Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 13:41:51 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
There it was - that warm voice, those supportive arms, the knowledge and promise that they were safe. "Isaac..." They couldn't help but murmur like a sigh, muffled from where their face was pressed against Blackjack's shoulder. Their arms tightened around him, as if afraid that this moment would slip away if they let go - wet spots forming against his clothing... But otherwise, his voice helped put El at ease, tension leaking from their shoulders...

A gentle mental nudge from Bibidi would remind El that this wasn't the time to relax though, not yet. Not when there was still danger around.

So, they'd pull back - not completely out of the hug, though putting their weight back on their good leg and cane - and brought a hand up to wipe at their wet eyes. When said eyes met Blackjack's mask, and they remembered what they had let slip but moments ago, a hue of embarassment crossed their expression as they flushed. "I-I, uhm, s-sorry..." They spoke, fidgeting in place. Though he felt so familiar then, it surely was a coincidence that he seemed so much like Isaac...

... Right?

Not that they had much a chance to consider it, either - the not-Volcarona would burst from the lava, only to end up in a brief scuffle with the not-Hydreigon. Watching the territorial display from both pokemon would've been fascinating to El, if it weren't for the danger present - and yet, it didn't take long before both beasts seemed to have found their targets. And as Blackjack pulled El away, they'd yelp - but move with him, an arm once more wrapping around him to stay steady.

The Fiery Dance from the not-Volcarona would strike true - Akero letting out a shrill cry as she was caught up in the flames, a few scorched feathers falling as she beat her wings to pull herself out of the blaze. And yet, in turn, the false moth had been struck by a one-two punch of Psychic and Aqua Tail, bringing it down to the ground.

But meanwhile, the not-Hydreigon was causing trouble for Rampage and Duster - tossing them both aside when they attempted to attack the false dragon. And as it loomed above them, a flicker of fear crossed El's expression, but...

"... Rock. Electric." They murmured to Blackjack - knowing that this was likely doable with the Rhyhorn and Electrivire, even if they didn't know what moves either pokemon had. "I think it's Flying."

And they had their own pokemon to direct, too. "Earth Power at Volcarona, Safeguard!" They'd call towards their pokemon - their voice surprisingly steady now, even with the not-Hydreigon's looming presence, and even after such a scare but a minute ago. There was something about Blackjack, that made it hard for them to be truly frightened.

Behemoth and Akero were quick to follow their directions. The Nidoking would turn his attentions to the not-Volcarona that had been brought down to the ground - and with a mighty roar, he'd slam his fists in the ground; causing an eruption beneath the mechanical beast!

And Akero, meanwhile, would shake off the ash that had collected on her feathers as she flew overhead - letting out a melodic trill, as a protective glow fell upon El's and Isaac's pokemon both, to protect everyone from any status effects.
Supported another character

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 2:31:10 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Shock lit up in Isaac's eyes as El murmured his name.[break][break]

He couldn't let El learn the horrible truth. He couldn't let El be disillusioned in both the noble Rocket he met today and the older brother that had left them in such pain. The second he felt El peeling away from his shoulder, he bit down on the inside of his cheek with all of his might. He'd put his game face back on, even in a situation like this.[break][break]

"Don't sweat it," Isaac said, pushing some of the gravel back into his voice. Blink by blink, he started to age back up, slowly morphing back into a Blackjack El knew and an Isaac he wouldn't fully recognize. "You're not the only one looking for someone around here."[break][break]

There wouldn't be time to unpack all of that. They were stuck in a bad bind, and these strange, iron-clad Pokemon weren't going to ease up on them anytime soon. Of the two, the Volcarona was having the harder time of it, Bibidi and Watson's one-two punch successfully grounding it. Behemoth was quick to try and capitalize on their momentum, pounding the ground to kick up another vein of Earth Power beneath the Volcarona's body.[break][break]

The bug beeped in clear alarm, its wings spinning around its body with increasingly rapid speed. Before the Earth Power could fire off, it used the force of its own Hurricane to launch itself into the air. Tongues of gaia-powered flame narrowly licked the Volcarona's underbelly. It was obvious from its reaction that, had the attack hit, it could have packed a devastating punch.[break][break]

Watson was thrown from its body, and it was once more too airborne to easily hit by ground techniques, but it was far too busy saving its hide to press the offensive.[break][break]

Its Hydreigon counterpart had no such problems. Instead, it continued its brutish advance towards Isaac and El, a quick whisper of tactical advice slipping beneath its snarl. "For real?" Isaac whispered in return, shocked. "How the hell are these things not steel types?"[break][break]

Nevertheless, Isaac was willing to trust El's instincts, and Shockmaster was willing to trust Isaac's. As Duster, Rampage, and Watson recoiled from their injuries, Shockmaster closed in to hold the line. As she held the Hydreigon's auxiliary heads at bay, her wires sparked and trembled. A Shockwave coursed through the mechanical beast's body, earning a pained howl for the first time since it manifested.[break][break]

The good news was El was right. The bad news was that didn't mean the battle would stop here. Earth Power gathered under Shockmaster's feet, the Electivire too focused on winning their grapple to even notice the attack. As she pushed the Hydreigon back, she stepped right onto the cracks of glowing gold. A torrent of earthen flame knocked Shockmaster straight into the air, freeing the Hydreigon from her shocking embrace.[break][break]

As the Hydreigon approached closer and closer, the Dream Mist seemed to blacken around it. The Safeguard surrounding Isaac and El was a lone spot of light in a darkness that threatened to swallow them whole. The Hydreigon's eyes, piercing and harsh, shined down on the duo like a pair of spotlights. Isaac could swear that he heard a grinding sound in the back of its throat.[break][break]

Shockmaster groaned, pained and weary in the shadow of the monstrosity. She may've looked tough, but she was a performer, not a brawler. In a perfect world, she'd be back at the Bazaar, putting on wrestling matches with plenty of Isaac's other finest. Instead, here she was, planted in the ground by a threat stronger than any fiction could have imagined. She dreamed of old glories, old shows, and the old rivals that made them truly special.[break][break]

Stirring wearily, Rampage managed to shudder to her feet. However, when she tried to take a step forward, she found herself flopping back onto the ground. Prior struggles left her drained of all energy. She'd spent so long trying to impress her alpha, and yet it was to no avail. She had perished, her trainer would follow suit, and now Rampage had nothing to show for either loss. She dreamed of the regrets she had, never standing on her own two feet.[break][break]

Duster grit his teeth, prying himself off of the ground with his bone just so he could try and stand. For the longest time, he'd been a loner, following Isaac more out of convenience than out of anything. Before he and his trainer found their common ground, it was through the mediating effort of another that he started to discover his place in the world. He dreamed of a distant friend, one of the few who understood him better than anyone.[break][break]

Vivi's eyes sparked, psychic energy streaming from them as she protectively stood before Neo. She treasured the friendship of Isaac and his team more than anything else, and had been thrilled to see how they grew over the years. She was never a mission Pokemon like many his others, but she didn't need to be. Isaac was still precious to her, and so were all that he held dear. She dreamed of those she had come to love, even the one who could no longer be with them.[break][break]

Watson was left staring up at the ceiling, the world swirling around them. From the beginning, it was him and Isaac against the world. Was this really how that was going to end? They'd gotten into mess after mess and always found their way out okay. But there was a reason for that; Isaac had always protected him, and their oldest companion protected them both in term. He dreamed of the days when it was just the three of them against the world.[break][break]

Neo's large blue eyes comprehended everything, and yet comprehended nothing. She was the newest member of Isaac's team. She had no idea the shared struggles and pains that united them. She had no idea why they fought so hard to protect her. All she knew was that while they risked their lives, she was safe and sound, tucked behind Vivi's tail. She dreamed of having the strength to join the fight, bearing the struggle of the one whose form she shared.[break][break]

All of these dreams, and more, beat in tune with Isaac's heart. There were dozens of Pokemon on his team. Dozens who depended on him. Dozens who walked his path. Dozens who had shared in his greatest triumphs and shared in his deepest pains. Even though they weren't there to witness Isaac's struggle, they were on his mind and in his heart. He knew they, too, were dreaming with him.[break][break]

Among them was one final dream; the dream of a protector who could no longer follow her charge, and yet.[break][break]

The earth trembled; softly at first, but growing louder and more forceful by the moment. Static electricity crackled through the air, leaving Isaac's hair standing on end. As the Hydreigon lunged forward, Isaac could make out a shape in the back of his mind. It was an egg, hewn of stone and steel, starting to glow as a crack spread down its surface.[break][break]

A white light tore past Isaac, and for the moment he swore he could see it form the shape of an Aggron.[break][break]

Electricity exploded from the site of impact as it shoulder bashed into the Hydreigon, tearing another roar of pain from its throat. The source of the impact was indeed a towering beast of steel and stone, welded into the shape of a shimmering silver kaiju. However, as the light faded, Isaac could see how the details differed.[break][break]

This new Pokemon resembled a mechanical Tyranitar moreso than anything. Its chrome plating sat built atop a body of blackened rock, completely unscratched despite the heavy impact it made with its foe. Bright teal lights spilled from its chest and back, their energy erupting with each defiant shoulder bash into the Hydreigon. Its tail, resembling a mace more than a body part, thrashed back and forth in agitation in all the while.[break][break]

Any resemblance it bore to his beloved Kiryu was superficial at best. Its clash with the Hydreigon could be little more than a territorial scuffle, just as the Volcarona tried provoking. It didn't even turn to acknowledge Isaac or El, far too focused on the hateful eyes of the Hydreigon as it glared back at it. Despite this, despite everything, Isaac couldn't help but feel a familiar swell in his heart.[break][break]

"Don't worry. We can trust this one."


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 20:04:12 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
"Dragon Hammer -- It - it wasn't super effective, but it wasn't uneffective." El responded to Blackjack's shocked exclamation, their voice a quick murmur. If the not-hydreigon was part-Steel, then Dragon Hammer would've surely hurt a lot less. "If not Flying, it's Fire or Fighting." Because Dragon Hammer also ruled out Fairy, and Poison Jab ruled out Ghost or Poison, as far as types that were defensive against Bug went...

Which, the good news was that they were on the money with the false hydreigon being part-Flying, as Shockmaster's Shockwave does well in damaging it. Yet, on the flipside, the bad news was that the not-Hydreigon did not take kindly to this - and immediately retaliated with an Earth Power that sent the electivire flying.

With noone else between the siblings and the mechanical beast, it loomed - coming closer and closer, slowly but surely, veiled in a darkness that swallowed up the surrounding area as well. El shifted closer to Blackjack, as if for reassurance - the tension in their body plain to see, a tremble in the hand they placed on his shoulder. Fear gripped their heart, and yet - as they stared into the eyes of the beast, even as it crept near...

... Something welled up in them, that even they couldn't fully explain.

Their hand on Blackjack's shoulder tightened - but it stopped trembling. Their breathing was quickening, but they continued to meet the hydreigon's gaze - the grip on their cane tightening as well, jaw tightening, until...

... With a shout that rose up from their chest out of nowhere, they lashed out at the same time that the mechanical dragon lunged - their cane swinging to strike it in the head. "Y... YOU LEAVE US ALONE!" They yelled at the top of their lungs - fueled by the courage to protect, the will to stand up straight. They were already tired of being scared, of cowering back - and so they acted, adrenaline dulling the flare of pain in their bad knee. "I- I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM..!"

As if in an echo of their attempted strike, something flashed out of the corner of El's eyes - white and brilliant. And before they knew it, something was slamming into the not-hydreigon - driving it back! Startled, El was snapped out of that sudden boldness; they stumbled away - into Blackjack - as if to try and avoid being caught up in the midst of the fight ensuing before them.

The shape of this newcomer... At first, it almost reminded them of a certain aggron - Kiryu. And yet, as the bright light that wreathed the beast's body faded, they quickly realized that this was anything but - the shape being far more reminiscent of a tyranitar than an aggron. But all the same, the towering beast fought back the false dragon without hesitation - with a certain courage that still felt oh-so-familiar...

... They didn't need Blackjack's words, to know that they were safe with the not-tyranitar. But they still nodded - breathing out a soft "Yeah..." in response, as they leaned into their cane once more. They were surprised that it came out of the smack with only a dent - though their parents had spent money on getting the best they could for them, so perhaps they should've expected it to be this sturdy.

Not that they could stay distracted for long. Taking in a deep breath, they'd point to the silver kaiju - calling "Behemoth - Helping Hand!"

And the Nidoking, in response, was ready to offer some aid. He'd let out a bellow to the not-tyranitar in encouragement (and perhaps a little goading,) as he charged and leapt at the not-hydreigon's back. If he managed it, he'd wrap his arms around where its neck met its main head, and pulled - aiming to put it in a sleeper hold, and hopefully render it open for an attack.

Meanwhile, Akero would make her own whistle of encouragement as she swooped above everyone - sprinkling down a Life Dew to try and perk up Isaac's pokemon, as well as extending the protective glow of her Safeguard to this newfound ally.

And finally, Bibidi was not done with their other foe. As the not-Volcarona attempted to rise up and away from the earth, she'd once more exert her Psychic upon it. 'Grabbing' it, she'd attempt to slam it back down into the earth - so as to allow the other pokemon a chance to join in the beatdown. She would not allow it to hurt anyone.
support combo!

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 22:50:50 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Isaac certainly hadn't expected that from El of all people. He was so stunned that he couldn't even hold his little sibling back before their outburst. He was so impressed that he couldn't even bring himself to be mad or worried about it. Instead, he let El brace themselves on him, supporting them as they stepped away from the kaiju combat.[break][break]

The false Hydreigon, infuriated and pained, ducked underneath one of the silver Tyranitar's shoulder bashes. It shot forward like a bullet, sinking one Crunch into the Tyranitar's arm, one into its shoulder, and a final one into its neck. Pain shot through the Tyranitar's body, its roar equal parts agonized and defiant. The Hydreigon's snickers were almost sadistic as it twisted its necks, trying to wrench as much pain out of this onslaught as possible.[break][break]

It was too fixated on vengeance to even notice Behemoth sneaking up on it. The Nidoking's sleeper tightened around its main neck, prying it away from the Tyranitar with all of his strength. As the Hydreigon writhed like a fish on a hook, the Tyranitar saw its chance. Stone solidified around its tail, turning its mace-like structure into a massive, craggy bludgeon. A single smash of this Stone Edge hit right above where Behemoth had its neck grappled, a critical blow to a structural weakness.[break][break]

The false Hydreigon's head flew off in a shower of sparks. The purple lights of its eyes dimmed as it clattered gracelessly to the floor.[break][break]

Between the savage blow dealt here and Bibidi's Psychic sending the Volcarona crashing down to earth, the tide had turned. Isaac motioned for El to sit tight, then started sneaking across the battlefield. Shockmaster, Duster, Rampage . . . one by one, Isaac returned them to their balls. They'd fought hard, and now they earned their rest.[break][break]

It was only when he scooped Watson into his arms that he realized the Volcarona's wings looked different. Their orange glow had given way to a bright white, and sparks shot into the air around them as their vibrations picked up speed.[break][break]

Isaac clutched Watson close to his chest and turned around, a desperate attempt at shielding Watson as electricity erupted from the fallen moth.[break][break]

Squeaking an eye open, Isaac realized that he hadn't actually been hurt. However, his hair was standing high on end. His clothes crackled with static electricity with each movement he made. The smell of ozone tickled at his nose. Stranger still, the stone floor of the cave was sparking like a broken machine, leaving little pops and fizzes against his ankles.[break][break]

The battlefield was now wreathed in Electric Terrain. Tongues of electrical flame wrapped around the Volcarona's wings, giving it the strength to shoot back into the air like a phoenix. It beat these wings faster and faster, this new Fiery Dance practically large enough to engulf the entire battlefield. Isaac ran in a panic, barely able to escape the ring of fire before it consumed him.[break][break]

He was just in time to see the decapitated Hydreigon rocket off of the ground. Even as the silver Tyranitar tried to defend itself, a heavy tackle beneath the jawplate was enough to send it toppling over. Wisps of violet plasma spilled from the Hydreigon's neck wound, forming into the visage of a phantom head. With its new head, the Hydreigon bit into the silver Tyranitar's throat. It, too, beat its wings in a furor, dragging its ensnared foe across the floor of the cavern. It took an almost sadistic glee in seeing the sparks fly from its rival's body.[break][break]

Second by second, the Tyranitar's green glow began to fade.


