i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 4:39:19 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA PLANT




Power Showdown! | Pokemon Journeys (2019) VOL 2

THE ULTRA PLANT IS A DARK WORLD that is wracked by frequent thunderstorms. Lightning spears the desolate canyons and valleys of this world and massive cord-like structures bridge the gaps. Whenever lightning strikes, lights attached to these cords light up too. In the horizon, large Xurkitree can be seen, dwarfing the area you arrive in...[break][break]

Several abandoned power stations can be found throughout the area, but they seem to be deactivated...



  • 18 recover notes from disintegrated megalopolan remains that suggest no other pokemon apart from ultra beasts resided here.
  • 19 engage/encounter roaming or eerily still xurkitree that may be pivotal as a narrative obstacle or tool (e.g. powering things up).
  • 21 discover and/or explore a subterranean level of the world through a power station or the natural landscape. this dangerous level is reminiscent of a vast board of circuitry.
  • 22 find a way to bring power to a deactivated power station, but any instruments or machinery within will fail to work yet.
  • 26 involve the use of old, broken down megalopolan technology that is reminiscent of a tesla coil or faraday cage.
  • 🗺️ utilize mega evolution in an advantageous way.
  • 🗺️ 's experience/history with ultra beasts will cause ultra beasts in the realm to be attracted/notice to him somewhat (not as a strong as a faller's influence).
  • 🗺️ THE LINKING CORD can be used to bring power to a deactivated door mechanic. the door opens like a dilating eye and opens a side room that reveals fragmented notes. some reveal that the megalopolans ventured here with relative success compared to other realms, able to set these power stations up in order to harness energy for their own world.[break][break]

    other notes reveal the development of a synthetic pokemon to help combat ultra beasts with the idea coming from a "woman with white hair."


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 5:06:45 GMT
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@ocgg team
What drove him back here? Perhaps it was a chance to find something worthwhile with the ultra beasts they'd encountered in their prior visit. The Stakataka proved dangerous, but they were merely rock. Compared to the Xurkitrees that covered their current area, rocks were nothing. Given 's last attempt to dig into one of the power stations, Gaultier figured that was their best bet. The man seemed to know what he was doing. As they reached the power station prior, Gaultier couldn't help but notice how there seemed to be space large enough for them to fit in. Perhaps it was selfish of him, but he was the first to move. As he ducked into the power station, feet went first and met the ground beneath.

Much to his surprise, the outlay of the subterranean level resembled that of a circuit board. If Oscar had taken a shock quite like the one he did when disassembling the power station before... Gaultier breathed in as he allowed himself a moment of calm. Maybe it wouldn't be too worrisome, but who knew? One wrong step and they could likely fry. He looked up from his spot and shouted up at the folks above.

"Seems like it's safe to come down, for now at least," he reasoned.

He offered a hand out to help down whomever wanted to come next. Gaultier had to admit he was a little surprised to see along again. The young man didn't seem all that interested in their prior visit. A hum escaped his lips as he eyed with a strong sense of curiosity. Perhaps it wasn't in his place to ask, but he figured it would be better to strike up conversation in an attempt to ease their nerves. Make light of the situation around them and all. It's not like death was a high probability, right? (The smell of charred flesh from their previous visit reminded him otherwise.)

"Interesting you decided to come through this area with us again," the Kalosian stated matter-of-factly. "I would have assumed you would have gone with your research assistant. Nice girl, she didn't seem as perturbed as the others though. That bad, huh?"

- gaultier discovers an opening in the power station
- jumps in
- shoots the shit with ceri about her research assistant

prompts completed
21 discover and/or explore a subterranean level of the world through a power station or the natural landscape. this dangerous level is reminiscent of a vast board of circuitry.

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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 8:19:51 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

While Gerald didn’t exactly want to be here. The paycheck from their last visit had been substantial enough that he was willing to go for round two. Perhaps willing was such a strong word. He HAD to go for round two. Kids were expensive nowadays, even if they lived in Rocket territory.

While Gaultier was digging through one of the power stations, Gerald kept a watchful gaze on their surroundings. The memory of those rumbling walking walls is still vivid in his mind. But luckily they seemed nowhere to be found here. Instead there were oddly shaped cable-creatures hanging about, presently inanimate, eerily so.

