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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2022 23:51:21 GMT
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It's a small sign of trust that he's placed on a mission with , Orion imagines; she's a new transfer to Slateport HQ, and his reputation for being rude and rough around the edges surely puts him at the bottom of the list of ideal partners. He's been trying his best to work on his attitude, though, not wanting to let down more than he already has.


Pushing off from the rail of the ship chartered for the mission, Orion extends a hand. His right, of flesh and blood. In the midday Hoenn heat, there was no covering up the obvious, and so his metal prosthetic gleams in the sunshine as he steps close.

"Orion. Captain Fawley told me to give you the run-down." He wastes no time. By 'working on his attitude', he's only restrained himself from being an ass. His usual stiffness and discomfort is agonizingly present. "Contact was lost with a police vessel patrolling close to hostile Sootopolis waters. There's been reports of unnatural weather in the area, and it could be interfering with their comms, but HQ wants us to double-check. It's a bit of a trip, so the boat'll take us most of the way." Once they assessed the situation, they could figure out if the intervention of their Pokémon was appropriate.

mission: a deadly job
valor: search and rescue
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Tali, Celes
January 21
Ecruteak City, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 4:11:09 GMT
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i'll chase the light of that distant star
War erased the awkwardness that many interactions would otherwise inspire in day-to-day life. As a refugee fleeing to Hoenn, Talia had seen her share of displaced people, and the various ways that violence had wronged them.

So when she met , her topaz eyes caught his with a sincere warmth, never lingering on where the light revealed the scars that life had handed him. "Talia Celes," she said, taking the hand he offered as she boarded the vessel. "Cadet Celes. A pleasure, sir."

Her brief time in Hoenn had not been politically-minded; the man's name and its history were unknown to her. In this moment, he was one Ranger guiding another, and that was enough for Talia.

She leaned against the railing of the boat as it skipped over the waves, her topaz eyes narrowing in thought as she listened. It sounded bleak and grim, and she quietly appreciated that Orion had not chosen to suggest otherwise.

It was better to be prepared for whatever you were facing. Expect the worst, while hoping for the best.

"Unnatural weather?" Talia echoed, turning to face him. "In what way?"

'A distortion?' she wondered quietly. They'd caused such chaos elsewhere.

● A Deadly Job ●
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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 17:45:03 GMT
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"I'm a Cadet, too," he assures her, when she calls him sir. He pushes down the bitterness that comes with the admission, still grieving the loss of his blue Elite badge. "No need for nerves."

His smile, while brief and stiff, is an attempt to put her at ease.

Her question prompts a shrug, Orion returning to lean against the rail as they're carried out to sea. "Not sure. There were those cultists causing trouble a while back, the distortions, the barrier..." Take your pick, really. Hoenn's a fucking mess. He bites his tongue, unsure of how well would handle his acerbic attitude. "It could just be an out-of-season storm, but I doubt we'll be that lucky."

From below deck, an Absol wearing a bright red service vest pads up to inspect the other ranger, red eyes possessed of a gentleness often overlooked by superstition.

"Don't mind Altair. He's my partner."

mission: a deadly job
valor: search and rescue
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Tali, Celes
January 21
Ecruteak City, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2022 0:24:42 GMT
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i'll chase the light of that distant star
Her topaz eyes widened slightly at the admission; something in the way that carried himself had spoken to someone with far more experience than her own. Perhaps he'd transferred in from the military? Don't pry, Talia. Resolved to not let the moment settle into something awkward, she met the man with a bright smile and nodded. "Orion, then. I'm new to Slateport's branch, so I'm sure I'll be getting familiar with you and the others very soon."

She knelt down as the Absol approached, listening while her partner rattled off the list of calamities that had riddled Hoenn ever since her arrival. Something in her expression darkened as he did so. "It seems no matter where one chooses to live, trouble follows," she murmured. "At least, that's how it feels, sometimes."

This sigh of resignation didn't reflect in the way she reached out to the vested Absol, however, as she lifted a hand in shy, half-hearted greeting.

"Hello, Altair," she trilled, while her own Pokemon soared overhead -- a majestic Dragonair, winding through the sky as she pursued the boat across the sea. "That's Lyra above us," she said, glancing up as the draconic shadow fell over the boat. "She'll be helping keep watch of anything that might lay ahead. We mostly do search and rescue missions off the coastline, really."

● A Deadly Job ●
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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2022 2:18:48 GMT
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Military wouldn't be terribly off-base; he had fought in a war for Hoenn's future, after all. But she doesn't ask, and he doesn't tell.

"Ah, brace yourself," he offers drily, of Slateport's squad. Yet there's a fondness there, as well, when he says, "We're an odd bunch."

with his alcoholism and poor work ethic, with the shadow of Kanto hanging over her, @arashi with his ever-changing stories about how he'd lost the arm. They were a bunch of misfits, with holding them together with duct tape and dreams.

Altair nudges his head against 's palm, a silent but affable introduction for the Disaster Pokémon. Orion lifts his hand to wave at Lyra, in turn.

"I specialized in Search-and-Rescue out of Fortree." That had been before Rocket had kidnapped him. Before he'd lost the arm. "Amazing how many people don't read trail-signs."

Skies begin to darken as they sail, a light rain shedding from the clouds.

mission: a deadly job
valor: search and rescue

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Tali, Celes
January 21
Ecruteak City, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2022 4:48:03 GMT
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i'll chase the light of that distant star
Was there something foreboding in the way he said 'odd bunch'? Talia crinkled her nose as she considered this, then laughed somewhat abashedly, shaking her head.

"I guess I'm odd, too," she said with a sheepish grin. "I can't think of too many dancers who decide to shift into Ranger work. It's certainly not for the increase in salary."

In fact, Talia sometimes still performed in the old Ecruteak style on the side for events, or taught curious young pupils from wealthy families; in her previous early assignments, these side jobs had proven an essential way of padding her income.

It didn't occur to her that he might mean odd as in 'odd behavior,' which admittedly, could apply to Talia herself as well. Even if the young woman didn't have the awareness to know so, herself.

When the Absol leaned into her hand, Talia turned the radiance of her smile upon him, ruffling the black-and-white Pokémon behind the ears as one might a far less ominous-seeming household pet. She could hear Lyra's soft crooning in the night air, drifting across the sea breeze as the Dragonair answered Orion's silent greeting with her own.

"On the sea, it's brewing storms. People stay out too long, then let the currents and riptides take them too far." Her topaz eyes flitted up, mouth drawn into a tiny frown. "Mm. Speaking of."

The stars were beginning to blot out beneath a darkening sky, curdling with the first rumble of thunder.

● A Deadly Job ●
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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 1:18:44 GMT
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It's not the sort of 'odd' Orion meant; he doesn't bother to correct her. She'll find out soon enough.

"No one does this job for the money," he agrees, then frowns. Canting his head, he amends, "Least, not when they have better options."

It wasn't as if the Rangers underpaid, it was more that they were overworked. Spread thin across a region that couldn't go a week without falling apart, with workplace hazards that should grant higher benefits than they did. Orion became a Ranger because he loved the work. He stayed a Ranger, in spite of his injury, because he'd go mad if he didn't have something to do.

"Speaking of," he agrees, frowning. "It's very... localized."

It bore the distinct resemblance of a storm caused by a Pokémon, albeit a little larger than ordinary. Perhaps many Pokémon working in tandem?

"We can send out our Pokémon, now..."

He does so, a battle-scarred NOIVERN joining Dragonair in the skies. SLOWKING and SWAMPERT are released onto the deck of the ship, while TENTACRUEL and LANTURN patrol the seas, the latter ILLUMINATING the way.

mission: a deadly job
valor: search and rescue
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Tali, Celes
January 21
Ecruteak City, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 18:27:03 GMT
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i'll chase the light of that distant star
"No," she agreed softly, "I suppose no one does. But that's part of the joy of being a Ranger, I think? That we are drawn here for some greater purpose."

When released the entirety of his Pokémon team, Talia stiffened as she prepared to do the same. One by one, she released her chosen companions alongside her Dragonair: a Swablu, a Noibat, a Starmie, and a Luvdisc. The last Pokémon she left on her belt untouched, only deciding to bring it forward should healing be necessary.

Her Starmie's ILLUMINATE joined his Tenatacruel and Lantern with its bright, star-like glow, while her Swablu and Noibat took the skies alongside the Noivern and Dragonair. Beside the Swampert and Slowking, her Luvdisc hovered curiously, lips pursed as eyes focused on the darkening sky.

"I think you're right," Talia whispered, her topaz eyes narrowing. "It's too contained to be something natural. Something is causing this."

The colossal silhouette manifesting at the centre of the storm said as much, moments later.

● A Deadly Job ●
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POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 19:33:57 GMT
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"What is that?"

Obscured by storm clouds, it's impossible to tell. An impression of broad wings, a flash of white, and the silhouette at the storm's eye plunges into the water below. Their boat rocks with the force of the resulting wave, and Orion grips the railing for balance.

"Don't suppose any of yours can affect the weather?"

He can make it worse, with Tentacruel, but that's hardly the goal.

"Look, there! I think I see someone in the water!" But where was the boat? "Libertas! Tailwind!"

A fierce breeze stirs beneath the Noivern's scarred wings, and after a moment the black bat swoops down to snag the panicked officer in his claws. When the half-drowned woman is deposited onto the deck of their ship, Altair blasts a FLAMETHROWER high overhead for warmth.

"Thank you." She's shivering, eyes wide. "The boat got dragged down by its WHIRLPOOL. My partner..."

"We'll do everything we can." Orion's anxiety has vanished beneath hard determination. "Celes, you're going to take over. I won't risk swimming in a storm like this." He gestures with his titanium arm in explanation. He's not yet confident enough in its use. "My Pokémon are at your disposal if you need their help."

mission: a deadly job
valor: search and rescue
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Tali, Celes
January 21
Ecruteak City, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 22:55:05 GMT
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i'll chase the light of that distant star
All of Talia's being went still as she witnessed the familiar figure at the centre of the storm's fury, her topaz eyes widening in horror.

It is said that Lugia appears with the advent of a darkening storm...

The last time she had witnessed the legendary avian had been at the Tree of Life, when it still flourished in Sootopolis. It had been an ill-fated venture, one she was too green to have been assigned to, but that her own stubbornness had allowed for her to agree to in the first place.

"Phoebe!" she called loudly over the crackling lightning, "DEFOG!" The cottony wings of her Swablu carried the bird upwards into the firmament, spinning as the rain that pelted down from above began to still and calm into clear skies.

When the half-drowned woman gasped for air on the deck, Talia nodded quickly and firmly in response to 's statement of the obvious: she'd have to be the one to enter the sea. She gestured to Nova, her Starmie, and the two descended beneath the waves -- the heart of the stellar Pokemon pulsing a steady red, like a visible heartbeat undersea.

Should Orion's Pokemon wish to follow, they would be present to help her lift the unconscious body from where it had drifted in a bed of seaweed and sand. Mercifully, the boat hadn't collapsed on him; the man had apparently jumped before the hull could fall on him. Whether or not he was alive or dead was something Talia couldn't glean, not with the precious little time she had to drag him out before she had to gasp for air.

It took great effort, but Talia managed to pull him against the currents, buoyed by her Starmie's ease of movement as the two broke the surface of the jet-black waves. She gestured to the Tentacruel to assist her in pulling him to the boat's edge, her own arms exhausted by the leaden weight of the man and his wet clothing.

"Hurry," she panted, her own energy dwindling quickly.

● A Deadly Job ●
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POSTED ON Sept 20, 2022 1:23:34 GMT
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Though Orion doesn't miss Talia's wide-eyed horror, there's no time to ask questions when lives are on the line. He feels powerless as she jumps into the water with her Starmie, longing for the days when he'd have followed her without hesitation.

Know your limits. A bitter pill.

Perhaps he should offer the half-drowned woman some comfort, but Orion only leans against the railing and stares anxiously across the turbulent, storm-tossed waters. His Lanturn and Tentacruel have left to assist her, and the Tentacruel's appendages lift the man's unconscious body over the rail where Orion helps to settle him down. He's not breathing.


He doesn't speak, merely launching into a frantic attempt at CPR. But seconds turn into minutes, and the man does not stir.

mission: a deadly job
valor: search and rescue
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Tali, Celes
January 21
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POSTED ON Sept 20, 2022 2:23:03 GMT
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i'll chase the light of that distant star
Beneath the dark vantage point of night, all the world seemed to go still as the fate of the poor man became apparent: this would be his last assignment as an officer.

His partner merely watched, stunned silent, as Talia saw Orion withdraw from the failing CPR. She had seen death before, enough times for the scene to be familiar, but not enough for the gravitas of the moment to elude her.

They had completed their duty in one respect. Now, Talia would complete it in another.

The blue-haired Ranger knelt down beside the man, tenderly taking the red armband that marked her as a cadet into her hands.

"Did you know him?" she asked the woman beside her softly, who stirred with surprise at being addressed.

"It was our first work together as police officers, actually." The stranger swallowed, as if embarrassed to admit this truth. "I... His name was, um, Akihiro? Akihiro Soto. He was from Johto." She gathered her wrinkled clothes about herself, the FLAMETHROWER having dried them and the banished DEFOGGED storm having lost its power to drench them anew. "I'm sorry. That's all I know, really."

Talia's eyes misted faintly at the mention of her homeland, nodding once to acknowledge she had heard the woman speak aloud. "Thank you. That helps a great deal."

The cadet regarded the damp red cloth in her hands and turned to Altair, asking softly, "Would you dry this for me?" Once the Absol obliged, Talia took the warm fabric and pressed it carefully over the deceased man's eyes.

When Talia spoke next, her words were softly directed to the man who had fallen, oblivious to all others present.

"I did not know you, Akihiro Soto, but you are one of my people. And we shall bring you back safely, so that those who love you may mourn you."

She closed her eyes for a moment, familiar songs and dances returning to her mind as she recalled her time in the Ecruteak Dance Theater, before she began to sing in a soft, tremulous voice on the sea breeze:

"Empty-handed I entered the world
Barefoot I leave it.
My coming, my going -
Two simple happenings
That got entangled."

As she murmured the jisei aloud, her Dragonair began to perform DRAGON DANCE overhead, crooning her own funereal cry as she did so while the Noibat and Swablu joined in tandem. Talia's quiet lament sang through the stillness of the night, haunting and beautiful, its last echoes dancing on the currents of the sea to ripple outward like waves, its melody carried to a far-away, uncaring shore.

"There is an ancient tradition in Johto history," Talia said suddenly, in a voice that betrayed more awareness of her own surroundings than her last, "of writing a poem when one realizes it is time for one's departure from this world. It is called a jisei. This one was written by a monk who asked for no burial, no services in his passing, but he left this epitaph to be remembered by."

She paused her, her topaz gaze lingering over him with something sorrowful.

"Whatever happens to him upon our return, he deserves at least this little to be remembered by."

In case there is no one left to mourn him, except us.

● A Deadly Job ●
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POSTED ON Sept 21, 2022 5:24:58 GMT
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It's not the first one he's lost.

It won't be the last.

Neither of these facts make it any easier when Orion's Absol takes the ranger's sleeve gently between his teeth to tug him away from the officer's still form. He slumps against the railing of the ship, suddenly feeling the exhaustion in his muscles as awareness comes back to him. He should offer comfort to the man's partner, to Talia, should do anything, really, but he only curls an arm around Altair and breathes.

If I'd just sucked it up and swam—

—then I'd be dead, and there'd be two funerals.

Altair stirs next to him when requests his aid, and only then does Orion pull himself back up with the aid of the railing. He recalls his Pokémon, save for the Noivern overhead and the Absol on deck, and listens quietly to the haunting song of his fellow ranger.

He doesn't know what to say, and settles awkwardly on, "That was... nice."

Altair's horn nudges his arm, and Orion drops his hand into shaggy white fur to allow himself some small comfort. To the female officer, he expresses, "I'm... sorry for your loss."

It was going to be a long trip home.

mission: a deadly job
valor: search and rescue
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POSTED ON Sept 22, 2022 2:04:13 GMT
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