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[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:12px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 5:46:29 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The false dragon was seemingly dead, and the mechanical moth on the back leg. At Blackjack's direction, El would remain where they were as he retrieved his pokemon - some of the tension leaking out of their body, with the belief that this was over. All they needed now was to chase off the moth, and then--

-- And then, El noticed the way that the not-volcarona's wings began to glow - or to be more specific, glow in a different color. "B-Blackjack, Bibidi - get back!" They called in warning - knowing a bad sign when they saw it.

Thankfully, what happened next was not an attack - but instead, a status move that'd fill the battlefield with electricity. Less thankfully, the Electric Terrain that the not-volcarona had set up resulted in things quickly getting out of hand.

First came the Fiery Dance - and as flames engulfed the battlefield, Akero and Behemoth both would be struck. They were sent staggering away from the volcarona, embers clinging to feathers and hide alike. The only one who managed to avoid it would be Bibidi, who had backed away at El's prior warning.

Secondly though, was the false hydreigon. It was as if the electrical terrain had revived it - for it suddenly lurches back to life, throwing itself into the not-Tyranitar! It was clear that their newfound ally had been taken off-guard by this - and with the ferocious attack on display, it was hard to say just how much longer the tyranitar could hang on for, its green glow beginning to flicker and fade...

El, however, was determined to stand up for their newfound ally - and to protect everyone here the best they could. "P-Psyche - Water Sport! Sobek, Roar!" Out came a masquerain and fuecoco both - and though they may not have been best suited to directly fighting (excluding perhaps Sobek against the false hydreigon,) they had options in the way of support.

Psyche flashed the eyespots on his wings in the false dragon's direction in a clear show of Intimidation - and all the whilst, would rain water down alongside Akero's Life Dew, helping fireproof the pokemon present!

And Sobek, meanwhile, would appear on the not-tyranitar's shoulder - and took in a deep breath... Before letting out a bellow unlike the size of the little crocodile, right in where he guessed the not-hydreigon's ear to be, in an attempt to force it back!

But that wasn't all - because Bibidi and Behemoth both were on the field still, even if the latter was clearly becoming exhausted. The alakazam in question would continue to exert her Psychic ability upon the not-volcarona from afar, seeing no point in fixing what wasn't broken. The nidoking, finally, made a show of roaring as he charged the not-hydreigon once more - swinging at it with Poison Jab to try and draw its attention away from the mechanical kaiju.
i try to avoid having repeated support/assists when i mp tally but like - what else do i call what's going on up above ghkdjfghd

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2023 4:10:58 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Two Fiery Dances left the false Volcarona's flames hotter and more dangerous than ever before. Had it not been for the Life Dew and Water Sport being pumped out to keep them at bay, they may have overwhelmed the battlefield.[break][break]

Another Psychic pulse pushed against the onslaught, but by now the Volcarona was all too aware of the Alakazam's tactics. It twirled out of the way, guided by the currents of its flaming wings. In response, its wings started to quiver like a sextet of tuning forks. Once they found their most optimal frequency, they pointed inwards to harmonize with one another. As they touched, a Bug Buzz rippled out from between them, the sound focused right on Bibidi.[break][break]

The rest of El's team wasn't about to let up their own onslaught. With intimidation, roars, and poisonous jabs, they tried to force the false Hydreigon away from their Tyranitar protector. The sheer multitude of their efforts bore fruit. Even in the Hydreigon's souped-up state, the force of Sobek's Roar opened a gap that Behemoth could close with a heavy fist. The Hydreigon seethed in pain from the force of the impact. Its prey clattered to the ground like a broken toy.[break][break]

The focus of its Outrage changed from the Tyranitar to these irksome distractions. Its false heads swirled around it, screaming hatefully all the while. Their orbit set them on a direct collision course with Sobek and Behemoth, picking up speed with each pummel.[break][break]

Isaac didn't care about the electric terrain nipping at his ankles. He didn't care about the whirling onslaught that swirled overhead. All he cared about was getting to his fallen guardian. He ducked beneath the Outrage, a pitch-perfect baseball slide allowing him to skid into position right behind the Tyranitar. "Come on," he hissed, setting a hand on the Tyranitar's shoulder.[break][break]

Tears pooled at the corner of Isaac's eyes. Why? He didn't even know this Pokemon, and yet seeing it in such a broken-down state was like a stab to the heart. Each shake he gave it was more desperate than the last. "You have to get up," he whispered, his voice melting into a soft, sad plea. "You have to!"[break][break]

That last little outburst got the Hydreigon's attention. Its plasma head leered down at Isaac, letting out a staticky chuckle. The ground beneath Isaac's feet began to tremble and shake. With each second, golden cracks began to spread around him. The heat of the earth's molten core started to sear at his knees.[break][break]

Yet before the eruption could come, the Tyranitar's eyes snapped open. This time, they glowed a harsh red.[break][break]

The defiant Pokemon roared with enough force to shake the walls of the cave and send ripples through the veil of Dream Mist. As it roared, Pin Missiles sprouted from the holes on its back, launching into the Hydreigon in barrage after barrage. With its auxiliary heads out of position to protect it, it was forced to take the entire force of the onslaught head-on. Each attack pushed the Hydreigon back more than the last, finally giving the Tyranitar time to shudder to its feet.[break][break]

The red glow had spread throughout its body. It filled every nook and cranny that once glowed green. It spread through magma-like cracks that formed across its body. It even spilled from its mouth as it bellowed a challenge towards the Hydreigon. In turn, a purple light spilled from the Hydreigon's plasma head as it roared its acceptance.[break][break]

Rushing towards each other, the two futuristic rivals prepared to settle their score once and for all.


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Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2023 5:29:47 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The Bug Buzz rattled Bibidi to her core - sending her staggering to the ground, and taking a knee. However, she did not let the not-volcarona stop her so easily; reaching out with a spoon to focus, she'd attempt to use Telekinesis to try and hold the false moth in place as she sent a mental ping out to Psyche and Akero.

Which, the duo would quickly answer; Psyche swooping overhead to try and take advantage of Bibidi's efforts with a Bubble Beam aimed at the not-volcarona, and Akero rocketing in with an Extreme Speed..!

Meanwhilst though, the not-hydreigon's limbs lashed out in an Outrage. One arm would slam into Behemoth, its beak-like mouth digging into his arm as if in an attempt to tear at it, a hateful gaze meeting one of rage and determination all the same. Snarling though, the nidoking would manage to pull his arm free as the head continued its orbit - backing away to avoid being struck again.

Sobek, meanwhilst, would make a startled rasp - and turning tail, his answer was to simply try and run away from the head after him! When it seemed as though that the secondary head was about to grab him though--

-- Yggy would be faster, popping straight out of her pokeball, to snatch onto it with a Crunch! Sobek blinked - but he would seem to catch on, and joining in, he would Bite it to try and aid in weighing down the limb, which writhed angrily in the duo's jaws.

But, there still came the question of the mechanical tyranitar; much like how Blackjack rushed forth to the kaiju's side, El was not far behind. Using one of the arms being occupied as an opportunity, they'd duck in and settle on the opposite side. "Just a little longer," They spoke softly, encouragingly, hopefully, placing their free hand as if they intended to help it back onto its feet. "Y-you can do it, just a little longer!"

Cracks formed below, the rising shimmering heat almost scalding against El's skin. They refused to glance downwards, but they knew what was happening. Instead, they pressed themself closer to the silver tyranitar's side, squeezing their eyes closed. "Wake up..." They whispered against its metallic hide, tensing as if to brace themself...

... For an attack that would never come.

With a roar, the not-tyranitar was once more clashing and charging against the false dragon with a fervor like none other - their fight causing tremors through the cavern, sending ripples through the mist. El stumbled back a little, eyes wide, unable to help but feel just that slightest bit small in witnessing this fight - and yet... "B-Behemoth!"

The Nidoking, smacking aside the auxiliary head that was harassing him, would glance to the two titans. With a mighty bellow, he'd encourage the silver tyranitar with a Helping Hand - attempting to match its fervor as he cheered the mechanical beast on!
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2023 14:03:23 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]This wasn't the first time that the Hydreigon and Tyranitar had wrestled. However, there was one key difference between last time and this time. One of its auxiliary heads was out of commission, being held down by Yggy and Sobek's combined efforts. It was as if a master warrior was forced to fight with a hand behind his back.[break][break]

Taking merciless advantage of this fact, the Tyranitar surged into battle. A Stone Edge crashed into the Hydreigon's unguarded side with enough force to send sparks erupting from its side. As it recoiled back, the Tyranitar pressed the attack, digging its shoulder into the wound in a heavy Wild Charge.[break][break]

The Hydreigon recoiled back with a pained shriek. Its plasma head began to pulse and flicker, looking less stable with each blow. However, it wasn't out of commission yet. It still had one last auxiliary head orbiting the battlefield. If it could just pull it back, it could throw off its foe's momentum with a cheap shot. Outrage sparked through its body as it hurtled across the battlefield, locked onto the back of the Tyranitar's head.[break][break]

A wall of stone cut it off before it could make contact. As the auxiliary head clattered to the ground, jagged stones shot from the ground to surround it, leaving it trapped inside of a Rock Tomb.

Any surprise Isaac had was cut off by a determined rumble. Peering over his shoulder, Isaac noticed that Neo had slipped away from Vivi's custody. The little Aron stood as tall as she could, eyes focused and ready, as she tried to maintain and reinforce her Rock Tomb.[break][break]

Golden cracks began to spread across the ground beneath her. Clearly, the Hydreigon did not take kindly to this insult.[break][break]

Isaac wanted to shout for Neo to run. She was a gift from a friend. She was too young to fight. She was a reminder of a loved one whose loss haunted him to this day. Despite this, when he looked into Neo's eyes, he couldn't bring himself to warn her. That steely determination reminded him too much of her.[break][break]

Instead of fighting it, Isaac poured his hopes into the Tera Orb on his hit.[break][break]

Both he and the Hydreigon were shocked to see Neo conpletely unharmed from the eruption of Earth Power beneath her feet. She leaped forward, defiantly sinking into the Hydreigon's gut in a Body Press. Her shell was coated in sky blue crystal from head to toe, with two sweeping crystals on the back that looked almost like wings. It was as if the little Aron had become an avenging angel.[break][break]

She sprang back from the impact site and landed on the Tyranitar's shoulder. Kiryu's two inheritors had finally been united. They looked towards each other, exchanging a nod heavy with meaning as their foe shuddered back to its feet.[break][break]

Deprived of both secondary heads, the Hydreigon's ability to multitask or defend itself had been hobbled. Whenever it tried to focus on the Tyranitar, its path was cut off by Rock Tombs while Body Presses struck from all angles. If it tried to focus on the Aron, it left itself open to Stone Edge tail smashes and Wild Charge shoulder bashes. Slowly but surely, the Hydreigon's hovering started to waver. It couldn't hold out for long in the face of this onslaught.[break][break]

Now was their chance. The Tyranitar's chest began to part, its angry red glow giving way to an icy blue. Before the Hydreigon could escape, it was overwhelmed by a massive Blizzard that tore from the Tyranitar's chest. Empowered by Behemoth's encouragement, the force of the attack was enough to leave the Hydreigon frozen in place.[break][break]

The ice shuddered. The ice cracked. The Hydreigon's body quivered unstably, threatening to overheat itself just to escape its icy tomb. Seeing only one last chance, the Tyranitar pushed its own body into overdrive in turn. Pin Missiles surrounded its body like satellites, each splitting open to reveal a sparking cannon at the tip. As they built up energy, so, too, did energy start to spill from the Tyranitar's throat.[break][break]

They fired as one, a relentless barrage of plasma that engulfed the Hydreigon completely.[break][break]

Hyper Maser Array - Iron Thorns. Electric-type. Lasers rain down on the battlefield, setting an Electric Terrain and giving Pokemon hit an electric-type weakness.[break][break]

When the dust settled, there was nothing left of their foe but a pair of deactivated heads and a wisp of purple smoke. The Tyranitar turned its head skywards, its roar heavy with rage and relief alike.[break][break]

The Volcarona had been having a hard enough time before all of this unfolded. Bibidi's Telekinesis left it frozen in midair, unable to escape from the one-two punch that the rest of El's team unleashed upon it. Its eyes flickered. Its body wavered. It did its best to give as good as it got, plumes of flame and piercing shockwaves shooting towards its foes in retribution. However, it was already fatigued, and being on the wrong end of the numbers game didn't help any.[break][break]

Realizing that it would be even more outmatched soon, the Volcarona turned tail and ran.[break][break]

As it retreated, the Dream Mist retreated with it. The spacious, open air of the Jagged Pass was gone. Instead, the cavern walls of the Ultra Deep Sea reasserted themselves. Had this entire fight been an illusion? Or did the Interdream Zone play even faster and looser with reality than the rest of this world? The thought lingered in the uncomfortable silence that settled over the battlefield, only broken by three weary words.[break][break]

"Is everyone okay?"


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
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Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 9:13:25 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
With Behemoth backing up the not-tyranitar, the world was lit up in white - both from the Blizzard, and the Z-Move that the mechanical beast harnessed soon after. The barrage of lasers that struck the not-hydreigon down was a blinding and destructive sight - leaving barely anything left of the false dragon, when vision returned to El and their pokemon.

Seeing that there was essentially nothing left of the mechanic beast, something flickered in El's expression as they glanced to the tyranitar. A question briefly crossed their mind - the question of whether this had been how things had to end for the not-hydreigon - despite the very fact that it likely would've done much worse, if the silver tyranitar hadn't come.

Victory against the moth came soon after, at least - and though Bibidi, Psyche, and Akero were visibly hurting from the retaliatory attacks, they were still standing nonetheless. As the moth fled - taking the mist with it - Bibidi would watch, but none of them made any move to pursue.

Instead, Akero would get to work in helping patch everyone up - sprinkling down more Life Dew for the crew. Even El couldn't help but find some relief from it, having probably put more strain on their bad leg as they should have over the course of everything.

But as Blackjack checked in with everyone, they'd nod. "Y-Yeah, I... I think we're okay." They confirmed, adrenaline and tension leaking in lieu of just a general exhaustion. That had been a lot - more than a lot, even - and it was clear to see that they probably needed a minute.

But despite that, they'd turn their attention to the mechanical tyranitar - the one who had stepped in to save them. Slowly, carefully, El approached - unsure as to whether the kaiju would be friendly, or even just simply an ally, now that the other mechanical pokemon were gone. "Are... Are you okay, too?" They spoke in a soft voice - fingers reaching up to trace one of the spots where the not-hydreigon's fangs had pierced the silver plating that formed the mighty beast.

They weren't sure if they could patch up these wounds like with a pokemon that was flesh and blood - but at the very least, they hoped that Akero's healing could provide some relief all the same...

As if echoing the concerns as to the tyranitar's nature in El's mind though, Bibidi would move closer to them - and carefully, she'd attempt to reach out to the tyranitar's mind. Wondering whether her inability to sense the not-hydreigon had been a result of its dark typing, or if it had been a result of its robotic form....
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 17:51:24 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]As the Life Dew rained down, Isaac released a few of his remaining team members from their balls. Shockmaster, having bore the full brunt of the Hydreigon's assault, was still out cold. However, the Life Dew worked wonders for getting the rest of them back on their feet. Rampage grunted as she shook the pain out of his body. Duster shot a curt yet grateful nod Akero's way. Even Watson started to stir Isaac's arms, shaking a fist and rasping in the direction of the Volcarona as it fled.[break][break]

That left but one mystery to be uncovered; the Tyranitar that had emerged from the mist to safe their lives.[break][break]

Isaac's logical half figured they were just robots. It was part of why he didn't blink an eye at the Hydreigon's obliteration (with the other part being that it was a colossal asshole). However, there was something to how fiercely the Tyranitar fought that gave Isaac pause. If the Hydreigon was something between a war machine and a predator on the prowl, the Tyranitar seemed different. It knew friend from foe. It responded to Isaac and El's pleas. It was a protector. It was a guardian. It was almost like . . .[break][break]

". . . You aren't her, are you?"[break][break]

For a brief moment, the Tyranitar's eyes met Isaac's. His heart stirred with recognition, but something felt different about the look in her eyes. If Neo inherited Kiryu's patience and serenity, this Tyranitar inherited her iron will and protective instinct. Neither had her wisdom, but that was okay. That would only come with age, with experience, with trial after trial.[break][break]

Maybe it'd come faster, with both of them having such a storied example to learn from.[break][break]

The Tyranitar wasn't Kiryu, but it was no mere machine, either. As if confirming that fact, the Life Dew settled on her body, metal reforging to heal the wounds that the Hydreigon had left all over her. As El asked if it was okay, the Tyranitar let out a contented rumble.[break][break]

"Heh. I knew you'd pull through," Isaac said, giving the Tyranitar a gentle nudge with his shoulder. It returned in kind . . . perhaps with a little too much force. Poor Isaac was sent stumbling from the force of the Tyranitar's well-meaning gesture. As he caught himself, he turned to El, unable to hide the proud grin on his face. "And I knew you would, too. Wish we didn't have to find out here of all places, but . . ."[break][break]

"You did a real good job."


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
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Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 20:21:13 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Though El briefly wondered who the 'her' that Blackjack spoke of referred to, for the moment, they were simply more focused upon the tyranitar's wellbeing. When it gave a gentle rumble, it put a smile on their face - and they'd reach up to gently pet it. "You did great," They praised the silver kaiju, their voice soft and gentle and affectionate, feeling a sort of warmth in their chest whenever they looked to the mech that they couldn't explain.

Watching as Blackjack got nudged over though, El couldn't help but laugh brightly - much of the tension and stress in their body beginning to die down, in the face of moments like this.

Though as Blackjack grinned at them and offered praise, El blinked somewhat owlishly. They grew a bit sheepish and modest, scratching the back of their head as they cast a smile to him. "I mean, y-you helped a bunch there too, y'know? Even with your pokemon tired, they did their best out there, too." They'd respond, adding "Don't sell yourself short, Blackjack..."

Meanwhile, it seemed that a few of El's pokemon had taken to socializing with the newfound friend. Sobek and Yggy both would admire the silver tyranitar, gazing up at it with eyes wide with awe... Whilst Behemoth, being Behemoth, would attempt to give a hearty flex in the machine-mon's direction!
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 6:01:40 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Hey now. When'd I say anything about myself?"[break][break]

The deflection shouldn't have surprised Isaac. El had never been good at taking compliments. Still, it took all of Isaac's willpower not to give his little sibling a teasing hair ruffle over it.[break][break]

"You wanted to prove yourself. You wanted to show you could stand on your own two feet. Now, twice in a single day, you have. And those are just the times I saw. That's something you should be proud of." He looked out towards the distance, taking in the bare stone and winding tunnels that moments ago had been anything but. "I'm not always gonna be around to remind you of that, y'know."[break][break]

He'd already failed in that department when it mattered most.[break][break]

"You should probably get moving soon." The teasing grin faded from Isaac's face, sobering into a more serious expression. "Wouldn't be surprised if that mist came rolling back in soon. It goes in ebbs and flows, and I swear. It always hits harder the second time."


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[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:12px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 6:23:56 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El opened their mouth for a moment - as if to deflect or play it off further - but... After a moment, their cheeks flushing just a slightest bit brighter at the audible teasing, they'd simply nod in response to the praise. "Th-thank you," They murmur, unable to help a small, cathartic, sense of pride sparking up in their heart - a shy smile of their own spreading across their face.

It was hard to argue with it, when Blackjack put it that way.

But, then came the lead up to a sure departure - Blackjack suggesting that they get moving. El would initially nod at this, prepared to pack up and get a move on... Although, a couple of questions would occur to them at this moment.

First, they glanced over to the not-tyranitar - and then back to Blackjack, asking "What do you... Think we should do about them? Are you thinking of taking them with you?" It seemed like an obvious conclusion, with how quickly Blackjack seemed to take to the silver kaiju - but may as well ask anyways.

But as for the next question, well... "And also... Who is... Who're you looking for, that you mentioned before?" El was a little more uncertain in posing this question - not wanting to overstep any boundaries - adding "I've been, y'know, helping everyone I come across - so I might've run into them... Or if not, well, I can keep an eye out for them?"

But looking Blackjack up and down, a third question occurred to them. "If... If you or your pokemon are still hurt, by the way... Could I come with you, at least to somewhere safer, so Akero and I can take a look?" At the very least, they wanted to do something to give back to Blackjack - especially with all the help he's been, in keeping an eye out for them.
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
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Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 15:04:48 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Isaac's eye widened in surprise as El asked a question he'd never considered.[break][break]

"I figured she was just . . ." A hallucination? A dream? Another manifestation of the ghosts of his past? The idea that this was a Pokemon he could just take with him felt inconcievable. Nevertheless, as El asked, the Tyranitar looked expectantly towards him.[break][break]

What did it even matter? Isaac didn't bring any spare Pokeball with him. Sure, he had some squirreled away in his backpack, but those were full of backup Pokemon. Empty Pokeballs were the least of his priorities when it came for packing for war. Even on his belt, all he had were the seven he'd readied for today, and that wasn't-[break][break]

Wait. Seven?[break][break]

Isaac unhooked the Pokeball from the impossible space in which it wss tucked. Its surface was the same pale pink as the Dream Mist, and as he turned it over in his hand its colors seemed to shift and swirl. The Interdream Zone had passed, and yet both the dreamy incarnation and a Pokeball forged from its mists remained.[break][break]

Isaac tossed the Pokeball towards the Tyranitar. It stilled without so much as a fight. Smiling, Isaac walked up to the Dream Ball. With how tight he clutched it, he seemed afraid it'd vanish if he ever let go. "Thank you, Akane."[break][break]

El's other questions snapped Isaac back to reality. "You don't gotta worry about us," Isaac said, his team perking up behind him. "We were just a bit shaken up, s'all. Shock's down for the count, but now that the mist's not bearing down on us, the rest of us just need to catch our breath and get some rest." Nevertheless, the team looked grateful for the offer. Watson in particular rasped cheerfully over it.[break][break]

They knew they couldn't stay. They had someone important to look for.[break][break]

"She goes by Swan," Isaac said, figuring it wouldn't hurt to at least explain why he was here. "Smile that can light up a room. Bright eyes with a spark of genius behind 'em. Tall. Light blonde hair. Red jacket, and the rest of her outfit's literally half red, half black. Real distinctive, can't miss her."[break][break]

His smile dropped as she continued. "Last I heard from here, she wasn't doing so good. This place . . . it picks away at you. It takes its toll. Makes ypu scared. Makes you reckless. Makes you desperate. I need to find her before it makes her pay that final price."[break][break]

"She's . . . important to me." More than words could say.[break][break]

Maybe helping out with Rocket's affairs wasn't the most important thing he could do today. How many people here had their own lost Swan? How many were lost, injured, swallowed up by this Arceus-forsaken hellscape and left for dead? Maybe he could take a page put of El's book. Maybe he could help those who needed it. He could claim the spot where El fell as his own base, and from there he could smuggle as many people as he could find away from this mistake of a war.[break][break]

Maybe if he helped enough, his would be among them. Until she was, he refused to let himself leave.


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[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
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April 12th
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5'9" / 175 cm height
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Dewford S.O.S. [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 19:31:42 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Blackjack had seemed a bit taken off-guard, when El pointed out that the silver tyranitar was still there and waiting. Noticing the way it - she - gazed to him, they had a feeling that she had been waiting for something like this. "If you need a ball, uhm... I have a few in here," They mentioned - though they could've easily gotten rid of them to make room for other supplies, they figured it was worth keeping pokeballs on hand. Just in case they ran into a wild pokemon who needed help, as a way to safely transport them and release them elsewhere.

But there was no need for that - not when a strange, dreamlike ball was already present at Blackjack's hip. El smiled as they watched him catch the not-tyranitar - and the smile grew as he gave her the name Akane. "That's a nice name," They spoke softly, warmly - red, like the glow that she had taken on then, they guessed.

Blackjack and his pokemon didn't seem to be in any need of patching up, though - they just needed a bit of rest. Which, given how long this all has been going on for, El couldn't blame them - nodding in understanding. But seeing the happily rasping totodile, well, they couldn't help but blink - a vague sense of what they swore must've been deja vu falling over them.

They approach the little water-type, and carefully crouch down so that they can offer their hand to him for potential pets. "You kinda remind me of someone I know, buddy." They mused out loud, giving the crocodile gentle scritches if allowed - almost subconsciously letting their hand linger on the spots they knew Watson liked. "He was a lot pudgier, last I saw him, though. What's your name, hmm?"

Finally though, came the mention of someone special to Blackjack - Swan. As the masked rocket described her to El, they listened closely - nodding in understanding. "I'll keep an eye out for her, then." They spoke with a sudden hue of determination. "And... I'll keep her safe, if I find her. I promise."

Bibidi seemed to share in these sentiments, gently brushing against Isaac's mind - both to offer reassurance, and also to glean information on Swan from any surface thoughts he was willing to divulge.
MP Tally:
- Mission Participation (50 MP)
- Mission Completion (100 MP)
- Win (200 MP)
- x15 Posts (150 MP)
- Realm Paranoia (10 MP)
- x3 Assisted (30 MP)
Total: 540 MP
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP