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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 1:53:36 GMT
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A missing person's case was usually handled by professionals like detectives and police officers. However, when Rocket got their hands on the information, the knew that Julien had excellent tracking skills.

It was part of the job as a hitman and the other jobs that came with the title. Even so, this guy had fallen off the trail very well, since even Julien had a difficult time finding him.

His feet toppled a small leaf pile that seemed to form under a lone tree on the mountain, sighing.

"It's starting to get dark. We aren't going to make much progress in the cold."

He looked toward Remi, unsure of her expertise in this area. He'd much rather handle this alone, where he knew he could continue tracking in the night. But with a partner, he had to take into consideration their exhaustion rather than his own.

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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 2:04:40 GMT
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Surprisingly, the temperature does begin to drop the longer the night sets in. It subconsciously curls its cold little fingers against exposed skin, encouraging her to pull her jacket tighter. She zips it up, clumsy fingers pulling at the draw. She exhales, breath frosty, glancing up to side-eye her partner.

"Aww.. he cares about me."

She unzips the front of her jacket again, fishing for a cigarette. After a couple of attempts to come up with a flame, the end is lit and she draws in the warmth right to her core. This time, her exhale is full of smoke.

"Y'know if we stop, that guy we're looking for might not."

Her own feet scuff through the leaf pile, kicking it up in frustration. For all of their hard work outside in the elements, they hadn't found anything of use.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 2:12:53 GMT
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Julien's eyes rolled. Cared about her? That was certainly a stretch. He barely knew her, aside from the time they ate together in the dank submarine. Even then, they fought. He wondered, what would this time be like? Would Remi explode on his again?

He kept a snide comment to himself, instead trying to focus on their mission.

"Us being tired and tripping over rocks won't be much help. We could go on for an hour or so more, but then I think it's time to set up camp. He'd collapse at some point too. He's only human, just like we are," he pointed out.

The full moon was peaking on the horizon, the sun already hiding on the other side of the mountain.

"It'll be harder to see, even with the full moon. So? Do you want to keep going or call it for the night?"

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she / her
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 2:23:42 GMT
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"You mean you'll be tired and tripping over rocks. Mr. Big Foot."

She is quiet only for a moment for another drag. Eventually, however, she passes it to him if he'd take it.

"With the speed this guy's been running, I find it hard to believe he's human."

With the full moon overhead, their skin is washed out and pale. It is dark, yes, but not nearly as impossibly black as it should have been. It helped the sun was still sinking, so they were seeing based on the sliver of daylight that yet remained.

"All I'm saying is you're impossible to miss, even in the dark."

But she rolls her eyes and turns around. She is sort of a bystander or outside man to his operation. Whatever he says goes, and she doesn't care all that much.

"I'm hungry, anyway."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 2:38:15 GMT
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"Big Foot? Who are you calling Big Foot?"

But he sure couldn't argue with her point there. The man they were tracking was fast, and from what he could gather, he hadn't stopped. Whatever he was running from, he seemed in a hurry or afraid. Or both.

It reminded him of his childhood in Spikemuth. Just a little bit.

"I'd argue with you, but I'm getting cold."

He wandered away for a moment, still within hearing distance of her as he began to gather some wood to start a fire. He came back and stacked them, pulling out a Pokeball that held his Blaziken.

The Blaziken looked between Julien and Remi, seeming almost surprised that his trainer had company.

"Well, once I get this fire going, you can cook some of that food that they provided us. Though it probably tastes like shit. Orion, will you start the fire for us?"

He did as he was told, sending a flame to the wood. It caught fire, building gradually and heating the area up. Julien sighed, pulling an apricorn out and handing it over to his Pokemon.

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she / her
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 2:50:56 GMT
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"You, stupid. Do you see anyone else out here with big ass feet?"

She even wiggles her own foot at him and, although her boots are huge, her feet within are smaller, surely, than his.

And, for a moment, Remi is in shock and horror when he walks away. Fortunately, he stops nearby to bend down and collect wood- that, she doesn't mind. It is both a good show and helpful. Best of both worlds.

"Wait-- I can cook? Is it because I'm a woman?"

And then he continues on to suggest the food will taste like shit. Yes, she's aware he hadn't specifically said she would make it taste like shit, she just intentionally jumped to that conclusion to pick a fight. Yes, she was a complete asshole.

"How the fuck did I get stuck with you, again?"

She scoffs, walking away to look agitated elsewhere. But the cold is starting to wear at her patience, and she rubs at her upper arms roughly to attempt to keep warm. Once the fire starts, she inches a bit closer to it.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 2:57:49 GMT
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And there it was. She took his words out of context, or perhaps Julien wasn't clear with what he meant. He opened his mouth to speak, but she was already starting to stomp away and curse him.

