Settle Up (S)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 1:17:43 GMT
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He heard her footsteps approach as he sat on a park bench. Leaning back, legs stretched out and his arms crossed tight across his chest.

He was comfortable, at least in his posture. In his satisfaction for the arrangement he was in, he was much less so.

He wasn't here to mince words, there was a debt to be settled.

He didn't wait for her to greet him. He didn't wait for her to stall for another moment. Nor pry about who was under the helmet.

"Where's my Ditto Fairbanks." It was a question. Obviously. It was a question.

Somehow, through sheer annoyance, he twisted it into sounding like a statement. Because instead of her calling him here, he had to call her.

Which meant, they still couldn't settle up.

-because she didn't fucking have it.

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Violet Fairbanks
Settle Up (S)
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2022 20:18:42 GMT
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“There is no such thing as a Ditto Fairbanks. I am an only child,” she replied, regretting that she had her ponytail up today. Otherwise she could have flicked a lock over her shoulder to accentuate that. Just because he was technically in the right did not mean that she would not be catty about this. In fact, she was even more inclined to be like this when he came at her this aggressively right out of the gate.
Really, men could get so annoying and impatient. If it was that easy to find a ditto, guess what? He’d long have one himself, or she would have found one. But hunting those was difficult. She had ranger training enough to know that much. Thus, him being annoyed like this just annoyed her, in turn. Thus, she decided to screw with him anyway, just on principle. Maybe he was gullible enough after all.
She gestured at the Cinccino at her side. “Sadly, this Ditto has been stuck in a transformed state forever. Can’t seem to get it out of that.”

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POSTED ON May 15, 2022 10:12:48 GMT
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"It sounds like you don't plan to uphold our deal." Far be it from him to develop a split personality when the helmet was on. But it felt like she was playing him. Prissy little missy doing things on her own time.

But that time was almost up; she'd get no graces from him beyond the grace period.

"Given how... cavalier you're being about showing up empty handed." His helmeted head leaned to the side for a bit, like a baby that wasn't being cradled properly.

"I'll tell you what..." He made for renegotiation without ever getting up or losing his cool.

"Let's just re-balance the whole deal." He let the non-pandering tone fill the air between them. "I'll give you back half of your trade right now and the other half when you return my Ultra Beast."

He seemed more at home than he should have been suddenly on that bench. "So which half do you want?" Bisecting a Zarude would be messy business. "The top half or the bottom?"

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Violet Fairbanks
Settle Up (S)
POSTED ON May 16, 2022 21:22:01 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Oh, well, she truly should be careful. After all, it was easy to get cut on so much concentrated edge, best to stay careful. Vio just rolled her eyes at that weirdo in a mask. Some people just lacked any and all subtlety. Sure, Violet was wearing a mask, too, but hers was a lot better. Most people did not even realize she wore one, after all. And even if they did, they would have no idea as to how to peel it back to begin with.
Heh. It would be a lie that she started feeling smugly superior to him. She’d done that from the first word, really. “Your lack of faith in me is….disconcerting. I am never truly empty-handed. And I always uphold my ends of deals, if at all possible. Such a disappointment, for a person,” she replied, feigning disappointment. Granted, it was probably not wise to tease this guy, but on the other hand, she was not exactly lying here, either. Men were just silly sometimes, for arbitrary reasons. Even now he had to act all manly and powerful. It was kind of saddening, really.

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POSTED ON May 16, 2022 22:45:58 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

"Faith is earned, not given." She had some nerve passing judgement on him as the disappointment. Imagine the business that took payments on goods it never delivered and then held the patrons that paid in a lower standing. 

If she was crooked and in need of a mark she could have just said so. "I'm sure you do pretty well for yourself whipping around that pop-star ponytail." There was a sucker born every minute for a pretty face.

Fairbanks seemed to pride herself on her appearance, she was a good looking young woman after all.

In his experience the youngest and prettiest women, were completely full of shit.

"I would think a girl like you would be a little smarter about all this; didn't I get you what you wanted?" He had plans; a table to be built at which someone like Violet Fairbanks could eat her fill but he didn't trust her and she didn't respect him.

Which meant for now she was useless under his employ.

So any job offers he kept to himself. "If this is the best you can do, this little arrangement of ours will be as far as we go."

