i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2019 21:40:44 GMT
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[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-metagross"]


How many of these constellations are only a mirror image of stars long dead? Ursa Minor's Calvera is one assumed dead. It would take at least another half millenium to confirm the theory. One day, one of his great grand descendants would know and surely wonder how many members of his ancestry wondered about it.


How many others have died so long ago that they are no longer visible? Countless, surely. His future children and grandchildren would remember him, but what about their grandchildren?


The physicist kisses the top of a certain blonde 's head as she sleeps with her head on his chest. Her breathing is slow, peaceful. He can't help wishing that despite the hundreds of years that separate him from his future progeny, they find the same happiness he has with her.


A star blinks, albeit briefly. Leonardo raises his arm at the sky symbolically. The Pokéball in his hand may not hit anything, but the angle gives that illusion and that's all he wants for tonight. He already has everything else he needs.



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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2019 17:38:28 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?



#@ minior swarm



[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent riolu


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina cutiefly


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]agni magmortar


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]marius lapras


To be honest, he didn’t know why he was out here.

Maybe it was the lure of the stars that drew him out here?[break][break]

Seeing the Ram, the Bull… then the Twins, the Crab as it chased Castor and Pollux across the skies… and then it was the Lion, roaring and basically yelling at everyone to get the hell out of his way because there was a badass Virgin coming through, holding a Pair of Scales.[break][break]

Little did she know that there was a Scorpion chasing her, ready to sink its stinger into her foot—unless the Archer would have his way, then he wasn’t going to allow it. The Water Goat pranced after the Archer, intent on letting the other know that he wasn’t alone in all this.[break][break]

And bringing up the rear? The Water Bearer, holding the urn from where a pair of twin Fish jumped out.[break][break]

…and then there was the Serpent, winding its way around everyone else’s feet…[break][break]

…yes, Alexei was having a bit of a Zodiac nerd-out here, because even if he could only see Orion in the sky right now, he could take a rough approximation as to where all twelve—well, thirteen if you counted Ophiuchus among the Twelve members of the Common Zodiac racing through the heavens.[break][break]

And what was with all of the shooting stars suddenly falling from the sky?[break][break]

Wait… there wasn’t a sighting now, was there…?[break][break]

He thought one of the shooting stars was plummeting his way and he let out a yelp, very narrowly jumping off to one side as he thought there was a bunch of… what the ever-loving fuck?[break][break]

Were those… were those Pokémon?![break][break]

Either way, he thought he saw a black one among the crowd. What did he have to lose?[break][break]

Taking aim, his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth as he tossed an empty Pokéball into their midst. Wondering if the gods above would favor him…[break][break]



word count: 324. Yeah I did it. that's like 14 constellations in there! Used English names for 12 of them, and then classic names for the last two. sorry not sorry, man.



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2019 17:49:08 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas took in a moment to look up at the night skies. He could make out the various constellations throughout the sky. The one that caught his eye first was Orion, a legendary hunter. But before he could get a good look at the other constellations, he would spot the various Minior sinking down into the earth itself. One of them would crash nearby, the shell of the Pokemon cracking upon impact, revealing the brilliantly glowing figure of the Pokemon hidden within the shell.

Thomas studied the glowing creature for a moment, taking in its true form underneath the craggy armor it had once amassed in its duty. Knowing that such a creature wouldn't last long, Thomas produced a Pokeball, and tossed it at the strange creature, hoping that he could capture the Pokemon before it faded away. If he could save the Minior, then perhaps it would come in handy during future endeavors?


tags: @tag
notes: tl;dr

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2019 18:43:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar

The gentle waves that crashed upon the banks of outer Mossdeep lulled the girl of white and red to sleep, her body kept immensely warm from the heat resonating within her bundles of white fur and feathers that had been formed by her father- it was the first time that Cordelia had witnessed a Minior shower without being surrounded by her family, which made her long to return back home. Pulling the long strands of the three individual formations of white toward her, it was as if it still held her father's scent after all of these years that she had called them hers. Outside of being one of the most prominent masters of the dragon type in Unova, his primary line of work was creating priceless masterpieces of warmth and softness out of the fluffy feathers of Altaria and furs of Absol; Priscus was one to make deals with these two species of Pokemon, as if he were able to speak to them himself. The dark-type species lived on the other side of the mountain to which their family called home, alongside the dragons of the den; they would often venture over the peaks to allow him to shear their manes in exchange for protection, similar to the Altaria on the rare nights that the draco constellation would make itself appear among the horizon of the mountainous area. The dragon-types would live in hordes of the den until their feathers returned, which would be quite quickly in the eyes of the family of rose petals and dragon scales. The supermodel hoped that her family still was capable of doing this, but it was now rare for her to ask them any questions aside from ones regarding their safety- one day, she hoped they would all be able to reunite once again, away from the dangers that forced her to retreat to Hoenn.

Opening her eyes to look up at the expanse of colors that shot across the dark cosmos and escape from the nostalgic thoughts that pounded at her head, the dragon trainer would stand from her large beach towel of red color and fold up two of her three works of soft, white color, only leaving her longest eight-foot strand of fluff slung over her shoulder and wrapped around most of her upper body. Cordelia was wearing a solid-crimson bikini under the mass of thick fur, her hair straightened and released all the way down to her thighs; despite it being bit of a chilly night due to the winds that pushed into the seaside city from the depths, she was dressed for it to be quite warm, though the giant ivory-colored puff kept everything aside from her legs nice and toasty. Slowly walking forward into the shallows of the beach, the waves would push against her feet and bury them in the sand before quickly getting sucked back into the tide, leaving them barren and cold in the winds for a few seconds until the cycle would begin to repeat itself. On the edge of the world, it was as if other Pokemon came to watch the event too; shadows shot upward from the depths of the ocean. Watching the journey of the endless hordes of the meteor Pokemon was a truly remarkable experience, though it was somewhat nice to watch it alone. It was said that there were giant viewing parties and people watching in large groups on the tops of houses and fields in the walls of Mossdeep City, but it was a great surprise to find that there was nobody sitting on the side of the beach that the supermodel found herself relaxing upon. Perhaps it was a blessing from her father on the other side of the seas, or the same Minior that could potentially be seen by the rest of the Rosarios wherever they may be.

Abruptly in the stars above the horizon, a tiny crackling-sound made itself known to the lone girl that stood within the shallow waters of the coast, causing her attention to immediately shoot upward like a firework. One of the Minior that was embarking on its travels began to fall from the depths of the night sky, its bright tail of stardust and cosmic energy twinkling as it would quickly plummet down toward the seashore like a falling star. It looked like it was headed right toward where Cordelia found herself in the water; quickly noticing this, she would gasp and run backward toward where the sand met its cold companion, making it just in time to watch the Pokemon make its final descent. Hitting the surface of the water and shooting down into the shallow seafloor, a giant splash was followed by a burst of colors and rocks, making the starry Pokemon's interior fully visible under the transparent layer of the ocean. In a look of confusion and loss, it would slowly begin to rise out of the water and spin around, its eyes locking onto the girl of white and red as small beads of water would launch off of its delicate body back to where they would belong. The wild Pokemon looked afraid, as it knew that if it were not to return to the rest of its swarm it would potentially fade away for all eternity; it made a single tear dribble down her cheek. Reaching into a small pocket that was sewn into the inside of the large expanse of white furs and feathers, Cordelia would pull out a single Pokeball and would toss it toward the Minior in attempt to catch it and allow its life to be prolonged in her care. She knew what it was like to fall away from the rest of her family. She did not want another being to experience what she had to go through alone, no matter if it were her worst enemy or a lone Pokemon that had fallen from the cosmos.

tagged: @rosario
wc: 1,000
note(s): a sleepy capture attempt on a lone minior.


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2019 1:59:59 GMT
shiv Avatar





THE RESULTS:[break][break]

as the minior flee and fade, three pokéballs remain with the faint red glow of success.[break][break]


genderless / shields down[break]
cosmic power / explosion / shell smash / ancient power / double-edge / stealth rock[break]

genderless / shields down[break]
cosmic power / ancient power / shell smash / autotomize / power gem / double-edge[break]
you may choose the colour of your minior[break]
(red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)

genderless / shields down[break]
cosmic power / double-edge / shell smash / self-destruct / swift / stealth rock[break]
you may choose the colour of your minior[break]
(red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)

[googlefont=Montserrat][googlefont=Roboto Condensed]

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP