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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 20, 2019 9:25:17 GMT
there's no reason to suspect any defensive maneuvers so mienshao doesn't, at least not until it's far too late. her leg misses the sceptile completely and by the time she regains her footing, she's struck with the single leaf blade that would have sent her flying back to her trainer had it not been for her quick intuition. 

her fingerless-hands grab on the back of the blade as it made impact, latching on just enough to send her swinging off to the side instead. it's all about keeping a close distance, and she does despite slamming into the ground not too far away from the grass-type.

in a blink mienshao returns to her feet and surges forward, looking injured but still fresh. she jolts a force palm towards the sceptile only to pull it back at the last moment, a feint as she leaps off the ground for a high jump kick straight at grass boy's jaw.

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POSTED ON Jun 24, 2019 3:36:34 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]this fighting kitty was determined. a QUICK GUARD would catch the HIGH-JUMP KICK by its leg. slamming the cat, by its legs down unto the ground--hard. holding onto its legs, mateo ordered, "don't let go, MEGA DRAIN!" the seeds upon its back begin to glow a bright yellow.

with physical contact having been made. sceptile begins to drain a great deal of energy from the mienshao. tightly holding onto the opponent and having no idle intentions of letting it go. "hold on tight with all your might!" his trainer shouted.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
sceptile used quick guard.
sceptile used mega drain.

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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 15:29:16 GMT
sceptile sure does give a good succ.

mienshao allows her opponent a brief amount of time to mega drain her. she enjoys every second of it before being forced to summon a wide guard that breaks their connection. how unfortunate, she thinks.

upset by what she had to do, mienshao takes advantage of their close proximity and twists and turns, hi-jump kicking the sceptile right in his dingaling.

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mateo martinez
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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2019 4:41:00 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]was she...enjoying this?! sceptile was a bit confused at first. but it wasn't until they became separated due to wide guard. she broke free. this mienshao was really annoying, luckily sceptile kept a cool head--even from the early surprise. sceptile DETECTed something unpleasant forthcoming. with quick precision he'd use QUICK ATTACK to take a quick step back.

in doing so, he'd charge within the palm of his hands a LEAF STORM. releasing a hellish funnel of sharpened energy leaves toward the mienshao. a long ranged retaliation was his current option--for now.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
i am...disgusted.
sceptile used detect.
sceptile stepped back with quick attack.
followed up with a leaf storm.

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POSTED ON Jul 3, 2019 4:40:19 GMT
while sceptile prefers to keep a distance between them, mienshao is determined to close it again, perhaps excited about the opportunity of being sucked again.

there's a small buffer time to sceptile's LEAF STORM that allows mienshao to BOUNCE high up into the air. she takes some damage from the grass-attack but if mateo is perceptive enough he'd see the slightest hints of a smile growing on her face. is she enjoying it?!

she slams back into the ground, feinting at the last moment to land next to sceptile instead. no DETECT can save it this time as she swivels and turns, striking for a BOUNCE attack.

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POSTED ON Jul 3, 2019 6:46:29 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]the bounce struck. a kick right in sceptile's gullet. it was so strong that it forced the grass-type to nearly almost crash into mateo. he'd catch his ally, "are you alright?!" sceptile was shaken. it was a simple physical attack, but it held great power. "sceptile..." the gecko shinobi stood, shakily, upon his feet. was he still going to fight?

mateo felt a strange power beginning to well-up within the grassy gecko. it seemed as if he were unconscious from the brute assault, but as he stood...he noticed something. sceptile looked to have been "unconcious" but stood as if he were. a menacing aura began to radiate throughout the pokemon's body--its color green.


"sceptile..." mateo couldn't remember the last time sceptile was forced to tap into his innate ability. the pokemon was barely conscious, but he stood with tenacity. "alright, round two!" standing, they had to end this quickly. "sceptile, LEAF STORM!" with a single palm a sphere the size of a gumball was crated. without delay, a grassy storm --stronger than the last--was hurdled toward the mienshao.


[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
bounce was super effective.
sceptile's ability, overgrow, was activated.
sceptile used leaf storm.

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POSTED ON Jul 4, 2019 10:01:31 GMT

he hates to ruin such an interesting development of the battle but he feels as though he has to. mienshao looks back, asking for permission. he nods.

she stands her ground, feet digging into the dirt as she holds her arms up in front of her to brace herself. she's in a defensive stance, very martial arts-like, and summons a WIDE GUARD to battle the LEAF STORM.

it holds. and holds. and holds. and at the very brink of collapse, mienshao swiftly swivels on her feet, almost disappearing as she U-TURNS around the sphere only to charge straight at the sceptile. once close, she attempts to kick it before running back around to stand by alexander's side.

his hand finds another pokeball and out comes his third choice.

"nice try, mateo! do not give up!" 

doublade floats in front of them, SWORDS DANCE at the ready.

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mateo martinez
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POSTED ON Jul 4, 2019 10:38:22 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]risen arms, he'd place up a QUICK GUARD. the mienshao was gone. in her new stead came a doublade?! "sceptile, are you okay?!" sceptile would look back to mateo. he said nothing. he merely just gave his trainer a look. "right, we'll keep going..." he was pushing himself. he was practically nearing his limit. if anything, sceptile hated relying upon his ability. it was cheap, it wasn't true strength--not the strength mateo helped him build.

to rely on a short burst of power. sceptile cursed his ability. he wasn't just running on this short burst of energy, but willpower as well: he was doing this for his partner--for mateo, his best friend. the young boy who, now a man, screamed to the world that sceptile was a dragon-type and nothing else. such nonsense, remembering such a moment within such a critical position.

he'd return back to reality. his sight set upon his new opponent. "osu!" mateo shouted. removing the coat that adorned his body, he'd toss the leather trench to the side. things were at stake, mateo understood that. tightening his goggles around his head, patting the brace of his stomach and fixing the choker upon his neck. he'd ready himself, as if he, too, were fighting with sceptile. "you can win, you can win, you. can. do. this!" mateo chanted.

he began to perform a series of squats during his chant. when ready, he'd shout at the top of his lungs, "get your shit together, sceptile! aren't you a dragon-type?! where's that dragon energy! fight like a dragon, don't hold back! if you even think of holding back, you're going to do double suicide relays! if you lose, triple! where the hell is your fighting spirit you goddamn idjit?!" they were fired up! the barely conscious sceptile became invigorated as he released a war cry.

"do it!" his back began to glow. pulsating as energy began to sap away from the doublade. this was the power of MEGA DRAIN, provided with the buff of OVERGROW, sceptile would forcibly drain the ghost-types spectral energy. they weren't down for the count just yet.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
fuck you, fuck your character, and fuck this gif warning 'cause ya gonna get another.
sceptile used quick guard.
sceptile used mega drain.

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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]

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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2019 2:14:21 GMT


"shrug it off." 

no amount of dragon energy or squats can help sceptile in this doomed battle. the type-disadvantage proves too overwhelming even with mateo's fiery support and spirit. the MEGA DRAIN saps away at doublade's life but there's not much to begin with in the first place. it is after all a ghost.

its sharp steel buckle under the pressure but it remains strong, steadfast, and looks to counter as soon as it sees an opportunity.

"do it." 

upon the blink of an eye, the doublade disappears, vanishing into the shadows. it slinks its way over, and when sceptile blinks again, it'll come to a damning realization: the doublade is behind it.

SHADOW SNEAK into a final NIGHT SLASH, the doublade looks to execute the grass-type.

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mateo martinez
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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2019 2:49:52 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]that badge was coming home with him one way or another. sceptile DETECTed the ghost-types whereabouts. his spiritual pressure was, in no way, capable of hiding from the powered-up grass-type. especially with his senses currently heightened. a LEAF BLADE extended from the back of sceptile's left elbow, parrying the doublade's night slash from behind as the elongated blade protected him.

"rotate!" mateo ordered. leaning forward for the doublade to fall ahead, sceptile, lowering his body, disconnected the blade that which blocked and held night slash. the sceptile, then, rotated its body, still leaning, to deliver an upward slash with its second leaf blade upon its right elbow. attempting to send the ghost-type upward. if successful, he'd follow up with a LEAF STORM, except this time it was from his maw.

though, should his first counter prove fruitless, or even second, sceptile readied to shift course within the plan of action if needed.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
sceptile used leaf blade.
sceptile used leaf storm.

