Gibby Bit me! (mission)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
Gibby Bit me! (mission)
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2022 10:09:09 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

It was not often that her work didn’t send her out in the field. Though traveling Hoenn thin, researching the effects of doomsday events was fun and all, she had to remember that her job had a secondary goal. The education of the masses.

And that’s why she had made her way to Slateport, the Slateport City Park, to be precise. An older gentleman had contacted hoping that she might be able to help tutor his grandchild, as she had acquired some problematic Pokémon. It was a common story and Altagracia had accepted for a small fee of course. The fee would go to fund her continued research.

And that’s why she now sat upon a bench. Dressed in a casual outfit, of a neat plain orange tank-top, some orange shorts and black sandals, and of course her lab coat because no self-respecting professor would be seen among civies without it.

While she waited for this Grandchild to appear. Her Tyrantrum and Vibrava were playing or maybe doing a mock battle. It certainly seemed like the latter. Though it was clear that neither was intent on harming the other. Still, it was rough enough that the other people in the park kept their distance.

Location: Slateport Park
OOC: Mission thread for Bond Bridge

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August 01
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @allison
Allison Hawthorne
Gibby Bit me! (mission)
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 6:38:59 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
so her grandpa had found a professor to help her with her newest pokemon, little Gibbi.
she knows why, the little pokemon had a bad habit of sudden wanting to bid on stuff or other people/pokemon
the little girl did not mean anything bad with her habit, but still, it was not a good one either.
Gibbi hade Biden in some cheers, the sofa, on ninetails tail.. yea even her form time to time.

Gibbi was placed in her arms, smiling like she always does the little girl was always a big smile.
Allison adores the little thing even though she hades the little biding habit. Allison was dressed in jean shorts and a tank top
with a siloet of a ponyta. she got further into the park as she sew to pokemon which seam to be playing.
and a lady sat close by, was she the professor? Allison walk closer to the woman as she kept a good grip on Gibbi.
"are you Proffesor Contreras?" Allison asks as she stops in front of the lady.
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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
Gibby Bit me! (mission)
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 16:33:08 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

It didn’t take long before a girl came timidly towards her. Altagracia gave the girl a once over. Pink hair, rather young looking, a Gible in tow. She seemed to fit the description. “Yeah, that would be me.” She nodded agreeing. “And I presume you are Allison, correct?” The name had been mentioned in their correspondence.

“I hear you have some problems with a Pokémon. Can you start by explaining exactly what the issue is?” Problems were a very wide term, and they came in as many shapes, sizes, and temperaments as there were humans in this world. Still, Altagracia was quite confident that she could help with this one.

The two Pokémon which had been playing decided to halt their little mock battle, and instead turned their attention to the girl who had arrived. Though seeing their trainer already engaged in conversation, they did not budge in, instead, they would wait patiently.

Location: Slateport Park
OOC: Mission thread for Bond Bridge

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August 01
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @allison
Allison Hawthorne
Gibby Bit me! (mission)
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 18:54:58 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
Allison looked at the woman, as she answer her question. "yes that is me" Gibbi let out a happy proclaim of its name,
and Allison smiled "and this is Gibbi" she put down the little pokemon, who started looking around and soon sew the to other pokemon.
the little pokemon started running towards them, clearly eager to play along with them.

"well.. yes Gibbi has a habit of uhm bitting things or people or pokemon" she gave an akarv smile.
Allison place herself next to the professor and lookt over at the three pokemon, Gibbi had made its way over to
the Tyrantrum, and was trying to get its tail. "and that had cost some furniture some damage.. and some bite marks on my legs"
Allison smiled slightly, lucky Gibbi was not so fast on its tiny legs. but she was dam trying her best to get that tail.
"I try telling her no, and keep an eye on her but somehow she still gets herself into trouble with biting"
Allison sigh.
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played by


June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
66 posts
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
Gibby Bit me! (mission)
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 19:46:32 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

Altagracia nodded acknowledging her response and the introduction of the Gible. The girl quickly placed the Pokémon down on the ground allowing it to run towards the Tyrantrum and Vibrava with the clear intention of playing with them.

Altagracia gestured for the available seat by her side, an offer the girl quickly accepted. She then began to explain the situation as they both watched the Pokémon play. The Tyrantrum was enjoying letting the Gible try to bite the tail, but failing as it raised the tail just in time to save it from the jaws of the land shark.

“Yes, what you are telling me is all very typical for Gible’s and their evolutionary forms,” Altagracia admitted. Fearing that the girl would be disappointed to hear this. “Gible, like many other Pokémon, is a predator Pokémon. In the wild, they live each day hunting for prey. Their body adapted, specialized even to such a lifestyle.” Altagracia began in the small lecture.

“These adaptations include, but aren’t limited to sudden bursts of energy, a need for constant stimulation, and in Gibles’ case teeth that grow continually.” She listed all these traits as she sent an overbearing smile at the girl. “In the wild, they would use their energy and get their stimulation through hunting and problem solving, and they would keep their teeth down by its constant usage.”

Her gaze moved from the girl to the Pokémon. “Gible are difficult Pokémon to keep. And the issues you describe often stem from a lack of caring for one or more of these things. So describe to me what an average day between you and Gible is like?” The Speech finally winded down, allowing Allison to speak.

Location: Slateport Park
OOC: Mission thread for Bond Bridge

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played by


August 01
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12 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
36 posts
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TAG WITH @allison
Allison Hawthorne
Gibby Bit me! (mission)
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 10:22:21 GMT
Allison Hawthorne Avatar
Allison start to listen to the professor, as she started to decripe Gibbys spices and what was typical for them on a daily bases.
it did make sense that Gibbi would bite for hunting, and that was where all the energy would be used.
Not something the little thing had to do now it was her pokemon, and she had to take care of it.

While the professor was explaining about Gibbis's way of living in the wild, the little pokemon had tried so hard to get the tail
of the other pokemon Tyrantrum but of course, it did not happen. Now the little one was tired and was sitting on the ground, patting and tired.
et look at the two other pokemon, clearly sad it did not succeed in hunting the tail. Gibbis eyes started to tear up, before starting to brawl
its eyes out, raise itself, and started running to Allison.

Allison was listening until she hear her pokemon crying, only to see the little one running to her and jumping on her leg.
"whats the matter Gibby?" she ask picking up the 'small' pokemon and placing it on her lap, "there it's okay" she patted the
small pokemon on the back, and it slowly starts to calm down. "well normally Gibby would stay in his Pokeball until I am done with my work"
she started "but I let him out with the others in the morning to have food and stretch before they go back into the Pokeball. after work I take my pokemon out in turns or pairs so I can work with them or groom them." Allison looks down on Gibby "with Gibby I let him come out to play with other of my pokemon, feed him, groom him he likes when I brush his teeth"
Allison smiles "it is in this period he has these bidding episodes, and energy runs making a mess" Allison sigh, "I try long walk but it doesn't seem like to help, I try some chew toy's but they don't seam strong enough to endure gibbous bide, and that makes him sad" she look at the professor.
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