He sighed, rubbing his face. Orion sat down beside him as he munched away on the fruit that he provided him.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant you could cook your own food, Remi. I'm not eating right now," he said, his voice conveying tiredness.

He really didn't want to argue with her. She was like a fiery will-o-wisp shooting at him, and he was hoping this expedition would be peaceful compared to their squabble before.

"I didn't mean for it to sound that way. I'm sorry. It wasn't intended that way."

Julien poked the fire with a stick, ensuring it was burning well.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 3:13:40 GMT
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"Why not? If we're going to take a break for the night, then you should eat, too. I don't need you passing out halfway through from starvation."

He sounds tired, understandably, given how tirelessly they had moved all afternoon. From morning until night, and they had hardly stopped for anything. This, in fact, would be the first time they'd stopped all day and it was to sleep.

Remi, still frustrated, but evidently less so when faced with a genuine apology and an exasperated Julien, shuffles off to collect the food they'd been sent along with. It seems to be a sort of soup, one that she starts boiling over the fire.

"Just.. get over here for god's sake."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 3:24:03 GMT
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Julien was going to say something about making some food later, when he was hungrier. But his stomach seemed to growl in protest. It made Orion look at him from the fruit he was munching on.

"Okay, okay."

He moved closer, looking over at what they gave them to eat. Soup.

"I was hoping for something more solid than that, but whatever. I won't be too picky if it's gonna make me not hungry."

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she / her
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 3:33:08 GMT
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She tucks her chin and glances at him.

"You're going to be picky, now? No wonder you're single."

But she sloshes around the contents and points out chunky pieces of potato and chunks of unidentifiable meat. She shrugs, glances back at him, and rolls her eyes.

"I'll give you the meatier parts, then, if you're so hungry."

And, from her pack, she pulls out pieces of bread as well. It seems really wild-man of them, like they'd gathered ingredients from roughing it in the woods. Frankly, Rocket could have done a lot better in providing a healthy meal.

"Just don't get all worked up, and you won't be hungry."

She raises an eyebrow.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 3:53:14 GMT
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Julien snorted, but he couldn't hide an appreciative look when she offered more sustenance to his portion. He reached out for the bowl, sitting back to enjoy the slop they gave them.

"I won't complain. I take what I can get."

Why she had to pull his relationship status into this, he didn't know.

"I'm single by choice, thank you very much."

His soup was practically devoured in mere moments, ignoring how hot it was. He was tired, so the sooner he could sleep, the better.

"Do you need help setting up a tent?"

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she / her
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 4:25:16 GMT
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She passes the bowl off quickly, both because of how awkward and mundane it is to feed someone else, and the fact the bowl is piping hot and scalding her fingers.

"Of course you do. Most men do."

And in response to his defensive comment about his relationship status, she rolls her eyes and snorts.

"Right. That's what they all say."

She slowly pours her own bowl second, sucking air through her teeth as she splashes it over the edge to burn herself, and readjusts the bowl over and over to avoid hurting herself more. But eventually, she settles into a seated position in front of the fire, tucking her jacket up and around her reddening ears.

"Are you trying to hit on me or something?"

What kind of pick-up line was 'do you need help setting up a tent?'
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 4:30:07 GMT
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Julien gave her a scowl. He scraped the bottom of his bowl, opting to pout a little at her comments. Jeez, why was he always picked on by her?

Treated like some awkward teen virgin.

"No? I was just wondering if you needed help. Is that weird?"

She was a confusing one to him. Was everything he said a pick up line? Was he doing something wrong? It was clear on his face that he was confused as he set the bowl on the ground.

"If you don't need help, I'll go set mine up."

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
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paralyze me
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169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 4:37:05 GMT
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He was very similar to an awkward virgin teen. He amuses her and irritates her in the same breath, and she finds it impossibly easy to make fun of him and yet seek some semblance of approval. Why? She had no idea.

Call it the reconstruction part of her path of grieving.

Or call it being an asshole.

"You're always weird."

She waves him off so she can eat in peace, using the motion to mask the shivering beneath her thin jacket. Hoenn weather was a doozy. Overall, the soup isn't all that bad. It is by no means the same quality as the one he'd made and shared with her on the submarine- but in some ways it was better because it didn't have the secret ingredient of seasickness.

With a lick of her lips and a final scrape of her own bowl, she sets hers next to his and waits a moment longer before pulling herself to her feet and approaching her pack with the tent.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 4:44:06 GMT
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Julien gave her another look before standing up and abandoning his bowl. Alright, well, he'd take that as she'd handle the tent alone. That was fine.

He put his together with enough skill that he had from previous excursions like this one. However he left a bit of room so Orion could stay beside him and give him some heat throughout the night if need be.

Nothing wrong with cuddling your Pokemon for warmth.

Popping out of his tent, he looked over toward Remi.

"My Lucario can keep watch if you'd like."

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