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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 17:31:02 GMT
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Knock knock

Well who could that be at this hour? Here in the sleepy town of Littleroot it was highly unusual to receive visitors past the hour of Seven PM--and would you look at that it was 8:05! Despite this highly unusual occurrence, Old Man Giuseppe was not one to ignore anyone who knocked upon his door. He grabbed his cane and began his journey through his foyer. About ten feet from his door there would be a second string of knocks.

Knock knock knock knock

Old Man Giuseppe sighed, "Hold your horses I'ma comin'!" He opened the door, and before he could even say a single word he would be met by two costumed adults and their pokemon shouting in his face.


One of the adults was Oscar Clayton, while the other was . Oscar was dressed up as an astronaut, with his dewpider Clavis sitting on his shoulder in his own little spider space suit. Oscar held out a sack that already had a few goodies in it, his face beaming with childish glee. "Trick or treat!" He repeated, shoving the bag toward the old man. Old Man Giuseppe thought for a moment before replying, "It's still September."

Oscar shook his helmeted head, "Yeah but the world is gonna end before Halloween so we're celebrating today! Please don't deprive our pokemon of fun candy and treats before we all die horribly!" Clavis pointed one of his legs toward the bag's opening, his expression as sympathetic as he could possibly manage as a spider. The old man sighed before turning around, "Gimmie a second I'll see what I got."

As Old Man Giuseppe hobbled away, Oscar turned to address Priam. "You know, I'm glad we decided to do this instead of wait in a bush and jump out at people walking by--though I still think we should do that before the meteor arrives."
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POSTED ON Oct 17, 2022 2:53:00 GMT
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priam wore thick lab goggles, a lab gown, rubber gloves and a tucked in shirt over slacks underneath all of it. he accompanies the astronaut as a mossdeep space center scientist, evident by the authentic lanyard around his neck.

"trick or treat!"

as the old man leaves him and oscar alone to plan their next move, all he could do was nod his head aggressively to what oscar was laying out for them. he's all up for it, but he has suggestions.

"how about we bring a minior too, to disguise as- no, wait! we dress up as big ass space rocks when we jump strangers! that'll be thematic!"

dressing up as ultra beasts was another option, but that was last year's news.

there's a grin on his face as he feels proud of his thing despite how ugly a meteor costume would look like in practice.

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POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 20:14:17 GMT
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At first Oscar was going to enthusiastically agree with Priam's idea, but after a moment's thought he hesitated. "Wait would that be scary? I mean I know what you're going for but the picture I have in my head makes us look more like meatballs. Oh I know, let's throw rocks at people! And when they get mad we'll say 'We're just performing a Meteor drill'!" 

The old man returned, placing packs of gum into Priam and Oscar's bag. Oscar beamed, "Thank y-!" but the old man would slam the door closed before Oscar could finish expressing his thanks! What a Grinch! Oscar scoffed, "Some people have no holiday spirit. Okay Priam you lead the way where are we going next?"

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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 16:52:14 GMT
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he looks at his bag, trying to count the amount of candy they got, before oscar presents him with the question. he quickly lifts his head up, turning his torso around, and looks for any house that might strike his fancy.


there's a house that looks way too fancy. there's modern architecture one would not expect in this neighborhood that it's clear that it's owned by rich people. priam doesn't seem convinced about going there though.

"that seems like a rich people go there, but..."

he turns to another house. it's much more modest, but the halloween decor was much more impressive. they went all out, it seems, that even priam can't take his eyes off of it.

"that one looks like the spot, y'know. the one where kids get their good candy from."

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POSTED ON Nov 11, 2022 16:44:21 GMT
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Oscar was not impressed by the wealthier looking house. Sure it looked nice, but in his experience people who could afford 'look at me peasants I'm rich' houses were not a lot of fun. Only bullies move to a middle class neighborhood and make an effort to seem better than their neighbors. Oscar's eyes narrowed, he was not done with this house tonight...

But for now the much more festive looking house was the place to hit. Anyone who went this big in September had to already be stocked with candy, Oscar and Priam could possibly get a huge payload! Clavis seemed to agree, pointing one of his razor sharp legs incessantly toward the decorated house. The dewpider had good taste.

Oscar nodded, "Off we go then!" and began marching across the street. As they approached, Oscar could not help but admire this homeowner's artistry. It was a delightfully spooky graveyard setup, complete with homemade tombstones, grinning pumpkins, and grinning skeletons. Oscar giggled as they approached the front door, which was equipped a fittingly gothic door-knocker. He took the liberty of grabbing the knocker and slamming it into the door twice. The door opened quickly, and Oscar would lift his bag and declare, "Trick or Treat!"

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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 12:19:55 GMT
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priam could just feel his chest swell with pride when they are greeted by a middle-aged woman in full witch costume. it's someone else who was too into the spirit of halloween, much like them. the smile she casts upon the two of them was infectious enough to transfer to priam's expression.

"aren't you two too old for trick-or-treating?" she teases as oscar presents his bag.

"nope!" priam answers, showing his own right after the question.

a giggle from her makes priam feel warm in the inside as she fetches a bowl from beside her door and presents it to them for them to take one. priam felt too indebted with the kindness that he picks a modest amount to add to his sack.

"thank you!"

she waves them goodbye, which priam returns the favor to.

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Heahea City
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 20:12:09 GMT
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This festive Halloween House was everything Oscar dreamed it would be. The homeowner was even dressed up, clearly on the same wavelength as he and Priam. Her light gatekeeping caused Oscar's grin to waver slightly though; it should be well known by now that you are never too old to Trick or Treat--as long as you put some effort in at least.

Satisfied by the generous amount of candy delivered, Oscar would personally walk away quite esctatic. That was exactly the kind of spirit all of Hoenn should be embracing, which is why the rich house across the street was now even more egregious. Oh how laying his eyes upon it once more made his blood boil! Oscar had never even met the residents and he was already prepared to go to war.

Oscar looked to Priam slyly, "You know Priam, Trick or Treating is not complete without a trick or two. Catch my vibe?"

Well did he!?

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december 18
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POSTED ON Jan 5, 2023 17:33:16 GMT
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"we don't just get free candy?"

he blinks for a second before he gets what oscar meant. eyes widen as the idea sticks to him. whether the people liked it or not, it did come with the slogan: trick or treat.

"what do you have in mind?" he asks. "i don't think i brought my new year fireworks with me."

he still has them from last new year's, remaining unused in storage since work did pile up a lot.

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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 21:12:11 GMT
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It took Priam a second, but eventually he caught on. Oscar chuckled at his candy companion's suggestion, but had something a little more traditional in mind. "Don't you worry Priam, I have the perfect prank in mind--and we won't even have to do anything." Oscar patted Clavis the Dewpider on his bubbly head, and the little arachnid let out the world's most adorable battle cry before crawling down Oscar's back and toward the manor.

It took just under twenty minutes, but with some helpful directing from his human companions Clavis was able to envelope the front of the manor and its yard in sticky webbing. Now it looked plenty spooky. Clavis crawled up Oscar once more, sprawling out over his master's shoulders as he tried to catch his breath. Oscar gently swept his fingers gently across Clavis's bubble. "Good job bud, you fuckin' nailed it. Now this is some Halloween spirit."

Oscar began to chuckle, and in a better world this would be where the thread ends but instead we have another paragraph of consequences.

"What the fuck!?" Oscar looked over to find a very tired looking man glancing between the manor and the two hooligans on the sidewalk. The man motioned to the duo, "Did you do this to my father's house!?" Oscar stepped forward, he was not afraid to owning up to his shenanigans. "That's right! Serves him right for being a funny duddy--by our standards." The man looked close to tears as he screeched, "What the fuck are you talking about?

Oscar rolled his eyes, "He did not decorate for Halloween so we did it for him!" There was a long pause while Oscar high fived Clavis and then tried to high five Priam which Priam would absolutely return because a bro does not leave another bro hanging. The man eventually acquired the strength to scream, "Didn't decorate!? Didn't fucking decorate!? He's dead you assholes!" Oscar blinked as the stranger's words sank in, and after an additional pause he would lean over to Priam and say, "Run." before turning around and bolting down the street.

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POSTED ON Feb 27, 2023 4:11:49 GMT
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he's already snickering as he returns the high five. oscar seems to make a perfect explanation that justifies the judgement they brought upon the house, until the newcomer gives them the reasoning.

priam freezes. it's not like he was supposed to have a conscience, but it starts weighing him down until oscar whispers to him the instruction.


he turns tail quick, following behind oscar soon after. giggles and chuckles filled the atmosphere that night as they get away as fast as they can from the scene of the crime.

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POSTED ON Feb 28, 2023 5:57:51 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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