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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 21:02:04 GMT
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It's early. The sun is high, scant clouds not enough to deter it from shining down on the route with irritating intensity. Morning work isn't something Freddie expected from Rocket. Not something she was taking much part in even before she defected.

She's been playing the role of a rebel for years, working in shady places and under cover of night, and she doesn't think it was unfair to assume the role of a criminal would be much the same. But of course she's been tossed to Hoenn during a PR push. Secrecy runs counter to building good will so she has to be up at the ass crack of dawn to clear out treehouses or whatever.

Bullshit. That's what it is.

"So, what exactly are we doing here?" she asks her partner for the eve-- day, tone dry and words dragging, "this whole secret base thing is a . . ."

She gestures at the air with her right hand while she thinks.

"Cultural difference, I'm not exactly educated on."

It's a bit ridiculous if you ask her, but no one has.

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 1:45:06 GMT
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Where Winifred sees a confusing, bizarre situation, Remi sees the stars aligning. She had been looking for someplace out of the way and out of sight. Someplace quiet, off the radar, but easy enough for her to access.

It was the perfect smuggling hot spot for quick and dirty hook-ups. Screw whatever Rocket needed this for, this place was about to be hers.

The wicked grin on her face is telling, but she manages to scrap it before it becomes too unsettling.

"We're supposed to be giving the bad guys a good rep by clearing out spaces inhabited by crazy wild Pokemon that the League is too busy to handle themselves. What do you think's in there?"

Her partner's drab attitude is ignored because, frankly, most of the people she'd met in Hoenn were pretty drab and moody. Maybe it was all of the space aliens and legendaries causing volcano's to explode. Trust me, she'd heard all about it through the rumour train. Nothing is sacred on that god forsaken submarine.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 2:43:42 GMT
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At least someone is getting something out of this. Freddie's not one to begrudge another's enjoyment, so long as they let it be theirs and theirs alone. Whatever her partner is excited about is her business and Freddie hopes it works out for her.

"By all means, keep grinning. Cackle if you want to for all I care," she reassures her when her smile drops away.

The response she gives makes Freddie second guess her reassurance.

Far be it from her to shoot the messenger (especially when she's delivering something Freddie asked for) but god that sounds like the opposite of a good time. With a groan she turns to look at the tree-line ahead of them. The Secret Base is hidden because, well, it's secret; but still she can make out the entrance that's pointed out to her.

"I don't know, probably nothing interesting," Freddie sighs and reaches into her pocket. Pulls out a flask. She opens it and sniffs, smiles, hell yeah. Go drunk Freddie refilling it with whiskey instead of gin.

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 14:36:06 GMT
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It was an incredibly obscure situation and assignment they've been given. But in its obscurity, there is opportunity. Rocket just needed proof of it being cleared out- they didn't give a shit about what happened after.

Another win.

The sharp smell of alcohol perforates the air despite the distance between them. Or maybe she just has a nose for hard liquor. Probably that.

"Good taste."

Remi smirks over her shoulder before stepping forward toward the well-hidden and barely-used trail to the secret base in the trees. Upon closer inspection, however, she's almost positive she can hear buzzing.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 20:46:00 GMT
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"It'll get me through the day and keep the hangover away," she replies with a smirk and a faux toast. After rolling her neck, Freddie takes a long sip from the flask. Barely winces at the bite before letting out a pleased sigh at the warmth that spreads first to her gut before bouncing back up to her head. Much better.

Guess she should follow after.

Her knees pop as she lowers into a squat to duck under the hanging branches that hide the little pathway. The buzzing finds her not long after. She puts a wary hand in her pocket as they carefully push deeper into the woods. Dead leaves dropped from the boughs of the trees above them crunch to punctuate their movement; but it's not until a pile rustles that Freddie gives it any real mind.

Her Graveler appears in a flash to her right and swipes at the leaves. A number of Weedle are exposed for just a moment before they run off. Instinctively, Freddie's eyes dart to the space above them.

A treehouse looms not far away from where they are; but more importantly from the trees and the structure both hang Kakuna.

"Well fuck," Freddie groans. She knows just what's keeping the cocooned pokemon safe.

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she / her
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lumiose city, kalos
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2021 14:33:39 GMT
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Was she defensive? She couldn't tell. Her input felt like a knee-jerk reaction to being caught with her hand in the cookie jar, an immediate reaction to explain why her hand was elbow deep in the jar rather than to just go about her business and ignore the haters.

Not that Remi was hating on anything. If she hadn't lost her own flask in her hasty move--

Bitterness and grief resettle momentarily at the reminder. She should have still been holed up somewhere in Kalos spending all of her dirty money on booze and strippers, but here she was fishing for coin at the bottom of the barrel while pretending that her brother wasn't dead.

