Shalin's Romping Grounds

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 6:00:36 GMT
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The end was in sight. After this visit and one more visit with , the madness would be over. She would no longer have to conscientously play with the lives of Pokémon she loved... even some of her newer catches, such as Reynir, the Shiny Galarian Rapidash whose mane sparkled with whites, yellows, and greens that complemented the color of her Sygna Suit well. Having no ride training with her bug-types planned for today, she was dressed in her normal green and tan, warm-weather clothes. After all, she didn't want to strain her muscles any more than she needed to while adapting to the suit's whiplash-absorbing power!

While Reynir was not pleased, protesting directly to Shalin's mind with vague thoughts, he was understanding. Putting on his bravest face, the equine fully cooperated with James, holding still while the syringe pierced her upper body. Even she flinched as the repugnant, black medicine entered the fairy-type's bloodstream. Galarian Rapidash were known for the healing power within their horns, which was why she chose that Pokémon specifically for the fairy-type stem cells needed. The explorer dropped to her knees and crossed her fingers as the long seconds following the extraction passed.


Shalin's decision to use a Galarian Rapidash paid off in spades; as the equine's muscles began convulsing violently, Reynir's horn began brightly glowing, repairing internal damage to his blood vessels as the burning medicine dissolved them. A less self-sufficient Pokémon would have surely perished without the healing properties Reynir had at the ready. Normally, they were to be used on others, but they could be used on himself in dire situations such as this one. Once the convulsions ceased, the Rapidash sweating profusely but still alive, Shalin recalled him.

It was almost over. Three more to go.


Stem Synthesis: 15/18

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March 18
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 6:12:33 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


Today was the penultimate visit with . His patient would be Yooka, a Sceptile that had little time in the field with Shalin, but had spent a lot of time talking to the explorer's other Pokémon. The grass-type was a Pokémon she wanted to take on an adventure, but she had been so caught up in Ranger training that she had fotgotten all about it! "Tomorrow, I'll take you to the tanner to get you fitted, then I'll make sure to take you on the next ticket I work in the Fortree area," she assured the Sceptile as the scientist drew the repulsive yet all too familiar black goop into a syringe.

Putting on his bravest face, Yooka tilted his head away, Scar and Grimmie standing next to him. They were there both to keep him company and to hold him down in the event of a particularly adverse reaction. As the needle entered the Sceptile's shoulder, Shalin thought about the hard work and @gwylim helped her with. The desert curse that had plagued her and the Pokémon that had been put under the knife was no more. She crossed her fingers, her heart racing as she heard the whir of the drain.


Shalin would get her wish. The Sceptile let out a screech after the drain was removed, Grimmie and Scar physically blocking him from moving as his entire right arm began harshly shaking. A powerful, involuntary flick of the grass-type's hand knocked Grimmie onto her side, Scar pouncing him to keep him from causing any more damage. Around a minute later, the convulsions stopped. Yooka had survived.


Stem Synthesis: 16/18

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 7:36:21 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


The search for the one fighting-type Pokémon Shalin would use was long and hard. She imagined could sense both the tension in her muscles and the relief that this would be their penultimate meeting. Their final meeting would, of course, in the actual synthesis process. That, of course, would be a cakewalk compared to everything she had gone through today. "James, try to leave the needle in Sonnet's arm as briefly as you can. And I'd wear these, just in case," Shalin remarked, offering the scientist a pair of earplugs. "If she has a reaction, there's nothing any of us can do to hold her down. Get that needle and drain going as fast as you can."

Regardless of whether James accepted them, she braced herself for the worst. Given how new she was to Shalin's team, Sonnet the Shiny Kommo-o would almost certainly exhibit a violent reaction to anything more than mild pain from the injection. Delaying this wouldn't make her or Sonnet any more comfortable. She gave the go-ahead to have James inject the vile, black skin cultivar between the majestic creature's bright, dangerous scales...