Even now he was willing to bet she had the alien-beast with her; girls did so enjoy the rare and expensive things.

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Violet Fairbanks
Settle Up (S)
POSTED ON May 17, 2022 17:30:25 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“I am not talking about your girlfriend though. Which is ironic, since last I heard, everyone was having Faith in town. But for those of us who don’t need to wear masks all day, we tend to have a baseline of faith, really,” she replied, shrugging once more. He seemed to be the vindictive and judgmental sort. Which honestly was not surprising, given everything else he was displaying there. Naturally, she simply ignored his attempts to tease her and just continued laying down her own, which were indubitably better. After all, he had already moved down from threats of violence to simply voicing his dismay. A little more and maybe she could get him to apologize, at least indirectly.
Though she had to be honest, too. “And yes, you did get me what I wanted. Which is not quite the same as satisfying me, but that is a start at least. Though I am still appalled that you talk about the best I can do when you are incapable of seeing what is right in front of you.” She sighed, playfully and clearly just in pretend. Though I guess it cannot be helped. Anyone wearing a red hood is probably both incapable and immune to subtlety. Doubly so if male.” Another shrug. “Though I am curious as to how this deal is supposed to work if you lack faith to begin with. That seems detrimental to the whole enterprise.”

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Settle Up (S)
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 22:57:32 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

The talonflame in its peckish bird-y movements craned it neck around to take a long stare of the human female.

She didn't seem anymore pleased with anything than her trainer in the helmet. "Yeah because my genitalia makes me an idiot." If that was the crux of her viewpoints, it only meant her downfall would be something that wasn't male.

Ultimately this wasn't a shakedown. If she didn't have the remains of her half of the deal, he was obligated to give her more time.

That aside, they were talking in circles which meant it was time to stop talking.

"-and I'm not convinced you can be satisfied." As far as his faith in her and their attempt at any enterprising. "We both need faith in one another and results."

He stood up dusting off his thighs and core. "Apparently, I owe you the former." With a snap of his fingers the flamed falcon flew short, landing on his gloved hand. "You think about which of them you owe me."

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Violet Fairbanks
Settle Up (S)
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 17:26:51 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Not the genitalia, just a complex mix of socio-economic and biological factors that have your gender more pre-disposed to such things than mine,” she replied, shrugging, completely ignoring any of his potential attempts at intimidation. If he wanted to cause her more trouble than he already did, he’d already started doing so. No, he was trying to turn this into a profitable arrangement, so much she was sure of so far.
That was also why he was trying to break out of this stalemate, possibly. “I can be satisfied, actually. It just requires effort, skill and technique, really,” she thus noted, but nodded. Though she found herself confused as to how he continued on. “What I owe you is this,” she quickly replied, pointing at the Cincino looking Pokemon. “I already delivered you the other, so this is what you get. It’s what you ordered and you certainly will not satisfy me by altering a deal after you are given what you are owed. You going to take your Ditto or not? Because I consider my part of the deal upheld.”

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[newclass=.blboxfl .credit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:55px; right:45px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #222, 1px -1px 0 #222, -1px 1px 0 #222, 1px 1px 0 #222;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 30, 2022 23:20:32 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

"Hmmm?." Turns out, he was an idiot after all.

-and she was inarticulate.

Lifting his wrist to send Crosshairs into the sky, he took a sharper look at the Cinccino finally noticing its beady little eyes, the hallmark of a transformed Ditto.

"-Oh its right there." Because Lime caught a ditto after Slowe had already made the opening post this thread. "Why didn't you just say that?!" She probably had, honestly when she started talking about men he kinda just stopped listening to her.

Which meant he would either make for a terrible boss to her, or a tolerable one.

Approaching her she wouldn't be able to see the narrow way he squinted at her. He found her to be annoyingly guarded, she seemed to see him as the same.

Which made them, in spite of their obvious difference, two peas in a pod. "I'll be in touch, Violet." As much shit she gave him over the helmet, he said her name like it was an alias. He even made air quotes with his fingers.

With as little he knew of her it could have been an alias, not that it mattered for now. With the pokéball in hand he made his departure, already plotting away on his next venture with her.

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POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 3:24:33 GMT
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