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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 18:18:31 GMT
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So far her speed dates had been less about business and more about who'd get the honor of fighting her next. Which, to be fair, Skyler wasn't too bothered about. Friendships (and business opportunities) had blossomed in stranger situations.

The captain slumps against the chair in a manner that is wholly unprofessional and shows a glorious disregard for good manners. Her booted foot taps restlessly on the floor as silver eyes flit about, lazy, searching for her next date. 

It doesn't occur to her that she'd have to actually sit up properly in order to be able to see him.

Though little manages to surprise her these days (having lived in Hoenn long enough to grow numb to most things), the kid seated in front of her still causes her eyebrows to rise.

She casts her gaze about, as if searching for lost parents.

"Uh, are you meant to be here, kid...?"

So sue her. She wasn't great with kids.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 18:50:16 GMT
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Hideo took a sip from his drink - just some water. He patiently awaited the arrival of his next speed date, his Oranguru sitting at the side of the table.

Hideo was aware of when his date arrived the moment they took a seat. Though they were oddly quiet…and impatient? Hideo could hear that foot tapping against the floor.

But right before Hideo could ask if they were at the right table, the person spoke up. She definitely sounded like his least-enthusiastic date here. Hideo raises an eyebrow of his own as she outright questioned his presence here.

"Yup," was his immediate answer as he suppressed his annoyance - or any other tone for that matter. "I'm Hideo, and this is my table. I'm sure someone would've said if you went to the wrong table, so then it's our turn to talk, Miss…"

He didn't actually know how to address her. There waa no way for him to read her nametag.

But what he definitely could tell was this was going to be a rough one.

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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 11:05:38 GMT
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"Skyler Dross, ship captain and treasure hunter." The words come to her involuntarily, worn smooth from countless repetition. Especially since she'd acquired the Sotally Tober. "Pleasure to meet you, uh... Hideo?"

The kid didn't seem lost, or otherwise like he wasn't where he meant to be. And honestly? That was fine and good with Skyler. Good on him. Arceus knew Skyler herself had been a small terror in her younger years. Still was, to be perfectly honest.

"So." Skyler leans forward, propping her chin on the palm of her hand. "Are you a local kid - or are you doing the gym circuit? I didn't do mine when I was your age." How old was he, anyway? "But then again I was too busy learnin' to sail." Skyler didn't know if they were still doing those things, especially given how much of a mess Hoenn had become in the last few years...
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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 14:42:58 GMT
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Skyler Dross…had he heard that name somewhere before? He didn’t really know any ship captains, but that name was vaguely familiar. “Sounds like you get to do a lot of exciting stuff~” Hideo said, leaning forward in his seat. “You get to drive a big ship around? Find any good treasures in the water?

He took a sip of his water, listening as she asked her questions. Seemed like she was getting more comfortable with him now; maybe he was wrong about this being a rough date.

I’m from Slateport. Born and raised there. But I am doing the gym circuit!” He was starting to regret not bringing his badges with him, as this wasn’t the first time they were getting brought up. “I’m five badges in so far. And I already got dates for the sixth and seventh gym challenges.” He was inching closer and closer to the Elite Four and the Champion, and he wasn’t going to stop.

I honestly wished I could’ve started a couple years earlier. But my parents were dead-set on stopping me for as long as they could.” And he was doing just fine on his own! Their fears were unwarranted. “They probably would’ve tried getting me to sail before letting me do it.

An exaggeration; they would’ve been too afraid of him drowning or getting lost at sea. “I’m not that good with the water anyways. Gets me sick too easily.

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POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 11:52:28 GMT
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"Most of the time I'm looking for specific things. Not sure you'd call them treasures, but they're precious to a select few." Collectors, mostly. From Heart Scales to Mega Stones to relics from an abandoned shipwreck - the ocean had plenty to give. And Skyler had never been one to shy away from snatching an opportunity wherever she could get it.

"I have a smaller speedboat and a former war ship, the Sotally Tober, which is used mostly for scientific excursions. It's also where I live." And by the sound of her voice, she's damn proud of it. 