The moment Shalin heard the drain going, she tilted her head back toward Sonnet, to be taken by complete surprise at the perfect calm she exhibited. Even with the whir of the drain going, the Shiny Kommo-o didn't make a sound. Once the vial was filled with Fighting-type stem cells and James indicated the procedure had finished, Shalin tromped toward the dragon-type and gave her a great big hug, sobbing that her rare catch was alive and apparently unharmed!


Stem Synthesis: 17/18

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5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 23:58:31 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


This was a big moment for Shalin. The lives of sixteen of her Pokémon had been irrevocably and negatively affected by her reckless quest for the power of a Pokémon on the same level as a legendary Pokémon. Two of them, Pharika and Ellie, had given their lives for the cause. While it would be performing the honors, it would take both him and to aggregate the stem cells the way the recipe called for. Of course, Rory would need to extract the stem cells first.

Terry the Archeops' heart beat fast as the rock-type felt the needle breach his skin. Unable to watch any longer, Shalin buried her face in her hands, every muscle in her body tensing as she heard the whirring drain...


Terry let out a blood-curdling screech shortly after the drain started, every muscle in the Archeops' body convulsing violently. It took some of Shalin's strongest Pokémon, including Ozzy the Skeledirge, to keep the rock-type still enough for the scientist to focus on the extraction. Ultimately, though, the Archeops barely held on.


With the stem cells of a Pokémon of every type gathered in one place, Shalin did what she could to help out with the genetic recombination process. There was little she could do, though; her hands were not steady enough to help out greatly with the delicate process. Once all the cells had been arranged according to the recipe, closed the door to the synthesis pod, with flipping the switch soon after. An unearthly moan came from the machine as large amounts of INFINITY ENERGY leaked from the doors. At the very end of the process, the doors blew open with great force, but not enough to knock them off their sturdy hinges.

From behind the steam emerged a terrifying-looking Pokémon: an axe-blade adoring its head, a feline and canine pair of rear paws, bird-like talons adorning its front feet, an aquatic tail fin, and a brown helmet with four blades protruding from its corners.

Lathiel had been born.

Once the newly-born Pokémon had stepped away from the steaming chamber, Shalin ran up to give the creature a big hug. She was instead met by the creature casting her aside, cutting into her chest with one of its helmet's blades. In a panic, she withdrew the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball that had been designated for it. Was it true? Was this Pokémon designed solely to take on the Ultra Beasts? Everything seemed to circle back to the rifts.

As harrowing of a journey as it was to get this far, the true journey began now.


As a Pokémon created solely to battle the Ultra Beasts, Shalin cannot immediately control Lathiel the Type: Null. Currently, she will only be obedient when battling an Ultra Beast. When used for any other actions, you must ROLL. The results of the roll will determine Lathiel's actions. As she is used in more posts, more actions will unlock for her to take without requiring a roll.

  • 1-10: Lathiel attacks Shalin directly (or one of Shalin's allies, with the writer's permission).
  • 11-20: Lathiel attacks one of Shalin's other Pokémon (or a Pokémon controlled by one of Shalin's allies, with the writer's permission).
  • 21-30: Lathiel takes a nap and falls under the SLEEP status condition for two posts.
  • 31-40: Lathiel ignores orders and does not act during the following post.
  • 41-50: Lathiel interacts with a different target than the one ordered to.
  • 51-60: Lathiel interacts with the target in a different way than the action ordered.
  • 61-100: Lathiel acts as ordered.

Lathiel will automatically refuse to perform the following actions. These actions can be unlocked by using Lathiel in the indicated number of posts. A record of posts must be logged in the first post of Shalin's Exhibit documenting every thread Lathiel is used in.

