Waves [C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Doctor Riley
February 27th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Weather Researcher
Clear Skies Ahead
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Quinn Riley DOLLARS
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Quinn Riley
Waves [C]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2021 20:52:01 GMT
Quinn Riley Avatar
Quinn crossed over the gangplank of the ship with awkward steps as he juggled a number of folders and binders between his arms, careful not to lose any of them to the waters of Pacifidlog Town. Ever since the meteorological event that took place during the Star Soiree, the Weather Institute had been working closely with the Mossdeep Space Center on studying the phenomenon, causing overcrowding and general chaos at the normally peaceful laboratory he'd become accustomed to.

He needed someplace quiet to sort out his thoughts and pour over meteorological data without a bunch of rocket jockeys looking over his shoulder all the time. "Whew!" The belongings were dropped onto an empty table with no small amount of noise, prompting a sheepish grin to spread across Quinn's lips. "Sorry..." He slipped into his seat with a crimson blush hot on his cheeks, beginning to sort out the mess he'd made for himself.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Waves [C]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2021 5:04:34 GMT
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Sunshower Café Menu





As a new face came in, Rayne had smiled, happily announcing a grand "welcome to Sunshower Café!" though he'd chuckled from behind the counter as he saw his new customer hastily drop his papers on one of the tables, "nothing to be sorry about, make yourself comfortable, Paua'll be over soon with a menu and some water," he'd smiled, stowing away the wet rag he'd been giving the steamer a good clean with as he awaited.[break][break]

With his announcement, a pair of bouncy yellow ears had come from behind the counter, drifting forward to reveal the Alolan Raichu in question, holding out the wooden circular tray, a cold, tall glass of water sitting atop it, using its psychic abilities to move the glass to Quinn, though pausing as she couldn't quite find the space to put it without sitting atop his documents, worried to ruin any of them with the condensation the Raichu began to panic as its eyes darted across the table for space, not wanting to move the documents without permission. Rayne had smiled, covering his face as he couldn't help but laugh at the predicament.


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Doctor Riley
February 27th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Weather Researcher
Clear Skies Ahead
15 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
76 posts
Quinn Riley DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @quinn
Quinn Riley
Waves [C]
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 6:50:33 GMT
Quinn Riley Avatar
"Oh, thank you!" The owner seemed nice enough, cute too. Sure enough, the Raichu bounded over with a glass of water, looking slightly distressed without a place to set the receptacle down. "Oops, sorry!" Hands moved quickly to push the documents into a neat stack, allowing them to set the glass down without impediment. "You're funny." Quinn giggled, accepting the menu when it inevitably followed.

After taking a few moments to look over what was being offered, Quinn finally spoke up. "Hmm, can I get the Clamperl Chowder and Pumpkaboo Spice Coffee, please?" The order was spoken to their Pokémon, assuming they knew would be able to understand, perhaps incorrectly. Either way it was recited loud enough for Rayne himself to hear, thanks to his natural jovial nature.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Waves [C]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2022 9:43:17 GMT
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Sunshower Café Menu





The Raichu had nodded along, ears flickering as it seemed to actually write down Quinn's order using its psychic powers, the Alolan mouse chirping its name joyously as if to get across that she'd understood the meteorologist's order before floating away with the notepad and tray. The Raichu had huffed loud enough for Quinn to hear, apparently having just noticed her owner still laughing at her earlier predicament, a resounding, echoing THUNK as it seemed she even bopped him on the head with the metal tray.[break][break]

It was fairly shortly after that Rayne had smiled, the sound of beans grinding, followed by the scent of the fresh grinds and warm milk—mixed together shortly after with the scent of spices—the Raichu returning once more to Quinn's side with a freshly brewed cup of spiced coffee and some biscuits for the meteorologist. Rayne had quickly ducked into the kitchen to prepare the chowder alongside his Dusknoir.[break][break]

Time passes by once more, Paua deeming it necessary to keep the customer company, her nose twitching and her ears occasionally fluttering as she observed Quinn and what he was doing. It's not long before Rayne had come out serving the chowder himself, "one freshly made Clamperl Chowder for the busy, handsome man," Rayne had said with a smile, awaiting for more room on the table, tray in one hand, before he'd set down the chowder, and a weave basket fitted with a napkin, housing cuts of fresh, warm sourdough and a small dipping bowl with balsamic and olive oil. Yet, alongside it he'd brought another glass of water and a handful more biscuits![break][break]

Rather than leaving after serving his order, Rayne had seen it fit to slide into the couch seat on the opposite side of the table of Quinn, a smile on his face, introducing himself promptly with a smile, "so, my name's Rayne, what brings you over to this little corner of Pacifidlog... Mister...?" his voice had trailed, waiting for a hopeful response.


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Doctor Riley
February 27th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Weather Researcher
Clear Skies Ahead
15 height
15 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
76 posts
Quinn Riley DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @quinn
Quinn Riley
Waves [C]
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 21:09:53 GMT
Quinn Riley Avatar
"O-oh, t-thank you." Crimson dusted Quinn's cheeks at the compliment, crumpling easily under the weight of embarrassment at being called handsome. The food looked and smelled delicious, reminding him that he hadn't eaten today until now. "This looks really good!" Scooping up a spoon, Quinn started digging into the chowder, shoveling a few bites into his mouth before realizing that Rayne had still been watching him. That was embarrassing...

"I'm Quinn, nice to meet you!" He quickly pivoted, smiling softly at the introduction. "I work for the Weather Institute, actually! I have been researching some strange weather patterns in the area, and I like being out in the field more than sitting in the labs." A Lugia being behind the weather disruptions was his own personal theory, one that he hadn't shared with his colleagues just yet, he needed more proof.

"Also, because I heard really good things about your café!" Ripping up some of the bread, he dipped it into the chowder and popped it into his mouth. "They were so right."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Waves [C]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 11:42:56 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Let's be lonely together,

'til the weather clears up,


Rayne had laughed with a jovial smile at Quinn's delight for the food he'd presented, seemingly unfazed by Quinn's embarrassment, mostly seeming to be happy to talk with someone new, especially during this calm and slow day in Pacifidlog, "don't mind me and enjoy your meal, unless you'd prefer to just eat, I'd figured we could chat is all," he'd said with a calm smile, taking a biscuit for himself—it seemed that the biscuits and spare glass of water had been for himself—smiling with his eyes closed.[break][break]

"Oho~? Strange weather patterns you say! Well, I've nearly slipped and fell into the water a couple times due to freak squalls blowing my coat over my head lately!" he'd joked, a soft subtle laugh at his own joke, though, he'd made it clear that he wouldn't be too much help with such a thing—let alone his absentmindedness when it came to himself, that he wouldn't be able to tell you what he had for breakfast this morning, Rayne hadn't been much of an expert when it came to odd reasons for 'strange weather patterns', though he'd offered one suggestion, mostly out of courtesy than believing it'd really be much help, "perhaps some silly old pokémon's just having fun with things like Sunny Days and Rain Dances?"[break][break]

Though as Quinn continued to appreciate Rayne's cooking, he'd smiled again, "well, I'm certainly glad you're pleased with it, Quinn."

[newclass=.freezybunger b]color:#E6B3CC[/newclass]
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October 13
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Waves [C]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2022 21:31:08 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


