In Home's Shade

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Connor Tavarin

March 19
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Toki Akiyama DOLLARS
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Toki Akiyama
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2022 3:35:24 GMT
Toki Akiyama Avatar
Fortree City...the city Toki was assigned to after his training days were over. He pondered over this for a moment. It would be where he would likely spend a majority of his time while off duty, but first he had to pass through Route 120 to reach it. His heart pounded, something which the Pokemon he was carrying, Azura, could feel. She barked curiously and looked up at him. He held her close "Sorry girl...just...nerves, I guess." He smiled and stroked her head gently as he walked along. He had two other Pokemon walking alongside him, his Fomantis, Malik, and his Tinkatink, Aylin. Malik needed his sunlight, and Aylin enjoyed walking with the others, shaking her hammer/rattle idly as she went.

The sheer scale of Hoenn was rather intimidating. Alola seemed tiny by comparison. This was where his grandparents and ancestors were from and he wanted to explore it all while taking in its culture. Still, it was a long way from home and it was difficult to come to terms with that. Here he was, a new Ranger cadet ready to do his duty for a region he was still learning about. Would they accept him? Would they accept him even after knowing what kind of mistakes he made? He sighed solemnly, though tried to take his mind off it. He found a particularly sunny spot and called out "Hey look Malik! Let's rest over here everyone." He said. Malik happily skittered across to the sunlight and start to burrow into the soil happily. Toki sat down on the grass nearby and set Azura down, who stayed by his side. Aylin, being the adventurous sort, waddled about and took in the sights.

All of these Pokemon...Toki never expected he would have a team like this. Even one from Paldea with Aylin. His dad's passion was traveling the world as a Pokemon conservation expert so it made sense he had connections and caught many types of Pokemon around the world. He wondered if he'd pursue something like that if being a Ranger didn't work out in the long run...but he had a feeling he'd enjoy his time once he got over his initial nerves about it. So was pretty peaceful.
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Route 119/Fortree
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In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2022 4:15:07 GMT
Ettie Avatar
There was a new scent in the area. A bunch of new scents, in fact! Ettie may not have the nose for it like her packmates did - but something certainly had them interested, judging by the way they'd been sniffing about at the ground. And if the pack wanted to investigate, well, Ettie wasn't going to deny them the opportunity - happy to just sit on Anne's back and follow after, as the canines led the way. She was pretty curious about whatever it was that they were smelling, too!

Duchess and Ruffian in particular were interested, Electrike and Lillipup both having their noses to the earth as the pack moved along. On one hand, Duchess was eager to meet this group, whoever they were, to make friends! New friends was always good! On the other hand, Ruffian was just hoping for someone he could spar with.

Princess and Haru weren't quite as interested as the two pups were, but they were content to follow after all the same. And Anne shared in these feelings - although she wasn't quite as sure about trying to track down what smelled like a human, judging by some of the prints left behind...

Although, before long, the sound of something briefly rattling drew the pack's attentions - ears pricking, heads rising to glance around. Something small and pink was moving just beyond the undergrowth - and though the pack could spot it through the gaps in the foliage, it didn't provide enough vision for the pack to identify what it might be...

... Duchess, however, was automatically sold all the same. Bursting through the bush, she'd be met with the sight of a little Tinkatink - who she immediately began yipping in greeting to, bouncing circles around the little fairy-type. Ruffian, on the other hand, cocked his head as he looked the Tinkatink up and down, as if sizing her up for a potential fight. Who was this?

The rest of the pack watched the meeting from a short distance, meanwhile - Ettie unable to help a soft giggle at the shenanigans at hand. "New friend?" She asked Duchess, hopping down from Anne's back to get a better look at the Tinkatink.

Duchess in response, barked in confirmation. This pokemon - even if she only just met her - was clearly friend-shaped.

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In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2022 8:09:24 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD LIEPARD APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] UNBURDEN
[attr="class","wildtabox"]HONE CLAWS
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD TRUMBEAK APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SKILL LINK
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ROCK SMASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]FEATHER DANCE
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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played by

Connor Tavarin

March 19
Heahea City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
79 posts
Toki Akiyama DOLLARS
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Toki Akiyama
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2022 23:05:25 GMT
Toki Akiyama Avatar
Toki stretched his legs as he rested and sighed contently, the sounds of nature pleasant and comforting. He looked around and saw a Trumbeak fly across the treetops, likely tending to their nest. A Liepard stared curiously from a distance, but otherwise remained aloof. He let them go about their business and focused on his rest with his Pokemon.

Aylin, ever the social sort, smiled and waved her hammer happily at the new Pokemon that greeted her. Despite looking like a harmless toy, it was made of metal and clearly looked like it could hurt if she swung it at someone. Upon seeing the human with the pack of canines, however, she got a look of understanding and lead the group towards where Toki and the others were resting.

Toki saw Aylin rush towards him with her usual excited expression, though was surprised to see the large pack the followed her "You walked away for two minutes and you already found this many friends, huh?" He said with a smile, though looked at the human that followed suit atop a Lycanroc. A large one too considering it was able to be ridden. He stood up, and Azura joined Aylin in frolicking with the more playful pups, though Malik simply opened his eyes for a moment before shutting them again. He was a little too shy to join in on the more rambunctious crew.

"Alola." Toki greeted. "Are you from Fortree? I'm on my way there myself...I'm Toki Akiyama, a Ranger cadet recently assigned." He said, hoping he didn't come across as too stilted in his introduction. "I see you've met Aylin...she's a Tinkatink, a Pokemon species most known in Paldea. This is Azura the Popplio..." He gestures to her "And over there is Malik the Fomantis. Please excuse him he's really sleepy and taking in his sun." He rubbed the back of his head nervously "Who are all these? Are they all your Pokemon?"
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April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
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TAG WITH @ettie
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 2:22:43 GMT
Ettie Avatar
It seemed that this little pink pokemon was receptive to the friendly advances the pack made - and at the smile and wave, Duchess would yip happily - giving the little tinkatink a lick on the cheek, whilst wagging her tail. Yes! Most definitely friendshaped, in this electrike's opinion - they'll runrunrun together all around until they get tired!

But first, it appeared that the tinkatink had someplace that she wanted to lead them. Ettie cocked her head curiously, sharing a meaningful glance with Anne... But once the lycanroc sighed and nodded, Ettie would smile and gesture the pack with her - declaring "Lets follow friend!" And with that, they'd make their way after the little fairy-type.

Which as it turned out, the tinkatink would lead them to her trainer - a taller looking man, with dark skin and hair, and brown eyes. Was this the tinkatink's trainer? There were a few other pokemon here, too - namely, a popplio and fomantis! With these new individuals, the more rambunctious pups were clearly enthused - Duchess and Ruffian meeting with Aylin and Azura both.

Toki's greeting, however, would be met with a brief puzzled cock of Ettie's head. "Alola?" She repeated in response, wondering what that was. Was that another type of hello, like 'hi' or 'hey'? It sounded pretty different from the other greetings she knew, though - it didn't even start with an 'h' like they did!

But nonetheless, as Toki introduced himself, Ettie's eyes lit up with recognition - smiling brightly. Ettie knew rangers! Rangers were good! "Hello Toki! Am Ettie!" She chirped, wiggling like a happy Granbull. "Ettie-Anne from near-Fortree!" She'd explain briefly with a gesture to indicate the lycanroc in question, in her usual simple speech. It was hard to say if the wilds of 119 counted as 'near Fortree', but it worked well enough in the young wildchild's opinion.

Then came the question of Toki's other pokemon - which, Ettie would smile brightly. "More friends! Good friends! Good Toki-pack!" She spoke cheerily - seeming curious of Azura in particular. But, first came Toki's question as to Ettie's own pack - to which the young girl smiled. "Is Ettie-pack! Is Anne-Sister, Duchess, Princess, Ruffian, Haru!" She spoke - pointing to indicate each pokemon. "Pack good!"

