Running Interference

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Running Interference
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 2:33:19 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
With the week’s shopping done, Aubre looked forward to a small reprieve. The clinic would be closed for the next two days, which meant she had time to catch up on her reading and spend some much overdue time with her daughter. The very thought made her often leaden heart lift.

Even the constant burn in her back did nothing to shrink her timid smile.

A squeak behind her shifted her attention. The sight of her Mudkip struggling with two towering bags of groceries drew out a giggle. One she instantly regretted. Even beneath the smile, she could sense her axolotl was crestfallen. Her gills visibly quivered. “Serena! Sweetheart, let me help.” Laying her own bag aside Aubre moved to double her load. But something made her pause--math.

She may always think the apocalypse was nigh, but Aubre did not shop like it. She had three bags and two Pokemon with her. So, how in Arceus had the poor water type ended up carrying two of them? Her lips pursed as she jerked her head up to where her Helioptile watched with a smirk.

A noise like a tea kettle escaped from Aubre’s mouth as one hand dropped to her hip. Even when she scolded, her voice remained on the quiet side. But, to the lizard’s sensitive ears (and sensitive soul), it felt like he was standing behind a jet. “Alister McKenna! You know better!” With only the slightest roll of his eyes, the electric-type grabbed a bag from the burdened Mudkip. And, it’d have been the smaller one if Aubs hadn’t given him the look.<br><br>

With the load evenly distributed (again), Aubre moved to the main thoroughfare. But any introspection on the walk was interrupted by a fiasco across the street. Big emerald eyes locked onto the event, unable to look away. And that glance stretched into an uncomfortable stare. Oh Arceus! Could they feel her staring? Had she been looking too long? Would it be wrong to just walk away?<br><br>

Chewing on her bottom lip for a moment, Aubre tried her best to steady herself. Deep breath in. Long exhale. With a decent dose of O2 in her lungs, she moved towards the “conflict.” Behind her, mostly hidden by paper bags, her Pokemon toddled under the weight of cereal and vegetables.<br><br>

It was really best if they just went on their way and minded their own business. Butting in every time she saw something wrong was what had gotten her burned in the first place. The smart thing to do would be to make like a Vanilluxe and nanab split.<br><br>

But she couldn’t do that.<br><br>

“Pardon me--” She could practically feel Alister’s eyebrow quirking. “--us.” Here she lifted a hand in the international symbol for pause. Though whether that was a reminder to herself or the other person was unclear. “Are you all right?”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @archer
Archer Garrett
Running Interference
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 20:38:41 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar
The mall was usually a pretty good hunting ground. Archer had been going there for years, hanging around and taking in the sights. People came and went with bags filled with their latest acquisitions. The only thing that Archer could ever claim to have purchased here was the occasional bag of crisps to keep Dizzy quiet whilst he scoped things out. 

Today had been no different. He'd walked around a little bit, looked for the sort of prey that he would usually go for. He needed someone overloaded or with something which would distract them, maybe a disobedient or troublesome Pokemon they were having some issues with. Anything for his Dusclops to be able to get a little confuse ray in. Then, he would sneak in and make off with their wallet before they had the opportunity to regain their senses. 

It was something they'd perfected over the past few years and was sure to guarantee them their next meal. 

Archer had been sizing up a man in a suit, a businessman by the looks of it, busy in a decidedly animated chat. He looked like exactly what he'd been spending the past hour looking for. Good. His stomach was rumbling. They hadn't eaten today and he was quite confident that his target would be able to provide for them. 

Then, he'd heard some shouting and in an instant, the man had been forgotten about. He saw Dizzy flying backwards through the air. He hadn't seen exactly what attack had hit her, but he could see the pokemon responsible: a Froslass, with its fuming owner next to an ice cream stand. 

