Afraid Of The Darkness (C)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 24
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Asriel Pryde DOLLARS
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Asriel Pryde
Afraid Of The Darkness (C)
POSTED ON May 12, 2023 7:31:24 GMT
Asriel Pryde Avatar

[attr="class","name"]ASRIEL PRYDE

[attr="class","subtxt"]you're a taker, devils-maker, let me hear you sing



A week since the battle of ultra deep sea had passed. Having sustained heavy injuries during the clash, his body was rigorously wrapped with bandages. The worst of his injuries are severe burns which covered most of his upper back and chest, inflicted by the league's very own head ranger .
Having been confined to the medical bay for a few days now, Asriel steadily regained his strength back. With a heavy moan he stumbles out of it softly creaks as he does so. Still wobbly on his feet Asriel heads towards the door and slowly makes his way down the hall,
News of Fern's condition reached Asriel's ears. He saw no harm in going to check up on him, it was the least he could do. Reaching the door to the main care unit Asriel pushes the door open. However he quickly loses balance and tumbles onto the floor, gasping out in agony as all the pain rushes through his body again.

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