makeup 101

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
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POSTED ON Sept 27, 2022 6:13:12 GMT
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He sat patiently, checking his make up in a compact. A large, iridescent make up bag on the table and a duffel next to him. Not exactly wanting to drag to poor grunt into his home, he'd opted to give them a bit of training in the submarine instead. It's familiar...albeit the lighting could be better but...Sootopolis was just a hop, skip, jump away.

They could admire their work later. For now, Mint kicked his feet, idly playing with a ping and blue Zigzagoon at his feet. Zabaglione, ever the trouble maker, pawed at the tips of his shoes scurrying closer and farther to his trainers feet before finally pouncing. Mint lets out a laugh, pulling back and looking under the table. "You're so antsy when we get in here." he noted, reaching over to pet his partner. The cheeky shit dodged, earning himself an equally shit eating grin from the executive.

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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March 31
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Levy Alinsky
makeup 101
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2022 15:18:14 GMT
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Training in the art of disguise sounded stupid as hell. Levy was used to being a wallflower, even if his drab appearance still managed to draw eyes in a more colorful room. He didn't often devote time to anything that required personal change, even if he knew he could benefit from it. Maybe his bestfriend wouldn't be moving across Hoenn currently if he wasn't such a shitty person to be around, but again, he wasn't the person to readily change to make up for that.

He was meeting with an executive though and that sounded important. It was admittedly a little anxiety-inducing, but hell... what didn't make him anxious these days? As to be expected, Levy was prompt and on time. Maybe a little too much to the point. It was either seen as a strength or a flaw depending on who saw it. "I'm here for.... uh.." The iridescent twink waiting with a makeup bag could not be who he was looking for. "I'm sorry, I'm supposed to meet a... Mint Frost?" What a fake-ass name.

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2022 6:50:58 GMT
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The newcomer pulled both trainer and partner's attention alike. They both perk up at the sound of footsteps. Mint straightened up as Levy began to speak, and the galarian zigzagoon raced over, stopping just inches away to sniff at the grunt. "Yes, that's me." he said, gesturing at the young man to sit beside him.

He took a seat once more, smiling at the stranger, tilting his head as he studied his face for a moment before giving him a once over. "You're here for the make up tutorial, right?" he'd already had the pleasure of helping shop around for some make up. Now it was another grunt to mess aorund with. "You want to branch out into intel right? Spying, info collection, subterfuge etc etc etc." he said, leaning back in his chair as Zabaglione barked up at Levy before running to sit by his master's feet. "Disguise is a bit more hands on. Tricky at first, but pretty useful if tech breaks down."

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Levy Alinsky
makeup 101
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2023 14:20:50 GMT
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Makeup tutorial. He suppressed the urge to sigh and whine over what had to be the dumbest assignment he'd ever been subjected to. The last thing he wanted to do was make an enemy out of the other man. Maybe Mint took this seriously, but Levy sure didn't. He had never seen the point in makeup and he'd spent years on the outskirts of other people's attention. He was a fly on the wall, a barely noteworthy orphan. What did he need makeup and espionage training for?

"Yeah," He didn't quite hide his lacking enthusiasm though. He wasn't perfect, after all. He looked down at the chattering zigzagoon, hands tucked into his pockets before forcing himself to relax a little. "Yes, sir." A little overtly formal, maybe. He didn't really know how to read this guy yet, which was a shame. "Okay, where do we start then?"

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2023 4:38:06 GMT
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Levy comes across more shy and awkward than unenthusiastic. That doesn't deter Mint in the slightest. "Just Mint is fine for now." he said with a bright smile, nodding along to Levy as he spoke up. "Well, first I wanna know if you have any sort of skin routine?" he asked leaning forward to inspect Levy's cheeks at different angles.

"And have you ever used make up before? It gonna feel pretty uncomfortable to do heavy costume make up if you're not used to it. It'll make you itch more, you'll have higher chances of messing it up etc." He began pulling out some basic clean brushes, a sponge, and some foundation. "You might be a little paler, and a little cooler in skin tone compared to me. We gotta figure out if you're a Spring or Summer- that's sort of thing."

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Levy Alinsky
makeup 101
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2023 14:20:52 GMT
Levy Alinsky Avatar

"Skin routine? Uhhh no..." The idea made him laugh a little. The idea of a street rat like him having a skin routine. He hovered away a little under the close scrutiny, not used to the close inspection.

Once again, another big no. He had plenty of insecurities about himself without adding more with makeup. "Uh no," He tried to keep up with the other, eyes following the brushes. "Spring or summer, the hell is that?" He snorted, biting down on the desire to complain that this was clearly a waste of time. While the idea had intrigued him, maybe he wasn't cut out for this kind of skillset.

"I'm gonna be terrible at this.."

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost
makeup 101
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2023 0:11:14 GMT
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"That's ok! Everybody starts somewhere." he said as he pulled out a pack of wipes and carefully wiped off his cheek. One side becomes substantially less pink. Natural rosy cheeks weren't so natural anymore. "So it is possible to mask textured skin, but makeup applies a little better when on smoother skin. Just masks it easier." he said as he handed over the pack of wipes.

"We don't even need to use the brushes if you want! I just do it to keep my hands clean, but your fingers can be enough for concealer." He said as he continued wiping his eye. The skin dulled without highlighter and his undereye darkened showing off a bag from lack of sleep.

"This is light make up too. I didn't even use eyeliner or a lot of base. But just a bit can make all the difference, right?" he said. "I think, if you know what makes your face look a certain way it helps a bit when you want to touch up things like prosthetics or wigs. You can make yourself really stand out, or really blend in. Just depends on the character you want to be." Half of his face is cleaned up while the other half remained painted.

"Spring and Summer are a kind of...mmm it's like a classification of where your skin can fall depending on your undertones. It just helps pick out what best suits your skin to make you look better when you dress or apply make up. Less disorienting if it all fits together right?" he said as he held out his hand for Levy's. "It's probably easier to see it in action. I'm more of a visual learned myself."

"Anyway, I'm rambling." He wiped the rest of his face away and clipped his bangs back before gesturing for his wrist. "I got some foundation and concealer samples for you to try. We'll do our best with what he have and I'll show you how to do a quick face refresh." with his other hand, he pulls out a few bottles of pale beige creams and nods at Levy to begin swatching. "Just a small dab across your wrist or forearm should do."

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Levy Alinsky
makeup 101
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 17:59:22 GMT
Levy Alinsky Avatar

Levy already knew he wasn't going to retain any of this information. Mint would have been luck teaching a tyranitar to chase its tail. Even then, he had a job to do and he wasn't about to complain and object in front of a senior Rocket (even if he was a bit ridiculous). It seemed that at the very least, Mint was taking this seriously and not trying to ridicule him. Levy was simply easily embarrassed, not that he'd admit it.

His eyes darted between the other's face, fresh of any paint (strangely naked), and then down at the supplies offered. He was supposed to participate, not sit there whining about it like a big baby. Levy sighed at that, barely suppressing the urge to threaten him: if you tell anybody... The truth was he didn't know what he'd do because the other was a beast and he was a nobody, but he'd find an 'or else' in some form.

"Okay," He muttered before he started.

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost
makeup 101
POSTED ON May 2, 2023 0:16:50 GMT
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Mint smiled, watching Levy and guiding him gently on swatching and picking his colors. "Perhaps...this one is better with your undertones." he murmured, reaching for a make up wipe to clean him up before picking out a concealer tube and handing it over. After a moment he retracts it, opening it up and uttering a quick, "Hold still." before dabbing a couple of wet dots onto his face.

"The cool thing about make up is that you don't need a lot of tools either. You can just use your fingers and wipe on a make up wipe." he explained, miming how the grunt should blend the pigment under his eyes.

As he explained it, he wiped down the rest of his own face, waving a hand as it dried before reapplying products. First the moisturizer, and bb cream to even out his tone before concealer. Like Levy, he dotted up parts of his face and began blending with his index until he was done. "See. Easy right?"

| mission prompt: vying for attention

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October 13
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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2023 3:50:09 GMT
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