Perhaps they are dead?

The thought teased him, he figured a Xurkitree corpse could fetch a decent price. But he knew his luck was not quite that good. They would surely not stay dead if he attempted to grab them.

His attention returned to Gaultier. But Gaultier was gone like the wind. His heart began to beat as a brief pang of fear floated through.

Then he heard the voice coming from inside, no, down below. He peered through the hole that Gaultier had snuck through. It was supposedly safe.

Gerald climbed into the hole, pushing through as quickly as he could. Emerging like a diglett upon the ceiling for a brief moment before getting out, being careful as to not step upon what seemed to be the ‘dangerous’ parts of the flooring.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 19:56:01 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Round two into Ultra Space felt a lot more secure to Oscar. Perhaps it was because he had been here once before with the very same team, retracing their steps back to the bizarre power station with relative confidence. More likely it was because he had come better prepared, with the ample supplies needed for a longer voyage. Additionally, he made sure that everyone was equipped with gloves to reduce the risk of electric shocks. Oscar's hand was still burning from being zapped last time, and he did not care to repeat that experience.

While they may be better prepared, their quest would be no less dangerous. This was evident as they arrived at where their last journey ended, the stakataka having vanished entirely. It would seem that Oscar's zmove from before did its job rather well. However they were not exactly safe, as a population of Xurkitree now quietly hovered around the central power station. 

Oscar had a lot of experience with Xurkitree, he had one of his own named Navitas. His time with Navitas taught him a lot about Xurkitree biology, namely what they look like when they were 'facing toward you'. Without any notable facial features, it was difficult to tell when a Xurkitree was actually looking your way.

What unnerved Oscar about this particular pack is that they were all facing toward them. It immediately reminded Oscar of the stakataka from last time, silently observing their progress before deciding to attack. The sight gave Oscar conniptions, he did not want a repeat of last time. His focus on the Xurkitree was short lived though, as @gaultier decided to forge ahead and make his way down a hole in the power station's base.

Oscar shook away his jitters and followed suit, climbing into the hole behind . "I like your style Gaultier!" Oscar called out while trying to catch up. "Onward and upward!" What Oscar did not notice was that the Xurkitrees' gaze would follow him until he disappeared from view--though even then they would not turn away.

As Oscar caught up, he would look upon the subterranean 'circuit board' with a mix of awe and caution. "Well that's a fuckin' sight." He said with a chuckle, drinking in the oddly beautiful landscape. "I've never seen anything like this. Do you think we could find a way to restore the station's power from here?" That was Oscar's primary objective, to get some of this ruined alien tech working again. If they could find a way to make this station operational, perhaps they could bring some back to their world to research.

--The Xurkitree are staring at Oscar and it makes him uncomfortable. 
--Oscar joins Gaultier and Gerald underground, determined to get the power station working again.

Finished Prompts:
--OSCAR CLAYTON's experience/history with ultra beasts will cause ultra beasts in the realm to be attracted/notice to him somewhat (not as a strong as a faller's influence).

, @gaultier,
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June 6th
Circhester, Galar
Xenobiology / Toxicology
Elite / Researcher
Sweet, little, unforgettable thing
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Ceri Glynn DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ceri
Ceri Glynn
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 18:48:38 GMT
Ceri Glynn Avatar



Too young, pretty, and fucking smart to die here, thank you very much.
Isn't that how it had gone last time?
Sure, all that is still damn true, but Ceri isn't about to say 'no' to an organization that seems to live by the motto 'If you're not with us, we'll turn you into Skitty food' (or Silvally food, right, ? Not that Ceri would know anything about that other than dark rumours). has it right, though: the silver lining of it all is that the pay is pretty damn nice nice... and that there's a potential to learn more about Megalopolans.
Like by stepping into one of their awesome power stations.
"Oh my! Are you saying you don't think Rocket's full of perfectly well-adjusted individuals?" She teases @gaultier when they venture underground, her wink and bright smile existing in stark contrast with the matter-of-fact manner of the Kalosian. No one is well-adjusted in Team Rocket, that's a fucking given. "Jokes aside... divide and conquer, no?"
To be honest, she hopes @micah is doing alright, for while she hadn't been big on the idea of asking her research assistant to go to the Ultra Deep Sea, she had trusted that Micah would be safe with , , and .
This is no time to be thinking about all that, though!
This whole damn place looks like a circuit board.
"Cool." The Biotech Engineer exclaims, beaming in awe. Her attention turns to then, because he voices the exact same question that crosses her mind. "I've been thinking about that! If the Megalopolans set up power stations here, then that means they wanted to harvest some energy source, no? The most obvious choice would be all that lightning from the constant storms, and while our tech doesn't really allow for lightning to be safely harvested, we do know theirs is much more advanced."
There's excitement in her voice and in her eyes. Excitement she's sure Oscar feels too.
Ceri is dying to get a better look at all this megalopolan tech.
"With all this hazardous weather and all those Stakataka and Xurkitree everywhere, it just makes sense for the plants to be mostly underground as a safety measure, no? If we reach one of the control rooms, we can boot it all up, but we'll need a whole lot of juice for that... might have to catch some lightning. Oh! But, that LINKING CORD we found last time may help. I had a look at it and it screams Megalopolan tech."


[break]+ Science rant, but mostly suggests finding a control room and that they'll need a lot of power to boot up the station... so it's time to use Megalopolan devices to catch lightning hehe



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2023 3:22:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar
@ocgg team
As discussed her ideas with , and poor by association, Gaultier took it upon himself to trek forward. At least with with outlay of the circuit board like flooring, it helped to illuminate just where they were walking. Their discussion was mere background noise to him as he furthered his venture and soon halted immediately in his tracks. There was nothing but black charred into the ground -- it stuck out heavily in contrast. Scraps of what he could only assume were clothing fabric lay in the wake of the mess. (Had the Xurkitree above done this? Or was something much more sinister in the works?)

Gaultier shifted the scraps of fabric around until he found a slightly damaged notebook. Amazing it still remained intact compared to what its previous owner may have suffered. He opened the book to see the varying logs that it held, and once he found a more interesting note, Gaultier peered out as if looking to see if his fellow Rockets opted to catch up. He stepped out again and flipped the notebook around for the other three to look at.

"I'm not entirely certain if this will provide us any answers in regards to the workings of their technology, but it lets us know a bit about the inhabitants of this area."

Log 236 : It has been roughly three months since we erected the power stations in this area, and we have found nothing in this area other than these enormous beings. No other pokemon reside. We've attempted to maintain contact with our comrades stationed on the Quaestor Lucis and our signals have been jammed, likely by the creatures we have deemed 'Xurkitree'. --

The rest seemed to be blackened and charred by whatever had happened to the book's original owner. Gaultier closed the notebook and offered it out to Ceri in case there may have been anything of interest for the scientist to look into. Research about habitats fell into the weird potpourri that was science.

"Perhaps the linking cord can help us open some of these doors. Maybe we'll find something of note there. Unfortunately it certainly won't be enough to power up the station however."

It wasn't really in his place to direct orders, but he figured that suggestions would never hurt.

"Monsieur Kaiser, was it? You've got more muscle tone to you, so perhaps you could dig up some old devices we might be able to use. Are you familiar with faraday cages? It might save us from an electric shock unlike last time."

- gaultier stumbles along disintegrated remains and finds megaopolan notes
- suggests they find something to use the linking cord on
- suggests for being the muscle of the group

prompts completed
21 discover and/or explore a subterranean level of the world through a power station or the natural landscape. this dangerous level is reminiscent of a vast board of circuitry.
18 recover notes from disintegrated megalopolan remains that suggest no other pokemon apart from ultra beasts resided here.

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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2023 19:28:30 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

Gerald listened to the science talk. For a brief moment he even found it interesting. Perhaps ’s science was beginning to squirm its way into him.

But then @gaultier began to move, and with it Gerald’s attention. With here by Ceri’s side, he figured at least someone ought to follow mister Gaultier, and well, no better here than him.

And so he watches Gaultier’s back as the curious Kalosian stumbles upon the disintegrated remains of another explorer. Brief momentary surprise betrayed his otherwise stoic expression as Gaultier revealed the logbook.

Curiosity got the better of him. He grabbed the book, even if Gaultier tried to give it to Ceri. Gerald began to read, though reading was perhaps a strong word. He was skimming the pages for a moment before his curiosity was sated.

