one last hst thread [(H✩T)]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 2:42:02 GMT
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Giona looked him over. He seemed... vaguely familiar. They drank together, probably. That felt like ages ago, what with him quitting drinking and all. He also seemed like a local character that ended up in the news. His name escaped him somehow.

"Hey, man. I've already accomplished everything I set out to accomplish this month. This sun shit is burning a hole in my brain. I feel like I know you, but not your name... Do you want a drink? The least I could do is spare you this fate."

Giona said, towing a 6 pack of fruit-essenced sparkling waters with him. He undid a plastic ring and offered a can to Sam, walking across a sand dune to deliver it to him. "Also, do you want one last battle? I'm wrapping up and moving on after this."

Giona tugged at the towel around his neck. It was slightly damp; and an attempt to keep heat out and moisture in. Somehow, the sea-salt tinged air and sun produced a dry heat, despite being close to the coastline. Giona popped open another can. The carbon vapor hit his nose first, followed by the scent of Pecha berry. He just barely managed to stop himself from chugging it.

Giona then returned to the opposite side of the sand dune, looking to the row of pokeballs clipped to the waistband of his sweatpants.

"Are you.................. There was an article about Mount Pyre recently. Was that you?"

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the ferryman
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samuel carter
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 2:58:28 GMT
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"thank you."

sam admittedly didn't know the youth's name, but he recognized his face from various times in the festival and tournament. even passing faces became a memory for him to recall, eidetic brain and all. the gratitude for the drink was given with a smile and a polite nod.

"i wouldn't mind a battle," sam encouraged as he took his steps back. "and, yes, that's me. sam carter, mt. pyre's caretaker."

as the battle was situated, sam pulled out a pokéball and released his whimsicott, pixie.
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catello casimiro
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june 20th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 4:40:52 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Giona smiled. He'd gotten one thing correct. It'd linger with him for quite some time.

"...Oh. That's fantastic. I'm glad that you're doing what you do... I'm..."

Giona is very much out of it. Fatigued. He downed a fifth of his sparkling water, and cleared his throat to a second. Heat caused things to expand, and the heat they were in certainly expanded the inside of his throat. He had a vocal fry like he was waking up early in the morning. Vowels stretched. Consonants bled together. "I'm a gym leader. On my days off, I love to hike along Mount Pyre. If you ever need an extra set of hands, you can look me up. My contact info is all public... much to my chagrin."

Giona then let loose a rustling pokeball; the surefire sign of a thing waking from a nap. Must've been his ever-restless Rowlet. The baby that resembled that foul thing that chased him and Chryssa so many months ago. A red beam let the little football out, and it came to life with a chirping sound that sounded like a low note that a human singer could hit.

"You can go first, if you'd like. I needed to take this little one for a walk."

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the ferryman
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samuel carter
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 12:30:35 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
"i'll keep that in mind. perhaps after this festival we can get together for coffee."

he meant it, as well. sam enjoyed knowing the locals that frequented mt. pyre. it was better than being like old man mr. dom pey who used to scold anybody who came on the mountain without permission -- that he could catch anyway.

at sight of the rowlet, sam smiled. he'd never owned a rowlet before, or the emo middle evolution, but he had a decidueye of his own. apollo. which reminded him... he hadn't named this whimsicott, but he had a feeling she'd appreciate the first name that came to mind.

"pixie, keep it stationary."

the nickname made the whimsicott's eyes sparkle with delight. an excited dance caused her to wiggle and jump with joy. she twisted then, facing her cotton back toward the rowlet, and shooting out a LEECH SEED.
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catello casimiro
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june 20th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 18:48:57 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Giona smiled. He adjusted the damp towel he covered himself with, and downed more of his sparkling water.

"I’d love to hang out, sometime. It’d mean a lot to me that we did that."

Giona is very much out of it. Fatigued. He downed a fifth of his sparkling water, and cleared his throat to a second. His Rowlet seemed to come to life, and even looked to him for instructions, just long enough to be bombarded with Leech Seed. "If they’re gonna sit still... it’s on us to be aggressive. To push the advantage. Rowlet, use Pluck."

The little football sprung into action. It tried to lunge, and clip Whimsicott with its beak. To use Pluck right away.


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the ferryman
october fourteenth
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samuel carter
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 13:24:21 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
"i'll see what i can work into my schedule."

his eyes fell then to the battle, and to the expression his whimsicott had given at being plucked. like she just couldn't believe it.

"careful when you kick up a storm, pixie."

He didn't want some sort of sand storm to spring to life when she unleashed a HURRICANE, which lifted her up and into the sky, floating as the hurricane did it's work to the little owl.
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catello casimiro
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june 20th
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 4:43:19 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Giona smiled. He seemed to adjust to the heat a little, having finished the rest of his sparkling water. He held the can, knowing that walking away to dispose of it would look like a surrender.

"I’d have to see what days off I have, then compare them to your calendar. Either way, I'm quick to reply to emails."

Nonetheless, a cloud of dust is whipped up by Hurricane. Rowlet is carried away, dropped and nearly buried in the sand. Still barely up. Giona on the other hand buried his face in his towel to avoid sand in his eyes. "...Let's try that again. Rowlet, use Pluck."

The little football sprung into action. It tried to lunge, and clip Whimsicott with its beak. To use Pluck right away.


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the ferryman
october fourteenth
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samuel carter
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 17:29:16 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
the gusts were dying down as the pluck landed, causing whimsicott to grow irritated rather quickly. the leech seed was helping her gain an upper hand, both by draining the rowlet's power and feeding her that same power.

twisting, now close, she let loose a surprise MOONBLAST, which had her throwing her hands up in what she assumed would be a victory dance. why? because she had thought she nailed the rowlet with that blast and so close? why not dance?

sam gave a small smile at his whimsicott's antics. she always got excited in a fight and he didn't blame her. she was very competitive.

"well done, but don't get too cocky."
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catello casimiro
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june 20th
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 19:56:36 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Giona smiled. He seemed to adjust to the heat a little, having finished the rest of his sparkling water. He held the can, knowing that walking away to dispose of it would look like a surrender.


A quick blast of light was all it took. Rowlet could’ve held out if it responded to the hurricane with Synthesis, but that didn’t happen. Giona made a bad call and that was it. "...Good game."

The little football was withdrawn with a red beam. Giona curled his fingers to avoid flashing the red R. Rowlet was spared further harm by this, and Sam was the winner.


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the ferryman
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samuel carter
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 20:06:20 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
sam recalled his whimsicott when the other's rowlet was returned. he made his way closer, blocking the sun from ginoa's eyes, hopefully.

"it was a decent battle."

motioning toward the nearest building, he offers to escort the youth toward it.

"why don't we go take a break in the shades? your cheeks are flushed, i wouldn't stay in the sun for much longer."

meanwhile sam's in a fucking hoodie managing the heat just fine. he's well hydrated and used to working the sun, hot or otherwise.
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played by


catello casimiro
he him
june 20th
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2021 16:33:25 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Giona smiled. Sam wore a bulky hoodie and still saw fit to escort him out of the sun. His kidneys must be going through something even more intense than any blast on the field. Giona looked to him, glistening because of a thin layer of sweat all over.

"I’m sure you’re busy, but I appreciate your concern."

A minute of adjusting his damp towel followed. Giona then started to gather his belongings, picking up his 6 pack of sparkling water and pokeballs. He then started towards the building."...Good game. I think I need to spend more time training Rowlet, and that Ivysaur."

Giona seemed to avoid physical contact, not out of discomfort, but out of concern that he’d be gross. That he’d have a sick dog’s texture. For now, he’d have to weakly smile and plan his escape to his home in Rustboro.


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the ferryman
october fourteenth
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samuel carter
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2021 16:46:38 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
"if you insist... but i really don't mind."

ginoa looked a bit like he was struggling, a little too hot. which reminded sam.

"i can bring out my swampert and have him make a cool bit of water real quick. maybe cool off before we start moving? you really don't look to good."

maybe he was just a worried momma bear but sam didn't want this kid passing out if he could help it.
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2021 20:58:29 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Giona smiled. Giona looked to him, glistening because of a thin layer of sweat all over. Once again, Sam insisted on helping him. With the building in sight, no less. He had to avoid seeming ungrateful.

"I’m almost there. Then... I'll finish the rest of this six pack, and it'll be fine."

A minute of adjusting his damp towel followed. Giona felt his eyes light up at the mention of a pool of cool water."...That sounds great, but I'm so close already. It'd be a waste to give up at this point."

Giona continued to walk towards that building in the distance. By the time he got there, his sweaty hand left perfect fingerprints on the bar on the door. Finally near some air conditioning, he slumped into the nearest chair and chugged another can of sparkling water, not just to get hydrated, but to fight off his throat expanding and closing in the heat.


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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
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samuel carter
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 11:55:14 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
sam followed, just in case. that, and the building was a cool break from the heat of the sun. he gave a glance at the door handle and pushed his hoodie sleeve across it to get rid of the fingerprints of sweat. mostly because of his obsessive compulsive disorder.

"you may be dehydrated, needing more than just sparkling water to quench it. i'd look into drinking about forty ounces of straight water in this heat."

just a little pro tip from the guy who works night or day in the middle of a graveyard on top of a mountain.
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catello casimiro
he him
june 20th
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @jonah
giona ferrara
one last hst thread [(H✩T)]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 4:28:17 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Giona smiled. Giona looked to him, glistening because of a thin layer of sweat all over. His lips seemed stuck together thanks to his dehydration. Ontop of that, the expansion caused by the heat left his voice fried like he woke up from a deep sleep. He popped the top and downed an entire eight ounces of water. He then put the cam directly in a recycling bin.

"Thanks for offering your help. I’m... probably headed home soon. Just gotta regain my composure first."

A minute of adjusting his damp towel followed. He managed to completely even out the distribution of moisture, feeling less like a sick dog in any one place.."You probably have friends at this event too... I wouldn’t mind if you checked your notifications."

Giona sat with his back straight to avoid touching anything. His posture was shaky as he offered a gentle smile, before popping a tab. The familiar hiss of carbon vapor made his eyes light up, as he started to down another can.


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