Stargazing on an inactive volcano [wild]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Stargazing on an inactive volcano [wild]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2019 1:27:54 GMT
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[attr="class","box inactive"]

[attr="class","box inactive"]



Route 126 - Water / Ghost

It takes Milotic eleven minutes to swim from Lilycove's pearly beaches to the inactive volcano inside which Sootopolis is built.


Leonardo steps on the white rock with little difficulty. Despite being soaked in water from diving with the milotic, he doesn't slip. His feet find a good enough cushion on the rocks and he wonders if this is part of the reason why the underwater city was built on this specific point, beyond its historical and mythological explanations.


Would have certainly been hard to build a city on an element prone to make swimmers fall when the main way in is coincidentally by water.


He sits back, letting his feet and his pokémon splash in the water around him. He's not sure if this part of the inactive volcano is considered a culturally protected area as well, but the sight from up here sure is amazing.

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October 13
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Stargazing on an inactive volcano [wild]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2019 4:18:32 GMT
shiv Avatar


what will you do?

male / water veil[break]
brine / water spout / rest / bounce

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Stargazing on an inactive volcano [wild]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2019 18:48:03 GMT
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[attr="class","box inactive"]

[attr="class","box inactive"]



Route 126 - Water / Ghost

The sound of water moving. Not in the gentle way that ripples do, created from the smallest of touches and ebbing away in small waves that reached far places. This sound is... how could he put it? Of colossal proportions.


It certainly fits the size of its creator.


"Careful there, girl."


Leonardo turns to the milotic responsible for bringing him all the way here to the stars. His tone is soothing, similar to the tone he'd use on his girlfriend. He supposes it makes sense, seeing as she was the one to gift this beautiful Pokémon to him.


When the big wave arrives, the milotic is ready. Her serpentine body rises and falls in tandem with the movement of the sea. She relaxes. The water goes still again.


Some of the water crashes against the sides of the volcano and splashes on him. He's dressed for the trip, so he doesn't care. Instead, Leo's hand goes to the top of her head, patting softly.

[nospaces][var name="accent" value="#6497ac"][var name="background" value="#222"][var name="sequin" value="#191919"][var name="text" value="#ccc"][var name="hp" value="#b3c83d"][googlefont=Hammersmith+One|Chivo]

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TAG WITH @admin
Stargazing on an inactive volcano [wild]
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2019 2:56:33 GMT
ADMIN Avatar


what will you do?

female / hyper cutter[break]
crabhammer / stomp / protect / agility

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Stargazing on an inactive volcano [wild]
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2019 15:35:56 GMT
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[attr="class","box inactive"]

[attr="class","box inactive"]



Route 126 - Water / Ghost

"Did she give you a name?"


The question comes suddenly from the depths of his mind. He's not sure he remembers Rhian mentioning a name for the milotic when she gave her to him. Then again he wasn't paying too much attention to her words. The sight of the blonde in a swimsuit was a first and Leonardo was more focused on carving the image in his mind rather than a notion as silly as nicknaming Pokémon.


Well, not that it mattered much. She'd been trying to force the habit on him for years and so far her attempts had all been fruitless.


The click and clack of a pair of pincers being closed and reopened distracts him from his thoughts. Leonardo turns to the source of the commotion.


He wasn't expecting company, not while stargazing on the literal volcano, but seeing the amount of crabs littering the rocky shore closer to Lilycove gave Leonardo a sense of how far the sea creatures could go. Even then, he still doesn't want the company.


"Send it back to the sea."


Milotic pokes her head out of the water and with a single Hydro Pump gets rid of the kingler.

[nospaces][var name="accent" value="#6497ac"][var name="background" value="#222"][var name="sequin" value="#191919"][var name="text" value="#ccc"][var name="hp" value="#b3c83d"][googlefont=Hammersmith+One|Chivo]

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October 13
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Stargazing on an inactive volcano [wild]
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2019 21:51:19 GMT
shiv Avatar


what will you do?

female / levitate[break]
dark pulse / shadow punch / sucker punch / confuse ray

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Stargazing on an inactive volcano [wild]
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2019 14:47:08 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","box inactive"]

[attr="class","box inactive"]



Route 126 - Water / Ghost

The haunter comes from the shadows, as the rest of its species tends to do.


It doesn't seem to have made its mind on which of them to attack. That ends up being its grave mistake. Milotic uses Disarming Voice before the haunter finishes making its move. The attack surprises it but it settles the wild Pokémon's choice. It would go for the milotic then.


At least that's what it plans to do, but another beam of water shoots from the milotic's mouth. The Hydro Pump pushes it away, the way it did before with the kingler, except this time it's aimed high up in the air. The kingler was returned to the sea, but this haunter's destination would be unclear.


"Can't relax on this place. Let's go somewhere else, Milotic."


Leonardo grabs onto his Pokémon and lets her whisk him away to a more peaceful beach. Today's lesson: don't try to stargaze on top of an inactive volcano.

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