james and the giant peach [ff]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2019 15:06:57 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar
Mission Details here




let the long night begin.

It was a new year, which meant new things to explore and do!

Unfortunately, for Alexei it meant that despite the holidays there was no rest for the wicked. There were new requests coming in, and not enough people to answer all of them. So here he was, having gone out to the base of Mount Pyre and was sent to protect a tree somewhere up the misty mountain.

What he couldn’t understand was how this particular tree kept on getting uprooted despite it being planted in a place that was…reasonably devoid of paranormal activity.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Either way, here he was—holding a couple of boxes that was given to him for the evening; which contained wrapped rice balls stuffed with mystery filling. The tree was somewhere up the mountain, but where was his companion?

What he found stranger was the fact that despite Mount Pyre being much further away from Fortree, any and every available League member available was called in to answer these frantic summons.

“What’s up with this tree anyway,” he mumbled to himself, wondering what he’d meet at the tree.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2019 15:50:25 GMT
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Protecting a peach tree definitely wasn't the hardest thing he's done. At least in Mihai's opinion but then again he had no idea why it needed protecting in the first place. The tree apparently attracted ghosts in the new year. At first, he thought maybe they wanted the fruits but it was completely out of season for it to have any fruits.
Mihai was pretty sure he would never understand ghosts. He barely understood Amelia. The newly evolved aegislash sat at his hip with her shield on the other side. He knew how to use swords but not shields so it was going to be a learning experience for them both. Asta was also newly evolved but he sat in his pokeball the ninetales was itching for a fight and he didn't want him to get too excited and attack the wrong thing.
"Hey there,"
Mihai said walking up to a semi-familiar face. They had met a bit ago when they discovered a man with amnesia. He was terrible with names until he'd heard them enough. Best to avoid trying to say it for now.
"Good to see you again. Looks like we're partners for this,"
Mihai said standing beside him and looking up the mountain. From what he understood the tree was really old. So it had to be rather large and hard to miss.
"Shall we,"
Mihai started up the path. They had to get there before nightfall because that was when the ghosts came out to play. "How you been since we met last?"



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


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[newclass=.piratemihai-tri2]width: 0; height: 0; border: 0 solid transparent; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 60px; border-bottom: 250px solid #fefefe; position: absolute; margin-top: 250px; margin-left: -65px; [/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2019 17:20:45 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar




“I was the closest gym leader they could contact who wasn’t doing anything,” he said in greeting once Mihai was close enough. He then blinked and did a double-take—what the fuck was that on his waist? Since he’d transferred his PokéGear temporarily to his left hand and discreetly scanned the sword-and-shield that was slung across the other’s hip.

Once the data flashed on his screen, he read it silently before looking back up at Mihai, eyebrows going up ever so slightly; wondering if he was going to be okay with that particular Pokémon that was hanging around the other’s waistline area.

“Are… you sure you’re going to be fine with that Aegislash? I mean, you do know of the Honedge line’s reputation for sucking out souls, right… he hummed quietly, before remembering that his right hand was still in the cast (despite the fact that he could already move it around—he still had to wear it at a certain doctor’s insistence) although it was almost usable; he just had to be careful in case he threw it out by accident.

Looking up the path, he groaned quietly.

“Shame we can’t fly up there… then again, I’d end up drawing attention too much if I did that,” he admitted with a defeated shrug.

“At least they were nice enough to give us food for the evening,” he added a few moments later, gesturing to the lacquer boxes he had with him.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2019 18:07:18 GMT
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"Yeah I'll be fine," Mihai responded resting a hand on her hilt. Much to the aegislash's delight. "She's actually quite nice for a ghost type."
She wasn't actually nice. She was just in love with her master's hands. Swordsmen were so rare nowadays with guns and all that. So he was such a rare catch she just had to keep him around.
"I need a flying pokemon,"
Mihai said in response to his complaint about not being able to fly. Mihai walked or drove everywhere because of his lack of a pokemon able to carry him.
"Should have thought of that myself,"
Mihai said noticing the lacquer boxes. "You want me to carry them?" He felt bad letting the man with a cast do all the lifting so to speak. Though he doubted they were that heavy.
It was a decent incline but the path itself was pretty stable. The brush of the mountain was of course dead for the winter leaving bare branches reaching out. Knowing they were going to be fighting ghost it felt slightly foreboding.
Mihai had to think which of his pokemon would be most useful for this. Amelia wouldn't last the night since as a ghost herself she was weak to ghosts as well as strong against them. Bann his normal type would be the most effective at holding the line. He could heal himself, buff himself and he had no normal moves meaning he could hit the ghosts as well as put them to sleep. He would be relying on him a lot tonight.
"Do you enjoy being a gym leader,"
Mihai asked making small talk.