Cool. Yeah.

Freddie's groan tears her attention back and away from the downward spiral she'd threatened to fall down. Thank God. Except the alternative isn't really much better for ones mental either. The buzzing grows exponentially more intense and she's noticed the squirming Weedle as they crawl away.

"Oh, wow! I just love this situation."

She's being sarcastic. The woman glances between the hundreds of Kakuna dangling from the branches. Maybe not hundreds, she likes to estimate high. She begins to get the creepy-crawlies and she shudders, but puts on a forced smile anyway.

"You wouldn't happen to have a flamethrower, would you?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2021 19:29:52 GMT
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"No dice, rock-type trainer," Freddie replies, voice notably lowered even as the buzzing grows around them. Goddammit.

"I thought if nothing else, leaving Kanto might mean the end of dealing with these bastards," she groans again, one hand dragging up and down her cheek as she does. Freddie's face twists into a petulant scowl as she takes another pull from her flask. When she exhales her breath is warm and sickly sweet.

So, they're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Freddie can't say she much wants to fight off a hive of Beedrill in the middle of the woods; but by the sounds of things running would just be delaying the inevitable. It would make all kinds of noise and probably startle more Weedle -- the Beedrill would be pissed. Okay, so they're fighting either way then.

Might as well get to it.

"I'm ripping the band-aid off, better let a pokemon out."

That's all the warning Freddie gives before throwing up two fingers and signaling towards the hanging Kakuna. Dude immediately understands the command and grabs four handfuls of thick, solid earth. A cocoon busting volley of SMACK DOWNS pelt the hanging bugs (knocking several free of their STRING SHOT tethers) and immediately what was previously a warning buzz grows thick and hostile.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2021 15:54:26 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
"Uhh, well I just meant even a real flamethrower. Or a lighter, or something. Literally anything."

Damn, people really rely on Pokemon far too much.

Her first response was 'I'm a rock-type trainer'. Congrats, lady.

But at least she has the sense to lower her voice. Remi doesn't think about it nor care, and continues to speak at the same volume. The buzzing grows worse, and she slowly turns her cheek back around to face the vibrating trees. Leaves shake and she begins to wonder where the hell she put her peach-bum cheek pouch change purse she carried. It had a lighter in it.


There was no leaving without a fight, and no getting to the treehouse to eradicate the swarm without a fight. She's given a seconds worth of warning before her partner charges. Her Graveler volleys a bunch of dirt, knocks down a few cocoons, and sends the world into a dizzying array of yellow and black.

Quickly, she reaches for a pokeball. It pops open to reveal a less-than-enthusiastic Mandibuzz that quickly becomes enthused by the dozens of Beedrill coming with stingers pointed. The bird cries, summons a TAILWIND that whips up air and speeds up both she and the Graveller.

It didn't stop the violent buzzing though.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2021 21:17:32 GMT
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The air around Freddie whips up and her ears are filled with whooshing and the sound of encroaching Beedrill. Already she can feel her adrenaline spiking, her body subtly trembling.

'It's just the woods. You're just in the woods. You're just in the woods,' she shuts her eyes and chants internally for a second before snapping her eyes open.

"Let's get to exterminating, Dude!" she shouts, faux bravado in her voice that she's worn countless times before. As artificial as it is, it still manages to bolster her spirit. Locking eyes with her Graveler she makes a fist and pulls it down as if yanking on an invisible rope. Dude curls up before the motion's even done, compacting herself into a tight DEFENSE CURL.

"ROLLOUT! Follow the buzzing!"

Dirt and leaves are kicked up into the air as Dude begins to spin in place for a moment, like a tire stuck in the muck, but then she's off like a bullet. She rolls forward and practically bounces off a tree, propelled by the TAILWIND. On the rebound she rams into an airbound Beedrill and takes it to the ground with a crunch of carapace and another spray of soil.

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she / her
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lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2021 15:08:58 GMT
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"Do you need to drink a little faster to get some balls up under ya? Cuz you're shaking, and I don't work with pussies!"

Stress clips her words and makes her curt and sarcastic- and dare she say it, a complete ass. But urgency reflects in the hard stare she offers, and she is relieved upon seeing Freddie step up and send her Graveler after the Beedrill. Thank God.

Even if it were false bravado, it was working. That's all she needed to see, and all she needed to witness in order to get her own ass in gear.

With Mandibuzz above providing the team a TAILWIND, they move just a bit faster. It helps them give the drop on the wild Pokemon, mostly, and they beat back their opponents with ease-- for now.

