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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 20:50:08 GMT
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it was sometime in the afternoon, the light that filtered its way through the glass of her gym abundant in amount. cait had tended to her herbal garden as she enjoyed her time off work, the girl having set aside her paperwork in favor of relaxing for the remainder of the day.

'lars should be arriving soon.' 

cait had assigned her deerling to watch over the entrance, the pokemon steadfastly eyeing the door as she impatiently awaited the youth's arrival. lars had promised the young gym leader that he'd show today, and she hoped he'd see it through. but complications could potentially arise, and there was always that change he'd be forced to delay the battle for a later time or date if something came up. 

"i'll need to grab his number when i see him next. either that or his email," she mused. 

her pokemon would guide him to her once he entered, her gym a bit of maze composed of a plethora of branching pathways of cobblestone; and it was easy to get lost if one wasn't careful.

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 11:53:19 GMT
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why hello there we meet again owo

They’d agreed on a date and time, and most definitely a place; but there was something he’d completely blanked out on and had forgotten to ask until a few days before they were scheduled to meet again: he forgot to ask for her number!

Well, it was either that or her email address, but the fact that he didn’t have any means of communication with her until the time they were supposed to meet again was something that had clearly gone past his mind. Grumbling to himself, he hoped he wasn’t late—thank goodness his route for the day took him ridiculously close to Mauville. Well, actually, towards Mauville Hills but that was neither here nor there—and once he’d dropped off the rest of the packages and important documents he had to deliver, he then asked for directions to the new Mauville Gym.

Last he heard there was someone who used Electric-types there, but this time he knew it was Grass—and just in case, he dropped by the Pokémon Center and swapped out some members of his team while keeping some of them along with him. Oh, but of course, he had to go back again and swap out one of them for the Servine he’d acquired in the time since they’d last met—he figured she’d want to meet the little serpentine Grass-type.

Sooner or later he found himself outside the Gym, which looked like a massive greenhouse—fitting, considering the type specialization that he knew she favored. Once he’d parked his bike nearby and locked it to a nearby rack, he then squared his shoulders and then made toward the entrance, opening it and looking around.

“Uhh… hello?” he called out, looking around and just basically gaping at the interior. He was pretty sure he’d get lost here without a guide—

—and there was one right there.

“Oh, hello there,” he said as he looked down and saw a Deerling, eyeing him curiously. “Sorry I took a while. Where’s your companion?” he asked, hoping that he wouldn’t have to spend the rest of the afternoon getting lost in the massiveness of the gym proper.

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 15:31:51 GMT
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cait's deerling greeted the male with the dip of her head before beginning to escort him through the maze. he'd glimpse pokemon here and there as he was led deeper into the gym, though they didn't respond much to him being there; the majority of the creatures he'd see merely glancing in his direction before returning to whatever they had been doing before. 


he'd be led to an impressively large stone circle, the field bordered by a river that was a solid meter across and roughly several deep. cait stood at its very center, her face lighting up the moment he came into view. her butterfree and beautifly hovered above her head, the pairing having alerted their mistress of his arrival. 

i'm so happy you made it," she chimed. 

she beckon him to cross the wooden bridge that would grant him access to where they'd battle.

welcome to mauville city gym."

cait blew on a whistle that had been secured around her neck by a string, the device producing a sound that couldn't be detected by a human's ears. moments later, all of her companions began to emerge, each standing at the river's edge and settling down one by one as they heeded their trainer's call. 

i hope you came prepared. this is an 'off-the-books' battle, correct?"

the scarred deerling which had guided him to cait trotted toward her mistress before settling herself at the woman's side. 

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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2019 14:24:25 GMT
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insert: his WTF face

How did such a lush jungle manage to fit itself into the confines of a city that so resembled another’s in a region far away? He didn’t have any idea how it was possible, but here it was—the natural feel of a forest recreated in such a controlled environment. It didn’t take too long for the Deerling to lead him to a clearing—and that’s where he spotted the greenette, at the center of a large stone circle meant to mimic the feeling of a clearing in the middle of a lush, dense tropical climate.

Such were the marvels of technology and landscaping.

Once he was sure he could cross the bridge, he did exactly that—and looked up toward the ceiling. “You know, I’m still amazed that you were able to have a forest in a city as modernized as this,” he began, his attention drawn back to the rustling sound of foliage—and then for a few moments a look of alarm spread across his face as the seven he knew from sight on their previous meeting emerged, along with…

…holy shit, was he going to fight all of them, all at once?!

“Okay, shit, first things first,” he began, unable to betray the hint of nervousness in his tone, …do I have to fight them all? Six against… I’m doing a quick headcount here—almost forty, fifty-something Grass-types… that’s not going to be fair on my end,” he said a few moments later, an equally nervous chuckle escaping him a few seconds after.

Shit, if my count’s right that’s more than just fifty… he thought, his gaze quietly sweeping through the clearing as he started counting pairs of eyes that had begun emerging.

Just… how many would he have to face down?

“I definitely came prepared for an off-the-record thing, but holy hell, this is going to be a bit of a handicap on my end if you ask me, he continued as he quickly redid the count and realized a few moments later that she had almost… sixty-something Pokémon surrounding them from all sides!

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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2019 15:44:24 GMT
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cait blinked, bemused. it wasn't long before her face split into a huge grin, her shoulders trembling with barely contained laughter. 

"don't be silly, lars."

she gestured toward everyone and upon closer examination he'd come to realize there were more than just grass-type's to be concerned over. no, cait appeared to have amassed a large collection of pokemon of varying types.

you won't be fighting all of them. only six," she promised. "my pokemon aren't contained within the confines of my gym - they're allowed to roam freely until they're called."

cait raised her volume, her next words directed at her companions. 

anyone may participate in this next battle," the gym leader announced. "who will step forward?

her grin was broad she addressed the pokemon, her tone brimming with excitement. the first contender would soon step forth, having decided to make good use of the bridge before situating themselves before their mistress.


the girafarig held his head high as he peered at lars, his posture and the gleam in his eyes exuding arrogance. 

start whenever you're ready, lars," cait said. 


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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2019 16:07:19 GMT
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he got scared there for a few moments, lol. Also notes below!

Maybe he’d panicked a little too early—it wasn’t until he took a third look did he notice that there were more than just Grass-types in the crowd—hell, he picked out the familiar silhouette of a Salandit in the crowd, he was sure his Mirana would love that… but for now, he saw that there was a Girafarig who crossed the bridge and was now staring him down.

To bust out Ariana or no… I better save her for later… he thought, before looking over her way. “Don’t mind if I do,” was what he said next as he plucked out a Safari Ball with a sticker of an angry-looking lizard on one side and popping it to full size and tossing it forward.

A few moments later, Mirana the Salandit landed on the ground, tail whipping out behind her before looking behind at Lars and then seeing that he was waving his hand at the Girafarig’s direction. “Look, I know I owe you a fight, so… you’re going to get it. You remember how you fought Agni? he began, and at that the female lizard hissed, spitting out a globule of noxious-looking purple…something.

“Yeah, that’s it. Startle with a Fake Out, go,” he continued, waving the dual-type forward and watching as the little lizard seemingly disappeared from sight—only to appear close to where the Girafarig was and attempted to do a Fake Out first strike!

Whether or not it was going to connect, the next order came, “Don’t you chicken out on me, girl, try your Poison Gas next!” and he mentally crossed his fingers, hoping for the best as the dual-type backed away and took a deep breath before billowing out a noxious-smelling purple cloud…

- Salandit out on the field!
- used Fake Out as a first move
- pending if that doesn't connect, leaps back and uses Poison Gas

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POSTED ON Feb 25, 2019 23:14:31 GMT
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the unpleasant combination of fake out and poison gas proved effective and left the girafarig swaying unsteadily upon his hooves. 

"poison," cait remarked.

she peered down at the pungent gas as it spread, thinned and dissipated; her psychic-type having already been inflicted by its potent toxin. 

'that's unfortunate,' cait thought, noting the shivers that now wracked girafarig's form. 'but he should manage for a little while longer.' 

toss her with psychic."

her companion blinked rapidly before eventually regaining the control needed to call forth his power. girafarig wielded his abilities to send a kinetic blast toward the salandit, the tall quadruped intending to shove her closer to the circle edge. the cold river's embrace would await her should this method prove effective. 


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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 16:00:06 GMT
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hhhhhh. Also notes below!

Okay, that was a good start, but—whoa! He thought as he blinked, watching as Mirana had made to skitter away—but not fast enough.

Since he saw the faint shimmer of a rainbow-colored burst of energy, he knew that the Salandit was in for it—before he could send another command at the dual-type, in came the attack from the Girafarig and had lifted her up from the ground and sent her flying.

“Mirana!” he called out, hearing the angry shrieking of the dual-type as she was sent flying beyond his shoulder—quickly recalling the Salandit a few seconds after she hit the water and began shrieking all kinds of bloody murder as the water made her extremely uncomfortable.

“Gee, you don’t mess around, huh,” he said with a grin as he then popped another Pokéball forward and sent it out. Knowing he didn’t want to resort to that so soon, but at the same time he knew he should keep the surprises until the very last, the light-blue coloration of Rijm hit the field a few moments later.

He then remembered that the Girafarig was a Normal-type so Hex wasn’t going to work on it, and he had to rethink his next attack a bit.

Backing up slightly, he then nodded, Extrasensory, now,” and watched as the ice-colored Ninetales then concentrated, before attacking with a burst of energy headed right at the double-headed giraffe.

- Salandit makes an unceremonious dive into the water beyond the arena
- recalls Salandit, sends out Alola-Ninetales
- A-Ninetales uses Extrasensory on the Girafarig

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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 20:01:25 GMT
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girafarig backpedaled the moment extrasensory came into contact, the raw power behind it causing the entirety of his form to tremble. 

"that's - well. that's a powerful pokemon you have there," cait remarked. 

lars's choice of ninetales was a surprising one, the creature pale, petite and beautiful while still effectively exuding a remarkably frigid aura that betrayed its potential. 

'i wonder how it'll manage against girafarig.' 

her psychic-type blinked blearily in the direction of the pokemon, his mind momentarily dulled as a result of the potency of the attack. 

'that's... not good,' cait thought, frowning. 

it was another flinch that rendered the psychic temporarily immobile and an effective one at that. 


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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2019 14:38:11 GMT
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kek, tl;dr below

“It’s actually her first time to battle against anything, to be fair. I’ve had her with me ever since… do you remember that time Fortree was besieged with these? Apparently I got one of the babies that got left behind, and I’ve had her since then, he answers, wondering if she was aware of that time the swarm of white-colored Vulpix and Ninetales came crashing through the City in the Trees that one evening.

Watching for any signs of struggle coming from the Girafarig, he waited… and waited for another attack. Seeing that there was none, he was much hesitant to knock it down and over, he knew that Rijm would do well later—so he did a most surprising thing.

“Actually… I’ve been wanting to show her to you,” he says a few moments later, quickly recalling the white Ninetales in a flash of red light before chucking another Pokéball forward, watching as this flash of red light then transformed into Ariana, the Grass-type starter he’d hinted at looking for before.

“Got lucky in the Desert. So here she is. Ariana, be a dear and knock the Girafarig over for me?” he called to the Grass-type, who turned around and gave him a bit of sass, before turning around and then unleashing her Vine Whip on the seemingly stunned Girafarig in an attempt to knock some sense back into it—but at the same time, wanted to knock it over as well.

- recalls A-Ninetales, sends out Servine
- gets sassed for all of 0.5 seconds before using Vine Whip on the Girafarig

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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2019 12:32:03 GMT
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"a servine?"

cait's eyes grew round at the sight of the medium-sized serpent, the woman immediately reminded of her own beloved serperior.

what a lovely little thing."  

her girafarig's head snapped to the side the moment the vine harshly impacted his face. he was sent stumbling, the force of the blow enough for him to completely lose his balance. he'd quickly make his way back onto his hooves, but cait called for him to take leave of the battlefield.

you've done enough, boy. go ahead and rest," she said.

the psychic-type's nostrils flared as he shot the green serpent a withering glare. he did as he was told regardless of his desire to retaliate, his hoofs harshly impacting the stone of the field as he trotted off to join his fellows.

let's see how strong that pokemon of yours is.

her munchlax was the next to appear, the pudgy pokemon nibbling absently upon her own paw as she sported a mostly blank expression. 


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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2019 14:18:04 GMT
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kek, tl;dr below

Well at least that was a small victory, one for her and one on his side.

Just how many of her Pokémon was he going to end up facing, though? Lars had to carefully calculate them just in case he ran out of usable companions should they go on an endurance battle—hopefully not—either way, his eyes widened at the sight of the little yawning Normal-type.

Looks pretty derpy. But I know that’s dangerous because shit, that’s a Snorlax in its younger form, he thought as he saw the seemingly passive expression the other was giving. The Servine on his side of the field then turned to face him, as if waiting for directions.

“Don’t rush in, I know you. You’re headstrong… let’s play it safe. Leaf Tornado, please,” he said in the Grass-type’s direction, who made a face at him before nodding, turning her attention back to the Munchlax before releasing a sudden hailstorm of sharp leaves and chucking it at the Normal-type.

“Careful, there,” he said in the Grass-type’s direction, keeping a wary eye on the Normal-type just in case it reacted. He was pretty wary about the Snorlax line, having seen some in action—and knowing full well as a Ranger, that they were absolute bitches to deal with when they were enraged.

- Servine wants to charge ahead, Lars gives sass
- Servine uses Leaf Tornado on Munchlax
- Grass-type is now in 'observe' mode

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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2019 5:28:32 GMT
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it proved somewhat difficult to properly gauge how much damage had been inflicted. the munchlax had visibly suffered through the attack, yet her expression had yet to betray any amount of pain she may have felt. 

"let me hear a screech, baby girl."

the pokemon's paw popped out of her maw, her fat tongue flicking out to to run across her thin lips before her maw opened wide to release a terrible bellow. it sounded more like a dull roar than anything else as it continued to sound, the pokemon's eyes having widened before she abruptly snapped her mouth shut. 

"munch-lax," she purred. 

munchlax's expression gradually morphed from weirdly blank to one of malicious glee, her pinprick gaze fixed upon her opponent. 

hit her with a chip away," cait instructed. 

the chubby normal-type lunged forward with a shout, a noise that wasn't at all dissimilar to laughter spilling from her partially gaping maw as energy encased her right paw. she sought to brutally swipe at her petite foe once she had closed the distance between them and appeared very much eager as she did so.  

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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 17:14:31 GMT
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finally a movement! SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY eue

“Careful there,” he warns his Servine, who’s looking at the sleepy Munchlax. Despite its small stature, it suddenly comes in for an attack and she’s caught off-guard—letting out a yelp of surprise.

“Mi—wait, no,” he backtracks, remembering that Mirror Coat didn’t work on physical attacks (that was Counter, and Alpha had that) and that causes the Servine to stop for a few seconds, getting the full head-on brunt of the attack.

“Sorry!” he calls out a few moments later, seeing that the Servine was getting slapped around. A few moments later, he thinks of something on the fly, and calls out, Vine Whip—only when it gets closer to you!” and he hopes for the best. Meanwhile, the Grass-type was really pissed at that point because wow, what the hell was wrong with him? Why wasn’t he giving her a decisive movement that she had to do?

The Servine then prepared its Vine Whip attack, ready to lash out should the other get too close.

“Be careful out there,” he mutters a few moments later, watching as his Grass-type waited patiently for an opening so that she could be able to strike and put some distance between herself and the Munchlax, because for some reason the Normal-type didn’t want to leave her alone.

- Lars almost makes the mistake of having Servine use Mirror Coat. Whoops
- Servine gets pissy, thinks Lars is losing it
- Backtracking, Lars asks the Servine to use Vine Whip on Munchlax's next approach
- can you tell he's bad at this shit?

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POSTED ON Aug 18, 2019 2:08:24 GMT
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