  • Lathiel will refuse to battle in organized settings. (66 posts to unlock)
  • Lathiel will refuse to take direct non-battle orders of any kind. (132 posts to unlock)
  • Lathiel will refuse to be ridden under any circumstance. (198 posts to unlock)
  • Lathiel will refuse to be friendly toward other Pokémon. (264 posts to unlock)
  • Lathiel will refuse to have items of any kind, including move-teaching items, Berries of any kind, and Legendary Candy, used on her. (330 posts to unlock)

Stem Synthesis: 18/18

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2023 4:49:50 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


Deep within Petalburg Woods echoed the sound of CRUSH CLAW cutting through grass that the nimble Pheromosa, Nymris, had occupied a split second earlier. The two were having an intense sparring match; though it was but practice, Lathiel the Type: Null was giving it everything she had. Nymris' wings roards, the lithe Ultra Beast flying toward Shalin's most troublesome partner while BUG BUZZing at full blast. The Ranger was used to hearing bugs vibrate their wings, but the Pheromosa's were far different sounding than those of any of her other insects or insect-like Pokémon. Truly an alien, that creature was.

With perfect timing that even Nymris wasn't expecting, the CRUSH CLAW snatched the Pheromosa out of his low hover, felling the Ultra Beast in a single blow. Crying for Shalin, she was quick to flit toward the battle with the aid of her Flygon mount. For the first time since synthesizing the Type: Null, she saw emotion coming from the Pokémon's body language. Even a tear came from her eyes when she saw how much her CRUSH CLAW had hurt Nymris.

Shalin was quick to withdraw Sandy and send out her Milotic, Levy, to patch both of them up with a strong dose of LIFE DEW. Wounds that serious would take time to heal, though; not even a Pokémon Center would be able to patch those up immediately. Thankfully for her, though, these would take days rather than weeks to heal, unlike Flit's wing. She longed to fly on the Yanmega's back again, but the poor bug-type was still on the mend.

Standing next to Shalin, who was now on foot, Lathiel nuzzled her, showing affection toward her trainer for the first time in over three months. Though she didn't know what triggered it, it was clear to her now that the bond between them had been forged. It would still take a long time for the two to truly understand each other, but it was a start. That start was further evidenced by the rear-left spike on the Type: Null's helmet glowing a faint red. "Lathiel..." she trailed off. "Thank you for your help out there. You make a big difference every time we go to the Ultra Wilds. Keep on doing what you're doing." A low moo was the only reply she got, but she could inexplicably sense the Type: Null's happiness with her trainer.

LATHIEL REACHES LOYALTY LEVEL 1. Lathiel will now willingly engage in combat with any Pokémon without a need to ROLL.

{WC: 400}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good
Nymris          Pheromosa         KO
Sandy           Flygon            Good

Opening the Door to Lathiel's Heart: 1/5

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2023 17:15:21 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


After working together in multiple operations during the Second Battle of Dewford, Lathiel and Shalin took a weekend staycation at her Romping Grounds in Petalburg Woods, leaving her Rustboro Captain duties in the hands of the modest city's top Elite Ranger until her return the following Monday. Nymris and Shalin's other Ultra Beasts were there, as well: Olivia the Buzzwole and Toxrill the Poipole. The harness strapped to the red insect, and the seat behind it, looked just as alien as the Pokémon itself. It was by far the most outside-the-box tack on any of her Pokémon. It left her enough room to sit on Olivia's wing if she wanted to, but it would be dangerous; there was barely enough room on the wing for her to do so.

Rather than sparring like they had for months past, Lathiel and the trio of otherworldly Pokémon were content to watch Sandy and the rest of Shalin's Pokémon flit about the sky. Even the animosity between Olivia and Nymris had fallen off, the two next to each other at peace. Even Lathiel herself was relaxed, lowering her head next to her trainer's cheek and inviting her to cuddle together. "Lathiel..." Shalin sighed. "Thank you for being my partner. Nothing is going to bring back Ellie and Pharika. Nothing ever will. But I have you to remember them through. Now I can see you understand that and have come to grips with it. Thank you."

Shalin stood up and rest her hands on Lathiel's back. When the Type: Null felt her put her weight on them, she bounded away, nearly cutting her trainer on one of her blades. "Still no on riding you? I... respect it. One day, maybe. But for now, boundaries are boundaries. If you don't trust me on your back yet, that's a-okay." One day, though... one day, the two would be close enough to fight as one. Today was a huge milestone, though; it was the first time she felt she truly connected with the Ultra Beast Killer.

LATHIEL REACHES LOYALTY LEVEL 2. Lathiel will now willingly engage in most serious noncombat tasks, without the need for a ROLL. Riding Lathiel is now possible, but will require a ROLL.

{WC: 377}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good
Nymris          Pheromosa         Good
Olivia          Buzzwole          Good
Toxrill         Poipole           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good

Opening the Door to Lathiel's Heart: 2/5

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 7:00:31 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


Though it had been nearly three months since Shalin had two of her favorite dragon Pokémon taken away from her, she still took the loss hard. In a small grove formerly filled with Gracidea flowers stood four headstones, one with a miniature bust of a Dragalge inscribed upon it. A second one, a Donphan. Those two Pokémon gave their lives to help create Lathiel, the Type: Null standing next to Shalin with her eyes tilted toward the slabs of rock. Next to them were two new headstones, carvings of a Charizard and Noivern adorning them. Shalin wept as she inscribed brief eulogies on their respective stones:

"You left Hoenn too soon. To save my life at Death Crater, to suffer immensely from an injection forced upon you by my own folly, only to have your life taken at the hands of Rocket... one day, I wish to be with you in the world beyond the Border. A world where there is no war, and all can live in paradise. Until then, you shall never be forgotten. Rest in peace, Corona."

"You left Hoenn too soon. To bravely ferry me to and from the Braviary's Nest, to bravely volunteer yourself to the deadly Type: Full cultivar that nearly took your life, only to have your life cut short by the whims of a god of lightning... may we one day meet in the world beyond the Border. A world where only peace exists. Until then, I shall think of you always. Rest in peace, Piccolo."

As Shalin carved the final words on the base of the Noivern's headstone, she wailed in frustration loudly. Under her, Corona and Piccolo both suffered immensely, having to live low-quality lives during their final months. Just as they were starting to feel better, the war had taken their lives. It felt vehemently unfair.

As Shalin's tears pooled on Piccolo's headstone, even the Type: Null was moved. As the center of her trainer's problems, Lathiel empathized with her, gently patting her trainer's shoulder with one of her paws before crouching next to her. "Thanks... Lathiel," she sniffed before tilting her head toward the Charizard's headstone once more. Shaking her head, the normal-type shuffled about, moving her body and head so that one of her reins fell into Shalin's hands. Still nothing from her trainer.

Fed up with the girl's sorrows, Lathiel gently lifted Shalin off the ground, thrust her into the air, and caught her, making sure she landed in the Type: Null's saddle. Once she was securely on the chimeric Pokémon's back, she swerved about madly using her AERIAL ACE. It was strong enough to get a rise out of Shalin, but not strong enough to buck her off. The tears in her eyes dried up with the wild ride, and her emotions reversed completely.

"...Thank you, Lathiel," she exhaled. "Thank you for everything. Now, Lathiel, let's see how fast you can go!" With a squeeze to her new mount's sides, the masked Pokémon sped across the grassy plateau.

LATHIEL REACHES LOYALTY LEVEL 3. Lathiel will now willingly engage in most noncombat tasks without the need for a ROLL. Riding Lathiel is now possible without the need for a ROLL.

{WC: 545}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good
Nymris          Pheromosa         Good
Olivia          Buzzwole          Good
Toxrill         Poipole           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good

Opening the Door to Lathiel's Heart: 3/5

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2024 2:14:39 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


Since becoming a Captain, Shalin's confidence had grown. In her own abilities, and those of her Pokémon. Even so, she desired a Pokémon that could go toe-to-toe with 's Tapu Koko. Midori was a step up, but would she quite be there? There was only one way to find out. Little did she know of the war that the League was brewing in Sootopolis, and how her duties as a Captain would inevitably drag her back there.

"Whee-hee!" Shalin whooped as her Iron Leaves pranced and danced about her Romping Grounds with the beauty of a ballerina, several of her Pokémon sounding starstruck encore cries. Faster and faster she whirled, the psychic-type slowly losing her hold on Shalin as she put more and more of her focus into getting her trainer's adrenaline pumping to perhaps dangerous levels.

In a sudden moment, the Sacred Sword's mental hold on Shalin slipped, and she was too dizzy to keep her grip unaided. She rolled toward the lake at high speed, Lathiel taking off after her. Their momentum was so great that they had plenty of steam left even after colliding with the water. Her lithe body floated on the surface, but for how long? One change in balance, and the buoyant force would no longer be able to hold her over the water.

Sensing the danger her trainer was in, Lathiel dove in after the girl, pierced her shirt with a claw, and carried the girl back to the surface, When she came to, the first thing she was a Type: Null in her face... licking her. "Lathiel, that tickles!" she giggled as she came to. "You're such a sweet girl," the Ranger cuddled the chimera. Had her buns not stung from bring hurled off Midori's back, she would have gone for a romp aboard the Type: Null. Instead, they were content to reciprocate each others' affection.

LATHIEL REACHES LOYALTY LEVEL 4. Lathiel will now be amicable toward other trainers and Pokémon without the need for a ROLL.

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Midori          Iron Leaves       Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good

Opening the Door to Lathiel's Heart: 4/5

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March 18
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5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Shalin's Romping Grounds
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 8:01:28 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


Shalin's hair stood on end beneath her Sygna Suit, Olivia's wings churning fast enough and hard enough to send a mini-tsunami across the lake at the center of her sanctuary in Petalburg Woods. She reveled in the alien motion, perched above and between the Buzzwole's wings in the backpack-style saddle strapped to the Ultra Beast. They disappeared from sight when in motion, much like a Flygon's mid-Boomburst. She longed to take a seat on the Buzzwole's wing and stretch every pore on her body to its limit from the overwhelming tingling sensation she would experience.

Alas, she could not, for the Infinity Energy needed for such a feat could not remain together for long enough to give Shalin but a taste. Even invoking her suit's full power, such a ride would last mere seconds and leave her exhausted, its tank of Infinity Energy drained in that scant time. "DUAL WINGBEAT, Olivia!" Shalin ordered, ready for the vibration to rock her. The Buzzwole's entire frame shook much like Treble's when using one of his sonic attacks, but from the Captain's perspective, more intense due to her suit being compromised.

Nymris pranced about the lake, dancing and whirling around the former rival's shockwaves with impressive AGILITY. Turning to one side, she, too, churned her wings, trying to goad Shalin into doing the same thing with her. "Nymris, I wish I could. But my suit just can't handle it," she frowned. "Plus, Olivia wore me out."

Toxrill floated around the shore and toward Lathiel, the Type: Null cautious at first. Before long, Nymris and Olivia waddled toward the Ultra Beast killer without fear. All four were close to one another, embracing in a big group hug. "You... all of you..." Shalin sobbed. She realized how much love, care, and rehabilitation she had put into Lathiel. Once, she would attempt to kill any Ultra Beast on sight. Now, she cuddled with her former enemies in the most affection Shalin had ever seen from the violent Pokémon. "You've grown up so much, Lathiel," she sniffed as she joined the four in their group hug.

After a few seconds of love, Shalin could have sworn she felt vibration of a different kind. Not from her bugs, but from Lathiel herself. The retainer atop her head was shaking. She remembered something of this from the Type: Full manual. The vibration grew in intensity until white light began to leak through from beneath the mask. "Lathiel, are you... are you trying to evolve?!"

LATHIEL REACHES LOYALTY LEVEL 5. All restrictions have been removed from Lathiel; items may now be used on her, INCLUDING LEGENDARY CANDY.

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Nymris          Pheromosa         Good
Toxrill         Poipole           Good
Olivia          Buzzwole          Good

Opening the Door to Lathiel's Heart: 5/5



it's a long life full of long nights