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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 8:38:07 GMT


their opponents are too easy to read. their moves are choreographed which makes them predictable. no amount of DETECTS or QUICK GUARDS will save the sceptile from its inevitable demise. it's already down on its last leg and yet it persists. OVERGROW can only do so much.

sceptile might have DETECTED doublade's movements but it will still fall short against NO GUARD; an ability that is highly offensive yet possesses risks that most opt not to utilize it. but there is a reason why doublade is still unevolved. it might not guarantee a hit but it grants doublade with the foresight needed to.

the LEAF BLADE hits. doublade does more damage and takes less, so the exchange favors the leader. the ghost-type takes the hits and remains exactly where it is; the blows not enough to send it upwards like the sceptile had originally planned.

sceptile's maws snap open, foreshadowing a LEAF STORM, but its predictability is what gives doublade the foresight to counter. the ghost-type's body suddenly splits into two, each separate part floating on their own and acting on their own volition only for a mere moment before both come slashing down for two powerful, point-blank SACRED SWORDS across sceptile's head and body.

try and DETECT out of this.

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mateo martinez
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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 11:25:36 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]woah, talk about a nuisance. he did harm to sceptile, what sort of ability did this thing even have? and to be able to withstand sceptile's own blade even with overgrow in effect? talk about some overpowered swords.

and now he was going for overkill?! "return!" quickly, before the sacred sword could hit, he'd recall sceptile for now. "take a small break, buddy." releasing a sigh of relief. he'd stare down alex's doublade. placing sceptile's ball back, he'd take out two. a difficult choice. to do the expected or unexpected, he did want to win. but the other pokemon wasn't very much so needed unless he had his partner in crime.

he sat on for a bit. "mm...he's pretty ferocious. most of my pokemon are, but..." thinking about, it'd be like fighting alongside . it was time to do the unexpected. so as he stood, he'd toss the pokeball in his hand and snag it. "alright then, i'm calling out this gift from a friend. he'd be mad at me if i never used it." it was time, "time to tear it up, fetch, kyle the arcanine!" calling out the ferocious fire dog. he'd release a loud war cry.

"sometimes, in order to win, we have to do the unexpected. though i wish i could've gotten the chance to use him in a solo battle." he smiled softly, placing the ball back inside. "next time, besides, kyle has the personality of a dragon. so that's good enough to be on my team!" pounding his chest, he'd look toward alexander. "we're gonna pay you back tenfold for what you did to my best friend, stone." he grinned confidently. "come at me with everything you got, please!"

it was time for the show to begin. "kyle, fetch!" he knew what that meant. and he wouldn't give the doublade ANYTIME to run nor hide. with EXTREME SPEED, kyle the arcanine would come to manifest from BEHIND the doublade--his maw was open. there was no time to run, so he'd bite down with CURNCH upon the doublade on the RIGHT.

as he held down upon the RIGHT DOUBLADE, mateo ordered, "burn it!" should the ghost/steel-type even dare to attempt to raise any form of special defense, it would come to be shattered by the CRUNCH as arcanine bit down--hard. following up, he had no intention of letting the blade go. for he'd charge up a FLAMETHROWER that would try to be expelled from the arcanine's mouth, but could not due to the blade being in the way (a.k.a. in his mouth). so, it would come to be burned by the fire that could only escape through small openings as the dog bit down upon the doublade's bladed head.

considering the LEFT DOUBLADE was tethered to the RIGHT, it would, too, feel damage. so had it dared to even try to save its brethren, how could it?! it would be suffering after all. guess it'd have to fight through the unimaginable pain. "you want war, stone. you got it. you better have its brother come save it, kyle () doesn't know how to take it easy." mateo cheekily grinned.

mateo wasn't showing it, but he was a little pissed. he harmed sceptile greatly, it was time for some payback.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
sceptile was returned into his pokeball, was wounded due to no guard!
arcanine was called out.
arcanine used extreme speed.
arcanine used crunch.
arcanine used flamethrower.
arcanine has the right blade of doublade in his mouth. is biting down hard upon it and burning it all the while. has no intention of letting it go.
mateo is, silently, pissed.

