Braided (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
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Ex-Head Ranger
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Braided (M)
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2022 21:25:16 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Rolling his shoulders he guided the younger man through rows of berry trees trimmed with the slightest topiary taste.

An excadrill wandering about tending to plants in a rotation.


"Sorry I hadn't caught up with you until now." The land was a small walk away from the bustle of the Fortree commons; beyond the city's mandated borders.

A sign marked the borders as private land.

In the dominate white gleam of the pregnant moon, an eyrie of fire-falcons danced and chirped.

Picking up a bag of fertilizer he threw it over his shoulder. "After I got out of the hospital Cait wouldn't let me out of her sight." With the twins due any day now he'd barely found the time to make room for the orchard.

"I hear you came to visit me while I was taking that L-O-N-G nap." (insert link to future hospital thread here) It wasn't the first time he'd been rendered unconscious for days on end but, officially being comatose was a new high point in his fallout record of reckless stupidity. "Emphasis on the L."

He rolled his eyes at the whole ordeal.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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Guillermo Marceliño
Braided (M)
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2022 19:17:39 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

It was all very picturesque-- rows of artfully tailored berry bushes in a garden bordered by Fortree’s famed trunks. If he squinted in the distance, he could see the treetops of the Sanctuary-- where Alexei’s gym was housed.
“No problem,” he said, all ease and smiles, the white of the moon glinting off his grin. “I know you’ve been busy.” What with the engagement and impending fatherhood, and all.
He hefted his own bag of fertilizer and grabbed a spade, slipping it into his pocket for good measure. “Yeah, well, it sounds like she has good reason to worry about you.” There’s a gentle chastisement in his voice. He wasn’t calling his cousin an idiot, exactly; but they both had a reckless streak-- Memo’s bandaged hand and the line of healing burns trailing up his spine were a testament of that.
“I did, indeed. I, uh, helped out at Littleroot,” ‘helped out’ may have been an exaggeration, but, in Memo’s defense, all of the League’s big guns were there, and he’d just barely been off the boat. He did put out a few fires, though. “met some of the old guard, too.”

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Thirty One
November 13
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Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Braided (M)
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2022 16:21:29 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Sitting down the fertilizer he took Guillermo's bag as well to make a stack of two.

With his crazy jagged claw hands there were just certain things Excadrill could never do so, Sénon did the menial tasks to keep his garden running while his mole did most of the heavy lifting.
In boxes on boxes were harvested tomato berries. ()

From them would yield enough Pokéballs to catch one of each pokémon species native to Kanto.

The writing was on the walls that the Head Ranger was gearing to make up for time-lost.

With all he had going on, he still had enough focus to pick up on something interesting when his little-cousin exposed a string for him to pull on.

"You want to name drop?" He outstretched his arms while walking backwards. "I'm listening."

What was the point of wrapping yourself in a little glory and rubbing elbows with the current-greats if no one ever let you talk about it?

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
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it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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Guillermo Marceliño
Braided (M)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2022 15:53:49 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

Sénon looked well-prepared. Like he was stocking up for some kind of apocalypse. Or, well, being a new father was one and the same, right?
He followed after his cousin, grin splitting his face as laughter tumbled from him. “Okay, okay,” he said, shameless. “It was some weird shit. We were fighting a Kommo-o and a Silvally, and this big dude-- the new E4, , straight up tackled a Zarude.” Memo had remembered feeling very, very small then; though, compared to Kaizimir, he was.
“Then used some sort of weird ice power to jump in front of a fireball, which was whack enough. But then, Xerneas made an appearance… though, it looked strange. No antlers.” He held his hands at his temples and stuck his pointer fingers up in physical illustration, more caught up in the story than anything. “A whole bunch of weird, black briars began to grow and trapped us in. And then -- I think it was him-- straight-up teleported out of there.”
There was silence after he finished, feeling like he’d just spun the world’s biggest fabrication. But it was all true.
“Lotta weird stuff happens here, huh?”

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Braided (M)
POSTED ON May 15, 2022 3:46:47 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

It seemed Memo had been in the thick of it after all.

Sénon hadn't had doubts but the testimonial proof gave him a gut reaction he hadn't considered.

He stuffed down the possibility that this life and its challenges would get his cousin killed. He'd made peace with his own death some time ago.

Any trainer worth their salt understood the danger pokémon held in and out of battle.

You trained them to minimize that damage but sometimes accidents happened.

In Hoenn, quite often, incidents happened.

That awful feeling of loss was diluted in his stomach acids quick enough. Guillermo was a man now, and then some, seemingly.

Playing protective big cousin was a game of the past. He had to trust the blood of his blood to plant his feet even the world decided to sit his shoulders.

Memo's frame was a little smaller but had the same shoulders as Sénon.

Yet, even shoulders as broad and built as the Head Rangers had their limits. Incidentally, Memo found that limit finishing his recounting.

"What?" The redhead dropped the bag of fertilizer and his gaze grew sharp. "What did you just say?"

He was shocked, stunned; paralyzed even.

He hadn't just heard what he thought he heard.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
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it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
Braided (M)
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 17:21:51 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

There was a rigidity to Sénon’s form that caught Memo off guard. He figured his cousin hadn’t expected him to show up in Hoenn and just launch right into the chaos-- he also imagined Senon planned on welcoming him off the docks in the flesh. But life gets in the way, some, doesn’t it?
It wasn’t until Sénon dropped the bag and rounded on him that Memo’s smile wobbled; he flinched, an instinct from years of quiet familial abuse, and shrugged; but even the nerves welling up inside of him couldn’t stop him from being a cheek.
way, some, doesn’t it?
“I said a lot of things, cuz,” Memo said, “you’ll have to be more specific.”
He meant it. He’d just laid out a laundry list of bullshit that, back home, would seem utterly ridiculous. Someone would’ve figured he was a burnout and called the cops. But here in Hoenn, it seemed like anything was possible.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Braided (M)
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 20:29:24 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He came up fast grabbing his cousin by the shoulders, he looked a little crazed honestly. "Xerneas?" He even shook his junior relative once.

"You saw Xerneas with no antlers?" His mouth was
open, the disposition somewhere between baffled and offended.

Neither of them were Kalosian, well maybe Memo was on his father's side. Still if he said he saw it then he saw it.

And if he saw it, then, what the fuck!?

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
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it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
Braided (M)
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 0:12:20 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

Memo had to tamp down his fight or flight response as Senon closed the distance between them and gripped his shoulders, shaking the significantly shorter man in his intensity.
Memo was trying really hard not to push Sénon away but he was certain his cousin could feel the tension in his body.
“Yes,” he says, measured in his tone. “It came out of a-- a giant tree.” That last bit was added as an afterthought, and he fumbled for the answer for just a second.
“It was Xerneas. But it didn’t have antlers.” Memo’s brain went back to that weird, slightly terrifying day. “It used a Z-Move, I think? To make a bunch of black thornbushes grow around us, trapping us in. Then used a Z-Move with his Arcanine to burn them down, but they just-- it just spread.”
His voice goes a little… woobly, then, and his mouth went dry. He doesn’t want to think about how scary that last bit had been. How they’d literally been trapped in to burn alive.
“He put it out, eventually,” Memo added, not wanting it to be said he was speaking poorly of an Elite 4 member. A beat, then, "Why's the deer so important to you? Xerneas?" It was a question of genuine curiosity, no malice or indignation.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
Braided (M)
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 1:51:33 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He looked into the gaze of his mother's sister's son.

He saw no lies in the eyes that stared back at him.

For every statement made, he wished it were lies.

Xerneas' emergence from a tree was in line the reports of past incidents, he'd had no association with the Littleroot occurrences. It was all second hand.

Second hand information was still prime for inferences and leads, if you had enough pieces to put together.

Not that you needed many pieces to understand what it meant when Xerneas attacked members of the elite four.

The mention of Kazimir turning their grassy entrapping into a cage of fire was problematic but given Guillermo was alive there was no point in picking a bone.

"All of them are important." It was just alarming to know Team Rocket now, in a sense, had life and death on their side.

Even if Xerneas was a 'free agent' going against the league on its own. It wouldn't be free for long. "Listen Me," He took a deep breath and played off the terrible throbbing in the side of his head.

In noticing how tense the new Ranger had become, Sénon associated it with the post-traumatic stress of the brush he'd had with his own fiery ending. "I'm glad you made it out of that, don't take your survival as a fluke."

He let go of the shoulders, the crazed look in his eyes since faded to a focus. "Can you tell me if Xerneas had a trainer, or a proxy, any human that ordered it or even kept particularly close to it?" In the back ground behind his cousin he saw the twinklings of a crystalized flower formation budding from the base of one of his tomato berry trees.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
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it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
Braided (M)
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2022 0:33:22 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar

He felt like a failure. He didn’t know why. He hadn’t really failed, had he? He’d saved a few people and hadn’t died himself, which should be considered a win-win, in all honesty.
Don’t take your survival as a fluke.
But Sénon asked him a question he couldn’t answer. He also couldn’t force the tension from his shoulders.
“I couldn’t say,” he finally forced out, once Sénon had calmed himself. “You might ask . He’s the one who got the closest, I think.”
He turned away, just for a respite from the tension, and saw the shimmering, crystalline formation, sprouting off the berry plant.
“Th’ heck?”

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POSTED ON Jul 18, 2022 22:49:13 GMT
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