May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
Time to catch up. (Mission)
POSTED ON May 26, 2022 17:30:37 GMT
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Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.
She was glad that Lars didn’t question it further, rather chalking it up to her being young and idealistic, which she couldn’t argue with. [break][break] “Really? Well, I do hope that you find it up to snuff.” She started wondering which missions it was, as Lars continued. “And yeah, I was surprised too.” She stated just as Lars offered her access to the can of Caramel. She gladly accepted as she fetched another piece. “But I suppose they might not have thought much of it?” She had never really checked up on how common their surname was. [break][break] “I will keep that in mind.” A thoughtful nod was granted in his direction. After what she’d experienced during her mission with Matias, she’d seen how dangerous this could become. The image of the Ursaluna mauled runner appeared vividly in her mind. She wanted to ask if Lars had experienced something like that before, and how he got the images out of his mind if he had. But before the words left her she realized how insensitive that would come off. So instead she looked for another topic. [break][break] For a short second, she considered telling Lars about Callan, since she figured he should know that she was dating someone. But at the same time, she was afraid of how he might react. And so decided to pursue another topic. “Oh, by the way. I figured you would want to know, but that advice you gave me last time I saw you. It helped splendidly. And Gon has mellowed out somewhat, especially after he has evolved twice. Oh don’t get me wrong, he is still a little shit sometimes, but at least he isn’t as contrarian as he was before.” She snickered slightly, a small hint of pride in her words.
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