The Pokepod Presentation (C)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
The Pokepod Presentation (C)
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2023 22:40:32 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar's nerves were the highest they had been since the Menteno mission. Sitting before him was , patiently waiting for Oscar to begin his presentation. Oscar and Mister Walsh have had multiple conversations, and yet only now did the Rocket Boss strike true fear within Oscar's heart. His gaze was so sharp, so willful; it was like looking down the barrel of a sentient gun.

Yet despite Oscar's fear, his expression would remain neutral. Hiding his anxiety was a valuable skill that Oscar had to learn early in his career; fear was weakness, and Oscar would rather die than look weak in front of Walsh. He took a deep breath before bowing his head in greeting. "Thank you again for coming Mister Walsh, I realize your time is valuable so I am grateful that you would come all this way to see my presentation." They had already exchanged greetings, but you know how it goes with these kinds of things--gotta emphasize the importance of your audience's presence before talking their ears off.

"In that spirit, I will begin right away. The present to you the next step in accessible Infinity Energy: the pokepod." Oscar motioned to the machine behind him, illuminated by the industrial lighting of his workshop. It looked like a giant blender, if it were designed by a heavy metal album artist. At the base of the machine was a chamber, and within the chamber sat a sleeping teddiursa. This unfortunate creature would be the main participant in this presentation.

Oscar walked up to the machine and began explaining how it worked. "I have constructed extractors within the machinery, built with filters to allow different levels of Infinity Energy drainage. Upon being drained, the Infinity Energy is directed through a series of circuits. Machinery that is plugged into the pokepod will begin drawing from these circuits, using the Infinity Energy to power them." Oscar pointed toward the jar shaped glass structure that capped off the machine. "This is a giant light bulb that will help visualize the use of Infinity Energy."

Oscar ran over to the control panel, which sat a few feet in front of Walsh. It had been streamlined since Oscar's last round of experiments, with far less buttons and the dial being replaced with a handle-like lever. Oscar grabbed the lever and looked to Walsh. "I will now demonstrate the capability of my machine, starting with its default power setting." He pushed the lever half-way up its path, and the machine would whir to life.

The teddiursa would briefly awaken due to the noise, but the extraction of its life force from within the chamber would quickly knock it out again. The giant light bulb slowly began to glow, casting an eerie red-tinted bloom across the work shop. "If you look closely, you will see that the teddiursa is asleep. On this power setting, the pokepod is able to power a rudimentary device without killing the pokemon within. This provides a small amount of perpetual energy, which can be supplemented by the use of multiple pokepods. My next goal is to make the pokepod more pod-like--er, compact and portable so that they can be easily set-up and utilized within the field. Now observe what occurs when the power setting is changed to maximum."

Oscar pushed the lever up the rest of the way, causing the machine to get gradually louder. The teddiursa sprang awake with a brief scream of agony before rapidly aging into dust. The light bulb began to glow a brilliant and unnatural radiance, lasting several seconds before instantaneously going out. From there Oscar would shut off his machine. "At the maximum power level, the machine extracts the most Infinity Energy it can from the subject. This results in the death of the subject, but provides the most possible energy. Unfortunately, this immense influx of power is short lived and will be used up within a matter of seconds.

Oscar moved from the control panel back to his starting position in front of Walsh. "When I finish the smaller model, I believe that using multiple pokepods at once will have immeasurable utility during our campaign to overtake Hoenn. During my experiments I have witnessed the possibilities of using extracted Infinity Energy not just for powering machinery, but also for healing. I theorize that we can even find a way to weaponize Infinity Energy, with enough development of course. I hope this presentation has sparked your imagination, and that you will find my invention useful for Rocket's war efforts."

Oscar ended his presentation here. He felt like he did alright, at least the machine worked perfectly. Yet he now had to wait for Walsh's judgement, which only heightened his inner anxiety.

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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
151 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
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declan walsh
The Pokepod Presentation (C)
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2023 4:12:06 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

declan claps. slow, steady strikes of the hands, albeit muted by his gloves. he uncrosses his long legs, and leaves his chair.[break][break]

moments ago, a teddiursa was violently stripped of life. reduced to the briefest manifestation of biosignature. but there is no perturbation, no tumult on the boss' face.[break][break]

just a calm, surveying stoicism.[break][break]

"thank you, oscar." the boss says. "you always know how to put on a show."[break][break]

he thinks.[break][break]

"after we extract the energy, what is the best method of application, you believe?" the boss asks. "huffing it as a vapour? infusing it into an extract?"[break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon floette-eternal"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
The Pokepod Presentation (C)
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2023 15:56:34 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar's entire face and neck tightened as he desperately tried to hold back a chuckle. The idea of turning Infinity Energy into some kind of drug you could huff was exceptionally entertaining, but Walsh's question was clearly serious so Oscar restrained himself. Oscar cleared his throat to dispel the bubbling giggles and answered truthfully.

"Once extracted the Infinity Energy physically manifests as electricity, the same way it does when Mega Stones are crushed within the Infinity Energy Generators. That electricity can be guided into any electronics to power them, but I theorize that it can be directed into organic matter just like normal electricity. My first idea for application would have been a device similar to an electric chair, but after some thinking I think something more akin to electric shock therapy would be both safer and more successful. I would just have to test it."

Oscar rubbed his chin, his eyes looking upward as his mind swarmed with ideas. "If I can get that working we would have a plethora of doors open to us. Perhaps we could even create our own Blue Mulch, but that might as well be science fiction to us now. Basically fuckin'--nature is gonna be our bitch. Opp, excuse my language."

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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
151 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
The Pokepod Presentation (C)
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 4:38:09 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

the rocket boss sees how oscar's glee sparks out of him. though walsh is not a man of much expression in his default, the excitement tickles him. it sure tickles oscar, allowing the man to slip a swear.[break][break]

"i understand you've created this to support rocket's operations." walsh says. "but i must ask... why this over other studies or experiments? you have a wide range of talents, clayton, so i simply wonder... what does this accomplishment mean to you?"[break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon floette-eternal"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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