Something bothered him about that logbook. And he voiced his concerns while moving to hand the book over to Ceri. “Am I the only one that finds it weird that this is written in a language we can understand?” Gerald said. This place hadn’t been available for three months, so surely it can’t be someone from their world, unless it was some sort of a trap.

Perhaps he was just being too cautious, nobody else seemed to find it suspicious.

And so Gaultier spoke of Faraday cages and asked for his help. Gerald looked thoughtful for a moment. “That’s the thing that blocks electricity, correct?” He wasn’t a science nerd, but he’d seen enough TV to know the term and its rough meaning.

“Sure I can do that.” He spoke, not really bothered with the implications of following another grunt’s 'orders.’

The task proved more difficult than first anticipated. What he would later find would prove no more than a bunch of scrap to his untrained gaze. But perhaps the nerd-squad could make this infamous faraday-cage from the ever growing pile of old and broken devices he placed near them as he found them.

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2023 2:40:34 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was naturally completely jazzed by Ceri's theories, the very thought of harnessing alien lightning made him giggle like a school boy. "That's spicy Ceri, fuckin' same wavelength you and I! Why else would they make an outpost all the way out here? Perhaps multiple if we're lucky." Oscar got into his own rant headspace, prattling as Gaultier and Gerald returned from their diversion. 

"If we can get some of this tech working, maybe we can recreate it back home? We have plenty of ways to harness electricity, but finding a way to take it from natural thunder storms sounds like a worthwhile endeavor. Hell if we could bring some of this world's lightning, maybe we could study it and see how it compares to ours!"

Oscar turned as Gaultier spoke up, carefully examining the journal after Gaultier flipped it around. Oscar scratched the chin of his helmet, making a deep 'hmmm' sound in the back of his throat. "Well it checks out, we are in Ultra Space after all. At least we don't have to worry about hostile survivors." Oscar clapped his hands together as Gaultier and Gerald talked Faraday Cages. "Fuck yeah now we're talking. You get the scrap and we'll find a way to build it!"

Gerald began providing plenty of old tech parts from nearby, though not a lot of it looked useable for what Oscar had in mind. He decided to not think so literally, after all there would be no way they would find enough wire to create a traditional Faraday Cage. Oscar pulled out a pokeball and let out the mighty conkeldurr brute known as Rosco. The cinderblock wielding muscle clown peered over at Oscar, huffing through his nose as he awaited orders.

Oscar pointed to the already recovered machinery. "I need you to take these scrap pieces and make them as thin as possible--and I mean thin!" Rosco nodded, and without hesitation picked up a shattered monitor to begin smashing it flat with his fists. When flat enough, he would start rolling it between his hands to make it as thin as possible. When he was done, he would set the thin metal aside and pick up another piece of broken tech to work. Oscar turned toward his comrades. "I need someone to help weld these into a cage-ish structure."

--Oscar thinks alien lightning is neato.
--Determined to help make the Faraday Cage, Oscar sends out a Conkledurr to work the old tech into wire-thin metal pieces.


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June 6th
Circhester, Galar
Xenobiology / Toxicology
Elite / Researcher
Sweet, little, unforgettable thing
493 posts
Ceri Glynn DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ceri
Ceri Glynn
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 18:17:13 GMT
Ceri Glynn Avatar



"Mmmm..." is the sound that escapes Ceri's lips when looking through the pages of the journal, considering the information found. Then, she looks at of all people. "It is weird, but I guess not if you consider the context of Megalopolan society. They're from Ultra Space, and Ultra Space is the layer between dimensions, meaning they may have gone to many dimensions like ours long before they became our allies. Plus... there's that whole thing with Unown, ya? People speculate that Unown are the base for our language, and those travel through dimensions, so maybe Megalopolans developed a similar language when first encountering Unown too."
Is he following everything she's saying? Maybe, may not, but Ceri doesn't bother with confirming any of that. She just beams with the brightest and most cheerful of smiles, putting the Megalopolan journal safely away in one of her sample bags. She'll have a closer look back at the lab, and she's sure will probably also want to do as much.
Her attention then turns to @gaultier.
"Oh! A Faraday cage is a great idea. There should be something like... a lightning rod nearby, probably connected to their generators. I'll see if I can get one to work. Meanwhile..." As she speaks, she reaches for the adorable Love Balls at her belt. Grabbing one, Ceri releases an adorable black and white Salandit that rubs itself against her leg like a kitten. "Domino, help Oscar with welding, yeah? Remember, strong but small and controlled flames."
The Salandit trills, skittering over to 's side. Admittedly, aside from Domino being a great purse-lizard, his usefulness for her biotech projects is exactly why he's one of Ceri's few favourites. He knows what to do, so Ceri and her Rotom leave him to that, instead turning their attention to their lightning-collection mechanisms.


[break]+ Explanation on Megalopolan language for Gerald
[break]+ Salandit sent to help Oscar with welding
[break]+ Goes to see if she can get the lightning-collection mechanisms to work
[break]22 find a way to bring power to a deactivated power station, but any instruments or machinery within will fail to work yet.
[break]26 involve the use of old, broken down megalopolan technology that is reminiscent of a tesla coil or faraday cage.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2023 15:56:38 GMT
Deleted Avatar
@ocgg team
It seemed the Faraday Cage idea made everyone begin to collaborate. Or at the very least, and their pokemon did so. Gaultier had other things in mind. With the LINKING CORD in hand, he broke away from the group and searched for more inaccessible parts of the area. Each door was one he was able to pry open with ease. Though there was one that didn't allow the proper leverage, ergo he attempted to hook the cable into one of the ports. After a bit of fumbling, it seemed the cord had given enough power to open the automatic door. After a quick glance around to make sure folks were distracted, Gaultier stepped into the room and began to search on his own accord.

As he began to read over the notes he could find, his interest piqued at notes about a white haired woman creating synthetic pokemon to combat the ultra beasts. Perhaps that could be useful for later. He carefully folded up the note and stuck it in his pocket for safe keeping. The more he read on the notes, the more fragmented and distorted some of the notes looked. Alas, they were all notes that told him what he could relay to the rest of the group. He took some of them and returned post haste before he opted to share the news with the scientist of the group, .

"It seemed they were able to travel here with relative ease compared to other areas within ultra space. In some of these notes, they talk about using the power stations to power their own world. You'd think they might have some backup somewhere here if the power stations failed. Given his prowess with technology, perhaps Oscar could get one of the generators powered up so we can search even further."

He turned his attention to and pondered. Earlier, he'd taken note how the Xurkitree within the area seemed almost compelled to the man. If they couldn't find or properly use a generator within the area, perhaps they could make use of one of the Xurkitrees outside. (In the back of his mind, Gaultier realized that given none of the power stations were powered up in themselves, that meant the Megalopolans and their people had nothing to power their home world. Is that what made them seek their world? He pushed his own introspection aside and eyed the Faraday Cages.)

"These are looking excellent so far. If the generator theory doesn't pan out, we might have to be a little rudimental in our approach and lure a Xurkitree in. This should be enough to protect each of us."

- uses the linking cord to power up a closed door + finds notes about the megalopolans using power stations to power their home world
- takes the note about a white haired woman creating synthetic pokemon to combat the ultra beasts for later
- suggests looking for a generator, and if that fails, perhaps luring a Xurkitree into their vicinity, meaning that they'll have to use the faraday cages to protect themselves

prompts completed
21 discover and/or explore a subterranean level of the world through a power station or the natural landscape. this dangerous level is reminiscent of a vast board of circuitry.
18 recover notes from disintegrated megalopolan remains that suggest no other pokemon apart from ultra beasts resided here.
26 involve the use of old, broken down megalopolan technology that is reminiscent of a tesla coil or faraday cage.

🗺️ THE LINKING CORD can be used to bring power to a deactivated door mechanic. the door opens like a dilating eye and opens a side room that reveals fragmented notes. some reveal that the megalopolans ventured here with relative success compared to other realms, able to set these power stations up in order to harness energy for their own world.

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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2023 10:14:33 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

While Ceri’s explanation was a bit out there, it unfortunately made sense, even to Gerald who preferred not to bother even thinking about such things.

The Origin of languages.

Ultra Space travel…

No, these were subjects better left to the thinkers rather than laymen like himself. Still, he would grant her an acknowledging nod, showing that he at least listened to it all before the work with the Faraday cage began.

Gerald worked and worked like an enslaved Mudsdale. He toiled to keep finding pieces of old technology, metal sheets and what not, to be bent, broken by Oscar’s Pokémon and welded together by Ceri’s Pokémon.

By the end he had been pretty much exhausted the nearby area of all that looked remotely useful.

Now it was up to the Thinkers to do their work.

- Gerald just keeps working to find stuff for the Faraday Cage, until told otherwise.

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2023 14:53:37 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Rosco and the Sandalit worked hard on making the cage, with Oscar nearby giving directions. "Stop trying to make a bottom we gotta be able to walk...no no that's too small it needs to fit four adults...great artistic expression but that's a cube it needs to be a cage..." Between moments of guidance, Oscar took a moment to visually check in on the others. Ceri and Gerald were working nearby, but Oscar could not place Gaultier. Where had he run off to?

Gailtier would luckily soon return, reciting more information he had found. Oscar huffed through his nose, turning away to think to himself. He did not enjoy sneaking during survey missions, no witnesses meant nothing brought back could be fully trusted--and he would not stand for that. Plus he could have been ambushed, that would have been downright tragic. He would have to keep a closer eye on Gaultier--no no everyone from now on.

Oscar finally spoke to comment on the presented information, "This was probably an early attempt to harness energy for their world. Long before they became desperate. That would explain why everything looks old by Megalopolan standards." Oscar turned back toward the others and clapped his hands, "Alright, when the cage is done we can go further into--"


The ceiling collapsed nearby, and from the resulting hole came a Xurkitree. The spindly predator crawled upside down toward the group, quickly followed by several others. Oscar yelped and withdrew Rosco before pulling the Cage over his head.

"The cage is done, everybody get in and hobble for your life!"

--Oscar is suspicious of solo-searchers and has vowed to be more attentive.
--The Xurkitree have broken through from above and are crawling toward the group! Oscar got under the faraday cage and encourages everyone to do the same.

--19 engage/encounter roaming or eerily still xurkitree that may be pivotal as a narrative obstacle or tool (e.g. powering things up).
--26 involve the use of old, broken down megalopolan technology that is reminiscent of a tesla coil or faraday cage.

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June 6th
Circhester, Galar
Xenobiology / Toxicology
Elite / Researcher
Sweet, little, unforgettable thing
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Ceri Glynn DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ceri
Ceri Glynn
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 23:17:05 GMT
Ceri Glynn Avatar



While Ceri works on the mechanism to collect environmental electricity and transfer it to the generators, she listens to @gaultier's explanations, paying close attention to ever word said. Ah, the beauty of being able to focus on more than one task at once.
Looking at the equipment before them, she finds herself agreeing with 's observations: it's much older than the Megalopolan tech they know, but it'll get the job done, and that's what matters right now.
"I think you're onto something there." She tells Oscar just as she finishes with setting things up, then turning to Gaultier with a smile on her face. "I'll need to have a look at those notes. Taking them back with the others would be a good idea."
There's much more Ceri could say, many speculations she could voice, but just as she's about to add something more, the ceiling collapses all of a sudden.
"Arceus! FUCK."
Pardon her Kalosian.
Xurkitree find their way down, and thankfully, where she may have frozen due to her lack of experience with combat, Oscar is quick to react. Everything is set up, so now...
"Come on, come on!" Ceri pushes into the Faraday cage so she can get in as well, her Salandit skittering to her side. From a pink Love Ball, she releases her Toxtricity to stand between the cage and the Ultra Beasts.
"You see that thing over there? We gotta make the Xurkitree use their electricity on it!"
To aid in this, the keystone the researcher usually wears as a choker activates, syncing with the mega stone at the Toxtricity's wrist. TTX MEGA EVOLVES with a growl like a guitar strummed.

Even in this form, the Toxtricity is dwarfed by the Glowing Pokémon, but it does not seem intimidated or retreat. Sparks flicker in its spiked up fur, as if invigorated by the electricity in the environment. Naturally, so are the Xurkitree, but the G-MAX STUN SHOCK that falls upon them is not just any electric attack. When it strikes POISON seeps deep into the Ultra Beasts, weakening them yet also causing enough pain for them to lash out with outbursts of electricity.
Ceri looks utterly gleeful about it.


[break]+ Finishes setting up things
[break]+ Tells Gaultier she wants to take a look at the notes
[break]+ Xurkitree appear, into cage we go
[break]+ Toxtricity mega evolves and poisons Xurkitree, weakening them and causing them to lash out in pain. they discharge electricity onto the megalopolan devices
[break]🗺️ utilize mega evolution in an advantageous way.
[break]26 involve the use of old, broken down megalopolan technology that is reminiscent of a tesla coil or faraday cage.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2023 2:38:47 GMT
Deleted Avatar
@ocgg team
It wasn't long until Gaultier entered the Faraday cage with the rest of the group and helped to secure it. It seemed it was 's turn to dazzle at the end of their venture. (If he remembered correctly, had been the one to take care of the Stakataka with a z-move.) As they waited out the battle of Xurkitree versus the mega evolved Toxtricity, Gaultier dug out the paper he'd procured with a frown. It wasn't long until he showed it to Ceri, waiting for any of her wisdom on the matter.

"This was all I took from the lab. Notes about synthetic pokemon being created to help combat the ultra beasts. Anyone you happen to know with white hair? Given it's such an uncommon color."

The sarcasm in his comment weighed heavy as he stared directly at Oscar, whom in fact, had white hair himself. The note was cryptic in itself, but he figured it would be useful. The Faraday cage shook and clattered with the might of the battle going on before them. He had to give credit where it was due -- the cage held together magnificently. As much as it wasn't in his place to delegate, Gaultier had to pat himself on the back for his choice on assembly.

"You've done fantastic with the cage, Gerald. I can't help but estimate you've done this befo--"

His words are cut off as the Xurkitree swung its limbs in an attack and smashed into one of the pillars keeping the roof from caving and crumbling in on them. It seemed the cage would work on more than just protecting them from electric current, but would likely protect them from the cave in, as well. As the Xurkitree released a spark, the Faraday cage held true and had been enough to protect them. But with its sudden release of energy, it managed to bring power to the station. The lights flickered, but it didn't seem to power up any machinery in particular, how peculiar.

"Seems we may have to wipe them out. Go!"

Gaultier himself flung out his Aggron and allowed it to mega evolve. At least with that, they had some type advantage to take on the Xurkitree. It wasn't long until the iron giant swung at them with a Rock Tomb.

- joins under the faraday cage
- shows ceri the note he'd taken to get her input
- watches the one xurkitree attack power up the station yet fail to power any of the machinery within
- mega evolves his aggron to join the battle

prompts completed
21 discover and/or explore a subterranean level of the world through a power station or the natural landscape. this dangerous level is reminiscent of a vast board of circuitry.
18 recover notes from disintegrated megalopolan remains that suggest no other pokemon apart from ultra beasts resided here.
26 involve the use of old, broken down megalopolan technology that is reminiscent of a tesla coil or faraday cage.
22 find a way to bring power to a deactivated power station, but any instruments or machinery within will fail to work yet.

🗺️ THE LINKING CORD can be used to bring power to a deactivated door mechanic. the door opens like a dilating eye and opens a side room that reveals fragmented notes. some reveal that the megalopolans ventured here with relative success compared to other realms, able to set these power stations up in order to harness energy for their own world.

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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2023 9:18:45 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

The Faraday Cage was completed. The materials he had found had been sufficient in providing the durability to withstand not only the power of electricity, but also Pokémon attacks. Which they quickly required as Xurkitree dawned upon them.

His first instinct was to engage in battle, but pushed him toward the cage. He took the hint and quickly dived behind the protective bars.

Once there people began to speak, in particular @gaultier. Gerald was about to explain how it was who had done the welding. But the heavy limb of a Xurkitree disturbed that.

Gerald did not like the idea of just waiting it out, so when Gaultier suggested they wipe these Xurkitree out. He was all for it. Perhaps even too eager to join in the fray, he summoned one of his Absol.

It appeared, growling menacingly for a moment before being bathed in bright light as it mega evolved. The moment its was done evolving, it jumped into battle, throwing NIGHT SLASH at the closest enemies.

- Gerald gets into the faraday Cage
- Gerald Summons one of his Absol
- Gerald Mega evolves said Absol
- Absol jumps into the fight throwing NIGHT SLASH at the closest enemy.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing