Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 17:49:41 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Blackjack to Swan. Please stay safe. Please come back to me. I need you to be okay. I love you."[break][break]

Isaac's hands trembled as he clutched his communicator close. Tears stung at the corners of his eyes. At some times, his heart felt like it had stopped beating. At other times, it pounded in his chest like a jackhammer.[break][break]

"Blackjack to Swan! Please stay safe! Please come back to me! I need you to be okay! I love you!"[break][break]

Distant, fuzzy voices came over his end of the communicator. Confusion. Threats. Mockery. Offers for help. He never remained on one channel long enough to hear more than a word or two from them. As soon as he heard the voice wasn't 's, he hopped channels, desperate to make his message known.[break][break]

"Blackjack to Swan. Please stay safe! Please come back to me! I need you to be okay! I love you!"[break][break]

He fell to his knees. Standing took too much effort, too much focus. It was energy that could have been going towards looking harder, searching harder, trying harder to project his will out into the universe.[break][break]

"Blackjack to Swan . . ."

He didn't realize the Dream Mist had been swirling around him until a pink haze started to obscure his vision.[break][break]

"Please . . . stay safe . . ."[break][break]

Visions in the mist spelled out the worst. Cygne, weary and stressed as she became lost in the depths of an endless cave network. Cygne, glued to the ground by a Nagnadel as its children started to swarm her. Cygne, struggling and fighting as the embrace of a Nihilego slowly started to wreak havoc on her mind. Cygne, forced into League custody where who knows what terrible fate she'd experience?[break][break]

"Please . . . come back to me . . ."[break][break]

Cygne, brutalized and left for dead, because if the League could do that to what was stopping them from doing it to her?[break][break]

"I need you to be okay . . ."[break][break]

The communicator beeped feebly between his hands. Ex and Kilobyte's enhancements had drained it of all of its battery. In a hiss of static, Isaac was left abandoned, surrounded only by a gallery of his worst nightmares.[break][break]

"I love you . . ."


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April 12th
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 18:23:32 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
For the most part, during this trek in Deep Sea, El had steered clear of the strange pink mist that seemed to be cropping up, here and there. Though they didn't wholly understand it or what it did firsthand, they at least knew enough from the gossip of other League members to know that it was bad news. That people tended to see things in there, and that strange creatures sometimes lurked within. At the most, they stuck to the outskirts of such clouds, or otherwise followed a wall if they had to pass through, to make sure they didn't get lost.

They didn't exactly like lingering in those spaces even for a second, though. Something about it all, it just... Sent shudders down their spine. In ways beyond even that of the paranoia that this realm inflicted upon people. When they hit a crossroads - one path filled with the mist, and one not - they almost decide to take the clear path...

... That is, until, they hear a voice. Distant. Broken. Distressed. But familiar, even for as much as they're unable to make out the words. And El, pausing, stares into the mist. "... Bibidi?"

At their call, Bibidi reaches out her awareness - searching, listening... And there - further within the mists - she feels a familiar presence. Isaac - or as El knows him currently, Blackjack. And she can sense it on him, the fear and grief that seem to have taken a grip on him. And when she 'says' as much to El, she can see their expression twist into one of deep worry.

Reaching down, El preemptively prepares Behemoth's pokeball - not releasing him quite yet, but nonetheless keeping him in hand. "Let's go get him," They weren't going to leave someone in need behind, after all - not when the mist seemed to make this place even stranger and more dangerous than usual.

Thus, the duo step into the mists - Bibidi leading the way, as she seems to have a better idea of which direction he's in. And as they do, El calls out loud and clear. "Blackjack!" They shout - hoping he'll be able to hear them. "Stay where you are - help's coming!"
paranoia mentions~

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
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Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 20:25:16 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]A familiar voice tried to cut through the mists of the Interdream Zone, but it failed to reach Isaac's ears. In fact, all sensory phenomenon outside of the Interdream Zone had become little more than a distant memory. Isaac couldn't see past the increasingly opaque pink haze, leaving him at the mercy of visions that faded in and out of focus. He could no longer hear the sound of battle, the mist's swallowing it up and leaving only a droning white noise in its wake. He could no longer even feel the roughness of the cave floor beneath his knees and palms. It was as if he had been swallowed up within a great cloud.[break][break]

It wasn't just anymore. She had just been the chip in the dam that brought the flood along with it.[break][break]

Isaac could see a man bleeding out on the floor. Isaac tried to run towards him, a feeling that felt less like running and more like floating. Nevertheless, at an agonizingly slow rate, he got closer and closer to the corpse. It was the man that had gunned down right before his eyes, claiming it was for Isaac's own protection. Slowly but surely, his features began to melt, reshaping themselves into those of Ashley's birth father. Half of his face was a mask of terror. The other half was an unrepentant, shit-eating grin.[break][break]

These features swirled in on one another, warping and distorting, until they had become a face Isaac knew all too well.[break][break]

In the blink of an eye, it was gone, but the visage of the man he refused to call father was burned into his memory.[break][break]

A storm echoed around him. He'd know that tempest anywhere. It was Lugia, the howling wind carrying a litany of screams in their wake. How many lives had he given the tools to extinguish? An impassive wall rose from the mists to answer that question, every brick in the wall another indistinguishable face. Some were aged and weathered, having haunted Isaac's dreams since Oldale. That was when had given him a quick, brutal introduction to the concept of death. Others were fresh, new additions to a wall that grew bigger by the night.[break][break]

Stepping back, Isaac could finally see the curve around the horizon. It wasn't a wall at all, was it? It was a sphere, longer than it was tall, with some of the faces jutting out a little further than others. He took weak, shaky steps back, finally beholding it in its full glory. Immediately, he paled.[break][break]

It wasn't a wall at all. It was a face.[break][break]

Even as the mist became too dense to see through, Bibidi would be able to feel her way to Isaac. She would note that, whatever was going on in his head, he hadn't moved at all. However, El may have noted that the further they pushed into the Interdream Mist, the harder it would become to actually cover any distance. Isaac always seemed to be on the horizon, as if being dragged in a perfect parallel to the pace of El's movement.[break][break]

Was that a wingbeat passing behind them? Or was it just a trick of the ear?


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 20:55:17 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The lack of a response is concerning. While El initially wonders if Blackjack has fallen unconscious, Bibidi believes that he's still awake. With this in mind, they attempt to call out again - "Blackjack! Can you hear me?!" ... ... But yet again, there is no response.

What's going on out there...?

As the mist gets thicker and thicker though, Bibidi eventually decides to lift El in her arms - carrying them, so that she doesn't lose track of them. It's getting harder to see more than a few feet in front of her - but she doesn't need to rely on her vision alone to navigate. Isaac's presence is a beacon of its own - one that she follows closely. Although...

... With time, she realizes that even that is an unreliable landmark. At first, it didn't seem as though he was moving - which made her wonder if he did, indeed, hear El. But somewhere along the way, she came to realize that they were not getting any closer to him. Was it because he had started moving?

Or was it because it was as if the two of them were stuck in place - like in a dream...?

El blinked a bit, as she communicated the issue - and glancing out into the mist, they wondered "Do you think we could Teleport to him...?"

It was possible - but Bibidi shook her head. She felt that it was too risky to try, given she couldn't clearly picture the destination, and she didn't know if there was any free space around Isaac. One wrong move and well, she could end up teleporting into a wall instead - which could have understandably disastrous results. Her current thought was to keep moving forward, in hopes that it'd get them somewhere...

... But then came the sound of wingbeats - and El blinked as it snapped them from their own thoughts. Shifting a bit in Bibidi's arms, they'd arrange themself so that they can gaze back over the Alakazam's shoulder - asking "I hear something - do you sense anything back the other way...?"

She could hear it too - and alert and dutiful as always, she casted her mental awareness towards the sound, to see what she could pick up...
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 23:32:44 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]It was starting to feel hard to believe. Was it because the Interdream Zone's mist was flowing into his nostrils and mouth, choking the life out of him from the inside? Or was it because the panic he was experiencing was stealing his breath away more and more by the moment?[break][break]

Unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to even think, Isaac had no choice but to stare into the face. The face stared back at him, Isaac growing increasingly small in the shadow it left behind. Most of the face looked strangely sorrowful, the many ephemeral souls that formed it giving it an almost droopy appearance. Its frown was strangely gentle, looking less upset and more hurt. Its right eye, while downcast, had an inexplicable gentleness to it.[break][break]

Oh, how Isaac wished the same extended to its left eye.[break][break]

If the souls in the rest of the face were resigned to their fate, the left eye was the polar opposite. These souls, burning red with anger, writhed within their prison. The eye they formed bulged and rippled, Isaac unable to tear his gaze away from their furious movements. Isaac could recognize each and every one of these; they were the faces of those who Isaac had let down, the ones that Isaac could never forget no matter how hard he tried. The children he failed to protect. The loved ones he failed to offer a way out. His friends in the League who couldn't imagine why he walked the path he did.[break][break]

Kiryu, her own burning gaze serving as the pupil of this massive eye.[break][break]

All of these, and more, made up the effigy of his own face that looked down on him. After all, who else had he hurt more by going down this path than himself?[break][break]

From behind him, he heard a slow, sarcastic clapping. Maldacena loomed over him, high in the sky, dwarfing even the effigy of himself that he finally tore his eye away from. In a single, grandiose gesture, the curator of the Digital World motioned down to the ground before him. A single square of golden light lit up in the space that he indicated, just as it had nearly a year ago.[break][break]

The message was clear. Were Isaac to just step in and let himself be downloaded, all of this pain could go away.[break][break]

Bibidi wouldn't be able to feel a presence behind her. Despite this, another wingbeat sliced through the quiet of the Interdream Zone. Then another one. Then another one. They traveled in a zigzagging pattern, each one harsher, sharper, and most importantly closer than the last. But if the sound was getting closer, why couldn't Bibidi detect it?[break][break]

Perhaps the sound of a staticky snarl would make everything clear. What appeared to be the head of a mechanical Deino hovered over El's shoulder.


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April 12th
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5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 17, 2023 12:51:28 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
As far as Bibidi could tell on a psychic level, there was nothing back there. And yet the sound persisted - something like wingbeats, getting closer, closer, and closer still. It wasn't as if this was necessarily a hallucination, either - both El and herself could hear it. Yet, with the mists surrounding them so thickly, it wasn't like either of them could see anything, either.

Still - El tried their best to keep their eyes peeled - staring into the pink haze that surrounded them. If the sounds were getting closer, then surely that meant the source would come into view soon, right? Their grip on Behemoth's ball tightened somewhat - a sense of unease making itself at home with their gut instincts - but they kept steady, waiting, watching...

... Until a maw - small, snarling, and strange - suddenly burst from the mist, swinging through the air just inches in front of them! And in that moment, El may or may not have reacted with the fight or flight equivalent of keysmashing - unable to help a yelp as they tossed Behemoth's ball --


-- Right into the mystery creature's nose, causing it to pull back, a little startled more than anything.

With a flash of light, Behemoth emerged - and the nidoking landed with a thud, placing himself between Bibidi, El, and the mystery pokemon.

"F-Focus Energy!"

At El's call, Behemoth let loose a courageous roar in the direction of the potential foe - fists slamming together - equal parts an attempt to intimidate the other, and him preparing himself for the potential fight to come!

Bibidi whirled around to face the mystery creature, and backed away a slight amount - though even with this tiny motion, she was hyperaware of the fact that it was not bringing them any closer to Isaac. Agitated at the strangeness of this place, and wanting to find Isaac so that they could be out of here yesterday, she'd decide to take a somewhat bold action - reaching out to Isaac's mind.

But this was not the gentle brushes she'd make - the psychic equivalent of knocking on the door. No, she'd decide to instead bang against the figurative door, shoving the sheer concept of awareness in his direction. The awareness that she and El were here, the awareness that they knew he was there, and the fact that she wasn't going to take denial of either for an answer. Being gentle with such intrusions could be saved for when they're all safe!
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 17, 2023 14:03:14 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Between the blow to the face and Behemoth's challenging roar, the strange Deino had seen enough. It retreated back into the mist without so much as a sound. Strange. In the dead silence of the Interdream Zone, with heavy cave floor beneath their feet, it should have at least made some footprints.[break][break]

Stranger still, the chilling sensation of being watched never faded. Had the predator truly retreated? Or was it simply stalking them through the mists?[break][break]

Bibidi's urgency rang out loud and clear within Isaac's head. Already pinned between a painful reality and a false solution, the sudden sensation left him jumping out of his skin. He looked around frantically, his dazed, confused movements the first that Bibidi would be able to sense through the haze.[break][break]

"Who's there?" he asked, his voice echoing through the mists. He had no idea where, why, or how he felt such urgency. All he knew was that it wasn't his own. In his mind's eye, the twin titans still looked down on him, expressions neutral. "What do you want from me?"[break][break]

Perhaps Bibidi would take advantage of the lull to try and more clearly communicate her thoughts. However, the lull wouldn't last for very long. The snarl was back, and this time it almost sounded like it was reverberating. Was it coming from two places at once?[break][break]

Indeed, there were two of these strange Deinos now. Perhaps it had actually been a Zweilous variant instead? No. Zweilous heads were connected to a single shared body, but these heads moved completely independent of one another. They began to orbit around El and his team like a pair of satelites, bobbing up and down, drawing closer and further. The motion was as unnerving as it was sttangely hypnotic.[break][break]

Speaking of bodies, where were theirs, anyway?


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[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:12px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 17, 2023 15:02:33 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
As soon as it appeared, the creature - (Was it a deino? It looked like one, but El couldn't say for sure...) - had disappeared, back into the mists. Behemoth growled in frustration, and looked as though he were about to charge after it - "Wait!" - ... But El's call would stop him - and he glanced back at his trainer with an inquisitive gaze.

"It's too easy for us to lose eachother in these mists - we-- we need to stay close together." El spoke - their gaze casting at their surroundings. The deino was gone, as far as they could tell - and yet, they distantly realized that it didn't explain the--

"Who's there?"

The sound of Blackjack's voice - distant, spooked, yet there - grabs El's attention, interrupting the prior train of thought. "Blackjack??" They called back. "Can you hear me?"

Bibidi, meanwhile, was satisfied that Isaac seemed to have noticed her. Her approach this time is a bit more gentle - smoothing over any ruffled feathers that the initial bombastic approach may had caused. She responded to him with two simple concepts - that of herself, and El - and impressed upon him the call, yet lack of response, that had occured earlier.

Yet suddenly, the snarling had returned - and with that, there was not only one deino, but two! The sight had Behemoth's hackles rising, as he let loose a snarl of his own in response - and when one of them drew just close enough, he'd use Dragon Hammer, swinging a blazing fist in the deino's direction with another bellow!

But amidst all of this, the gears in El's head turned - and something occurred to them. The lack of footprints, the wingbeats, those were strange enough with a deino - it didn't have wings normally, and was landbound! And on top of that, another glance brought the realization of something else - the lack of the horn that deino were supposed to have. Two floating, hornless, deino - with no bodies in sight...

... Whatever this variant was, it wasn't of a deino - or a zweilous - at all, was it?
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2023 2:54:18 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?


The voice was distant. It was a fragment of a whisper of an echo. Had it been anyone else, Isaac would have never been able to make it out from the white noise. But this wasn't just anyone's voice. This was his little sibling's.[break][break]

"I . . . I can barely hear, I . . . why are you here? Where is here? Where are you?" His looking around grew faster, more frantic. The illusions looming over him, once domineering presences that he could barely take his eye off of, were barely a blip on his radar now.[break][break]

This was far more important.[break][break]

As his silhouette drew closer to El's, the world around them seemed to change. The dark teal stone of the Ultra Deep Sea started to change color, step by step. At just a glance, it was imperceptible, the moment by moment shifts too subtle to notice. However, as time stretched on, it was all too obvious.[break][break]

Now they stood atop a familiar pass of burnt orange stone.[break][break]

Grey smoke mixed in with the pink mists of the Interdream Zone, further limiting their visibility. The earth below their feet seemed pulsate. Was it the strange, uncanny "breathing" that the realm seemed to exhibit? Or was it something more familiar, like lava rushing along veins deep beneath their feet? Coral growths in every color of the rainbow gave way to jagged red rocks pushing out from the earth.[break][break]

They were close now, ever so close. However, just when they seemed in reach of each other, Isaac's silhouette staggered. "The f-" he muttered, pounding on the wall of mist and smoke in front of him. "The heck gives!? It's hard as steel all of a sudden . . ."[break][break]

If El tried, they'd find themselves coming to the same conclusion. But they likely had more important things to worry about than a curtain of mist.[break][break]

The not-Deino wavered as it was struck, but it seemed far less hurt than it should have been. If anything, it was like Behemoth had just slapped a balloon with all of his might. Surely, a dragon should have reacted far more strongly to a move like that, right?[break][break]

It took a few seconds for the not-Deino to process that it had been struck. Then, the bowlcut flared off of both heads, revealing what looked to be neon magenta LED panels laced underneath. They shrieked in alarm, the sound a staticky and reverberating parody of a Hydreigon's cry. Just what the hell was this thing? And if these were a Hydreigon's two auxiliary heads . . .[break][break]

The ground beneath Behemoth's feet would start to crack and shimmer, golden cracks spreading across its surface. Behemoth would instantly recognize this move; it was his own specialty. However, unlike Behemoth, the not-Hydreigon had help. Its two auxiliary heads, detached from its body, were free to rush Behemoth from each side and snap at his arms. If they were able to grapple him this way, he'd have no hope of avoiding the Earth Power as it erupted beneath him.[break][break]

Isaac banged on the curtain of mists, harder, harder, harder still. No. This wasn't enough. He needed help, badly. "Shockmaster! Rampage! Give it all you've got!" Isaac pleaded. A Drill Run bore into the wall, while Ice Punches and Fire Punches rained down in alternating sequence. It still wasn't enough.[break][break]

"Duster! Vivi! Even you, Neo!" A Shadow Bone bashed against the wall with all of its might, while Helping Hands spurred all of their efforts on. The occasional tinny slam was proof that even Neo chipped in, launching her small body against the wall in a Body Press. Yet the wall held fast.[break][break]

Another Pokeball hit the ground. One last name was called, but it was near impossible to hear. In one ear, it was drowned out by the Hydreigon's staticky cackle. In the other, it was swallowed up by what sounded like a volcano erupting.[break][break]



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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
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Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 19:38:51 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El felt a flutter of relief in their heart, when Blackjack was able to respond. "Over here - this way!" They'd call - hoping that the other would be able to navigate by the sound of their voice. "We're getting you out of this weird mist!" Maybe once Blackjack could reach them, they could just recall Behemoth and have Bibidi Teleport the three of them out of here!

Though as the two of them drew closer, things began to shift. Earthen igneous stone, smoky colors mixing amongst the pink, the heat rising up from below... And something that stood out to El, was the smell in the air. Of course, the faint scent of dust and smoke was to be expected...

... But what of the fresh dewy smell, that would come after rain? Or smell aside, the slick muddy patches amongst the hardened ground beneath everyone's feet?

Not only that, but then came an obstruction. It was as if the smoke and mist had hardened into a wall that separated El and Blackjack from one another - and as Bibidi and El both pressed their hands against the wall, they found that there wasn't any give. "What's up with this place...?"

Though, there was still danger afoot. Though Behemoth did his damndest, the Dragon Hammer that he struck the head with didn't seem to hurt as much as it should've - and confusion creased El's expression. They watched the not-Hydreigon begin to emerge, the beast's heads shrieking, LED panels shining bright against the desaturated smoky-pink of the haze around them. The attack didn't do much to stop it - and now, it seemed that it was angry.

As cracks formed in the earth and the auxiliary heads snapped out, Behemoth would knock one flying with a brief uppercut - though the other bit down on his opposite arm, making him growl. Partially grappled as he was, he was able to avoid the brunt of the Earth Power - but it was still enough to make him snarl in pain as he finally broke free.

Behind them, El could hear the sounds of a number of Blackjack's pokemon being sent out - but they were more focused on the fight before them, unable to help a wince of empathy for Behemoth. It was clear to see that this not-Hydreigon had a different typing from expected - yet that posed the question: what was it..? "Megahorn!" El called - hoping that using a different type of attack would help glean some info.

And Behemoth, in response, would waste no time going into a charge - dropping down to all fours, and horn glowing! And once he got close enough, he'd leap to aim a nasty headbutt into the not-Hydreigon's torso!

But given that this was not a formal battle, there also was no need for this to be solely 1v1. Bibidi, focusing her energies, would attempt to focus a Psychic upon the false dragon - both in an attempt to force it to remain in place, and in an attempt to crush it with telekinetic energy!
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2023 23:13:43 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The Dragon type's absence was easy enough to figure out. After all, there were only so many types that the Dragon type interacted with. It was only reasonable that El's next checks would be against the Dark type. Behemoth's Megahorn would be more than capable of skewering any Dark type Pokemon, while Bibidi's Psychic would be completely ineffective. If either of these reactions didn't add up, it would be more evidence checked off of their bingo card.[break][break]

Rather than avoid the Megahorn, the faux Hydreigon flew right into it. The attack was a clean hit, and clearly powerful, yet spurred just as muted of a reaction as the Dragon Hammer had. Neither a Dragon type weakness nor a Bug type weakness was present. Frustratingly enough, it's Psychic type immunity remained the same. The faux Hydreigon didn't even acknowledge the pulsing around its body as it pushed itself tighter into a clinch with Behemoth.[break][break]

Its vertebra-like neck elongated, the gaps between armored parts stretching out so it could coil itself around Behemoth's body. Its spindly, spider-like back piece slammed shut, forming an almost ribcage like structure around its target. Even its feet swiveled into place, holding fast with magnetic precision. To ensure that nobody else interfered, it sent its auxiliary heads rushing towards Bibidi like a pair of drones. They moved in strange, undulating patterns, trying to fake Bibidi out with feints and dips before closing in for a Crunch.

The main body, hovering off the ground through magnetic propulsion, turned its intertwined head towards Behemoth. Now that they were up close and personal, it unleashed a furious roar right into his big, open ear. Such was the force of its Hyper Voice that it left the dreamscape shuddering and quaking.[break][break]

A fissure tore through the wafer-thin space between El and Isaac. Neo nearly tumbled into the abyss, Rampage having to hook a horn through the holes in its shell and fish her back onto solid land. More Dream Mist rose up through the crack, swallowing up the silhouettes of Isaac and his team. It was as if this world was threatening to further separate El from their big sibling. Soon, they were gone, the sound of their struggle the only sign that they hadn't left El behind once more.[break][break]

Now, their positions were reversed. Isaac was the one who could see all too clearly. And much to his horror, he could only watch as a fissure split the ground behind El. The ground beneath them began to sink down into the abyss, while the ground before them began to rise into a towering cliffside.

The fissure formed right beneath their heels. The familiar sight was enough to stop Isaac's heart.


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 11:18:59 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Dragon and Bug were neutral, and Psychic was completely ineffective. It was most certainly part-Dark, but what was the other type? Certainly not Steel or Fairy, if Dragon was neutral... Was it part-Fighting? Flying? Poison?

It wasn't like El had a lot of time to consider the possibilities, though. As the auxiliary heads came in, Bibidi would respond as quickly as she could - setting El aside, so that she could place herself before them defensively, arms brought up to protect herself! As the heads' Crunch sunk in though - drawing blood - the normally-silent alakazam made a low hiss of pain, teeth gritted together...

... And the sound would be drowned out, by the twin sounds of the not-Hydreigon's Hyper Voice, and Behemoth's responding bellow of pain, as he was rattled down to the very bone. Trapped as he was, he couldn't pull away - and in an act of blind retaliation, he'd begin to use the proximity to swing Poison Jabs into the mechanical beast's torso. Either it'd let him go, or it'd risk being worn down and poisoned by the nidoking's vengeful assault. (Hopefully, at least.)

Bibidi flinched from the residual noise of the Hyper Voice, and El couldn't help but stagger as well. It felt as if the ground beneath them was shifting from the power behind the not-Hydreigon's roar, even...

... But when one of their feet nearly slipped into the abyss that was forming behind them, they soon realized that something far more terrifying was going on.

They had to force themself to flop forwards to avoid falling - scrambling a short distance so that they could once more find their footing. But as they glanced back over their shoulder, they could see it - the way the ground between them and Blackjack had split, the way that their own half of the earth rose up and up... And the yawning abyss, that seemed to form from the resulting gap.

The sight made El's heart freeze up - and their initial instinct was to get back up, and to step forwards to move away from the edge. And yet, even as they moved, the ground behind them continued to crumble away - more and more... Until it stopped just at their heels, where it'd take but one false step, for them to tumble down, down, into the inky black fathoms below.

And what would happen, if they did fall? Was there a bottom? Cause they certainly couldn't see it - at least not from here. For all they knew, if they fell further than the mist could reach, they could very well just be swallowed up by these caves...

... No-- No, they... They couldn't let themself dwell on that. Not when their pokemon needed a helping hand. "A-Akero!" They'd call - forcing down the tremble in their voice and sending out the togekiss in question. "Life Dew!"

The angelic pokemon let out a whistle in response, as she flew overhead - and in her wake, Life Dew would sprinkle down upon Bibidi and Behemoth both, to help mend the wounds inflicted. Hopefully, they could win out against the false dragon in a war of attrition, one way or another. . .
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 4:25:57 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Poison Jab after Poison Jab forced the false Hydreigon to back down, but only after its furious voice caused heinous amounts of damage in response. At least Behemoth had been given the chance to fight back; poor Bibidi was left recoiling from the pain of the false heads, unable to stop them as they returned to their master's side. Even with Akero arriving on the scene to provide some healing, it was clear that the foe standing before El was a most fearsome one indeed.[break][break]

Yet was it the true threat here? Or was it simply a herald of what was yet to come?[break][break]

As El continued to advance, the ground beneath their feet continued to crack and split. It was as if the desolation caused by the false Hydreigon's roar was chasing after them, menacing them no matter how far they tried to run. The abyss lurking beneath was not the cold one normally associated with darkness. Instead it was all too hot, embers nipping at El's heals and smoke teasing at their nose.[break][break]

With each passing moment, the ground beneath their feet began to shudder and shake. Was this simply an aftershock? Or was there worse on the horizon?[break][break]

Whatever it was, Isaac sure as hell wasn't going to wait and find out. Despite being trapped beneath a wall of mist and spoke, defiance filled every fiber of his being. He shouted. He smashed. He commanded his Pokemon to attack. Yet none of it made a difference. He was useless here, forced to watch history repeat in far more dramatic fashion.[break][break]

If Kiryu was here, maybe things would've been different. She always managed to show up when she was needed, pulling Isaac and El out of whatever messes they'd gotten themselves into just in the nick of time. She was reliable. She was dedicated. She was caring. She was invincible, until that tragic day when she wasn't.[break][break]

The jarring realization shook him from his childish wish. Kiryu wasn't there to take care of them anymore. Maybe it was his fault. Maybe it was hers. Maybe it was the cold, uncaring machinations of life. No matter who was to blame, it was a fact. Kiryu was gone, no matter how much he wished things had gone differently.[break][break]

That was all the more reason he had to live up to her example.[break][break]

Isaac took a step back, eye blaring. In a last, desperate battlecry, he flung himself towards the mist with all of his might. His shoulder dug into the wall, slowly but surely forcing him deeper into the mist's embrace. It pushed back with all of its might, threatening to snap him back onto his side of the dream, but he refused to give it any ground. Instead, he took step after step, forcing more air into his war cry by the moment.[break][break]

On his last shout, a familiar roar echoed around him. That was all the push he needed to force himself to break through.[break][break]

He wouldn't look the same on the other side of the darkness. His hair would be a touch sandier in color, cropped more closely to his hair. His already small body would be even shorter than usual, his lean muscle replaced with a downright scrawny build. A few youthful freckles poked out from beneath a skull mask that now seemed a touch too big for him. However, Isaac didn't notice any of these changes. He simply threw a hand out, taking El's wrist with a desperate cry. "C'mon! I'm getting you out of here!"[break][break]

It wouldn't be enough. No matter how hard he pulled, the ground beneath their feet grew increasingly shaky and unstable. The ground behind El continued to sink deeper and deeper. The ground in front of El continued to rise higher and higher. Isaac tried to sink his heel into a crack, tugging with all of his might, but the realm itself seemed to be fighting all of the force he could bring to bear.[break][break]

There was a strong pull on his shoulder. Turning around ever so slightly, Isaac could see Watson making his way through the mists. Pulling on Isaac's back with all of his might, the little croc tried to contribute the one way he knew how. Leaning up to grab Watson by the waist, Duster was quick to follow. Rampage bit down on Duster with all of her might, her large body and heavy weight serving as an anchor for the rest of the group. That anchor was for Shockmaster to claim, the Electivire the only one of Isaac's team strong enough to start pulling the Rhyhorn back. Vivi, standing atop Rampage's back, gave Shockmaster a Helping Hand to try and bolster her efforts.[break][break]

All of them were working in sync, hearts beating as one, to pull El away from their rapidly-crumbling nightmare. Yet they weren't the only ones. Perhaps it was the feeling of the Helping Hand working through her system, but Shockmaster could have sworn that an even stronger force was helping her in pulling the group back.[break][break]

Isaac could only hope it would be enough. The ground beneath El's feet erupted in glorious fashion, a plume of lava tearing through the darkness. Even the false Hydreigon, looming menacingly behind, was forced to fly back to avoid provoking the geyser's wrath. Rather than simply recede back to earth after the initial gush, it continued to hang in the air, boiling lava dripping down and searing the dreamscape down below.[break][break]

Hidden within the flame was what appeared to be the shadow of a moth.


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 21:08:34 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El felt as if it was getting harder and harder to breathe, with the passing time. But they weren't sure if it was the smoke in the air causing it, or their own anxieties being played upon by the realm - its characteristic paranoia becoming impossible to ignore now, much like their tightening chest. The heat rising from the slowly-growing fissure behind them was ever-apparent now, and they could feel it against their skin even through their clothes - paired with the bite of tiny embers that made them flinch.

Would they be incinerated if they fell, rather than be swallowed up by the cavern itself?

Despite that, they tried to keep their eyes locked on the fight - on the states of their pokemon. Bibidi was limited in options for the fight - and Behemoth was hurting as he stumbled free of the not-Hydreigon's grasp, the nidoking visibly disoriented from the ringing in his ears. The one saving grace here was Akero, who'd be able to help mend everyone's wounds, assuming that the not-Hydreigon didn't have any other tricks up its sleeve...

But, it seemed as though this strange twisted landscape wasn't done with El yet. The ground beneath them shook - and though the initial tremors were mild, it was enough to catch them off guard as they stumbled forward. The ground was beginning to crack and crumble, more and more, with each tremor that shook the earth - and El had to lean into their cane, to try and stay steady. But they were fine for now, as long as they kept moving forward, right?

(Disregarding, of course, the fact they were running out of ground...)

Seeing where the not-Hydreigon was floating above in the meantime, El weighed their options, before trying to make a command. "A-Akero..!" They called out, even as their voice threatened to choke up. She was the only one who could properly reach the mechanical beast right now, so... "E... Extre--"

More tremors shook the ground, much more violently this time. It was as if the earth itself were heaving, trying to throw them off like a rodeo on some wild Mudsdale. El was quickly losing their balance, their bad leg flaring up in pain as they were forced to keep shifting their weight to stay upright --

-- And yet, all it took was for them to stop moving for more than a few seconds, for them to suddenly feel their foothold crumble away.

They were young again - wind-tousled hair, a hoodie, and tanned skin. A child - bold and adventurous and curious - climbing up a steep incline in a rocky pass after a wild pokemon. Heeding not the calls of their brother, nor the slick earth beneath them - at least, not until it was too late. A moment of weightlessness, as the ground beneath their feet - softened by rain - had began to crumble, sending them tipping over and down the incline--

-- But before they could be faced with that familiar crack or the agony that had laced up and down their leg then, they felt something clasp around their wrist. A voice, a voice that was oh-so-familiar and safe, paired with a roar that felt like home and warmth, silvry and strong and stalwart-...

It was as if some sort of pressure were trying to pull El down - but Bibidi was having none of it. Psychic energy enveloped El and Isaac both, as she joined in with the other pokemon to help pull the two siblings back to solid ground. Before El knew it - as though some invisible rope snapped - and they were suddenly flung forwards, into Isaac..! It was only thanks to Bibidi's 'grasp' upon them that they'd avoid completely bowling him over.

Not that they were entirely cognizant of it. Acting as if on reflex, El wrapped their trembling arms around Blackjack - leaning against him in lieu of their cane. They sucked in a deep breath that audibly shook, and buried their face against the now-taller trainer. It'd take but a glance to know that they were shaken up - they were all-too-aware that if he had been the slightest bit too slow, or if the other pokemon hadn't been able to pitch in, that well...

... They didn't want to think about it. Not that there'd be much time to consider it, before the ground shook once more.

Bursting upwards from the fissure, magma erupted - forcing those near or above it away, lest they be burnt up by the sheer heat that it embodied. The deluge seemed constant, a fountain of lava that scorched at the surrounding earth. But that wasn't all - as there was another pokemon, its silhouette seemingly present within the flow.

Bibidi, already on the alert, would prepare a Psychic - waiting to see if this mystery pokemon was a hostile, much like the not-Hydreigon was...
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 22:02:20 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Isaac couldn't even focus on disguises or subterfuge anymore. Instead, he held El tight and protective, his fingers sinking into an all too familiar mop of hair. "It's okay," he said, the gravel melting out of his voice. "I'm here. And that means you're gonna be safe, no matter what. I promise."[break][break]

If only he had been able to make that promise when it mattered.[break][break]

Was it Isaac's past that he saw crumbling away into the abyss? Or was it the specter of a bad future? Maybe he couldn't go back and change what had already happened, but he'd been able to stop history from repeating. He'd derailed this nightmare, forcing the future and the past to diverge from the road they walked.[break][break]

Across time and space, Isaac held onto the one piece of his past worth protecting. Maybe now he could finally start to let go of the rest of it.[break][break]

A pity they weren't alone to enjoy this revelation. Out from the geyser of lava shot the mystery Pokemon that Bibidi had sensed. Much like the false Hydreigon, it appeared to be an effigy of a powerful Pokemon, this time a Volcarona. Its wings drifted off of its back, spreading out like a sextet of solar panels. Its LED eyes scanned the horizon, finally narrowing as they fixated on Isaac and El.[break][break]

The false Hydreigon flew down to meet it, body slamming right into the Volcarona. As they wrestled among each other, the Hydreigon hissed a territorial threat. These were its quarry, not for the Volcarona to claim. However, the Volcarona repelled it with a furious beat of its wings. They snarled at each other, voices reverberating in an almost matching frequency.[break][break]

Perhaps it was through that shared frequency that they realized there was more than enough prey for the both of them.[break][break]

The Hydreigon sailed down towards Isaac and El, fangs bared and roar staticky. As it descended, the Volcarona turned its attention to Akero in the skies. Its wings swirling around each other in an almost mechanically precise dance, kicking up a plume of flame aimed right towards the Togekiss. Naturally, this would leave it exposed to an incoming onslaught from Bibidi; the Psychic would rattle it to the core, a far stronger reaction that what Volcarona would usually experience.[break][break]

In here, Watson saw not one but two chances. He hopped into Shockmaster's arms, pointing towards the Hydreigon that descended down from the skies. Shockmaster curiously growled at the Totodile, but a flail of his arms and a panicked rasp indicated that he was very serious about this plan. With no other options, the Electivire hurled him right towards their foe. It was so distracted by its programmed attack that it didn't even see Watson coming, the Totodile leaping right off of its primary head.[break][break]

That gave him just enough hangtime to sail for the false Volcarona. He put all of his might into a flipping Aqua Tail, aiming to send it hurtling out of the sky.[break][break]

While some Pokemon battled in the air, others kept to the ground. Isaac scrambled back with El in his arms, trying to escape the Hydreigon's descent. Rampage and Duster aided in this endeavor, meeting their foe's tackle head-on with a Flare Blitz and a Megahorn. Unfortunately, their efforts were to no avail. The Hydreigon's auxiliary heads snapped into action, sinking into each Pokemon's side with a pair of Crunches. With a twist of each head, it flung Duster and Rampage to the side, leaving them tumbling away.[break][break]

The Hydreigon's eyes gleamed eerily as it stared down at Isaac and El. Despite being mechanical, it had every bit the predatory intent of its predecessor.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP