Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
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I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2022 11:32:29 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Pokémon could have new year's resolutions too, and Chomper's resolution was to finally evolve this year, to forego the feeble body of a Deino and become the ferocious dragon he was always meant to be! For that to happen, intensive training would be needed. There were few places in Hoenn better for training than Mt. Chimney, where the rough terrain combined with the volcanic fumes made getting any kind of exercise an incredibly arduous task.

"You're doing great, Chomper! Keep at it!" Andrea encouraged her partner, while jogging alongside him on the treacherous mountain path. She was currently wearing a maroon tracksuit and a pair of white sneakers, while her hair had been tied into a long ponytail. As much as she would've loved to stay in her favorite onesie, it would've been suicide to wear it in such a hot place. She was already drenched in sweat as is!

As mentioned, the path was treacherous. Losing her footing for a split second, Andrea found herself slipping off a ledge, barely managing to hold unto a weathered tree branch for dear life. "L-little help please..." The girl nervously uttered. Her Deino quickly grabbed unto her sleeve with its teeth. The tiny dragon grunted, clearly struggling to pull its trainer all the way up. "Hey, I'm not THAT heavy!" The young PokéManiac objected, faintly blushing.
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Laurence Anderson
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2022 17:43:44 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Okay, so a certain someone had to do something about building up heat tolerance all over again—

His disgust of the Hoennian heat had only been exacerbated due to a certain presence that was always there, cackling in the back of his mind. Of course, there were also times that said presence was sleeping—

Now was one of those times. At least he would have peace and quiet for a few hours, at least. He couldn’t be just harassed all the time by the snarky one, right?!

Just as he came by—wait a second, why was there a Deino all the way out here? He racked his brains, he was sure that there weren’t so many Dragon-types running around this particular area, until—

Until he heard the shout coming from a point beyond where the Deino was struggling.

He then approached the ledge and looked down and—

No warning, no nothing, he crouched down and attempted to reach out to where the young woman was hanging from the branch—that looked rather flimsy.


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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2022 18:05:36 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
"T-thanks, mister!" Andrea accepted the stranger's hand with gratitude. With his help, plus Chomper's own effort, she soon found herself standing back on stable ground, face to face with her dashing savior. "That was close! If I fell down there, I'd never have been able to get back up! I mean, how does one even climb a ledge? It's literally impossible!" The young woman remarked, while adjusting her glasses, clearly relieved.

Meanwhile, her Deino was sniffing the man's feet in a curious manner. After deciding that he smelled of good vibes, the little dragon returned to its trainer's side. "Guess Chomper and I will have to get back to our training now. Would you like to join us?" She proposed. "You won't have to rescue me again, I promise!" She hastily added.
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Laurence Anderson
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2022 21:49:51 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The good thing was that the Deino didn’t attack him after seeing that he was here to help and not to cause any further trouble.

He just hoped she didn’t notice that his hands were colder than usual, though!


‘Oh, shut up! Too young!’

‘Oh, I know, I was just teasing you!’


The cackling in the back of his mind receded once again, before they straightened up (and he dusted off her clothes to the best of his ability).

“Nothing’s impossible if you set your mind to it, you know,” he offered idly. Ugh, there was a reason he hated this place—it was just so damned hot! Plus, running up and down the side of an active volcano?

Hadn’t people learned—well, he couldn’t say anything about that because look where someone decided to set a hot springs town at.

Right at the foot of this active volcano, that’s what!

“Two pairs of eyes are better than one, especially around here,” he continued. “I wouldn’t mind joining you for your training sojourn. What else kind of training are you planning on doing?”

He hoped that she wouldn’t be too crazy to lift a boulder with her bare hands! That would be nuts! Well, then again, there were some people who were just nuts enough to do that after all.

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 9:05:25 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Andrea raised her arms as the older stranger dusted off her clothes. What a gentleman! He told her that nothing was impossible, to which the girl nodded agreeingly. "That's what I keep saying! So, if I set my mind on becoming a Pokémon, I will succeed, no matter if people keep telling me it's impossible!" She casually, yet very confidently said out of the blue.

Refusing to elaborate, the trainer of Dragons resumed jogging along the rocky mountain path. "Our training usually involves more of this. Chomper needs to build up his endurance. Though, occasionally we run into wild Pokémon." The young woman explained, panting ever so slightly from the physical strain of running.

Eventually, they ran into an obstacle that impeded their progress; A bunch of dry bushes were blocking the path forward. "Well, that's not exactly a wild Pokémon, but it's perfect for testing our battling skills! Chomper, use Dragon Pulse!" Andrea exclaimed. Her Deino exhaled a wave of blue fire from its gaping mouth that set the bushes ablaze, turning them into a large, cerulean bonfire. "Now Dragon Rush!" The Irate Pokémon charged at the flaming bushes with draconic might, pulverizing them and leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

"That was awesome! I love you, Chomper!" Andrea beamed, lifting the Deino off the ground and kissing the top of its head. The small dragon responded by playfully headbutting her face. Her dotting treatment aside, this was definitely not a baby critter that had just hatched from its Egg, but an experienced Pokémon that could likely hold its own in an actual battle.
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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
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Laurence Anderson
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2022 20:42:23 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Becoming a Pokémon—

Okay that was a bit of a stretch. Maybe she had her reasons? He wondered what those reasons were.

Looking at the Deino that had helped him pull her up from the ledge, he crinkled his eyebrows together, remembering something.

“Oh, it may not be much, but when he evolves, get ready to shell out double the food. I trust you know what he’s going to evolve into, right?” he confirmed; because honestly—everyone had to start somewhere! He had a Hydreigon himself, but good grief the way Lucan asked for food… it was… bedlam, utter bedlam.

Let’s not get started on the Hydreigon… that was another hell of a time.

“Speaking of which, do you deal with just Dragon-types, or do you have other preferred types as well?”

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2022 0:41:04 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
"Of course I know!" Andrea replied when her impromptu training partner asked her if she knew what Deino's evolution was. "Although, I never thought about needing to feed him twice as much. I wonder what it's like to be a Pokémon with multiple heads... Do you think they have multiple personalities too, or is a head just another body part to them?" She pondered aloud, again fixated with the idea of being in a Pokémon's shoes, so to speak.

"I don't really have a favorite type. My Mom and Dad used to be PokéManiacs, so they kinda taught me to train any Pokémon that looks big and strong!" The young woman explained, while continuing to jog, following closely behind the Deino. "Chomper just happens to be the first Pokémon I ever had, so even if he's not that big or ferocious, I love him all the same!"

Another obstacle appeared in the way, this time in the form of an enormous boulder. Chomper defiantly tried to push it out of the way by ramming his head against it, but it quickly proved too much for him. Andrea grabbed the small dragon, holding him back before he could seriously hurt himself in his vain efforts. "Let's let Barron deal with this one, okay?" She suggested, sending out a much larger Pokémon; A gargantuan, bipedal, rhinoceros-like creature covered in gray and silver armor.

The Aggron began pushing the giant boulder with all of its might, making it budge, but even its strength proved insufficient to fully move it. That was one big, heavy rock! Perhaps an extra pair of hands would do the trick, though. What could the other trainer have in store?
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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
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Laurence Anderson
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2022 20:11:56 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Oh, trust me—Zweilous have a near-bottomless appetite. I speak from personal experience as I have a Hydreigon myself,” he shared.

“Plus the two heads always argue about whoever gets to eat more. It’s… it’s a thing with their species, really. Kind of like a fight for dominance, so brace yourself,” he advised.

Spoken from one owner to another.

At the explanation that her parents were PokéManiacs, then it made sense why she wanted to become a Pokémon…

“Some Pokémon thrive on tough love, others love it when they’re spoiled… with Dragon-types most of the time it’s ‘tough love’,” he continued.

Either way…

Now that she had an Aggron out, he grinned. However the boulder was much larger than expected, and even the Aggron was struggling.

“Stand back,” he remarked, pulling out a scuffed, battered Heavy Ball and throwing it skyward—the red beam of light revealing itself to be his number one ace in the hole, one of his longest companions—the shining, silver beast of a Metagross, Ro.

The dual-type landed with a powerful thud on the ground that caused the nearby area to rumble upon impact.

“Ro, if you may.”

Much as he wanted to cheat and have the Metagross use Telekinesis that would be way too easy, however the silver beast joined the other dual-type in helping to shove the boulder aside.

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2022 20:59:34 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
"Oh, I see. So, the two heads really do have their own personalities..." Andrea mused, placing a hand on her chin in a pondering fashion. "It'll be like having TWO Chompers!" She beamed. Her Deino looked mildly concerned, not sure whether it liked the idea of sharing its body (and meals) with another being.

The young woman's eyes widened in amazement when the older trainer sent out a mighty Metagross that looked different than most of its blue brethren. "Ooooh! It shines!" She exclaimed, having vaguely heard of such a phenomenon. Even her Aggron looked slightly taken aback by the spectacle. With their combined strength, the two Steel types were definitely able to push the large boulder aside, sending it rolling down the ledge.

Chomper tugged at the seam of Andrea's track pants with his teeth, trying to get her attention. "What's wrong, boy?" The girl asked, kneeling down. The small dragon responded with a series of intelligent growls. Its trainer nodded in understanding. "Uh huh... I see... Alright, I'll tell them." She rose up, looking at Laurence. "Chomper wants to battle your Metagross, mister. What better way to cap off our training than with a sparring match, am I right?" The young PokéManiac suggested.
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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
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Laurence Anderson
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2022 17:42:11 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

At her perception of the two dragon heads having their own individual personalities—she wasn’t wrong there, that’s for sure.

“They do. Only thing is, they squabble a lot so be careful,” he advised. Oh, how he was reminded of Lucan… that was a mess, really. Skyrocketing food expenses added onto the host of problems he had to handle as a then-Zweilous owner, to boot.

With enough effort, both the Metagross and Aggron managed to heave the boulder off to one side—and he couldn’t help but follow the path where said boulder had fallen. He hoped nobody was hiking far below, because that would be one hell of a surprise to see a boulder suddenly crashing down from out of nowhere.

At the mention of a battle request, he couldn’t help but—bite back a smirk. Thank hell his ‘resting bitch face’ was also his ‘neutral face’, and so he pondered on the request.

After some time, he had a response.

In order to climb the mountain, one must face many challenges—is that what you’re going for, with your Deino?” he confirmed, just to be on the safe side.

“To be fair, your Deino has a bit of a type-advantage over him, however he wouldn’t mind. Right, Ro?”

To that, the shining silver beast gave a surprised noise, like white static shorting out before affixing one of the beady red eyes in Lars’s direction like ‘are you nuts?’, before letting out another grating noise of approval.

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2022 7:49:02 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Climbing a mountain was an apt metaphor for what Andrea was trying to do, if a bit confusing due to the fact she was currently jogging the mountain. Semantics aside, she nodded resolutely at Laurence's inquiry. "Yeah, exactly! Chomper needs to grow big and strong, and I need to train my body too if I wanna become a Pokémon!"

The spotlight was currently on the little Deino that could, however. Ro had reluctantly accepted the dragon's bold challenge. This rocky hill they were on wasn't exactly a sanctioned arena, but it would do. Chomper got into position and awaited his trainer's orders. "Ready when you are! Let's kick this battle off with a Crunch!" The young PokéManiac exclaimed, prompting the black-haired dragon to charge defiantly towards the much larger Steel/Psychic type, attempting to bite into one of its sturdy legs with his deceptively strong jaws.
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he / him / his
july 26
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Laurence Anderson
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2022 18:02:06 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The Metagross could only stare at Lars as he waved in the silver beast’s direction, as if saying ‘go on,’ and stepping back to allow the Pokémon full range of whatever he was going to plan.

(Lars says ‘he’, even if the Beldum line is technically genderless.)

Even if by all technicalities it didn’t feel fair to do this (because this was a grossly-imbalanced match-up, at least according to Ro’s calculations) he would still go along with it.

…okay, well, that attack did hurt, but only because of his mixed-typing!

Affixing his red-eyed stare on the Deino in front of him, he was contemplating on retaliating with a burst of Psychic energy but he was too smart for that—and instead chose to lash back with a Bullet Punch attack!

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2022 11:00:42 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
As Metagross' rugged body began to move, Chomper could tell that it was about to strike, and prepared to dodge whatever was coming his way. However, the blinding speed of that Bullet Punch caught the little Deino off guard. He hadn't expected a Pokémon this large and heavy to be able to move so fast. And that wasn't even Metagross' most powerful attack!

The Dragon type was sent flying, luckily being caught by Barron the Aggron before he could fall off the cliff. "Oh dear, maybe this wasn't the best idea..." Andrea worriedly ran up to the two, checking to see if her Deino was alright. Apart from being bruised by the Bullet Punch, he hadn't suffered any long-lasting injuries. Really, his pride had been damaged the most, as he now looked dejected that he couldn't beat his opponent. "It's okay, Chomper. I know you did your best. You bit off more than you could chew, that's all." His trainer tried to comfort him.

With that, the girl turned back to Lars, a wide smile permeating her face despite the crushing defeat she and Chomper had just suffered. "Guess we still have a lot of training to do, huh? I should probably get to Lavaridge's Pokémon Center now. Just you wait, though. When Chomper and I are stronger, we're gonna have a rematch!" The young PokéManiac declared with a spark in her eyes.

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
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is gonna be the loneliest
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Laurence Anderson
Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 8:03:34 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Not a single sound came from the Metagross—this was why it was a bad idea! Lars could only sigh.

“Sorry about that,” the apologized as the Deino was sent flying. At least he didn’t lash out with Meteor Mash—that would’ve hurt way worse than the Bullet Punch!

“At least it gives your Deino something to work toward,” he added with a mischievous grin as he approached the Metagross and pat one of the four massive legs.

“I guess you could say your Deino has a rival now,” he continued with the barest hint of a smirk on his features before hopping on his back.

Ro made several grating noises, and he looked down. “What, really?”

A few moments later and another series of ‘white noise’ answers came in affirmation.

“Well then! He awaits the day your Deino is at full power for a rematch,” he remarked her way. And before he forgot…

“My name’s Lars.”

With that, the hulking silver beast folded in his four legs, and with a Magnet Rise, they were off and away!

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Treacherous Training [WW/M/O]
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2022 5:34:57 GMT
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