"Slice em up!"

AIR SLASHES cut through, slicing through low-hanging branches and swooping up to catch Beedrill off-guard. They drop like flies, twitching violently on the ground.

"How many more of these fuckers are there?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2021 0:47:28 GMT
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"If they're like the breed in Viridian? A dozen? Maybe two?"

Her nerves melt as the battle against the tide starts in earnest. There's no enemy trainers, no explosions, no blood -- at least not theirs. It's just angry Beedrill. She's been dealing with those since she was a kid challenging gyms. The familiarity takes away all her shaking once it settles over her.

"Keep rolling, Dude! They're all around us, no way you're going to miss!"

Again Dude bolts around, a pinball bouncing off Beedrill and tree trunk bumpers. It's not pretty, it's not precise, but it wreaks havoc on an enemy quite literally swarming around them. The heavy thump of fainted bugs dropping to the ground becomes an increasingly present part of the battle's backing track.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 3:22:49 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar

This must be why no one kept stock in Beedrill on the black market. They were wildly out of control and incredibly dangerous- not even the stupidest people messed with Pokemon like that.

"I'm counting.. half a dozen on the ground already. Let's hope there's only another half coming."

There were more Kakuna than Beedrill, it seemed. And it didn't seem that any of them were anywhere near evolution. Which saved their hides, for certain. Three more Beedrill charge, but not even a hive-mind and blind rage can protect them from themselves. Quick-thinking and powerful wings buffet them as they descend.

All three of them collide and are knocked to the ground in an unconscious pile. Remi, breathing heavily, tenses as if expecting to be jumped.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 20:49:58 GMT
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"We've got the type advantage and they have to come to us. Being surrounded is shit, but we should be fine either way."

Freddie shouts over the battle (buzzing, cracking shells, chipping rock) sounding confident, but backs a bit closer to her partner anyway. The closer together they are the smaller Dude's track can be -- the smaller the holes she leaves while running it will be. One of Freddie's hands hovers over a second pokeball. The forest is a bit tight for the rest of her team; but if push comes to shove . . .

She doesn't have to worry.

The Mandibuzz drops three, Dude drops another three; and the buzzing grows quiet. The Beedrill are still there. How many? Impossible to know for certain but only a handful show themselves; and they look almost as anxious as Freddie feels. Sizing up the threat, deciding if they can protect their kids.

"C'mon you bastards, take the loss and scatter," Freddie murmurs under her breath and as if hearing her, they do. They still sound pissed but they know the day is lost. A few of the Kakuna are plucked from their branches and the Beedrill slip back into the shadows of the forest. Freddie deflates.

"Fuck!" she shouts, dropping onto her ass in the dirt.

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she / her
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lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2021 3:34:05 GMT
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"Should be?"

Incredible confidence in this one.

She might think she sounds confident, and maybe she is, but Remi's own fear of Beedrill - yes, it's developing quickly and suddenly - is shaking her own.

But it's okay, because Freddie is right, and suddenly six more are on the ground all because their two Pokemon are perfectly capable of handling themselves. Because they're strong, powerful women, and these are just a bunch of creepy, ugly bugs.


That noise soon turns into laughter, rushed and only slightly hysterical. The rest of the Beedrill scatter just like she tells them to, which is by and large incredibly impressive, and then Freddie hits the dirt. She shouts, pulling Remi's attention back to her, and the woman's laughter continues into a genuine belly-laugh.

"What the fuck. No wonder the League abandoned this shit- they might be the only sane people."

They should have been sent in here with an entire army, and they'd sent just the two of them.

"Well, how about that?"
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POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 0:52:09 GMT
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While her partner cracks up, Freddie helps herself to a celebratory drink. She sucks down half of her flask. Warmth spreads to her cold fingers and she feels the anxious tremors from earlier finally, completely, subside.

Dude rolls around for a few moments longer before coming to rest at Freddie's side. The Graveller uncurls herself and lets her four arms hang slack before leaning gently into her trainer. Freddie gives her a pat on the side.

"Yeah, good job girl."

Her partner's proclamation pulls a snort from Freddie.

"Yeah, like I said earlier, I was really hoping those bastards hadn't made their way into Hoenn. They're always a fucking hassle to work around."

With a groan, she rolls her neck left and right. It crackles and pops as the tension from earlier slips out of her. Her eyes scan the treehouse that still looms before them, but quickly move past it to look at the Kakuna that still hang -- abandoned by their wardens.

"Figure the nerds could find a use for these Kakuna? Maybe we get a bonus from the labs?"

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