Whilst Ettie introduced the pack though, most of them would be minging with Toki's own pokemon. Whereas Duchess and Ruffian were hanging out with Azura and Aylin, Haru and Princess would take to settling down near Malik. The Snubbull would curl up on the grass, dozing off near-immediately... whereas Haru seemed content to just sit down someplace quiet and calm. The only one who didn't immediately interact with Toki's pokemon was Anne - who instead would remain near Ettie, her eyes watching the Ranger cadet carefully.

But, once introductions were out of the way, Ettie would beeline for investigating Toki's pokemon - namely, Azura. The little popplio kind of looked like a canid pokemon - with floppy little ears, an odd set of paws, and a pointed muzzle... But was she a puppy? Ettie cocked her head curiously, before dropping down into a playbow, barking at Azura in a playful greeting. "Arf!"
Skipping both
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In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 6:57:50 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD ZWEILOUS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] HUSTLE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]DRAGON RUSH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DRAGON BREATH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]DRAGON RAGE
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD MALAMAR APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] CONTRARY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]TOPSY TURVY
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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played by

Connor Tavarin

March 19
Heahea City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
79 posts
Toki Akiyama DOLLARS
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Toki Akiyama
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 20:12:21 GMT
Toki Akiyama Avatar
Toki blushed a bit and stammered "A-ah, sorry, it's a hard habit to break. Alola is...a greeting where I'm from, the islands of Alola." Even after all this time in Hoenn he still found it difficult not to greet a new person that way. He appreciated that her Pokemon were friendly at best and only cautious at worst with his own, with Aylin and Azura playfully frolicking with the canines. Though he was caught off guard by Ettie's manner of speech. Third-person and short, somewhat fragmented sentences. While this did make him curious he refrained from bringing it up as he thought it would be rude to do so.

Anne...judging from her gestures that must be the Lycanroc she was riding on. Ettie was cheerful, excitable, and seemed very much eager to make new friends in a way that was almost overwhelming for Toki's more reserved nature. Still, he found it endearing! She referred to Anne as sister, and looked towards each of her Pokemon as she listed them, nodding along with a warm smile.

Malik didn't seem too bothered by the two that settled down near him, as they too just relaxed and rested alongside him. There was not much to fuss over. A very go with the flow kind of Pokemon, Malik went through life at his own leisurely pace and appreciated the quiet company. His leaves took in the sunlight as he happily dozed off alongside the others.

Ettie would then rush to Azura in particular as she was playing with Ruffian and Duchess. Azura reacted to Ettie's play bow with one of her own, happily bouncing up and down while making little bark-like sounds of her own. Aylin, meanwhile, found a little stick that she began throwing for Ruffian and Duchess, and would wave her hammer happily every time they would bring it back to her. She really was like a child playing with puppies.

Toki smiled at the adorable interactions between their Pokemon. "Your Pokemon are very friendly, Ettie. It warms my heart to see them playing and so at ease with others..." He said as he sat back down and crossed his legs. He took in a deep breath and sighed contently. "Do you think you can help me get to Fortree City from here? I'm pretty sure I know where it is at this point, but I wouldn't say no to the company." He said. He looked at Azura happily interact with Ettie "Azura there's my first Pokemon...she means the world to me and I'm glad the two of you seem to be getting along so well. If she's comfortable around you, then everything works out. How long have you been with your Pokemon?"
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April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
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TAG WITH @ettie
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2022 0:09:02 GMT
Ettie Avatar
So Alola was a greeting? Ettie would smile brightly, nodding in understanding. She'd never heard of a place's name also being a greeting - but she supposed that was a way to make things easier to remember! "Alola!" She'd call to Toki with a giggle, being one to get straight to putting her newfound knowledge to use. This greeting even had a nice mouth-feel to it, really - A-lo-laaaaa~...

... Anne would watch with a hint of amusement, as Ettie began simply sounding out and enunciating the word to herself under her breath - the young wildchild happily swaying from side to side from her perch on the Lycanroc's back.

But safe to say, it seemed that the pokemon were getting along pretty nicely. Even if Ruffian didn't seem wholly interested in chasing the stick that Aylin was throwing, Duchess absolutely was! As soon as the stick is sent flying, she's running off as fast as her little electrike legs can carry her - practically skidding right past wherever it lands, just so that she can dart back the other direction and scoop the branch up in her mouth to bring it back. And once she had returned with the stick in turn, she sits down in front of Aylin - setting the stick down at her feet, and her tail wagging excitedly. Duchess is a good girl! She'll bring ALL of the sticks back!

Meanwhile, Azura only further convinced Ettie of her dogliness - namely, in the reciprocated play-bow and the bark-like calls that the little water-type made! Friend! Ettie would bark back with joy - getting closer to nuzzle Azura, before bouncing in place. Play! Play! Ettie wanted to play!

Ruffian, however, seemed more keen on trying to roughhouse - as he came in close to Aylin, and attempted to nip at the tinkatink with little 'rrrrruff!'s. He was itching for a tussle - and surely, one of Toki's pokemon would suffice, right? (Thankfully, it was likely hard to regard Ruffian as being genuinely threatening, when he was the smallest of the pack.)

But when Toki spoke, Ettie would pause in her attempts to play with Azura to regard him. "Toki-pack friends!" She responded easily, wiggling briefly. "Play fun! Play good!" Why wouldn't they play, when everyone here seemed so friendly? She wanted to get to know them!

But, ultimately, Toki wanted to get to Fortree - and wanted to ask for her help in it. She could do that! "Can lead! Toki-pack follow! We go?" She'd smile to him expectantly - were they gonna head out now, or later? She'd be happy to guide Toki and his pokemon straight to Fortree!

The mention of Azura, however, would make Ettie curious - and she would glance back to the popplio. "Azura sister?" She asked thoughtfully, reaching down to scritch her behind the ear. Anne was her first packmate, and is Ettie's sister - so maybe the same was true of Toki and Azura?
Mobileposts yaaaaaay
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In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2022 2:17:18 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD HOUNDOOM APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] UNNERVE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FEINT ATTACK
[attr="class","wildtabox"]THUNDER FANG
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD LICKITUNG APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] OWN TEMPO
[attr="class","wildtabox"]BELLY DRUM
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]CHIP AWAY
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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played by

Connor Tavarin

March 19
Heahea City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
79 posts
Toki Akiyama DOLLARS
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Toki Akiyama
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2022 23:30:02 GMT
Toki Akiyama Avatar
Ettie's understanding and giddiness over learning the traditional greeting was honestly adorable and incredibly endearing, and any nervousness Toki may have had immediately melted away as Ettie spoke the word. Seeing Aylin and Duchess get along so well made him smile brightly as he observed the two playing fetch. Aylin was always one to initiate some kind of play with other Pokemon if they were willing, and this was definitely no exception. The two would continue their play for the time being.

Azura was immediately taken with Ettie's energy, bouncing and flopping around while barking alongside Ettie. Ettie's affinity for canid Pokemon seemed to run very deep and part of Toki mused as to what sparked that. Aylin would turn to Ruffian and tilt her head, confused. The little pup seemed intent on being a little rough with the others, so her innate protectiveness made her start playfully wrestling with Ruffian, if only to start tiring him out.

Then Ettie offered to lead Toki and his 'pack' the rest of the way to Fortree "I'd appreciate that a lot Ettie, thank you!" He said as he gently stroked Malik's head "Come on, Malik, time to go." He said as Malik slowly stretched and wiggled his way out of the ground. Azura bounced into Toki's arms in response as Aylin followed close behind.

At Ettie's question if Azura was like a sister to him, he thought about that "I never really thought about it. I love all my Pokemon as friends, but I never really considered a familial bond...I only met Azura a couple of years ago but I can't really imagine being where I am without her and the others, so I suppose seeing them as my extended family isn't out of the question..." He said as he held her close. "You seem to be very close with all of yours. How did you meet all of these Pokemon, Ettie?"

Then, as they walked, he paused "Wait." He said as he looked down the path. A Houndoom walked onto the path from behind a tree, and Toki remained cautious "Is that one of yours...? If not, be careful. Their fire's do you want to approach this, Ettie?" He wanted to make sure Ettie would be safe in the event the wild Pokemon was hostile or agitated in any way, but it was too soon to tell.
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
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In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2022 1:25:39 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Ettie wasn't sure what sort of game this was, but she was certainly enjoying it! As Azura bounced and flopped about, the young wildchild would bounce and flop with - rolling across the grass and hopping along with happy giggles. As she flopped onto her back before Azura, she'd reach out to gently squish the popplio's cheeks with both hands - grinning brightly. "Friend good! Silly-play fun!"

Ruffian was a bit surprised when Aylin would actually take him up on the roughhousing - and she began to wrestle with him, his eyes lit up in delight. Once more 'rrrrruff!'-ing, he'd attempt to wrestle right back - trying to prove himself the strongest of the two youngsters (even if it was equally likely for Aylin to be the stronger one, too!) This was certainly the best way for the little tinkatink to tucker him out, to say the least - if only because Ruffian was one to throw his everything into the match, at the expense of his stamina!

But eventually came time for the pack to move on - and once Toki agreed to being led, as well as called to gather his pack together, Ettie's own pack would gather as well. The young wildchild climbed up onto Anne's back, and they were off - the pack taking the lead as they went on down the road.

But as they moved, they talked - and Ettie nodded thoughtfully to the young man's responses. Certainly, she knew Anne for much longer than Azura and Toki knew each other - but despite that, it seemed that they both shared equally strong bonds, one that put a smile on Ettie's face. "Pack is family!" She spoke brightly, knowingly.

And in regards to the question how she met her pack... Ettie thought for a second, trying to find her words. "Anne sister," She begun - her hand idly trailing along the lycanroc's mane. "Grow-with, learn-with! With Mama!" Though Ettie was technically a good few years older, her earliest memories included growing up alongside Anne - and their littermates, their 'siblings' - under their mother's care.

Then for the trio... "Ruffian, Duchess, Princess... Meet together! In big-city!" She spoke, gesturing roughly in the direction she believed Mauville City to be in. The trio had originally been strays who had stuck together - but when Ettie met them, she took them in with the promise of friendship and food. A promise that the wildchild did well on upholding - having helped teach them to gather and hunt alongside them as a pack.

Finally, there was Haru - who Ettie smiled, reaching over to pat the Braixen on the head. "Meet on... Route! 1-1-1! Dry-open, cliffs everywhere." She spoke - describing the canyon that formed the route, leading up to the desert. "Alone, but eat-with. So friends!" They had eaten breakfast together - which was plenty enough for Ettie to declare the Braixen a friend!

Glancing over to Toki though, Ettie now cocked her head curiously. "How Toki-meet pack?" She asked - it was his turn to tell them all about it!

But first, they had a visitor - a wild Houndoom who appeared on the path before them. The hellhound was quite the large one, a strong-looking female with an imposing aura, and the muscles and scars to match. Faced with the beast and Toki's warning, the pack would come to a stop - as Anne begun to have a stare-down with the Houndoom, as if they were sizing eachother up.

However, for the unnerving stare the Houndoom had... They would be the one to break eye contact first - instead idly sniffing along at the ground, glances occasionally drifting towards the younger pokemon present. For the fearsome appearance they had, this wild pokemon... Actually didn't seem all that hostile. In fact, they appeared pretty calm and docile?

Ettie blinked with curiosity at this - and carefully, she'd get down from Anne's back to approach the fire-type. There was no sign of aggression, no sign of hostility - just a Houndoom who seemed curious about them - even despite the scars and muscle they had on display. "Friend?" She spoke softly, reaching a hand up...

... For the Houndoom, closing their eyes, to rest their head in her palm with a gentle chuff.

Ettie smiled with this - and glancing to the others, she'd call "Is okay! Is friend!"
Catching Befriending the Houndoom!
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In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2022 2:58:59 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD CRAWDAUNT APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] HYPER CUTTER
[attr="class","wildtabox"]BUBBLE BEAM
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]NIGHT SLASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD LOPUNNY APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] LIMBER
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]JUMP KICK
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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Connor Tavarin

March 19
Heahea City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
79 posts
Toki Akiyama DOLLARS
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Toki Akiyama
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2022 2:16:59 GMT
Toki Akiyama Avatar
Azure beamed with pride as her frolicking amused Ettie. A performer at heart, she enjoyed seeing others smile at her antics. She and Ettie would get along just fine, and she walked alongside her and Toki as the group continued their journey together. Aylin, meanwhile, ran around in circles around with the group as Ruffian gave chase, the two likely to tire themselves out before too long if they kept it up at this pace. Aylin didn't want to accidentally hurt Ruffian with her little hammer, so she stuck to just grabbing and wrestling the best her small limbs would allow.

Though the group would be separated as they moved forward as Toki smiled at their playfulness "There'll be plenty of time for play and maybe battling later you two, come now." He said as Aylin nodded and ran alongside Toki. "Pack is family..." Toki repeated Ettie's words. Were these Pokemon, or at the very least Anne, all the family she really knew? Her next words pretty much confirmed that she grew up along with Anne. Who took care of them? Anne's mother? What had happened to Ettie in the past that put her in that situation? Either way it didn't seem to put a damper on her mood. She still grew up happy and energetic, but he couldn't help but wonder about her human family.

Toki listened intently on how she met the rest of her Pokemon and their comfort around others made sense seeing as some of them were caught near or in the city so they were likely somewhat used to humans. Ettie and Haru's interactions made Toki realize that Ettie preferred to befriend her partners rather than capture them through battle. He always felt that kind of interaction, one of trust and kindness, led to better relationships between trainer and Pokemon.

Toki was about to talk about how he met his other Pokemon, though then the encounter with Houndoom happened. He watched everyone stare down, but the Houndoom relaxed, decidedly not hostile or wary. Ettie approached and seemed to instantly befriend the Pokemon. She had a natural affinity, especially with canid Pokemon. He relaxed, as did his Pokemon. " story isn't as exciting. My dad's works in Pokemon conservation, that being making sure Pokemon and their environment are being treated well. He had Pokemon from all over as a result of his travels, so he gave me most of the others I have. Except Malik." He pointed at the Fomantis. "I found him not long after I met Azura...he's a little on the small side for Fomantis, but I just...sunbathed with him for a bit and when I tried to leave, he started to follow. He sleeps a lot and doesn't play as energetically, but seems more comfortable in the presence of others."

As they continued their walk, Toki saw a Lopunny down the path kicking at a tree. Training? He looked up and saw a few berries dangling in the high branches. She must have been trying to collect some. She seemed preoccupied with it as she didn't notice the approaching group. With a few more good kicks, one fell, but was about to land on her head. She flinched and reached up, but Toki leaned forward and caught the berry before gently handing it over. He smiled at the Lopunny, who took the berry and idly nibbled at it. As the group walked on, she deliberated for a moment...before deciding to follow. Toki looked down at her "You...want to come with?" He asked. She continued to follow, so he got his answer. "I'll be happy to have you! Come along, then." His smile was gentle and sweet to the Pokemon as he wanted to make any Pokemon that would be on his team feel safe around him. Immediately she joined the pack and began to mingle.


Toki befriends the Lopunny
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TAG WITH @ettie
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2022 2:42:49 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The group moved with a pep in their step - though Anne would find herself having to occasionally stumble to the side or make brief pauses, just to make sure that she wouldn't be tripped by Aylin and Ruffian running about and chasing or wrestling each other underfoot. Even if Ruffian was likely to burn all of his energy faster than Aylin did though, he would try his damnedest to prove himself the stronger - perhaps taking this play a little more seriously than necessary. As the tinkatink came in close to wrestle once more, he'd attempt to bowl over the little fairy-type with a little 'rrrruff!', tumbling over in the process!

But at Toki's call, Aylin would resume following alongside him soon enough - and Ruffian, panting softly, would decide to hop onto Anne's back with Ettie. The young girl giggled at this, reaching down to scritch the lillipup under his chin, just behind the little 'beard' of fur he had. "Ruffian have fun?" She asked softly.

Ruffian, in response, rumbled gently - his eyes closing shut as he relaxed into Ettie's touch. He'd have to have a proper fight with Aylin later - but safe to say, a good amount of his excess energy would be burnt off by now. He was satisfied, if only for now.

With Ettie to help smooth things over though, the houndoom seemed content to approach the group now. The sizeable beast walked almost gingerly when she neared the younger pokemon - as if she were afraid of stepping on them by accident. But once the hellhound neared, she'd slowly lean down to curiously sniff at Azura - giving a chuff in greeting as she investigated the popplio.

This houndoom would need a name later on - though when the time came for it, Ettie would be happy to help them pick one out.

Meanwhile, as Toki spoke, Ettie listened - visibly curious, even if the young man didn't think his story was that interesting. So because Toki's dad helped other pokemon as a conservationist... He made friends with a bunch of them, and had some of them be friends with Toki, too? That made sense! She'd smile and nod, half-musing half-asking "Toki-home-pack big?" Clearly, Toki had set off on his own to form a pack of his own - like what Ettie did - but the pack he came from, that his dad was in, must've been big!

But, Toki's own pack was about to grow even bigger - namely in the form of a lopunny, who he was able to quickly befriend! "Friend!" She'd chirp to the Lopunny in greeting, wiggling with joy. "Hello!" Duchess, too, was more than happy to greet the lopunny - yipping as she ran up alongside the rabbit pokemon. Anne and the houndoom would both be more calm in their greetings, though - a simple chuff and nod of the head.

However, the lopunny was not the only pokemon in the area. The sounds of splashing just beyond the undergrowth that lined the path would catch the pack's attention - paired with rustling leaves, something approaching them. Ettie cocked her head, visibly curious at the noises - and she would hop down from Anne's back to take a few steps forward, slow and cautious...

... But a familiar star shape would be spotted, poking up just above the bushes, and Ettie stopped. Wait a minute - was that..?

With a shrill hissing roar, like some creature rising out of hell, a crawdaunt burst from the bushes - swinging its claws at the air in a threatening display. The pups would yelp in surprise, and Anne snarled - the lycanroc already moving to protect the pack. Ettie, though, would take one look at the crustacean pokemon - and she only had one thing to say.

"... No." She decided, with a completely straight face.

Could her pack teach this crawdaunt a lesson it would never forget? Perhaps, given that Ruffian and Princess knew Play Rough, and Duchess had a few electric-type moves. And on top of that, Toki's pokemon were sure to have their fair share of tricks up their sleeves. But did she feel like putting up with it today? Nope. Most definitely nope.

Thus, she'd simply get up onto Anne's back, saying to Toki "We go." as they picked up the pace down the road - a few of her packmates visibly puzzled at the sheer lack of urgency or concern in Ettie's demeanor. They wouldn't need to go all that fast to leave the crawdaunt behind, anyhow - even if it gave chase, it wouldn't chase them very far.
Skipping the Crawdaunt
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TAG WITH @shiv
In Home's Shade
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2022 0:07:40 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD TANDEMAUS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] GENDERLESS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] RUN AWAY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DOUBLE HIT
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]BULLET SEED
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD MURKROW APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] INSOMNIA
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SUCKER PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP