the skull dragon [ g ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2019 22:33:13 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair


hands within his trench coat, a red bandanna could be seen tied around his right bicep. boots boomed with each step taken upon entering the gym. the goggle headed male stood outside the doors to the gym leader of rustboro's gym. entering, he'd push through the double doors that guarded the entrance. "yo!" he exclaimed with an excited grin. one that many confused for confidence, but he wasn't here to win nor lose, his goal? primarily to have an intense battle. the gym leader's in hoenn were exciting him more and more. his last battle instilled him with the desire to go forward and challenge even more.

"anyone home?" he called as he walked inside. searching thoroughly through the gym. as he fully entered, he'd come to stop upon one side of a large field. assuming that this arena would be their battlefield. a flattened surface for a casual battle. the field was plain, which wasn't too surprising. bright rays from the sun outside began to shine through the window. it was a sunny day and hot, the cool air conditioning made mateo feel like it's a new person.

"ahhh, man. this feels great." the dragon tamer spoke. he felt whole.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
hi, i'm in the gym. pls go ez on me.

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POSTED ON Jun 14, 2019 3:07:55 GMT
as busy as he might have been he has an obligation to the gym. challengers are still common and so he finds himself spending a big chunk of his days in the gym working away on his many responsibilities. when things start to get slow he'd leave for a bit; to the office, to a cafe, anywhere to get a bit of fresh air.

he's about to leave when he hears a voice call out from the main battlefield of the gym. he pokes his head out of the room and steps out into the corridor.

"only me! are you here for a challenge?" 

the trench coat looks problematic but that's only him being cautious. he can never know people's true intentions; for all he knows the man standing across from him could suddenly pull out a gun and shoot him dead. thankfully, he has precautions setup for those situations.

"if you are, please state your name and call out your first pokemon."

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mateo martinez
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2019 3:24:53 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]"hell yeah, the name's mateo martinez; a pleasure to meet you!" he grinned. thinking for a second, there was someone he wanted to bring out! excited to face the next gym leader, he'd already came prepared with his chosen ally. tossing the ball within the palm of his hand, he'd send out his first partner: druddigon. "come on out and rock the hell out, druddigon!" mateo was excited to learn something from this gym leader.

he had a belief that no matter how successful you become or what you've achieved, there is always something to learn. and so far, each leader he's faced has taught him something. even giving him a battle worth becoming a memory. "i'm just here to have fun and do my best, let's have an exciting battle." druddigon roared with joy, adding onto his want for an entertaining battle as well.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
ahhhh, i responded too quickly. please don't feel obligated to reply back fast. :sob: i'm just excited.

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POSTED ON Jun 14, 2019 3:33:34 GMT
the energy the challenger radiates is electrifying. it wakes alexander right the fuck up. "the pleasure is all mine, mister martinez!" a dragon. for whatever reason that doesn't surprise him. there are only a few trainers in the region capable of raising dragons to their true potential; is one of them. is mateo another?


they are about to find out.

bewear bursts free from his pokeball and shakes the ground with his landing. the large, towering pink-bear rushes forward, each step looks exaggerated but it's due to his sheer size. his baby-doll eyes looks to weaken druddigon slightly; his hammer arm also comes swinging down at the dragon.

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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2019 4:02:26 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]"what the--" unaware as to what that pokemon was. it captured both mateo and druddigon off guard. a never before seen large, pink bear. taken aback by its sudden puppy dog-like eyes. it wasn't until the last second that druddigon was mt with a hammer of justice being brought down atop of its head.

"druddi--" mateo would halt from his shock of calling out to the dragon. for, not only did the bear receive damage from druddigon's ROUGH SKIN, but it also activated druddigon's anger for REVENGE. before the bewear could pull away from the great bruise it struck upon druddigon. the dragon would grab the pink bear's arm that was used--a tightened grip would not release its hold. "ah, that's--" and then, with its other paw, the druddigon would shape it into a fist.

druddigon, then, pulled the bewear in to receive a gut wrenching punch that would send it flying back. returning the damage it was given double in power. druddigon was angry and this bewear was going to feel his wrath. "we can't get side tracked by that weird move from earlier, keep your guard up." druddigon expelled steam from its nostrils. ready for round two.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
druddigon was tricked by baby doll-eyes!
druddigon was hit by hammer arm!
druddigon's rough skin damaged bewear!
druddigon used revenge and returned the gesture!
druddigon is angry!

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june 12
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the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2019 4:10:29 GMT
alolan pokemon are still relatively rare and unknown to other regions. they've been known to show up in the wild every now and again but perhaps their unfamiliarity is what aids them in their attack. it catches the challenger and his dragon off guard and allows bewear to land a solid hammer arm.

its rough skin almost makes bewear regret his attack but he won't be given a chance to fully realize it. he looks down just in time to see the punch coming but he's far too slow to do anything about it. the revenge connects, striking him square in the gut and sends him flying.

bewear soars backwards for a few short moments before slamming back into the ground. the earth trembles and the ground even cracks ever so slightly under the immense weight. for moments, all is still as bewear lies flat on his back.

"time to get up! you can sleep later. right now we have a dragon to beat." 

words of encouragement makes bewear groan but he soon climbs back onto his feet, shaking off the brunt of the damage. similar to druddigon's revenge, bewear rushes forward once more, ground shaking before he swings an arm down for a payback.

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dragon king
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2019 4:22:50 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]"seriously, how can something so cute be so ferocious?!" the fact it was even able to get back up made mateo afraid of this thing, and that was rare! but this thing was coming and it demanded some payback. "HONE your CLAWS and fight like a dragon, DRAGON CLAW!" druddigon would rush forward and began to charge!

meeting with bewear. druddigon's dragon claw and bewear's payback would connect with one another, hand-in-hand; the addition of ROUGH SKIN would add onto the damage. "use your other claw--other claw!" mateo instructed and druddigon did as such. maneuvering its unused honed dragon claw in order to deliver a crushing blow to the side of bewear's face. hoping to send it tumbling to the side, but at this point anything was expected of the bear. and mateo made sure to watch its every movement.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
druddigon used hone claws!
druddigon used dragon claws!
dragon claw collided with payback!
rough skin became active once more!

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june 12
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the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2019 8:31:19 GMT
payback meets dragon claw. the battle comes to a sudden halt as their fists collide, clashing to send a ripple of power surging across the battlefield. mateo's voice breaks the silence; alexander's soon follows.

"take it." 

maybe it's the calm in his voice that steels bewear. or maybe it's the superpower strength that allows bewear to take the full damage of the dragon claw and not move. he stands completely still, his face bearly budging from the impact.

"show them how it is done." 

bewear's arm looks to slam the dragon into the ground for a payback.

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dragon king
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2019 8:52:25 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]a ROUGH SKIN made for a tough fight. the bewear's physical assault was met with recoil from the druddigon's ability. but as dragon claw's honed edge failed and caused the druddigon to be brought to its knees. it only made the pokemon seek out one thing, "REVENGE!" doubling in power, he'd return triumphantly.

the bewear was successful in bringing him down with great pain, but druddigon wasn't out just yet. it would take hold of the bewear's right leg. with great strength, and both arms, the bewear was nothing more than lightweight with the power swelling up from within the dragon. druddigon ruthlessly began to slam it unto the ground. right, left, front, back, the ground would break each moment the bewear hit it--sometimes twice. druddigon's desire for vengeance and the damage that was dealt by payback, gave him the strength to return it all. like an indian giver, he was grateful. so grateful that the beating was just.

finally, druddigon had enough. swinging the large bear around in a circle. the fighter was released and sent flying right past its gym leader. tossing the large bear out of the ring and releasing a mighty roar.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
druddigon used revenge.

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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2019 9:01:55 GMT
that'll do it.

like a ragdoll bewear gets hoisted up by his leg and slammed all around; left, right, left, right, left, right; and thankfully he's flung across the room because his leg might have been torn off otherwise! he is not a small creature. before he can hit the ground he's safely recalled back into his pokeball where he can finally rest.

"wow! your dragon is really strong. and the bond you two share is undeniable." 

compliments fly and so too does a pokeball. to take bewear's place is a mienshao who immediately springs forward, her speed quadrupling the bewear's.

in a blur, the first attack is a fake out, a slap to the dragon's face. despite the rough skin, it's not enough to stop mienshao from slamming her force palm into druddigon's scaly gut.

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dragon king
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2019 21:18:03 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]ROUGH SKIN had been applied, but it wasn't enough. druddigon's exhaustion began to befall due to the repetition of revenge's taxing usage. with a slap distracting the confused druddigon, he was met with a crushing palm to the stomach. gut wrenching, it would 'cause the dragon to falter. rather than use what little bit of strength it had left, it would retaliate with DRAGON RAGE.

"let'em have it!" mateo exclaimed. the pokemon created a sphere of raw, dragon energy. pouring all of the strength it had left--strong, powerful. it would release the sphere directly toward sleek mienshao. had druddigon even an ounce of strength left, this would prove to be a fruitless in the end as the dragon could not match the mienshao in term of physical speed, but there was another who could.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
druddigon used dragon rage as its last resort.

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POSTED ON Jun 18, 2019 6:01:35 GMT
all it takes is a simple wide guard to stop the dragon from delivering its final attack. the sudden shield enacts just in time to collide against the dragon's sphere, dispersing it instantly and the moment the dispersion happens, mienshao's already jabbed through his own shield with a force palm that downs the dragon.

mienshao takes a preemptive leap back and falls into a defensive stance, ready for the next challenger.

"not bad, mateo!"

formalities of mister martinez has been shed because the challenger gives off that friendly of a vibe. he feels comfortable talking with the man, as if they've known each other for a long time.

"will your next pokemon be a dragon as well? how exciting!"

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2019 3:40:26 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]returning druddigon, mateo stared at his ball for a moment.

he needed to work harder. it was his fault druddigon weakened himself. "niidro bek." he whispered to the ball. placing his pokemon away. he'd place a smile back upon his face. a toothy grin ready to go at it once more. "well, to you it may not be a dragon, but in my opinion he is!" tossing his ball out, he'd call upon his next champion: sceptile.

"speed vs. speed, i'm already excited about this one!" this was sceptile's forte. and if anyone was prepared for such a fight it was his best friend and trusted ally. "sceptile, leaf storm!" and without further ado, sceptile brought his palm's together. stretching forward, the grass-type would release a torrent of energized leaves. surfing through the air within a quick and precise manner toward the mienshao.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
sceptile was thrown out.
sceptile used leaf storm.

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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jun 20, 2019 4:19:01 GMT
not really a dragon, but sure! mateo's energy makes him believe it is one as well. "i am excited, too! good luck, mateo!" energy levels increase with every second spent in mateo's aura.

speed vs. speed is appropriate but unfortunately for sceptile it will be no match for mienshao, whose name is actually lightning mcqueen.

mienshao leaps off the ground, nimble in her step as she bounces to avoid the full brunt of the leaf storm. leaves still cut away but it doesn't nearly do as much damage as it would have. she soars through the air until she decides it's time to bring lighting down to strike her foe. 

fluid in her movements, she shifts her body weight in the air and comes soaring down, leg looking to slam into the sceptile for a bounce attack.


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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
the skull dragon [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2019 5:09:15 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]detect was his sixth sense. and with a single arm, a green blade was crafted. sceptile took position, prepared to strike as he awaited. mateo had the utmost faith in sceptile's calculative nature. he was second-in-command and mateo's right hand pokemon.

like a warrior preparing to unsheathe his blade toward an incoming foe. he waited, a single blade formed. as mienshao neared, like quick-draw, sceptile side-step the fighting type's physical assault. and, with the drawback of having missed, sceptile would rotate his body clockwise to deliver a leaf blade to the mienshao's side. pushing all of his weight upon one foot and power into this simple slide, sceptile would attempt to send the mienshao flying back toward .

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
sceptile used detect.
sceptile used leaf blade.

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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]

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