throw it back [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 14
Lilycove City, Hoenn
Researcher + Streamer
touch me slow
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when i'm all up in you, do you feel some way? wanna sip champagne in a bath full of roses?
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Astra Faustino
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2022 16:47:20 GMT
Astra Faustino Avatar

She gave a judgmental look at…herself.[break][break]

Through a mirror, obviously, but still. Whether it was from frustration, disgust, or otherwise (maybe even a mix of the two, somehow?) was honestly up in the air, but either way, there had been a visible scrunch of the nose as she glared at her reflection as she stood there that day.[break][break]

Before long, she pursed her lips and clicked her tongue, blowing a raspberry.[break][break]

”Yeah, no, I ain’t really feeling it yet…” she grumbled, glancing towards another person with her within the background of the reflections. ”You got any ideas?”

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 21:01:11 GMT

"i think you're picking the wrong person to ask."[break][break]

and asked the worst person to take this job on with her, too. marisol doesn't dance; she researches, and she holes herself up in her lab to perform experiments. not.. whatever this all looked to be. honestly, it looks exhausting and sounds tiring - moreso than what studying could do to her. [break][break]

for a time, she was sitting down in a chair, with a small folding table at her side that could act as an arm rest, along with a bottle holder for water. one leg is crossed over the other, and her cheek is rest against the knuckles of a closed fist. ".. first of all, do we have an idea for what kind of music they'd want to perform with?" her eye narrows to her phone, and she flicks it on with her free hand "unless we're in charge of that, too."

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June 14
Lilycove City, Hoenn
Researcher + Streamer
touch me slow
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when i'm all up in you, do you feel some way? wanna sip champagne in a bath full of roses?
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TAG WITH @astra
Astra Faustino
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 23:13:01 GMT
Astra Faustino Avatar

”Honestly? Fuck if I know, man.”[break][break]

All things considered, the only thing she was really told was that they needed some sort of choreography—or even just a routine, altogether, even if it wasn’t even a dance—to deliver to some contestant. She hummed for just a moment in thought in an attempt to recollect the details, only to come down to the conclusion that they had jack shit to work with.[break][break]

She clicked her tongue softly, squinting at the mirror before turning faintly, glancing over her shoulder to eye the person with her properly.[break][break]

”Can you c’mere with the phone really quick?” she asked, nodding towards her before pointing loosely towards the floor closer to her. ”This shit’s normally up my alley, but, like—... I dunno, maybe I need a fresh pair of eyes, this time around? Fresh something?”

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 2:04:17 GMT

ah yes, throwing them into a job without any kind of guidance. it feels like her childhood all over again. [break][break]

"i'm almost spiteful enough to make the dance unnecessarily complex.." her words slip through a hum as she continues to stroll through her phone, browsing through the plethora of music that she's all unfamiliar with. they'd better be paid handsomely with this, otherwise how are they supposed to create an entire routine when they don't know what pokemon are going to be participating, what kind of image someone is working for, and what kind of genre they're supposed to even work with? [break][break]

the woman glances from her seat and - exasperated, but quickly - gets up from her seat with phone in hand. the screen is still on when she holds it between her fingers and her thumb, though she narrows her eyes away from the dimmed screen. ".. if i recall, your roommate has a taste for dance music, right?" the woman quirks a brow, tilting her head "we could try asking her."

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June 14
Lilycove City, Hoenn
Researcher + Streamer
touch me slow
all adagio
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when i'm all up in you, do you feel some way? wanna sip champagne in a bath full of roses?
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TAG WITH @astra
Astra Faustino
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 2:50:20 GMT
Astra Faustino Avatar

Well, fuck.[break]
She was the one that said it.[break][break]

Not like her intention behind calling her over was too far off the dot, anyways, but still. As the other woman began to talk, the auburn eyed ranger merely clicked her tongue and began to roll her hand and wrist quicker and quicker along as a gesture of impatience, seemingly more focused on getting her to be quicker.[break][break]

”Yes, and yes— but also, no. With a casual grin, she reached out for the other’s wrist once she’d finally found herself close enough to do so, tugging her along to stand by her. ”See, the thing is that she’d probably be able to help— if she was here.”[break][break]

With a hum, she reached over to pat her shoulder.[break][break]

”Buuut, she’s not, so the only other person I can get a second opinion from is you, booboo~.” With an exaggerated flourish, she gestured repeatedly towards the mirror. ”Plus, ya did just say you were tempted to be complicated and shit, so go for it, bitch~! I’m waitin’.”

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2022 5:14:44 GMT

.. she doesn't understand. [break][break]

why not use the people around you as resources to get a job done? why not reach out and ask when dancing and pop culture is one of her main weaknesses? if we're going to talk about music, she can play the piano, but it's nothing that can help them here. her eyes widen and brows furrow. unbelieveable. [break][break]

astra's suggestion takes her aback even more. suggesting that marisol dance? "no way." she gives a quick answer, with no time for hesitation or consideration to seep through "i can't dance, and i'm not going to embarrass myself like this." a dulled gaze glances to the laminated floor.[break][break]

"... i can try to help with the music, but i'm not good at dancing, or pop culture." it's why she was okay with coming here with you.

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June 14
Lilycove City, Hoenn
Researcher + Streamer
touch me slow
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when i'm all up in you, do you feel some way? wanna sip champagne in a bath full of roses?
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TAG WITH @astra
Astra Faustino
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2022 17:03:32 GMT
Astra Faustino Avatar

”Look, bitch, it’s only embarrassing if you think it’s embarrassing~!”[break][break]

With nothing short of a spark of mischief within her gaze, the ranger narrowed her eyes as a grin stretched further across her lips. A hasty hum escaped her as she nudged the woman alongside her a bit more forward, only to take a couple, quick paces to join her side as she began—...[break][break]

Was that the right word? Shimmying?[break][break]

Whatever the fuck she was doing, she was doing it in a stupid way, honestly. One hundred percent exaggerated and directed right at her uncomfortable friend, over there.[break][break]

”Dancing is all about feeling yourself and the music, a’ight?” she added on, pursing her lips while beginning to nudge at her more. ”The key is confidence, girl. You can be the freakiest bitch on the floor, but if you got the confidence and energy to back it up, you’ll also be the hottest bitch ever, dude.”

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 16:17:01 GMT

it's embarrassing if she doesn't know the next thing about dancing. [break][break]

no amount of disgust can be described as she scrunches her face at her.. dance partner's actions. her lips press thin and into a line as she's (very reluctantly) nudged closer to the open space. there's no music playing, and now this woman here just looks like a moron. confident, but still a moron, as she exaggerates her motions. clearly in an attempt to coax her into moving along. disgusting. [break][break]

"ugh, alright, alright." the free hand reaches up to gently rub at the bridge of her nose "give me a moment.." her eyes glare at the phone screen as she idly taps the first song that pops up on the feed, then she walks over to the stereo that sits not too far away. she doesn't know what song she put on, but it starts.. bouncy? [break][break]

whatever. there's no use thinking on it while walking back to her eager dance partner. although her fingers tent, and now that she's here.. what the fuck does she do?

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played by


June 14
Lilycove City, Hoenn
Researcher + Streamer
touch me slow
all adagio
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5 height
when i'm all up in you, do you feel some way? wanna sip champagne in a bath full of roses?
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TAG WITH @astra
Astra Faustino
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 23:58:31 GMT
Astra Faustino Avatar

…This shit wasn’t what she was used to, but she could work with it.[break][break]

It definitely was a bit bouncier than she thought it would be, but after a few seconds of squinting into the mirror and getting a feel for the tempo, she grinned while beginning to match the bounce of the song while turning towards the other trainer.[break][break]

”A’ight, bitch, LOOSEN UP—!” she yelled, immediately and rapidly kicking her ankle in an impatient attempt to get her to move it. ”FEET APART. HANDS ON THE KNEES. CHOP CHOP, BITCH.”

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2022 4:33:53 GMT

if you would like to know mari's thoughts, here's a first class ticket. [break][break]

she hates it here. [break][break]

"i--" she starts, her hand only half raised before she could finish the thought. what.. in the blazes was this girl thinking of doing? clearly, not something that she was all too amused about. but with the music playing, and knowing that she wasn't going to be let go unless she played along any time soon, she (reluctantly) moves with her command. marisol spreads her legs a bit, and sheepishly lowers her hands to press against the top of her knees. [break][break]

"what the hell are you doing?" please, for arceus' sake, don't let it be anything too ridiculous.

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played by


June 14
Lilycove City, Hoenn
Researcher + Streamer
touch me slow
all adagio
5 height
5 height
when i'm all up in you, do you feel some way? wanna sip champagne in a bath full of roses?
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TAG WITH @astra
Astra Faustino
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2022 21:29:57 GMT
Astra Faustino Avatar

”Teachin’ you how to twerk, booboo. What else?”[break][break]

She had the cake to do it, after all, and one look over was all it took for her to reaffirm that.[break]
Man, was a single look more than enough.[break][break]

But this wasn’t the time to get distracted and shit. …Not too much, at least. So, with a loudly exaggerated sigh, she simply stepped over a little bit more, slapping the woman’s back a few times.[break][break]

”Drop down a bit and arch your back down. Lift up and arch your back up.”[break][break]

With a dramatic slap onto her knees, she assumed a similar form before doing just as she directed.[break][break]

”Baaack and forth. Uuuup and down. You’re gonna wanna pop your ass a bit each time.”

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2022 22:50:12 GMT

"no." [break][break]

no way, there was no way she was going to drop and twerk. it was.. way too embarrassing, and frankly, she doesn't think she has the body for that sort of thing..? granted, she wouldn't know. she's never done it before. marisol is this close to lifting herself back up and standing straight, and forgoing this entire thing - but she knows that if she backs out, her friend here will only try to find another way to drag her into doing.. something. [break][break]

dancing is truly being stuck between a rock and a hard place. [break][break]

"there's.. really no other way?" she asks, furrowing her brows as locks of ashen grey fall over her shoulders, and part along her back. one look at the woman tells her that there isn't another way, or she'd find a way to get marisol to do this, anyways. so with a sigh, she attempts to arch her back a bit. [break][break]

then tries to do as instructed, before a hue of red reaches her cheeks, and tinges the slights of her ears "th-this is ridiculous.."

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played by


June 14
Lilycove City, Hoenn
Researcher + Streamer
touch me slow
all adagio
5 height
5 height
when i'm all up in you, do you feel some way? wanna sip champagne in a bath full of roses?
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TAG WITH @astra
Astra Faustino
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2022 4:21:21 GMT
Astra Faustino Avatar

Oh, honey.[break][break]

As encouraging as she’d been about the situation at hand, she found a faint scrunch surfacing upon her expression as she watched the woman by her replicating her directions to the best of her abilities. At first, the ranger, herself, had remained within a similar form after offering a quick means of show and tell.[break][break]

She slowly began to stand properly before long, batting at the other’s shoulder gently.[break][break]

”Okay, nevermind, I take it back, girl,” she said, pursing her lips— though not without a continuous, teasing smile continuously underlying in amusement. ”Y’need to loosen up, but maybe dancing ain’t it for you. You literally look like you’re gonna fuckin’ snap something—”

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 6:56:34 GMT

she feels violated. [break][break]

and the hue of pink on her cheeks isn't doing her any favours. marisol is seldom flustered or embarrassed, but this is reaching way above her pay grade. she'd better be getting some good money if she's going to have to humiliate herself like this, again. "we'll leave the choreography to you." she huffs, instinctively holding her hands against her rear as her brows furrow a bit more prominently. [break][break]

her tongue clicks as she raises her fingers to gently ruffle at the peekaboo bang that sits over one odd coloured eye, and her lips are curled to a frown. "how do you even do this...?" she grumbles as the red hue settles, as the embarrassment is rapidly replaced with irritation. "without feeling embarrassed? you're literally shaking your ass for all to see."

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played by


June 14
Lilycove City, Hoenn
Researcher + Streamer
touch me slow
all adagio
5 height
5 height
when i'm all up in you, do you feel some way? wanna sip champagne in a bath full of roses?
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TAG WITH @astra
Astra Faustino
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 4:49:38 GMT
Astra Faustino Avatar

”Yeaaaah, already way ahead of ya, girlie~.” The look of mock concern that settled itself across her face was quick to shift into amusement as the other woman spoke her part, and before long, a snicker escaped her lips as she reached over and nudged her aside, almost as if urging her to hunker back. ”Just watch and learn, I guess— or not. Hell if I fuckin’ care~.”[break][break]

With those words, she breathed deeply, pursing her lips and humming while eying herself in the mirror.[break][break]

”And to answer your question? I just do~.” Her eyes shifted from her own reflection towards the other’s, the grin upon her lips broadening more. ”Life’s too short to spend time fucking around with being insecure, y’know? Why the fuck would I stress myself out over useless shit when I could just be enjoying myself~?”

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