The impressed whistle that leaves Skyler's lips is wholly genuine. "That's impressive - five? That's three more than I've got." Some things, it seems, remain the same despite the looming possibility of war and the coming of the apocalypse. 


"So you're a rebel, huh? Good on you, Arceus knows I gave my parents enough grief." To this day, Skyler's convinced she's the reason she's an only child. "They're proud of me though. Bet yours are too."

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POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 18:06:44 GMT
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The Sotally Tober.” Hideo couldn’t resist a snort; he got the pun pretty quickly. “I like that name. And it’s pretty cool you got a warship to hunt for treasure with. How’d you get one of those?” Not that he intended on getting one himself…but he had to know.

He had to wonder if had been on any yet.

Hideo smiled; she sounded impressed by his progress. “I’m trying to get eight before a year’s passed, so I can get a shot at the Elite Four. It’s been about since I started, so I’d say I’m doing pretty well~” All because of his skill and determination, of course. Not luck. “People’ll be calling me Champion before I’m in middle school.

Because that’s what he wanted; undeniable proof of his skill. He couldn’t settle for less.

Yet at the mention of his parents being proud of him…

His smile dropped. “Oh. Yeah.” He knew his parents were still looking for him, but he had to wonder if they’d heard anything of his progress.“It’s been a while since I talked to them. Not since I left for the circuit, actually.” He was sure they’d try to guilt him into coming back anyways, even if he was doing just fine.

But I sure as heck am gonna see them again as Champion, that’s for sure!

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POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 9:15:57 GMT
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For a brief moment a shadow settles over Skyler's expression. "The Sotally Tober?" Her voice is deceptively casual. "I got it a year or so ago in the Lilycove warfront for services rendered in the war." Otherwise she would have never been able to even think about acquiring one - those things were expensive and usually the property of local governments.

"Champion, huh?" This kid had some balls, that was for sure. Whether it was a child's ambitions, clouded by a limited understanding of the world, or something more serious, Skyler couldn't help but enjoy his spunk. Given that the kid had already earned five badges, she was leaning more towards the latter. "Tell you what, pipsqueak - you earn one more badge and I'll treat you to some ice cream." Everyone liked ice cream, right? Skyler certainly did.

The buzzer interrupts her next words, signalling an end to their short date. Skyler scowls at the offending object, silver eyes narrowing in an attempt to bore some holes into it. In the end, she just sighs. "Just... try and give them a call once in a while. A sailor is made by the storms they weather, but only because they have a harbour to come back to."

Her chair scrapes back as she rises, skillfully ignoring the impatient people waiting for her to exchange seats. "And if you need to find me just look for the Sotally Tober in Lilycove."

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POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 12:05:48 GMT
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Hideo could only go by what he heard - and Skyler seemed pretty casual about her ship. Even if she had to fight in a (small) war to get it. "Fighting in a war to get a warship makes sense," he said. Hopefully there wouldn't be any more warfronts soon.

On a more optimistic note: "I'll have to take you up on that offer, you know~" He wouldn't refuse free ice cream, even in the dead of winter. "And I got gym challenges soon, so that ice cream'll be coming in sooner than you'd think."

Alas, the ringing buzzer marked the end of their date. Skyler seemed to have more to say, though the first part once again brought a frown to Hideo's face. "...Alright, I'll think about it." An empty platitude.

It was a foregone conclusion in his mind: they'd try to guilt or scare him into coming back, it wouldn't work, and he'd feel worse afterwards. He'd played it through his head multiple times before, whenever he got tempted to do it. He'd always decided he'd be better off doing something else. Anything else.

Though that temptation was coming more frequently as of late.

"I'll keep an ear out for any warships. Have a nice night, Ms. Dross."

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POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 21:51:09 GMT


Parfum Palace - Pokémon X & Y OST

A BELL DINGS, announcing the curtain call for round one. Immediately, a shuffling of chairs and flustered movement can be heard. Awkward goodbyes accompany the brisk steps of Pokémon partners as they cascade across the polished flooring.

Before you leave your table, perhaps you'd like to take a sweet treat?


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