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


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[newclass=.piratemihai-tri2]width: 0; height: 0; border: 0 solid transparent; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 60px; border-bottom: 250px solid #fefefe; position: absolute; margin-top: 250px; margin-left: -65px; [/newclass]

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 14:54:14 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



oh dear

“If it’s not too much trouble to ask,” he said quietly, slipping the boxes over to Mihai’s hold.

“From what the old couple told me, they planted this tree near some important grave and this keeps happening every single year. While they insist that this valuable tree they own was planted on a part of the mountain that’s not supposedly ‘haunted’… I beg to differ, he added quietly as they ascended the mountain.

While it wasn’t too steep yet, the path was well-trodden—he knew that a lot of people came by to visit graves scattered here and there. Of course this didn’t explain why the hell the tree would always be found upended the morning after they would visit.

The next question caught him by surprise, causing him to come to a stop.

“Well… to be honest, I haven’t decided on what I’d want to do for my little ‘trick’ for the Gym, but at the same time I’d started up a sanctuary for abandoned and injured Flying-types in the city…like a shelter. I think another Gym Leader has a similar idea,” he replied after a few moments of silence.

“Here’s the real irony of it all: I have less than six Flying-types, so I’m still working on getting more so I can at least have enough on-hand to get a challenge. But otherwise… nothing’s changed too much.

Once he’d said his piece, he continued climbing in silence, noting quietly that the further away they got from the base, the more uneasy the air became and the heavier it turned. Like there was something pressing down on him.

“Do you…do you feel that? It… the air feels weird, somehow. It’s charged…” he said from out of nowhere, breaking the relative silence.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 22:24:25 GMT
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Not haunted? Mihai also had to differ even if it was once a year. Something was happening and it was drawing ghosts in. Perhaps it was the grave itself and the tree was a portal or perhaps it was alive. Trevenant were trees possessed by ghosts after all. They should be careful not to completely turn a blind eye to it.
So he needed more flying types for his gym. Unfortunately, Mihai couldn't help much there the only pokemon he had that flies wasn't even a flying type. His scizor was bug and steel.
"Amelia," Mihai said questioningly as Alexei mentioned the thickening of air. Her sword gave a vibration saying yes that she felt it too. If her shield had vibrated that would have meant no.
In fact, she felt more than just uneasiness in the air. She felt sorrow and madness as well. They were not alone and the sun hadn't even begun to set yet. These ghosts were not ones to be reasoned with; mainly because there was nothing left to be reasoned. Her metal gave a whine to tell her trainer to remain alert.
"Whatever it is it's dangerous,"
Mihai said understanding her well enough. "It will probably get worse the closer we get to the tree. Amelia just let me know if it becomes too much." A small vibration let him knew she understood.
"They may be trying to possess the tree,"
Mihai said as they walked. It was the only thing he could think of.



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


[newclass=.piratemihai-cover2] border: solid 1px #eaeaea; width: 660px; height: 510px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.piratemihai-tri] margin-top:-1px;width: 0; height: 0; border: 0 solid transparent; border-left-width: 60px; position: absolute; border-right-width: 0px; border-top: 250px solid #fefefe; margin-left: -65px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-tri2]width: 0; height: 0; border: 0 solid transparent; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 60px; border-bottom: 250px solid #fefefe; position: absolute; margin-top: 250px; margin-left: -65px; [/newclass]

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james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2019 19:48:37 GMT
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as they approach the tree, the air thickens to an oppressive swamp. it festers in their lungs and warps their senses with an ever expanding unease. the tree stands tall against the darkening night, the moonlight illuminating each limb's edge.[break][break]

suddenly, a dusknoir's hands begin to grip @mihai, threatening to pull the cadet's scarred body into the air. perhaps, a vengeful spirit, or a sadistic ghost with no connection at all. more dusknoir, drifblim and drifloon begin to shift into the plane. they seem to want to drag you high up— for what reason? no on knows.[break][break]

what do you do?

feel free to control the ghosts on your own and make up their learnset![break][break]
& @mihai

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2019 15:55:16 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar




“Ugh, why does the air feel so heavy…” he muttered, brows frowning together in a look of concern. The closer they got to the tree, the more…strange things began to feel. More oppressive, more…violent.

While he couldn’t actively taste it on the air, the hairs on the back of his neck and arms were standing up—before looking over at his companion and blinking as a pair of hands suddenly grabbed him and attempted to carry him into the air!

“Whoa!” he yelped, blinking as more and more specters shimmered into existence—Dusknoir, Drifloon, and Driblim—each coming together and beginning to release all manner of Ominous Wind, as well as Night Shade and what he guessed was Shadow Ballheaded right at him!

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!” he grumbled, quickly fishing out a Pokéball and tossing it forward, crossing his fingers and hoping for the best. He heard a roar coming from the shape as it transformed into his Salamence, the Intimidation factor kicking in as the winds continued to blast and buffet around them both.

“Gabe, pick them off with Flamethrower!” he began, pointing at the Drifblim. “If they get too close, bite them with your Thunder Fang… I know they may be Ghosts but they’re also part-Flying!” while fishing out a second Pokéball and chucking it forward.

Oh, hell no, he thought as he recognized the silhouette of his Charmeleon emerging from the second red beam of light—but there was no more time to question it. “Kick up a Smokescreen in their faces, and help Gabriel pick them off with your Flamethrower! Please, now’s not the time to sass me! he added a few moments later as the Fire-type was about to throw a hissy fit.

The sight of an incoming Shadow Ball made the Charmeleon quickly change its mind, meeting it with a Flamethrower blast of its own before switching gears and kicking up an obscuring cloud in front of the incoming horde of Ghost-types.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2019 18:30:56 GMT
Deleted Avatar






 Hp: 100%[break]
Focus Energy[break]
Pursuit x3 [break]
 Hp: 100%[break]
Night Slash X3[break]
Sword Dance[break]

"The air is strange," Mihai said looking around but he stopped quite suddenly as he felt an arm wrap around his neck. The dusknoir sending a chill down his spine as its grip tightened and he looked back to see its one large eye. His voice was stifled from the lack of air.
Amelia shot off his belt like a bat out of hell. No one but her and his family were allowed to touch him. Her blade glowed with a dark energy as she lept into action. Her blade dug into its eye socket not only forcing it to let go but to disappear as well. A sharp whine came from her blade as so many other ghost appeared.
Released Mihai found himself lacking balance as he fell back on his rump. How embarrassing to be caught off guard like that as a ranger. He gave a slight cough as it still felt like its arm was lingering there despite being gone.
he said releasing his scizor. "Get 'em."
The scizor looked to the dusknoir before smirking. She focused her energy then flew after them. She pursued them relentlessly and drove them into Amelia. Amelia having several dancing blades around her as she slashed with her dark energy blade. Her shield catching a dark energy ball as one tried to fight back. Only he got hit in the back instead by a metallic red bug. A small smirk on her face as it collapsed.
Mihai finally stood but was extremely wary. He found himself looking to hug the rock wall not willing to let something else grab ahold of him. This time he didn't have Amelia at his hips.



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


[newclass=.piratemihai-cover2] border: solid 1px #eaeaea; width: 660px; height: 510px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-cover] padding: 2px; position: relative; z-index: 1; height: 500px; overflow: hidden; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-content] width: 340px; height: 500px; background: #fefefe;margin-left:-5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-content2] padding: 24px;overflow: auto;height: 405px;margin-top: 25px;font-size: 9.2px;position: absolute;margin-left: 0px;width: 280px;text-align: justify;color: #666;font-family: verdana; line-height:14px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-content2 b] color:#44abd3; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-liner] margin-left:-6px;background: #44abd3; width: 100px; height: 500px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-img img] position: absolute; width: 100px; margin-top: 400px; height: 100px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-big] width: 20px; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 100px; position: absolute; color: #fff; font-weight: 700; font-size: 40px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-small] margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 200px; font-size: 10px; font-family: arial; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 600; position: absolute; color: #f9f9f9; width: 150px; -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); transform: rotate(-90deg); [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-tri] margin-top:-1px;width: 0; height: 0; border: 0 solid transparent; border-left-width: 60px; position: absolute; border-right-width: 0px; border-top: 250px solid #fefefe; margin-left: -65px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.piratemihai-tri2]width: 0; height: 0; border: 0 solid transparent; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 60px; border-bottom: 250px solid #fefefe; position: absolute; margin-top: 250px; margin-left: -65px; [/newclass]

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2019 16:49:26 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar




Thank hell his Charmeleon knew Smokescreen, and was able to provide some cover against the Ghost-types…or maybe that wasn’t such a good idea because he belatedly realized a few seconds too late that Normal-type attacks didn’t work jack squat against this particular type!

“Oh, shit,” he groaned, looking over at where Mihai had been unceremoniously dropped. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked the other, rushing over to help him get back on his feet. “Where the hell are they all coming from?!” he continued, seeing that there were more and more Ominous Winds blowing through the area, accompanied by more Shadow Balls that were attempting to snipe out the Salamence and the angry Charmeleon.

“Gabe, take charge! I leave things to your discretion!” he began in the draconid’s direction, who then let out a roar of glee as he immediately went for the Drifblim with a succession of Thunder Fang attacks. Not wanting to be outdone, the Charmeleon began concentrating on the Drifloon, swatting them out of the air as best as he could manage with Flamethrower after Flamethroweruntil Alexei realized what the Fire-type was up to.

“Ravana! Don’t torch the tree!” he called out in warning as more Drifloon began swarming around the Fire-type, intent on sucking the living daylights out of the Charmeleon. Seeing that the two he had out were going to be overwhelmed in a short time, he then backed away a few steps before tossing a third Pokéball forward, watching as his Lapras, Marius emerged from the depths.

“Marius! Snipe those Dusknoir with your Ice Beam! Switch out to Hydro Pump if you have to!” he said in the other dual-type’s direction, watching as a sudden blast of water swatted back an incoming Dusknoir that was about to smack into the Lapras with a Thunder Punch attack.

“What the actual hell, what’s got them so agitated,” he muttered to himself, watching as mass mayhem erupted across three fronts—the Salamence was busy picking off the Drifblim; while the Charmeleon was attacking the Drifloon with a sweeping Flamethrower and switching to Fire Fang when the smaller ones got too close for comfort—and the Lapras dealing with the Dusknoir by unloading Hydro Pump after Hydro Pump.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2019 23:12:07 GMT
Deleted Avatar






 Hp: 70%[break]
 Hp: 50%[break][break]

"Probably the ghost world,"
Mihai said his wariness slowly turning to a frown of troubledness. "I'm fine no worries."
Instead, he was more worried about them becoming overwhelmed. The path was wide but not wide enough for them to have someplace to run to. Their pokemon and the ghosts had the area pretty much filled out. He was still worried about defense though so he released Bann to play defense in front of them.
"Use yawn on any that get too close,"
Mihai ordered it. The dunsparce coiled up and sat in front of the humans. The moment it locked eyed with a dusclops it yawned. The pokemon wobbling in the air a moment before passing out and drifting to the ground. The dunsparce then dragon rushed it and knocked it off the side of the path before slithering back into position for a rinse and repeat.
Amelia was finding herself overwhelmed. As a fellow ghost type she had a weakness to her own kind. She was holding her ground but her metal was becoming tarnished and dented with the repeated attacks. Even Kama struggled despite her speed. The two flew back to back though and together they were taking them down a little at a time.
"Morning is going to take forever to arrive,"
Mihai said realizing just how long this was going to drag out.



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


[newclass=.piratemihai-cover2] border: solid 1px #eaeaea; width: 660px; height: 510px; [/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,093 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 15:57:35 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



now he has four out on the field!

How many hours had passed? It felt like an eternity.

As more and more Dusknoir kept spawning, the Lapras homed in on them, firing off a succession of Ice Beam as well as Hydro Pump attacks in an attempt to drive them back. The Charmeleon continued to fire off Flamethrower after Flamethrower at the Drifloon—but thankfully the numbers of the smaller Pokémon were thinning out, as they shied away from the heat of the flames that were licking at their fragile little bodies.

Looking over at the Salamence, he watched as the draconid continued to attack the much-larger Drifblim with its Thunder Fang; switching out to Flamethrower if they came too close—but why did they only seem to be multiplying, not being thinned out in number?

“Why do they keep coming,” he groaned, rummaging around the sling and pulling out a certain Pokéball, and deciding to hopefully swing the battle in their favor. While he knew that Mihai only had two Pokémon active, he had three—well, it was going to be four in a few moments.

Besides, we all need this speed boost anyway… he thought as he sent his Braviary out and forward, watching as it unfurled from the burst of red light. “Kyouya! Whip up a Tailwind for us, can you? They keep on coming! After that, help Gabe out and thin their numbers! Focus on the Dusknoir, help him as much as you can!” he went on, watching as the Braviary suddenly whipped up a sudden burst of wind, hopefully boosting the speed of all allied Pokémon on the field.

Once that was done, the avian took off in a burst of feathers, going on for a sudden Dusknoir intent on attacking the Salamence from behind. A succession of Aerial Ace attacks then rang out from the Braviary; hopefully they would be able to turn the tide of the battle at this point!

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2019 15:55:39 GMT
Deleted Avatar






 Hp: 50%[break]
 Hp: 100%[break][break]

The battle raged on and Mihai found himself worrying and worrying more. His pokemon were putting up a valiant fight but the whole thing was a massive mess. He found it hard to keep track of who was doing what. It wasn't until his aegislashes blade hit the ground did he realize how bad a shape she was in. Her blade digging into the dirt while her shield tried to hold off her foe.
"Amelia," Mihai called out returning her. Even Kama was beginning to slow down with no one to watch her back anymore. Bann was holding his own considering he knew a healing move.
It was time to send someone else out. Yet the question became who? None of his other pokemon had a type advantage against ghost...then again they didn't have a weakness either. With a click he sent out Mal. The armaldo watching the scene with a grim face.
"Keep your defense up and there are plenty of rocks,"
Mihai commanded. With that his shell shimmered and his eyes glowed as an ancient power rose from him. Rocks began flying and striking his ghostly foes.



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


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played by


Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,093 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2019 14:42:05 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



welp, up for a time skip?

It was basically a mess at this point.

“Are they… do you think they’re thinning out?” he called over at Mihai, seeing that the other had to send out another Pokémon the moment the Aegislash had collapsed, out of energy and completely spent. Looking back at his team, he saw two streams of fire—one coming from Ravana, the other from Gabriel. Had the draconid abandoned the strategy of biting any and all of the Drifblim that dared approach?

He also noticed that the Ghost-Flying Pokémon mob had considerably lessened—but it was the Dusknoir that were still persistently spawning again and again. Glancing at his Lapras, he noticed that Marius was also running out of steam, and a sudden Shadow Punch from one of the straggling Ghost-types knocked the dual-type down on its side.

“Marius!” he shouted, noticing the Lapras was now struggling to get up. Quickly recalling the dual-type, he bit his lip at the sight as the Dusknoir then came sweeping in his direction. Looking up at the incoming Pokémon, he pulled out one of the last few Pokéballs he hadn’t used yet and sent out his Glaceon.

“Zima! Ice Shard that! Block it off!” he shouted as the Ice-type came out from the flash of red light. Moving quickly, the Glaceon fired off a barrage of Ice Shard attacks, cutting off the Dusknoir before the Salamence swept in from behind, burning it with a surprise Flamethrower attack.

“When’s daytime going to come…” he hissed, squinting at the horizon, hoping that it was going to be morning soon… so they could hopefully get to the bottom of this occurrence!

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
james and the giant peach [ff]
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2019 19:47:37 GMT
Deleted Avatar






Alex's words had Mihai looking around. They were but only a bit and the witching hour had yet to come. Despite most people thinking it was midnight, it was actually three in the morning. Mihai looked to his watch the glass cover lighting up with the continued battle. Ten till three and then maybe after they'll finally catch a break.
"Just a few more hours,"
Mihai said looking to his wary pokemon. He'd go through his entire team at this rate. They struggled on with him finally recalling Kama and letting loose his ninetales.
The night was dragging on it seemed like. Maybe because they were waiting for it to end. Yet the battle itself was going so fast. It was hard to imagine how much time had passed before they finally saw a little leeway. His ninetales had gone berserk in the meantime. It wasn't just a matter of fighting but pride for the white beast.
"We can do this,"
Mihai said breathlessly watching. There was nothing he could do. Ghosts were immune to normal attacks which meant human attacks. He couldn't fight them himself and it left him feeling useless.



[attr="class","piratemihai-small"]Always moving forward


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