Windburn (Sauna)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 4:59:58 GMT
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sagira listened quietly, still stuck in her web of sadness, but intrigued by the topic of the 3-day war—even if senon had veered off-topic.

hoenn had been a shitshow for years, and other regions had watched. kanto was arguably better or worse, considering its subjugated state—but fighting alongside hoennians was now synonymous with fighting for all citizens of the world. if the end was nigh, hoenn would surely be ground zero.

”cait. but i’m glad you found a good dragon, too.” she shook her head with a smile.

”even more glad you’re alive. that war… the stories i’ve heard just sound… unimaginable.” she turned her head, eyes narrowing a little. ”they really ate people?”

757 - 83 = 674
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Thirty One
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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 13:39:49 GMT
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"Mhmm." Not much to elaborate on concerning that.

From his skyview he saw a few unlucky bastards taken down and chewed out in the most aggressively literal way possible.

Frankly all the carnage Sénon remembered the most vividly was done by the ultra beasts, not the trainers wielding them.

A skarmory being worked liked a corpse puppet by those alien, 'nihilego' they called the species now, tentacles.

No point in going out of his way to drag those memories from the ocean floor of his mind, back to the surface.

"You ran off to fight a war." He frowned with his eyes closed. "I ran off to cook." He couldn't recalled if she knew that or not; his escapades abroad. Kalos and Alola.

"Now here we are, you pulled into cooking."  "-and me pulled into war." He could hear the echoes of his teenage self weighing in on what his adult-self had gotten them mixed up in. "Thanks! I hate it!" Simple kid;

Battling with pokémon was all that was right in the world.
Warring with pokémon was nothing but wrong, akin to evil.

"Like I said..." He didn't say the rest aloud but, 'Go figure'.

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● notes: 532 Heat Points

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22 + 37 + 45 + 2 +


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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2022 2:27:48 GMT
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”hm.” her brow wrinkled the slightest bit. ”it sounds like a nightmare.”

she looked away again, briefly trying to imagine. she had seen plenty of war in her days trying to defend kanto, but she had never seen people being eaten—at least not at such a frequency.

ran off to fight a war. what should have felt like pride felt more like an ice pick. she had run from war. fled. dishonorable.

but cooking? a hobby, sure. she looked back over, narrowing her eyes a little at him as though trying to determine something.

”you think i’m a cook?”
674 - 50 = 624
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Thirty One
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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2022 4:48:34 GMT
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His eyes cut open and cut over to look at her without his actual face moving at all.

A moment or two after, his face turned to look at what his eyes already were. "You're a mother aren't you?"

She cooked. Feeding anything by dining out regularly was too expensive and too impractical and also generally unhealthy.

If you had the skills in the kitchen you'd use them.

If you had a little one you were responsible for feeding, that was a job in and of itself. "You're a cook." She was dancing around the technicalities, he could prove it.

"Make me a grilled cheese."

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● notes: 497 Heat Points

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22 + 37 + 45 + 2 + 35 +


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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 4:53:48 GMT
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she eyed back at him. her head angled a touch, as though reading into something. he had no idea what he was talking about, did he?

”you’re full of shit.” maybe. maybe not, but she’d bet. ”i am the queen of grilled cheese, though.”

she shook her head, looking down the hall. was it time yet?

”i’m a solder still, you know.” not still. that wasn’t accurate. ”just fighting in a different army, now.”
624 - 57 = 567
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Sénon Game
Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 10:46:01 GMT
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"Yeah but why?" SHe went back to propping up his head on the back wall while staring at the back of his own eyelids. "You could be anywhere in the world." That probably wasn't true. Unlike himself, actual soldiers had to go where they were told to go.

"Yet, you're here with me." He couldn't say she was here for him but it was indisputable she was here with him which made her as big a fool as he was.

"Wouldn't you and the kid be happier in Galar or Johto?" Personally if he could have kept Sagira from going back them, he would have opted for a move to Alola; the place that was pretty much Cinnabar Island to the scale of an entire region. 

● tags:
● notes: 447 Heat Points

62 + 93 + 88 + 54 + 65 +
22 + 37 + 45 + 2 + 35 +
50 +


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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2022 19:36:59 GMT
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could she? never. it had been too difficult to leave them all behind the first time, and they’d suffered death—because of her. to abandon hoenn and the kantonians who had fled here? to leave hoennians to suffer the same fate that loomed for them?

she looked over again. the time that they had been waiting fell away from her attention. the hard edge of her expression contrasted the grief in her pale eyes.

”how could you suggest that? after everything that has happened?”

it was her unwillingness to take a capable soldier from battle which had robbed delta of a father. sagira stood firm. she served the people first.

”i did not choose to have a child.”
567 - 63 = 504
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Thirty One
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Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2022 22:03:31 GMT
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"Who do you actually owe?" Kanto was lost.

At best they could reclaim it but the current status-quo was rocket occupation. He understood the tight-rope she was walking on; raising a kid while doing dangerous work to ensure the kid had a home and future for their own children one day.

In a few months Sénon would be doing the same thing.

Difference was his children would be Hoenn natives their tribal heritage still alive and well in Fortree and in need of defending.

Sagira and Sénon's home was already taken, leaving her room to put down roots anywhere. Unless she had family here he didn't know about.

With as little as he knew, he was the family she had. Also @ajay and maybe whatever their story was now.

The only other practical guess he could make was...

"Is her father here in Hoenn?" That was enough justification to stay; keeping the family together.

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● notes: 395 Heat Points

62 + 93 + 88 + 54 + 65 +
22 + 37 + 45 + 2 + 35 +
50 + 52 +


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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2022 23:44:23 GMT
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the heat rose, but it wasn’t from the saunas. it was the fires of a falling kanto, climbing up the lobes of her ears. her eyes burned as they left him and her tall shoulders straightened more. she took a long breath.

”he’s here.”

sage had always been good at suppressing feelings, even more so after she had become a soldier. in that moment, however, there was unmistakable forlornness lingering in a face that scarcely knew how to crack.

”i owe the dead.” her jaw set. ”his victims. all 106 of them.”
504 - 93 = 411
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2022 23:49:21 GMT
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It made him feel guilty that she carried such a burden. It had once been his intention that she live happy and secure under his guard.

Now that she had enemies and agendas, and seemingly sought to make good on both.

"What it is you think you owe them; is that a debt you can really settle?" If she was trying to bring a man to justice her new placement as an officer was the best place for her.

But if she was looking for a more primal sense of satisfaction, it meant she was suffering from the same sickness he was.

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● notes: 394 Heat Points

62 + 93 + 88 + 54 + 65 +
22 + 37 + 45 + 02 + 35 +
50 + 52 + 01 +


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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2022 1:05:16 GMT
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”of course not,” she shook her head, looking down at fingers clasped. ”but my devotion will be a start.” it had to be.

eyes found him again, and there was a tearful sheen to them.

”they were soldiers from my unit. i was ready to die for them before.”

she looked away, biting her lip lightly before her stare hung again. she shook it away.

”he’s in rocket now. i’ll fight tooth and nail until i see with my own eyes that he’s fallen with them. nothing can keep me from that.”
411 - 63 = 348
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Thirty One
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Cinnabar Island
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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2022 22:57:54 GMT
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"Oh." Team Rocket. The plot thinned.

His face twisted to some mix of skepticism and indifference.

"Leave it alone, Sagira." He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "Vengeance isn't something you should be balancing against being a parent." It didn't matter what her reasoning was, it didn't matter that Sénon was a month away from being guilty of the same thing.

Hypocrite or not, his instinct was to keep Sagira from stepping in his footprints if not the helmet, even unknowingly.

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● notes: 329 Heat Points

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22 + 37 + 45 + 02 + 35 +
50 + 52 + 01 + 65


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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2022 3:44:15 GMT
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leave it alone?

she nearly felt sick at his advice, perhaps because she knew it in her heart, but she maintained what she was doing was merely duty. it was surely nothing short of what they expected of her in the afterlife.

there was offense painted on her face, even if it was only a light wash. with an eventual sigh, she looked around again.

”this vengeance is not for me.” which made it much more important. when it came down to it, she’d been the one to wrong king, well before it all had happened—but the loss of so many lives vastly overwhelmed her guilt.
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Thirty One
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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2022 4:11:06 GMT
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Ugh. The knot formed in his stomach, he crossed his arms tighter he even did that thing where he exhaled through his nostrils so audibly she had to know she was getting on his nerves.

How many times had she heard him exhale that way when someone was really getting under his skin?

Historically speaking Sénon loved a good roast, he never took himself that seriously.

Most of his moments getting out of pocket and losing his shit were over other people he loved. Arceus knows he took and gave out plenty of beatings over Sagira.

Anyone who managed to pour the cold water of reality onto their sunny days. Anyone who dared remind her of who she wasn't and what she didn't have. He made them all swallow their teeth, even if he lost a couple in the process.

It was probably wrong of him to use his Head Ranger voice on her. "IT DOESN'T MATTER." His tone implied an authority over her he longer had. -like it fucking mattered.

The moment she mentioned Team Rocket he wanted her off it. He was supposed to be feeling strange, if memory served he'd never had a fight with Sagira before.

"I'm not burying you, so come the fuck off it." He made an implication he didn't mean to. "Going after them with a badge is a waste of your life."

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● notes: 242 Heat Points

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22 + 37 + 45 + 02 + 35 +
50 + 52 + 01 + 65 + 87 +


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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2022 1:55:07 GMT
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once upon a time, she’d loved him. still did, in a way. she could feel his tension, see the shifts, hear the frustration in his breath. none of it changed a thing.

at the commanding tone of his voice, she looked over coolly. being the ex-lieutenant that she was, she had a bark as clear as him. she didn’t use it, but the look in her eye would make it clear that his did nothing to startle her into submission.

”a waste of my life?”

she rolled her head lightly on her shoulder and held it higher. if the sauna didn’t open up soon, she’d likely be out the door in minutes. this had taken a wrong turn.

”don’t worry about burying me. i won’t be defeated.”
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