If you go down in the woods today [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
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If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2022 14:53:52 GMT
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Oscar did not remember entering any sort of 'contest', so when he received an email claiming that he had won a 'Pop Picnic Party' with pop idol he was--confused. Who was this? Why was his name familiar? Oscar looked up his music and it was not really his thing, so why would he enter a contest to meet him? Was this a prank? Where did he see his name before? GMH never reached out to him--which means there was only one way he could have encountered this name.

Oscar looked him up in Rocket's recruit database and sure enough he had a file. It must have crossed over his desk at some point, Oscar often reviews the files of new recruits to try and keep track of skillsets he could use. Well maybe he could make a profit off this misadventure. A hypothetical profit, Oscar saw no value in the music industry. For now...

He was allowed a plus one, and Oscar could not think of anyone better to invite then his favorite picnic partner: . Their last picnic had been such a success, certainly they could make this one even better. Oscar got to set the meeting place, and after doing some digging he found a wonderful little opportunity in Petalburg Woods. Seems there was a--rare bird hiding out in the woods. This would be a fine opportunity to get a peek. 

With Mars in the know and plans set, Oscar arrived at the entrance of the woods bright and early to await his 'pop prince'.                                         
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
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Martín del Mar
If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2022 16:25:49 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Mars too is not particularly fond of pop music, but unlike his favourite picnic partner, he does know who Ventis is. He is, after all, a man of the people… and he also likes to be aware of which Team Rocket members might be of use to him due to their assets, reputation, fame, and many other factors aside from their practical skill set.
What is ’s practical skill set, though? Of what use can he be to Team Rocket aside from how they can use his image? Mars is as curious as can be, and what better opportunity to find out than this picnic Oscar had invited him to! Simply wonderful!
So is that P.O.G Bank’s illustrious CEO approaches their previously arranged upon meeting spot; wearing the most confident and charming of smiles, clad in his ever so stylish trekking attire, and with an elegant Persian by his side. Dollar, a pokémon Oscar has come to know well, greets him by gently bumping his head against the businessman’s leg.
”I see our friend isn’t here yet. Are you excited?”
Of course he must be! Who doesn’t love a picnic with a side of birdwatching!




Mission - A Deadly Job🌟


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Ventis, Prince of Song
November 6th
you sell yourself for a dream, they're never quite what they seem
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If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2022 17:43:51 GMT

Great, another meet and greet. Klaus is convinced that there's a special place in hell for people who think that one on one events are a good idea. He'll take one of those large, public affairs that force him to sign autographs until his hand cramps over this any day, thank you very much. Unfortunately for Klaus, he doesn't make the schedule, his thrice damned agent does.

So he forces himself to go through the motions of preparing as though he actually cares. A feat that includes dressing like he's trying to get himself ambushed (that never fails to go over well with fans), and steadfastly refusing to read the brief on the winner that's been left on his coffee table. He'll be spending enough time listening to some idiot prattle on about what makes them special soon enough, no point in pre-loading and annoying himself before he's even arrived. 

In hindsight, he probably should have read the brief, but you know what they say about hindsight. Instead, he winds his way toward the entrance, picnic basket in hand, to find Oscar and Mars waiting already there for him, a sleek persian weaving it's way between them. They don't look like look like the usual fare.  No tops cut so low they scream trying too hard. Nothing eye-gougingly bright. And, most importantly, they don't look especially excited to see him. Maybe today will be less grating than expected.

'Why do I feel like I've missed a memo?' And why does that one guy look so familiar? 

"I'm guessing one of you must be Oscar." That had been the name at the top of the sheet that he'd resolutely decided not to read, right? He's usually good with names. Less trouble to be had that way. "I hope you and your friend have brought your appetites!" There, that ought to do it, center the contest winner but don't ignore the plus one. 
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2022 15:57:28 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Mars approached, Oscar's face brightened with enthusiasm. He waved eagerly, only to suddenly flinch as something brushed across his leg. Oscar looked down to find Dollar the persian showing him affection, a development that left Oscar confused. He never thought the cat would like anyone besides Mars, it was downright darling to be acknowledge by this fickle feline monarch. Oscar smiled, holding his hand out so that the persian may rub themselves against it if they wished. He would never force pets upon a shadow pokemon--though now that he thought of that had Dollar's head-jewel changed color? Must have been his imagination...

Oscar looked to Mars to answer his inquiry, the rocket beast's eyes beaming with mischief. "You know me Mars, I'm always down for a solid picnic. And with a celebrity no less." Oscar raised a finger to his chin, "Today's a good day for it too, I heard a particular bird was visiting the forest today. I brought binoculars and everything--I hope we can spot it." Oscar gave Mars a knowing smile, just in time for their guest of honor to appear.

Oscar jumped a tad as he was addressed, having not noticed 's approach. His surprise quickly shifted into joy as he grinned and opened his arms to greet the pop star. "Well hey there champ! Glad you could make it." Oscar placed his hands on his hips, downright giddy just to be here. "Shit it's good to meet you. I'm a big fan of yours, I think. I really enjoy the tune of um--fuck Mars what's the one with the--you know doo doo Doo Da doo doo?"

Oscar should have listened to more songs before this meeting. 

Oscar tapped his forehead at the mention of Mars, "Silly me, this is Mars by the way. He's really looking forward to this picnic. Speaking of, shall we head in?"
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 19:57:07 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

One would not expect most idols to be versed in the ways of Hoenn’s business sphere, and today, the fact that recognizes neither CEO perhaps works to their benefit. It sure gets the brightest of smiles out of Mars, at least: perfect and charming, the kind of smile that could belong in an ad (because it does belong in ads).
”Oscar, Oscar… How can you not remember the name of Ventis’ greatest hit?” Mars doesn’t remember either, he’s just a really good liar. Bluffing. A shot in the dark. One that comes with an arm being wrapped around the shoulders of and a grin in the idol’s direction. ”Forgive my friend here, he gets really nervous when meeting someone he admires. He never stops going on about you.”
Sorry, Oscar.
Maybe later they’ll laugh about this whole situation. Or, maybe not. It all depends on one thing and one thing alone.
”We should get going or we’ll miss that bird you mentioned, Oscar! What are your thoughts on birdwatching, Ventis?”
And so it begins.




Mission - A Deadly Job🌟


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Ventis, Prince of Song
November 6th
you sell yourself for a dream, they're never quite what they seem
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TAG WITH @cartier
If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 18:10:53 GMT

Between being called champ and Mars's terrible rendition of...honestly, Klaus has absolutely no idea what that was even supposed to be beyond a general travesty and an affront to songs everywhere, it's all the idol can do to keep from visibly twitching. Instead, he takes a beat to internally curse his 'stupid fucking agent and his stupid fucking contests' before plastering a smile on his face that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

It doesn't help that the pair of them look familiar, like he ought to recognize them, but his brain steadfastly refuses to supply additional context. Not that that's unusual in Klaus's line of work. Fans all start to blur together after a while - a mishmash of vaguely familiar faces and overblown enthusiasm that Klaus would prefer to forget. There are so many things worth forgetting - like their names, the moment he finishes with this arceus forsaken picnic.

Klaus swears his agent chooses activities for these things based on what's most likely to maximize his misery. Bastard.

For the time being, he'll use their names (Oscar and Mars) and play at being enchanted by their presence. Hang on every word and make them feel like they're special, because that's the deal isn't it? Fame and fortune for a little piece of his soul every now and again. Because no one turns up to see Klaus Cartier. No, they all want Ventis. Princely, polite, vapid, Ventis with his honeyed words and shows of humble enthusiasm. 

Klaus beams at them. "Bird watching?" That's a new one. Not altogether exciting, as prospects go, but maybe he'll luck out and it'll cut down on small talk. "Can't say I've ever had the pleasure. My schedule's pretty tight these days, so I don't get much time to pick up new hobbies." That much was true at least. "Guess you'll have to show me how it's done." Assuming it was more than just sitting around trying to make out the vague shape of a tail sticking out from behind some leaves in the distance, or something equally inane. 
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 0:10:31 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar gave Mister Ventus a strained smile, mostly from Mars THROWING HIM UNDER THE BUS! Bastard hit Oscar's set up back like a tennis expert; well played Mars but this was only the top of the game! There was plenty of time to get him to slip up! For now though, Oscar agreed that it was time to head in. He threw his hands up and chuckled, "Yes! Let us venture forth and see what we can see!"

Oscar strutted forward, binoculars now pressed to his eyes as he looked in every direction. He was even sure to look directly at his companions, his enhanced gaze lingering on Klaus's perfect fuckin' skin! Those pores were flawless, did he wash his face with ambrosia? Oscar was sure to drop a comment to Mars as he turned back around, "His face his smoother than a baby's ass how the fuck is that possible?"

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Oscar began to take his observations more seriously. If he goofed off too much, he would lose track of the--bird. Yet Klaus was their guest, so he was sure to keep him engaged so that he would feel included. "Tell me Mister Ventus..." Oscar spoke casually as he looked in every direction with his binoculars once more. "What made you want to be a musician? It could not have been an easy undertaking."

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