we bare bears [m/o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 18
Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
oh, i was lost, but now i am found
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CJ Mizikar
we bare bears [m/o]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 20:34:27 GMT
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It was a chilly, blustery day, even for Verdanturf. There was a smattering of snow on the ground, through which peeked the purple heads of crocus and tulips in all their pastel and sunset shades. The first signs of spring had mounted a comeback effort after what had been an unusually wintery… winter. It hadn’t been enough, of course, to make CJ stop missing the frigid, bonechilling knives of a Snowpoint winter, but it had been more comfortable than most.

“We’re so very happy you’ve come,” the daycare custodian said, and the relief was palpable in his voice. “It cost us a lot of money to get started in this project, and so far we’ve had little to no success.”

“Uh-huh,” CJ said, a bit skeptical and uncaring. “How much research did you do into Pangoros before you bought all into this venture?” they locked the caretaker in a chilly, blue-eyed stare, reminiscent of the weather.

“Well,” the custodian said, clearing his throat. “We--. Well. Pancham are extremely popular right now, and it’s-- private collectors--,”

“Will pay lots of money for rare species?” CJ helped the man find his words.

“Exactly! See, you get it.”

“Uh-huh,” CJ said again, lacking enthusiasm. “So have you looked at all the details? Your husbandry?”

“It’s not our husbandry,” the man snapped, sounding offended. “It’s the Pokemon.”

“Have any of these Pangoros been seen by a vet?” CJ finally asked, on the verge of exasperation.

The custodian blinked. “It’s-- they’re Pokemon,” he said, after a beat. “They don’t… why would we take them to the vet?”

CJ had followed the man through the first building and out to the back-- a large, fenced in area with a scattering of trees here and there. The massive black and white back of a Pangoro sitting on the ground munching lazily on a stack was visible over a small hill. A wall had been erected between this area and the next-- a wall peppered with deep scratches and dents.

“We keep the females on this side, and the males on the other,” the caretaker explained, making a hasty retreat. “Good luck!”

He left CJ alone with their thoughts and the three female Pangoros.

CJ crossed their arms over their chest and sighed. The Pangoros didn’t pay any attention to them-- but they didn’t appear overly friendly, either. That made getting close for an exam tricky. Already frustrated with the caretaker’s lack of responsibility, CJ released his three Pokemon, if only for some company. Agate clambered up Kinnick’s back and settled in comfortably.

“Well, guys,” CJ said, hands on their hips. “We gotta make these bears… make bears. Any ideas?”

Kinnick narrowed her eyes. Yazmin tugged her ears down to cover them.

mission : pwoduce pangowos pwease!

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Ale, Ana
Fortree, Hoenn
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aleana Talbot
we bare bears [m/o]
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 14:04:03 GMT
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NOTES - Notes can go here, this box expands.

Aleana arrives rubbing her sides feeling chilly, she is never good with cold weather and prefers to stay at home while drinking either hot tea or coffee but that can wait she is here to lend a hand to her homie. The owner of this daycare is one of her mutual friends and she founds out that he is currently facing a problem with his daycare. While she might not be well versed in Pokemon's lifestyle but she would try her best to help her friend. She already read some papers about Pangoro as much as she needs to offer some insight - No matter how shallow it is. "Man, don't be such a stranger, okay? If you are facing a problem, hit me up and I will come and help" Aleana pat the custodian/her friend's back with a smile grin while the custodian just smile sheepishly. "Ana, you live at Fortree. There is quite distance between here and there, I don't want to trouble you" The custodian confesses but Aleana just smiles, "Nonsense, distances are nothing if it is for helping a friend. It also happens to be my holiday and I have no plan for today. So, it wasn't a burden really. So, where is this Pangoro that needs some love advice"

The custodian just laughs and gives up as he accepts that this is just one of Ana's nature even way back. "Okay, follow me then. I happened already calls for another person for help so if you don't mind to work together with him..." The word trails off as he escorts Aleana to where is and also points out the same information that he has told to . "I am sorry but I am leaving you now, I have something to do," The custodian said his farewell.

"Hey, you must be here to handle the Pangoro's problem, yeah? Any progress yet?" Aleana calls out with a vigor that doesn't look like something that comes out from a woman at her age.

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May 18
Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
oh, i was lost, but now i am found
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CJ Mizikar
we bare bears [m/o]
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 21:30:13 GMT
CJ Mizikar Avatar

It might have been a bad sign, or said something about the innermost workings of CJ’s brain, that they already had an idea as to what to do with the whole situation. Executing it, at least without any casualties or lots of dollars in collateral damage, may take some doing, but the seeds of a plan were there, just waiting for some nourishment to sprout.

There’s the sound of a sliding door and the custodian returns with another individual, and from the gist of their discussion, it sounds like the woman is meant to help CJ with the whole ‘not making babies’ thing. CJ blinks at the newcomer, fighting really, really hard to not be a judgemental asshole. It’s just… well. CJ is a medical professional. They have a license! They worked hard for that damn license!

It was like getting into arguments with people in social media comment strings: utterly pointless, but still aggravating.

She seems excitable enough, at least. And nice. CJ tries to push aside any lingering doubts they might have. “Yep, that’s me,” they say, hands in pockets. “I’m CJ. It’s nice to meet you.”

The two of them turned to look out over the field of female Pangoros. One of which was lounging against a tree, arms crossed behind its head. “Nah, I just got here. I have a few ideas, though.” They coughed, a little awkward. “I’m-- okay, usually in a situation like this, you just… you collect the male, and do the whole thing artificially. But I feeeeeeel like we might get our arms ripped off.” The last sentence came out quickly, pushed forward by nerves. “So I’m wondering if we can somehow get them to… hatemate each other.”

mission : pwoduce pangowos pwease!

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Ale, Ana
Fortree, Hoenn
Math teacher
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aleana Talbot
we bare bears [m/o]
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2022 6:45:32 GMT
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NOTES - Notes can go here, this box expands.

"CJ? What a nice name, I am sure it has a great meaning" Aleana compliments the person as she stares at the flock of Pangoro lazying around. Something about it feels familiar but it escapes her mind momentarily as CJ starts to talk to her. Aleana tries to think of something but the cold made it hard to think especially since she is not that good with cold weather, "Sounds complicated" Aleana rubs her chin, pondering over what they could do as she looks around hoping that something might spark some ideas. However, after looking around at how the Pangoro behaves - the feeling from earlier starts to come back, and not it finally dawns upon her that it reminds her of herself whenever cold weather is coming in. She often goes to a power-saving mode and is too lazy to move. "Hmm? Would you say that Pangoro has some similarity to human behavior regarding cold winter?" Aleana asks CJ about this. From the sounds of it, CJ looks like someone who is more knowledgeable in this area so it would be foolish of her to challenge knowledge with him - It is another matter if it was a math problem though.

"I ask that since whenever cold weather comes, I always feel lazier than usual and often find affection from my husband to be something unwelcome since I just don't want to move from my spot. Do you think the same thing happened to these Pangoro too?" Aleana asks, noticing that there is barely any heater machine that works properly. "I think if we find a way to make the environment warm enough - Perhaps, they can start to breed again... what do you think?" Aleana offers a suggestion. This problem is similar to a mathematic model, if an equation can't be done that only means the formula misses something and there is a missing attribute which they can do reverse engineer it to find those missing attributes. In this case, the missing attributes could have been about the heat.

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May 18
Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
oh, i was lost, but now i am found
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CJ Mizikar
we bare bears [m/o]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2022 18:55:00 GMT
CJ Mizikar Avatar

“Eh,” CJ huffed, noncommittal, shrugging underneath their jacket. It was a dual response: no, CJ didn’t stand for anything great, though they were flattered may think so; and also, yes, she was right, it did sound complicated. “It’s not the best idea. Maybe not even a good one. But it is one, and that counts for something, right?” They smiled.

Aleana poses a thoughtful question and CJ screws their face up in thought. “I… suppose,” they allowed, trying to wrap their mind around where she was going and get there first. It had been an unseasonably cold winter in Hoenn-- which, given the presence of space time distortions and city-eating trees, was probably the mildest of current happenings.

Aleana goes on to explain that cold weather makes people-- and Pokemon, it seems-- act differently. “You’ve got a point,” they said, scratching idly at their neck in thought. “Thinking about what I know about bears… and kind of the idea of reproduction in general, in nature… there’s a season, right?” And it’s usually during the late summer-early fall, when the weather is hottest and the Pokemon are most active.

“I suppose we could try it!” CJ finally said. It was a step in the right direction-- having an idea at all.

And, they had to admit, it sure beat making the Pangoros so angry they did the frickle-frackle. Maybe they’d been reading too much steamy literature.

“How do you propose we heat it up out here?” CJ asked. “Maybe… make a fire?”

mission : pwoduce pangowos pwease!

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Ale, Ana
Fortree, Hoenn
Math teacher
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aleana Talbot
we bare bears [m/o]
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 13:34:02 GMT
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NOTES - Notes can go here, this box expands.

"Fire?" Aleana looks around at the size of the place and taking the account of the heat radius that a bonfire can make to calculate the rough amount of bonfire is needed to make this place warm. After running the calculation within her mind while also adding some others variables - She can conclude that it would be a foolish approach to make bonfires to warm the place up. "That would be a fire hazard, wouldn't it? I have made a rough calculation of the number of fires we need to warm this place up and I will tell you that the amount is well beyond fire hazard" Aleana informs with a grin and hands on her hip. "Fortunately, we are not living at the stone age. Technology marvel has strived and made our daily life be much easier. I am talking about a central heater. Perhaps we can convince the custodian to install a central heater and arrange the heat to make the place warmer"

"While it might be expensive but it can be an investment for the future after all. Let's call Audrey (The custodian) and tell him about this."

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
we bare bears [m/o]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2022 5:38:51 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


