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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 29, 2022 14:10:36 GMT
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with paint-stained fingers, she walks down route 111. the sky is an immutable gray. shiva and kain lope beside her, long gaits a testament to how cooped they've felt over these past few months. every once in a while they tumble over each other, professionalism melting away to their more playful natures. 

she strays from the path. ever since her meeting with , she's realized that her former identity may not be as buried as she'd once thought. and she'd rather not risk someone looking through the guise of molly fouller.

but it would seem her days of anonymity are now numbered. it wasn't long after her meeting with lulu that she was found again, the alias of molly painted over with the shadowy stain of anya

she fishes a cig from her purse and whistles, calling back her lions before they can ravage whatever pokemon are minding their business underneath the foliage. 

is she cross with the mysterious woman? only somewhat. her warning still lingers, whispering to her in the early hours of the morning, the late nights when she's slick with sweat, twisted in satin sheets with him

shiva gives her a light and then she pulls, arms crossing as she leans against a tree. mauville glitters in the distance. 
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the Harbinger
october 28th
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 2:44:30 GMT
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It is hypocritical of Gavin to seek out this meeting armed not with a gun, but with his own curiosity. The gun, of course, remains on his person, but the fact he has no intent on using it to put an end to one of Rocket's defectors is anomalous when weighed against the underboss' history. But is no run-of-the-mill defector. Digging through old and obscure Rocket records at the behest of his sister, , suggests to Gavin that Anya had been responsible for the creation of their artificial shadow Pokémon.

Naturally, he feels he has to meet her.

With the resources available to him, he might've caught her by surprise. But in the interest of open and honest communication, Gavin had instead contacted the woman to express his intent and desire to meet. There had been no hesitation when it came to divulging his own identity; though it had run the risk of spooking her, Gavin had relied upon the hope that her own curiosity might compel her in turn.

So here they are, this unlikely duo, as Gavin steps out from the tree-line. He lifts his hands, tilting his palms to prove them empty. A jagged, ugly scar bisects the palm of his left.

"Miss Fowl," he greets, his deep voice calm. He cants his head. "Or do you prefer Fouller?"

There is no mockery nor confrontation present in his tone.

"Gavin Merlino. It is a great pleasure to meet you at last."

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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 14:14:24 GMT
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this could very well be a trap. it could be the end of her, but she found, when mulling the offer over, that she hadn't quite minded that. her legacy would continue; that amorphous creature would see to it. and she thinks of this, of creation and death, as she takes a long drag and plumes smoke from her nose. 

the nicotine hits as the smoke runs its course. she and merlino's careers had been passing ships. back when she had a rocket-funded lab, she made it a point to know just about everyone of significance in the organization. he was on her radar - an up and comer with a keen mind. but like with most men, she ignored him. or at the very least, worked quite hard to avoid him. 

he steps from the trees now. she ashes her cig and raises it back to her lips, calms cupped under her chin. her lions analyze him just as she does - though their gazes are hungrier. 

"anya," she says in return, voice a purr. no sense tying molly to the rocket boss, but again, she has a feeling the days on her alias are numbered. 

"i can't say the same," she says as she stubs out her cig on the bark of her tree. she crosses her arms. "tell me - why is it that my research has taken the interest of not one, but two of your organization's most important people?"

surely, by now, they've moved on to bigger, better things. 

she certainly has. 
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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2022 20:44:53 GMT
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She's wary. Gavin had expected this, and so his placid expression is unwavering as she demands answers from him. He lights up a cigarette, taking a deep drag of it as he considers his response.

"You speak of , I assume?" Even disregarding their familial relation, that one of Rocket's head scientists would relay Anya's research to an individual such as Gavin who'd cultivated a reputation surrounding shadow Pokemon was hardly unusual. Of course, he has no idea how well-informed Anya is of their current operations and notable members. She'd defected some time ago, and whether or not her connections remained a part of the organization was unknown to him.

He taps the cigarette, scattering bright embers in the gloom.

"Miss Flint's business is in science," Gavin shrugs, "but mine is in shadows. You could call this, mm, a personal call."

In other words, should she catch his meaning, Walsh doesn't know.

"Do you watch the news at all, Anya? HNN is terribly boring and often misinformed, I know, but..."

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POSTED ON Jul 1, 2022 1:50:42 GMT
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or, perhaps, they haven't. she regards the man with a new kind of apprehension. she would never go insofar to say that the project was a waste of time. after all, it paved the way for the creation of project parasite. without those building blocks, the code for rewiring & rewriting, it wouldn't be here. 

she flicks the stunted bud from her fingers and tilts her head at him. oh? 

his attempt at assuaging her concerns is unnecessary. when she'd defected, she'd still been under cadis' jurisdiction. the rise of walsh had come soon after. no time like political instability to slink into the shadows and never resurface. 

mm, evidently she hasn't done a very good job of doing the latter.

she slouches to the side and sighs. "your point, darling? your point? so what if the world is burning? the world's always been burning. we're a species running on borrowed time." 
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the Harbinger
october 28th
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POSTED ON Jul 1, 2022 3:33:49 GMT
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Gavin laughs, shaking his head. Ash-blond hair falls across his eyes, and he brushes it back with his scarred hand.

"You'll hear no argument there." Hoenn, for whatever reason, was a hotbed of strange activity. It was an exciting place to live, if nothing else. "I was only wondering if you know who I am." A pause, a tilt of his head before the correction. "What I am."

Avatar. Blessed or cursed, depending on whose opinion you sought. Last year, his name had been in the news, as well as his apparent bond with a certain shadowed legendary.

"In that answer, you might come to understand my interest in your research."

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POSTED ON Jul 2, 2022 3:43:32 GMT
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she's a smart woman, but her achilles' heel is her tunnel vision. when she fled from this region, tail tucked between her legs, hiding away in snowpoint and making a living off of her paintings, well, she cared little for the news. the constant reminders of her cowardice, but more than that - what waited for her for her defection - left her leaving hoenn shut in a lockbox at the back of her mind. 

and upon her return, she sought to pick up where she left off. she'd dusted off her old research, but never bothered to scour that something new

and just as quickly was her world rocked yet again. there's more out there. 

so why does this keep haunting her? 

she's clever enough to put together the implications. she raises a brow. "i've taken to a quiet life, so excuse me if i'm not up to speed, but are you suggesting that you are an avatar of a shadow?" curiosity finally sparks in those otherwise placid blue eyes of hers. 

"synthetic or naturally occurring?" are you another of mine?
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october 28th
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Jul 2, 2022 6:28:03 GMT
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As a former scientist himself, Gavin can recognize that telltale gleam: she's intrigued, now.

"Not suggesting," he corrects. "Informing."

And while it could certainly be chalked up to smoke and mirrors by those in doubt, the miasma that swirls around him is effortless, tangible. Where once he had struggled to control its flow, now it snakes around him like an old friend. At its thickest concentrations, his silhouette seems to blur.

"Natural, to my knowledge." As 'natural' as Nihilego toxin could be considered. "It wasn't our doing, in any case. Rocket only stabilized her after the fact."

Her. There's a level of fondness in the way he addresses the shadowed legend, even if his tone remains characteristically neutral. Their bond had been one of trial and error, built over hardships endured together. To Rocket, Pokémon were so often little more than tools... but not this one. Not any more.

"You're welcome to meet her some time, though I'm afraid she'll no longer consent to being studied." Another deep drag of his cigarette is taken with a pause, rings of smoke mingling with the darker fog of his miasma in the path of his breath. "I do have one specimen of your method, however."

The Alolan Sandslash snarls as it's released, but its feral disposition falters under the influence of Gavin's power. It grumbles and scores long steel claws through the dirt, but makes no other move toward aggression.

"Took three tries for the process to take."

The other two results were buried in unmarked Pyre graves.

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october 16
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POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 3:32:30 GMT
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there is a tad bit of disappointment there, but not much. after all, she's never been after claiming credit for her work (and yet credit seems to follow her anyway). out of context, his cryptic information doesn't mean much to her. after all, she's been out of the loop with rocket's endeavors for quite a while now.

no longer consent to being studied. hardly. even observing her will give anya crucial information she'll - do what with exactly? her mind is turning, flitting back and forth with the wealth of knowledge presented before her. and yet there is a line in the sand she cannot cross. a man she's pledged herself to.

but she can toe the line. 

the sandslash is close when it's released, but she does not startle at its feral appearance. she tilts her head, looking slowly from trainer and pokemon. "hmm. three?" unfortunate. the process with the first had been...messy, but she'd thought she and cadis had hammered out the rest of the details before...

"they're unreliable. perhaps not under one in your specific," she waves her hands, grasping, "situation. but the project disbanded for a reason. they're too...volatile. turns out uninhibited aggression does not make for good warriors." she smirks. "but violence? terror?

"is this what you're after, merlino? because competing against the region itself in that department is a losing battle."
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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2022 8:21:54 GMT
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"Disbanded?" Gavin chuckles, the sound rough from the cigarette smoke. "Perhaps in official capacity, but they were milking that serum long after you made your exit." And Cadis made his. The thought fills him with melancholy: did she know of Cadis' fate? Would she care?

He brushes the thought aside like old cobwebs in the mind.

"They're certainly unreliable," he agrees. "I've obtained several that have fled or perhaps killed their previous masters due to their incompetence in dealing with their condition. But I was a collector before I was an avatar."

He has scars, hidden at present by clothing, that prove the difficulty of taming the beasts without Lugia's blessing. He's certainly thankful for it.

He almost smiles at the question, but it never reaches his eyes.

"I'm after nothing but control." The truth, stated plain. "Though Hoenn proves a far more difficult beast to tame than these." He runs his hand along the metal spines of the Sandslash, and though it grumbles displeasure the creature does not otherwise move to attack.

"What notes we have on the project are scattered and unreliable," he admits, making a face. Such a thing would have never happened under his watch. He's a meticulous note-taker, his laboratory full of his findings over the years. "I'm interested in, mm, perfecting the process, perhaps."

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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2022 16:17:09 GMT
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it gives her some twisted pleasure to know that without her, the serum's been bastardized. but it also surprises her. she'd had more faith in lulu during their meeting. perhaps that's her bias talking - the women who've had to claw their way through academia typically prove more capable than their peers. 

but why? she thinks. why control something that does not desire it? she looks down, reaching again into her back pocket to grab another smoke. briefly, she offers the carton to him, and then lights up, still analyzing the beast that sits between them. 

he may be able to control them. that's a lot of power in the hands of someone who boasts his own collection. as far as she's concerned, mesmerizing an army of shadow pokemon will do little in the face of a meteor. the countdown's begun and everything else is trivial. 

her mind wanders. will my son be strong enough to escape it?

she laughs, a rattling smoker's laugh. "mm, i see my corruption took." of course, she'd broken the files before fleeing. through an artist's work, there was a chance she could be found. 

she flicks ash. "i can restore them. i kept a backup of every file." her grin is sly. "encrypted, of course, so you can't have this little one end this here and collect it yourself.

"but i ask - to what end? i'm flattered you've taken to the monsters, but surely you want more than to stick them in a proverbial gallery."
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the Harbinger
october 28th
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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 7:20:46 GMT
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Accepting the offered cigarette with a nod of thanks, Gavin lights up and takes a drag. Black miasma mingles with the gray of cigarette smoke as he exhales, perhaps an eerie shadow of 's pixie dust.

Amber eyes gleam as Anya mentions a back-up. He's sure she'll want something in return. Question was, what?

"I do try to avoid murdering my contacts. Bad for business."

That much was true. So, too, is what he offers next.

"They are not only tame under my influence. They're enhanced." Miasma seeps from him in earnest, a blanket of purple-black fog that curls serpentine around the Sandslash. A simple gesture with his hand is signal to attack, though he directs the creature toward a tree rather than to Anya or her lions. With alarming speed, the icy shrew lunges toward the offending object and cleaves through its trunk with a vicious slash of its steely claws. "Stronger. Faster. I don't want them as trophies. I want them as weapons."

The Sandslash burrows into the earth and reappears at his side, grumbling.

"And what of you? What do you want?"

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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2022 21:36:32 GMT
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her nonplussed look is a constant, but even she reacts to the theatrics gavin puts on before her. notes scribble themselves fervently in her mind, fingers pinching around the cig, wishing she could trade it for pen and paper. ah. her recent research has been all-consuming until it...hasn't. 

and with fernando gone who knows where (a space-time distortion, though she's no idea), she's had little to satisfy her scientific inclinations. her previous projects lay abandoned in their cages, starved or mauled by her lions, because what else could she do that has any significance?

she tilts her head at the question, cig rolling in her lips. smoke curls and the sandslash shifts with frustration. 

"it's all anyone wants these days," she says with a sigh, deflecting. 

"peace of mind," she answers. "immunity for my defection." she shrugs. "a small price to pay to get your little shop of horrors working."
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POSTED ON Jul 22, 2022 18:56:56 GMT
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A small price, indeed. Almost too small, he thinks; though Gavin is a man of ambition, and in a similar position might push the boundaries of what he might get from a potential deal. His suspicions are borne of his own nature.

But his curiosities are overpowering, and he finds he can't resist.

I'll be careful.

How many times has that been the pride before a fall?

"Easily paid," he agrees, inclining his head. "My position under Cadis was maintained, so my pull remains. I can grant you that request." And unlike so many other times, he wasn't planning to ask permission first.

Rocket was important to him, but not more important than himself.

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october 16
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POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 4:17:00 GMT
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does he suspect her disingenuity? more than likely. or perhaps he just suspects more tricks up her sleeve. not that she minds. these drab politics are all for show, strangers dancing around the banal and lacing true meanings behind cigarette smoke and blood. 

or shadows

"then i must know," she says with a tilt of her head, "how well can you control them?" she snaps a finger and shiva rises, shaking out her fur. she steps forward, claws flexing into the ground; the other follows suit. her rump wriggles, poised, and waiting for anya's orders. 

"it strikes my lioness and the deal is off." shiva bares her fangs and launches, claws outstretched, fire leaping off her tongue.
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