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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2019 22:42:33 GMT
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cait daintily sipped at her cup of tea, the drink a savory combination of warm and sweet as it splashed against her tongue. with a quiet and satisfied hum she'd return it to its pale ceramic platter, the smile upon her face a well-practiced one.

"thank you for joining me here, councilman cole."

she had proposed the meeting through email, having requested a single afternoon of his time for the sole purpose of 'catching up'. their previous 'date' had been chalked up as a success, the experience leaving cait absolutely certain that she was in the midst of solidifying good relations with the councilman.

'we're acquaintances on friendly terms, at the moment,' she thought. 'but for the sake of mauville i'll need to press just a little bit deeper.'

the freckle-faced woman had selected a high-end cafe that catered to both pokemon and humans alike. their selection was impressively broad, of a superb quality and expensive. she had settled for several freshly baked cookies and a drink, her nerves preventing true hunger from gnawing at her belly. 

i know you've been busy as of late," she continued. "with field work and the like.

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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2019 23:12:08 GMT
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i’m always willing to meet with one of my eight favorite gym leaders.

his words were as sweet as their tea and as calming as the atmosphere, upturned lips taking hold of the glass before releasing, a ‘clank’ sounding as it met the china that urged for a runition of it’s consortium.

a teddiursa sat at his side, the cub taking its time with a cookie as it’s trainer spoke to another.

i can’t say i’ve had the opportunity to take a break quite like this in a while, so when you presented it to me, well... i didin’t think passing it would be wise decision on my part.

calling for attention the teddiursa would pull on the man’s shirt, offering a portion of the cookie to him, only for kim to shake his head, reverting his attention back to cait.

you seem as well as your city, has everything been okay since our last meeting?

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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2019 23:41:24 GMT
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"busy," she said. "it's been busy.

cait felt as though she rarely left her gym or the city it represented. she more often than naught spent the small hours of the day hunched over her league-issued laptop or ensuring her companions training was up to date.

i didn't expect the heavy workload, to be perfectly honest. but it's satisfying, at least.

the woman eyed her superior's teddiursa with a fond look, her own ursaring coming to mind. it was difficult to imagine that such a powerful beast had ever been so small. 

'we all start somewhere, i suppose.' 

i do miss being able to visit my family often," she admitted. "they're the reason why i've been pushing myself so hard lately.

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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2019 0:08:20 GMT
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her words did not fall on deaf ears, he knowing just how stressful the workload put on them is.

a light hum would be given in rebuttal, opting to not completely send his own thoughts on the matter, her way but instead give a halfhearted agreement.

in most cases, being in our positions means less freedom to do what we wish to, though i understand what you mean, it drains you not being able to spend time with the ones you love.

he’d clasp his hands gently, a smile taking form on his face.

but as you said, we’re doing this for them, and to let them down would mean more than disappointment on both our ends, so we strive forward and keep working until we can’t anymore, that’s what it means to be leaders.

a hand would rest on his face, propped up onto the table as he continued.

though if you have any questions or concerns, i’ll be happy to hear them.

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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2019 20:43:10 GMT
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"'questions and concerns,'" she parroted. 

cait partook in the sugar cookies she had purchased with her drink, happily biting into the savory baked good and relishing its taste and texture before setting the half-finished treat aside in favor of continuing onward with their conversation. 

i did have one concern, actually," she said. "supposedly there's rumors that there might be a change in policy.

the young woman paused briefly as she appeared to mull over what she wanted to say and how she should say it.

i've heard that our self-defense clause may be revised. apparently 'murder' is to be considered a viable option in the near future."

she had presented this subject to councilman silph, and he didn't appear to take offence - so she clung onto the hope that councilman cole would remain mostly unperturbed by her bringing up such an controversial topic. 

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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2019 21:09:54 GMT
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looks once calm would turn sour, his brows furrowing as he brought the hand cradling his face onto the table.

are you suggesting murder to be a just cause when dealing with obstruction, cait?

his thoughts moved to reminders of the rescue squads actions during their mission, a great shame washing over him; not only for those involved but for being so close to one in particular.

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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2019 21:48:19 GMT
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cait stared at the man for roughly several beats. and while she was relieved by his apparent distaste she felt a modicum of offense that he'd think - even if only for a moment - that she was tolerant of such a brutal practice. 

"of course not."

she shook her head, her expression somber. 

i believe in rehabilitation. and for the irredeemable? detainment. but never death, sir.

a sigh. 

it's just that i'm afraid that things may change before too long. and that our ideals will be shoved aside in favor of an easy victory.

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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 6:03:45 GMT
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i’m… sorry.

his voice would lower, embarrassed at his judgement, quick to it.

with the current news as well as the hinting of others, kim thought that many a leader would deem it fit for those in their shoes to kill on a whim, especially after a promotion was given to a participant after their work in retrieving the commissioner.

but to unjustly assume that she would think the same as others was unbefitting of him.

it’s just been, kind of rough with everything that’s happened lately, and i thought you’d be quick to see it that way. i guess that’s my fault if anything, so again, sorry for my rudeness.

but yes, i agree. i would much rather detain those that break the law than execute them for doing so, and i’m happy you feel the same way.

once more the glass would meet his lips, a long sip of his tea taken before returning it to it’s holder.