"Dizz!" His voice an equal mixture of exasperation and worry. Archer acted quickly, he ran forwards trying to catch the pokemon so as to cushion its fall. He sort of did, in so far as the 67 lbs ghost type was cushioned by his body as it crashed into him, sending them both crashing into the dirt. Somewhat dazed, he lay there for a few seconds, winded, doing what he could to regain some sense of just where he was. 

It took a few seconds to do so. Gritting his teeth, he managed to sit up, still cradling his dazed pokemon. The young man had the presence of mind to check the state of the Dusclops. Panic took hold as he noticed that she was covered in red. Panic, for all of two seconds. Then, he realized that it was not blood but rather ice cream. Archer could only roll his eyes. 

The ice cream stand owner wasn't done with his shouting. Still approaching with his Froslass. 

Archer let out an exasperated sigh, readying himself to get to his feet. It was then that someone else butted in. would only be treated to an odd look from the man, who didn't deign to respond. 

The vendor however was more inclined to give his version of events. "I turned around and found that Dusclops inside the fridge! It's a hygiene hazard! I'm going to have to chuck out the entire stock!" 

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]

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Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Running Interference
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 22:46:15 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar

The odd look did not meet any sort of offense. The fall seemed rather hard. The man could have a concussion or be trying to shake off the side effects of the sudden attack.

Archer was not the only one to panic at the sight of red. As she rushed to the downed duo’s side, her heart dropped into her shoes. This was not something she was equipped to do at a mall. The floor was unsanitary. Discarded food wrappers littered it. Then, of course, there was the bad lighting. “Oh, Arceus! Hang on! Let me see if I can—” What if the ghost needed emergency surgery? Could she sew anything with a potato peeler? This panic ended when she noticed the chocolate chips swirled into the red. “O-o-oh…” It was just ice cream.

Before she could process the sight, the vendor approached her with his story. Green eyes stared up at him with a raccoon-in-the-headlights expression.

Dark green eyes flickered to the cart as she rose back to her feet. Dark blue jeans now sported red velvet knees. “You saw a hungry Pokemon. One in that state, likely through no fault of its own?” Few Pokemon had the ability to buy their own food. “And, you ordered your Froslass--a ghost that was already in the freezer--to assault it?” Aubre was surprised to find her anger spiking. Typically, she was not so much a mighty mouse as an anxiety-ridden one. “Did you think what could have happened if you missed?”

The scars on her back throbbed dully in a reminder of the risks of an off-leash attack. What if the ice type had frostbitten someone’s fingers off? They used to eat lost travelers once upon a time. “You—you should be ashamed of yourself.” Her hands sweated as she turned to Archer. “Not that stealing is ever okay, but it’s not as—” Money could be made back up. Ice cream could be remade. “--reckless as what you just did.”

At her side, Alister sparked with annoyance. His baby blues, however, were not locked onto the shopkeep. They were focused on the little weasel who owned the ghost type. He knew whose fault this really was.

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He, his
July 24th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @archer
Archer Garrett
Running Interference
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 8:45:14 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar

The young man picked himself up off of the floor. He groaned with disgust as he felt the sticky wetness that came with a coating of rapidly melting ice cream, curtsy of his pokemon. "Urgh... What were you doing? Swimming in the stuff?" He was going to have to change and until then, people were going to assume that he was either dying or had killed someone. Although maybe the splatters of other colors would throw them off. 
He was distracted by the presence of another which prevented him from scolding the Dusclops any further. 
Archer would only gawk at the woman and her Pokemon. He wasn't quite used to people taking his side in an argument or coming to his defense. Usually, they were only too keen to do the precise opposite. As such, he wasn't entirely sure how to respond to the intervention. A "normal" person would probably have thanked her or at least told her that he could handle himself. As it was, he found himself to be just confused. He tilted his head to one side, as if trying to work out just what could possibly motivate a stranger to take his side. So he just stood there staring at her dumbly.

Slowly, Archer got to his feet, briefly wondering if he might not be able to slip away. He was stopped when the woman turned back to face him. He folded his arms. "I didn't steal." He informed her bluntly. "I just turned my back for a bit." It wasn't even a lie. His eyes fell upon his Dusclops as the pokemon was licking what remained of the ice cream off of her hands. He let out an exasperated sigh. "She gets hungry." It wasn't much of an excuse, it was all that he could really offer.

The vendor, wasn't quite done. "That's all good and well but who's going to pay for all this?!"

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I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Running Interference
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2022 2:28:06 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar

The outburst over, Aubre suddenly felt the weight of what she’d done. It was like the spine she formed was now a kettlebell hanging from empty hands. That was not to say she thought what she said was wrong, quite the opposite. That did not mean some part of her didn’t feel guilty for speaking up. But one glance at the stunned ghost took care of that.

Violence was never okay. Or, well, not unless both parties consented to it. It wasn’t that she wanted to ban Pokemon battles or anything. Even if she, personally, tried to avoid them.

The ghost type’s trainer was nowhere near as reassuring. Even as the doctor tried her best to remain composed, she could feel his eyes on him. To fight off the pins-and-needles sensation, the ginger offered him a small, nervous smile. Fortunately, the young man decided it was time to open his mouth, which made this far less awkward. “I am sorry if I—I was not trying to accuse you of stealing.” The lizard at her feet snorted, big blues rolling upward. A shoed foot gently prodded Alister. “But it’s an understandable interpretation, I’d think.”

Reminded that she herself skipped breakfast, the talk of hunger made her stomach rumble. The fact that she craved ice cream of all things was equal parts ironic and depressed. “Well, in the future, I hope she asks first. She could have gotten hurt.” Even the undead was susceptible to injury in the right (or, well, wrong) circumstances.

The vendor drew green eyes up. Why was he whining like that? “Well, I think not having to pay a fine might make up for some of it. Or, well, all of it. I suppose it depends on how much ice cream you have.” The stand did not look too big. So, she doubted it’d be that much work. Trying to ignore the vendor’s look of desperation, the redhead folded her arms over her chest.

After what felt like an eternity, Aubre released a sigh. Out from her pocket came her wallet and a very lux credit card. It was her husband’s, in truth. But the redhead knew she was still on the account. And, well, it wouldn’t really change anything. “How much was it?” She moved towards the counter as she spoke, resignation in every step.

With his trainer out of sight, the Heliolisk pulled out his memo pad from his little bag. With it came a small blue pen. Using this, he wrote a small message. Moving to type Archer on the leg, Alastor offered him the sheet. In crisp handwriting were two words: “You suck.”

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He, his
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Archer Garrett
Running Interference
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2022 15:06:46 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar

The man decided to be quiet for a short while and to let his rescuer do the talking. It felt strange to have another taking his defense. Usually, most people were rather more inclined to do the latter and to dump him in it. He found himself to be scanning the woman's features, an effort which he doubled she smiled at him. He felt convinced that he must have known her or at least that their paths must have crossed at some point in the past for her to have taken his side like this. If they had encountered one another, he only drew a blank. Could she be a good samaritain? Did such things still exist?

Even now, Archer opened his mouth to protest at being called a thief or rather that someone might accuse him as being a believable thief. Somehow, in his head, despite the fact that he spent his days pickpocketing, the term "thief" still struck him as an insult, especially coming from someone who seemed to have such a good heart.

Dizzy hopped up and wrapped its arms around her human partner's neck. The man struggled to keep his balance and avoid tumbling forwards, dragged down by the weight of his pokemon. "Don't you worry... I'll keep my eyes on her from now on." The young man narrowed his eyes towards the ghost-type, giving it a very simple but silent message. Never again. Somehow, they seemed to have made it out of this one but the next, they might not be so lucky.

Archer watched with wide eyes as the woman paid for him. Panic, began to take hold. He sincerely hoped that she wasn't going to expect him to pay her back. He didn't know exactly how much it would all come to but he knew that even if it was more than a few dollars, he wasn't going to have it on him. Somehow, he doubted that she would take well to him asking her to wait for a little while whilst he went to see how many wallets he could snatch over the next half hour.

The man was drawn out of his thoughts by the pokemon tapping his leg. He read the message, a little surprised to be being presented with it to begin with. He rolled his eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah. I know."

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Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Running Interference
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 21:22:59 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
Aubre surprised herself sometimes. Or, well, a lot of the times. After the attack, she thought the lioness in her had shifted into a mewling kitten. Its teeth were ripped out and its voice along with it. But, more and more lately, the redhead wondered if it’d just gotten quiet. The sheepish part of her regretted stepping in here, but morally she knew it’d been the right thing to do. Attacking other people—especially in a crowded place—was never okay.

The ghost type’s show of affection was met with a small, somber smile.It reminded her of how Elouise used to give her hugs. Which, for a Mantine, were always a clumsy, messy thing. “See to it that you do, all right?” Aubre murmured softly, putting on her best mom expression.She even folded her arms for good measure, though the nervousness was still visible. “Losing a partner isn’t easy.” A fond look was dropped to Alastor at her feet. “Right, Al?” The lizard just grunted, blinking moisture away from his baby blues.

Alastor shook his head at his trainer as she stepped back from the counter. Though it didn’t seem like a huge deal—since her rat of a husband wouldn’t miss it—the Helioptile knew that she’d have done it if she’d been starving. The dummy always put others first. Even shifty weasels like this guy. His pen scribbled across the page’s bottom. “I hope so.” His attention then shifted to the ghost-type. He pointed to another line. “You too.”

Aubre stepped away from the counter. For a moment, panic clouded her face. What am I going to do with all of this ice cream? I don’t even know what half of these taste like! But there’s so much food insecurity—it would be wrong to just throw it out. After a deep breath, she felt a smile cross her face. “Excuse me, um, I’m sorry I did not get your name.” She turned to Garrett. “But do you think you could help me carry these?” Not wanting to be seen as lazy, she held up a hand. “I do mean help, by the way. I would not ask you to do something I wouldn't."

A smile appeared on her face. “I am hoping some kids are in the mood for vanilla and—” Green eyes narrowed. Her nose wrinkled. “Red…seduction?” As her idea was given, Aubre saw red rise in the vendor’s cheeks. “And, well, most kids won’t mind that a ghost touched it. I mean most of them would find that pretty cool.” A pause followed. “Or, well, at least some of them would.”

Nothing gave her the right to speak for all kids.
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He, his
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Archer Garrett
Running Interference
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 9:23:41 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar


Archer tensed up and grunted, silently resigning himself to Dizzy's limpet like hold. She would release him... Eventually... He should probably have been grateful for the company. Arceus knew his existence would have been a lonely one indeed were it not for his small and somewhat mismatched band of pokemon. The young thief kept his attention on Aubre, watching her carefully in the hopes of trying to make out just what might be going through her head. He still was a little bit uneasy about the whole situation. Whenever others were seemingly "kind" to him, Archer generally found himself searching for alternative motivations before he immediately accepted that they were just kind-hearted individuals.

There was something of a lump in his throat when he watched the stranger sign a cheque. It wasn't as if Dizzy had decided to go for a swim in liquid gold but still, he imagined that it wasn't cheap. Certainly it was more than he could ever hope to repay. At least repay honestly, he would have to pick a lot of pockets and somehow he doubted that the stranger would appreciate such ill-gotten gains.


He was shaken out of his thoughts by the woman approaching him. He would stare at her as if she was some manner of alien, still anything but accustomed to people being nice to him and constantly looking for an ulterior motive. The fact that he couldn't immediately think of one did little to comfort him. He stared at the tubs of ice cream that the woman had bought. It was certainly more than any one person could possibly eat. He frowned slightly, "Archer." It was all of his name that he would risk giving.
"You must be running for some sort of sainthood." The young man remarked at her intention to drop off the ice cream and give it to some local children. He took a step forwards, finally shaking off Dizzy's hold. He almost said "it's not like I have anything better to do". He held off from it however, figuring that if he had nothing else to offer the young woman, he had might as well be polite. "Sure, I'll help. Besides, I owe you." After all, he was the cause for this whole mess.


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Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Running Interference
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2023 2:02:56 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
With the strange look he gave her, Aubre wondered if something was amiss. Is there something on my face? Al would have said something, right? Self-consciously, the doctor lifted a finger to her nose. But the gesture revealed little. She hadn’t suddenly spouted a hooked nose or blown a blood vessel. While it unnerved her, the redhead did not intend to comment on it. Reading too much into things was her thing, and this poor man had already suffered a rough morning.

If the lack of a surname bothered her, the doctor didn’t show it. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Archer. Even if under less than auspicious circumstances.” Hopefully, Leon would not read too much into a few hundred dollar charge at an ice cream store. For all she knew, he could interpret it as the cravings of another pregnancy or some calorie-driven marker of depression. Sure, she was the paranoid one, but her spouse could be overprotective. Which is why the idea of explaining the situation did not come to mind. “I’m Aubre.” She gestured to the Pokemon at her side. “This is Alastor, and this little gremlin is Serena.” The latter waved. The former did not.

Instead, he began to scribble on his paper. A single word meant to jab a thorn in this ne’er-do-well’s side. ‘Doctor.’ It said when he flipped. A title his sister had earned, thanks. A gentle prod from a sneaker made baby blues roll upward.

The comment made Aubre blink. “A—a sainthood!? I’m not—I did not do anything—I was not trying to—” Her words flowed over one another like waterfalls as she clamored for a response. Her cheeks flared red. Was he calling her judgmental? Oh, Arceus, she hoped not. The last thing she wanted to do was make anyone feel small. “I’m sorry.” When in doubt: apologize. At her side, Alastor sighed.

Why did you do it, Aubre? Because you're a Grade-A sucker, right?

Luckily, the accepted invitation helped soothe the awkwardness. Apparently, the idea that this was a debt situation was as foreign to her as her selflessness was to Archer. “You don’t owe me anything.” She chewed at her lip. It wasn’t like the money was hers] anyway. If he owed anyone, it was whoever approved the credit card. “That’s not why I did it,” Aubre reassured him.

With a final soft smile, the redhead moved toward the food court. “Do you think is a good spot? I mean the carousel is close. I just don’t want people to think I’m—you know.” People assumed the worst about people in children’s areas. Alastor scrambled up onto the tabletop and grinned. From this angle, he could see the blowhard glaring at them. He scribbled on the notebook, turning it to the three around him. ‘It’s perfect.’

With a grunt, she managed to open the first carton. She laid its top on the table. “Do you want to try some?” Personally, the red was too gory for her brain—even if she knew it was strawberries.

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He, his
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @archer
Archer Garrett
Running Interference
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 9:14:50 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar


Archer resigned himself to accompanying the woman. It wasn't as if this little side quest was particularly taxing or that he had anything better to do with his spare time other than loiter around and pass the day by in the hopes that somebody in Team Rocket might find some sort of a use for him. At least like this, he could fool himself into thinking that he was doing something worthwhile that wasn't going to bring misery to others. 
As he was introduced to the woman's pokemon, it occurred to him that his own ghostly companion had managed to skip the introduction. "Well, you've met Dizzy." He pointed towards the Dusclops, hanging a couple of feet away from him. She raised her hand and waved enthusiastically. He didn't bother introducing her to his others, safely stored away in their pokeballs. His team was... well, they weren't exactly the sort of pokemon which were typically a welcome sight around children. In fact, if anything, they tended to scare them. Itsy in particular. No, given the already slightly complicated nature of the situation, it would be best if they were kept hidden.
Archer took note of the note and the single word "doctor". Huh, fancy. The doctors he knew were of the more questionable variety the likes of which found their place happily among Rocket's ranks. Somehow, he doubted that his new acquaintance was the sort to use her skills for some of the "experiments" he'd heard whispers of.

He kept his gaze fixed ahead of him as his companion stammered some form of an explanation or apology - he wasn't too sure just what it was. "What are you apologizing for?" He questioned, still focused exclusively on his destination. "It's not a bad thing. Most people are just looking out for number one. Been a while since I met someone who wasn't." In the long run, he doubted that it would do her any favors. He was taking advantage enough of her kindness and he didn't even have any particularly malicious intentions in mind. Hopefully, his pokemon who seemed to be a little bit sharper would be able to steer her away from the worst of people.

Archer glanced around, checking out the location that they had found. It was indeed a place that he was somewhat familiar with. There weren't many places in Slateport that he didn't know pretty darn well. Such were the benefits for wandering the streets aimlessly for as long as he did. "Never tried giving out ice cream before." The young man answered with a shrug. "But there tend to be lots of kids around here. They're bound to want ice cream, right?" 
Archer was in the process of raising a hand to refuse the ice cream when out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Dizzy rushing forwards, hands outstretched. He moved quickly, wrapping an arm around the dusclops' waist and hauling it off of its feet before it could reach the ice cream. "You've had enough!" His pokemon let out a defeated sigh but stopped her attempts. He released her a moment later.
"Best save it for the kids..." 


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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Running Interference
POSTED ON May 4, 2023 2:33:22 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
The woman turned to Dizzy, offering a nod and a smile. A hint of laughter threatened to bubble forth—mostly remembering the sight of a Dusclop’s rear sticking out a freezer. “I am not sure I’d say it was a proper introduction, but…" Green eyes gave the specter a wink. Her own hand waved in an equally enthusiastic wave. “She seems lovely.” Left unsaid was an acknowledgment of the ghost’s bottomless stomach. As someone who ate like a bird, the doctor really admired those who scoffed at their food.

“It really did not sound like a compliment—well, not the way you said it.” Nervous fingers moved to tuck a stray strand of red back in place. Being called a saint implied something holy, right? She wasn’t that. She got frustrated with her child and had terrible judgment. She certainly knew that her paranoia came with an antagonistic blend of naivety. As Archer corrected himself, Aubre flushed. “It might be a reflex at this point.” At the talk of number one, she shook her head. “When it comes to priorities, I could never put myself that high. I’ve never really been—I just couldn’t live life that way.”

The doctor smiled. “I did work at an ice cream stand once,” She’d been about eight at the time, playing the server for half an hour while her dad and his buddy chatted. "We weren't really giving it away, though.” She remembered struggling to reach the top shelf, upending a box of popsicles. “Hopefully, it’s easier when it’s free. Well, free to them.” Though she’d not admit it, some part of her wanted to make the other vendor feel some pain from what he’d done. At the question, Aubre nodded. “I don’t know many kids who’d turn it down.” Unless their parents were germaphobes. Or they were lactose intolerant. Her eyes flickered to the flavor label--Scarlet Seduction. “As long as the label doesn't scare them."

Watching the two interact filled her with warmth. Emerald eyes dropped briefly to the Heliolisk at her feet. She remembered fighting like that with him before. Not that they did it now. A hand rose for pause. “She can have some if she wants.” Eyes slid slyly to the carousel behind her. “It might make the kids trust it more.” Who would poison themselves?

Taking that as an invitation, Alastor grabbed one of the cones that came with their new stock. Pouncing on the table, he began crafting himself a triple-decker scoop.
[attr="class","samjer","samjertag"] [attr="class","samjerpoke"]
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gremlin creature

wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
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spiral and shiv's baby
Running Interference
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2024 1:59:10 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