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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 11:56:19 GMT
sceptile is replaced with kyle the arcanine. alexander almost feels bad at what's about to happen to the fire-dog, but understands that this is the bitter reality of training and battling. he's more than used to it; but he's not numb to it because empathy is what makes a good trainer. it is the number one quality that is required of them.

which is why doublade doesn't pursue the fleeing sceptile despite being very well able to. it hovers and floats idle but doesn't reconnect itself. alexander looks on and analyzes the battle that's about to unfold.

"everything, you got it, mateo." 

arcanine's blurred with EXTREME SPEED but doublade has prepared for it. its steel glows and shimmers, protecting it against the inevitable CRUNCH. it damages and the steel looks to crack but doublade holds on.

but as the FLAMETHROWER gathers in the very depths of the arcanine's mouth, something happens.

the disconnect comes into play.

the way left-doublade floats in the air is enough to cast a shadow over the ground. it is from that shadow that allows right-doublade to SHADOW SNEAK away. and to avoid the FLAMETHROWER, left-doublade simply drops to the ground.

POWER TRICK maxes out doublade's attack. with arcanine occupied with the FLAMETHROWER pouring out of its mouth, left-doublade seizes the opportunity and slashes from the ground up for a SACRED SWORD. right-doublade makes a sudden reappearance behind the arcanine, SHADOW SNEAKING as it slashes forward.

the two are still tethered as they look to surround the fire-type. it might be able to get one but it will not get both of them.

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mateo martinez
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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 12:27:13 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]a whistle was given by mateo--something he learned from kyle.

talk about overpowered. how is that even possible?! no matter, arcanine HELD his flamethrower in the moment the right doublade escaped his maw. the left and right doublade attempt to puncture and stab arcanine by surprise, but, on command, he'd roll over to the side. wagging his tail as he maneuvered from his position.

not today, doublade. as the right doublade traveled upward and the left forward, he could only hit one or the other. so who'd he go for? the one above of course! "light'em up!" he'd release the held FLAMETHROWER up above. and, due to using POWER TRICK, his defense was gravely weakened. so weakened that taking the heavy flames would prove unavoidable. the RIGHT DOUBLADE would be engulf from underneath within a blaze of glory. no shadow sneak would save him this time. so what could he do? simply perish.

but as for the LEFT DOUBLADE, did it wish to tussle with arcanine again? "talk about unfair. you have two pokemon in one." but he wasn't complaining. this would prove good training. he could only but smile from the exciting battle.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
arcanine used the dog move 'roll over'.
arcanine used flamethrower upon the right doublade.
arcanine remained on guard for the left.

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june 12
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406 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @stone
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 13:25:21 GMT

the command is familiar to the champion and for a moment he tilts his head at the arcanine, wondering if it had any connection to his gym trainer at all. it must have; its name is kyle. huh. so maybe there is more to this gym challenger mateo than he realizes.

the one thing alexander prides himself on is his ability to command his pokemon without the need of words. it's a subconscious thing that everyone has; fight or flight. it's all about helping each individual understand it and how to utilize it.

because survival is a basic instinct.

doublade remembers how the earlier FLAMETHROWER was immediately stopped when it had dodged it. so right-doublade doesn't move. its defense might be lowered but the fire-move is a different kind of offense, one that only licks away at the bronze-colored steel of the doublade.

FLAMETHROWER engulfs right-doublade and it remains still despite the intense heat. but no flames will melt it today. it will not perish.

left-doublade is aware of a possible counter the arcanine might do if it moves so it waits. it stalks. and all of a sudden, right-doublade drops. just not to the floor.

IRON HEAD battles against the FLAMETHROWER and right-doublade surges through the flames, dispersing it as it aims to ram its entire figure into arcanine's wide-open mouth.

only then does left-doublade slash forward for another SACRED SWORD to arcanine's large body.

"looks like you will simply have to adapt and overcome! good luck."

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