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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 9:34:22 GMT
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cait's expression softened in reaction to the apology. 

"it's alright, sir."

she wondered if their ideals would inevitably fade into obscurity. while councilman cole was a man who held a large quantity of power, he was still just that - a man. if both he and she served as the minority within the region, they'd soon be swept away by the majority and left to adjust accordingly to the changing times. 

i'll try my best at preventing death from being commonplace on either side. it's - "

she was suddenly reminded of the carnage of slateport and of the bodies that she had passed by. 

'death. death was everywhere. the air reeked of it.' 

cait's eyes rounded at the only slightly aged memory as it resurfaced. and with trembling hands, she'd retrieve her half-finished cup of tea and bring it to her lips.  

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POSTED ON Mar 5, 2019 23:39:15 GMT
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she cut out, the shaking in her hands taken note of as he opted to continue the conversation. whatever it was on her mind was likely to be lost if they continued to converse.

i’m sure you will, i have faith in your leadership.

the cup at his side would take hold of kim’s glass finishing the remnants of the tea as its trainer spoke.

but understand that some things are out of your hands, they can’t be prevented. as long as you did your best, you should be pleased with the outcome.

he’d bite his tongue any further on the matter, unwilling to add any further notions to what had already been said.

besides all that talk of death, why call me here today? i think we both know it’s more than just catching up over a cup of tea.

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POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 0:25:16 GMT
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she discreetly sucked in several breaths, forcing herself to calm as she blinked rapidly and took the occasional sip of her warm drink.  

"yes," she breathed. "
it is more than that."

cait grew silent for the span of a few seconds, the woman having averted her gaze as her glossy lips was set into a thin line. the blank expression she wore eventually transitioned into a familiar look of peace and serenity that she more often than naught wore. 

i believe - quite firmly - that a friendly relationship between us would be... beneficial."

she allowed her words to sink in for only a moment before continuing.

times are changing, councilman. and i'd prefer to keep those of a similar mindset as close as possible. i hope you understand my meaning?"

despite them all falling under the same banner, views within the league greatly differed from one person to another. and cole - at least from her perspective -  bore values that weren't at all dissimilar to her own.  

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2019 7:04:04 GMT
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his look would turn disheveled, a slight frown forming and a putiful expression rooting on his face.

are you saying the relationship we have now is not a friendly one? it seems i’ve have the wrong idea of you this entire time.

silence took hold as the councilman refilled his cup, the tea set before them clanking as he sat the pot back onto its platter.

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2019 7:26:00 GMT
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cait blinked, admittedly taken aback by his choice of words. 

"i didn't - "

she released a quiet hum, leaning back a little more in her seat as she produced the subtle noise.

i didn't want to assume, counci - i mean - kim," she amended. "i thought you considered me little more than an acquaintance; a friendly acquaintance, at the most."

their encounters had been few and far in-between after all - and a lot had changed since their initial encounter.  

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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 21:58:42 GMT
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a chuckle escaped, his features turning jovial as she tripped over her words.

relax kay, i was only joking, no need to stress over something so trivial.

of course, he did prefer kim over councilman, so the prodding in his part did its work for the better.

i understand what you mean: times changing for the worse and people thinking murder as a problem solver, blah, blah, blah. but riddle me this. what would an alliance do exactly?

he’d begin emptying sugar into his cup with one hand while the other sturred.

i’ve seen what you’ve done with mauville, its defenses are astounding, the people seem happy, and you’ve proven yourself to be a good leader in their eyes, but how can i trust you to stick by my side?

a rhythmic pattern formed as the grains dropped into the tea, the spoon stirring gently as it hit the sides of the cup. his eyes kept on hers, its contact uncut as he pushed further.

by all means, i consider you a friend, kay, but that does not mean i trust you any further than i know you. so tell me, why should i consider you as anything more than a friend? why should i consider you a confidant?

he would halt the sugar, setting it down into the platter as he continued stirring, he refused to look away from her for even a moment.

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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 22:38:06 GMT
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the question as to why he should place his trust in her was a good one.

"as a gym leader - i understand that i'm at the bottom of the rung of the powers that be. i've some power and influence over mauville and its bordering routes but not much else."

cait had been the first to avert her gaze, the intensity present within his own difficult for her to endure. instead, she eyed his cup, the man's drink having changed color due to the astonishing amount of sugar that had been dumped into it. 

but i've only my word and little else."

it was the flimsiest of offers but it was all she had. 

i require someone on the council who will more often than naught be in favor of mauville when it comes to either increasing our overall budget," she continued. "new mauville is a brilliant idea and it has the potential to supply my city with a renewable source of energy. the people will no longer have to invest toward keeping their lights on and a portion of it can also be re-purposed into a research facility if the funds for the project are properly allocated.

she paused briefly, hoping that she could pick the right words to potentially sway the man.

but we need more money to bolster our defenses. - bless him - has been kind enough to donate his personal funds - but that went into refurbishing our surveillance system, acquiring new equipment and training our local troops. i was shy just one vote of having my increased budget proposal approved - the reason for the denial being that we're already given the same amount of money as - let's say - lavaridge.

cait frowned, the look upon her face a troubled one.

the distance between slateport and mauville is meager at best; our emergency relief shelters have been attacked many times over and there's little more than a land bridge that separates us from them. i need your support, kim - desperately.

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