward, intent to harm. it shot a Hydro Pump at the confused beast before getting closer, Crunching down on it. from on top of her sea throne, the woman watches. she is quiet, knowing the Wailord could snap out of its dazed state and do some real damage. best do this quickly.

"one more, big guy" she pats the enraged carp who was all but focused on the Wailord "stand back!" Dutch roars to the two humans and their partners "now, Hyper Beam!" that was ample enough time to get the fuck out of the way. a blast of power shot from the Gyarados' mouth, hitting the Wailord on the skull.

it'd cry out in alarm, confusion and pain. the mighty beast of the ocean would faint. "thanks for the assist, Styles" she adds to her former pirate cohort, tossing a Pokeball at the Wailord.

ooc; 5/5
open SOOTOPOLIS: SEIZE mission. one league and one rocket allowed.
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Mars | Tuesday
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Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2021 14:05:05 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

No longer moving around in the water, the board had started to partially sink as Mars continued to hold onto his Sharpedo’s dorsal fin – the pokémon’s willingness to stay by his side being the only thing holding the man up over the surface. He didn’t seem at all concerned by this, and he simply continued to watch as the Gyarados attacked the giant target that had appeared before them, ready to have his pokémon provide some support if he saw a need for it.
He didn’t.
His Glaceon, who until now had mostly been at the front of his board, now sat on the Sharpedo’s back, and she let out a yawn. It was no surprise that this was starting to get tiring for Melpomene after they had caught so many pokémon – even if Mars himself was enjoying his time wakeboarding with Terpsichore. It would soon be time to return to shore, and Team Rocket would surely appreciate all those new water types they had just caught, including the Wailord towards which Dutch had just tossed a pokéball.
With a flash of light, the pokémon disappeared from sight, the red and white sphere being left floating idly as if nothing had just happened here.
”Nice going! Should we call that a wrap?” He asked.


+ @dutch & @stylianos | MISSION



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[m] carpe diem and all that
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2021 6:04:07 GMT
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The bird was orders of magnitude smaller than anything else, thank Arceus. The sea rumbled with Dutch and Martin pulling out the great whale. The sea-devil whose mere movement nearly capsized Stylianos’ boat and drowned him. They managed to contain it, thankfully.

They seemed too flippant about the threat it really faced. Rightfully so, given how well it was handled. Nonetheless, they were perfect for eachother.

”Yeah, man. This was fun, but I got work tomorrow.

Stylianos whistled for Natu to come back. For the small bird to perch on the boat, as he slowly rotated it. Given his rowing technique, this turned him to face the two of them. Steel had a gentle grin on his face, and a slight shine from the layer of sweat all over.

"I don't wanna push my luck here. We might run into TWO Wailords, and there’ll be nobody left."

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP