100 bad days [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dom, Nic, Nicky
May 19
35 height
35 height
let's not forget we're flying.
91 posts
Dominic Grey DOLLARS
part of
Dominic Grey
100 bad days [m]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2022 1:30:55 GMT
Dominic Grey Avatar

Mt. Pyre was, perhaps, a morbid backdrop for a training session. But Dominic couldn't stay away from the natural beauty of the place, and the steep switchback routes would provide the perfect place for them to push themselves. He was pretty sure he would be right there in the middle of things, too. Any time he tried to resist training alongside his Pokemon, he failed miserably.[break][break]

He'd texted Vic a few days ago to invite him to the training session. They'd hit it off pretty well on their patrol, and Dom was looking forward to getting to know his fellow ranger. Plus, Vic had been in Hoenn longer than Dom, and Dom would never say no to more cultural knowledge on the region. There was no downside to information about the inner workings of the local rangers, either.[break][break]

Dom waited near the shore, looking out over the water. Nova sat beside him, swishing her tails gracefully.




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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
breathe me out
158 height
158 height
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
part of
Victor Wexler
100 bad days [m]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2022 23:43:24 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

Why was it that he found himself visiting Mt. Pyre time and again as of late?
Not that Vic minded all that much, for there was little that seemed eerie or unsettling about the mountain to him, but it was still kind of strange to think about the fact that every new friend he made seemed to somehow be drawn to this place where so many pokémon had been laid to rest. First , now .
Good thing Vic didn’t like to dwell on things for long and that he was all too easily distracted.
Flying to Mt. Pyre, for example?
A great distraction all on its own, so much so that by the time his Charizard touched down upon the shore, all thoughts of the sort lay replaced with those of flying, the cold winter air, and how cool Mt. Pyre looks from the skies.
”Hey! Hope we didn’t make you wait long.”
The smile he wore when greeting Dom was as bright as usual. For, to be completely honest, he had been looking forward to this.



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played by


Dom, Nic, Nicky
May 19
35 height
35 height
let's not forget we're flying.
91 posts
Dominic Grey DOLLARS
part of
Dominic Grey
100 bad days [m]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2022 17:10:57 GMT
Dominic Grey Avatar

It wasn't long before the flapping of wings caught Nova's attention. Her ear swiveled back, pinpointing the sound before she turned to look. Dom followed her gaze, finally pulling his attention from the skyline just as Vic and his Charizard landed. He grinned, stepping towards the pair with a wave.[break][break]

"Not at all, bro! Plus," he gesture out towards the horizon. "Look at that awesome view. I wouldn't have minded." Staring out over scenic vistas was how he spent most of his free time anyway. Of course, he usually also got paid for it. "Thanks for meeting me, by the way. Nova here hasn't been on my party long, and I figured she could use some training." He patted the Ninetales on the head. "Training's always more fire with company."




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