Seaside Foam [dw]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
140 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
Seaside Foam [dw]
POSTED ON May 17, 2023 22:00:17 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
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Iridescent Fish Scales

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Ever since joining Rocket, Naia had found herself with far more issues and troubles rather than the solutions she sought for. Her primary concern was for them to question her loyalty, but as she slowly continued to expand her influence and reach Naia she realized she needed to have power on her side as well. Without it, it was a apparent she'd die. That much was certain.

[break][break]This brought her on this hunt for suitable Pokémon. Naia found herself crouched in the sand watching Colie, her small Zorua excitedly duck and dodge between the chomps of their newest addition, a yet to be named Zweilous. However unlike her two active pokemon, the warm weight of her Theivul in her lap, reminded Naia more of lazy lap cat then her hyper dogs. Quite simply, Naia could have just as easily bought the rest of her team just as she had done so already, but what she needed more was experience. She had never been taught the ropes on how to actually catch and properly fight with Pokémon, still she at least knew the bare minimum.

[break][break]She understood that a pokéball was needed, you had to throw it at the Pokémon and then what? Did you just pray it was captured? Were you supposed to rough it up before hand? But if you did that wouldn't it just hold a grudge, perhaps then it was better to coax it with food. Just as she was about to think herself into a corner the warm and wet nuzzle of her Theivul pulled her out of her thoughts, followed by a second and a third "Alright, alright Nat.. Breaktime is over."

[break][break]As Naia pulled herself to a stand and dusted the sand off from her clothes, she could hear a light commotion coming from the direction of her Pokémon and the panicked yapping of Colie scampering over to Naia. What was once her dark furred baby was now bright blue from all the paint over it, and just by merely following the trail of its crime she could easily see that probably through it's play fighting it knocked over this poor lady's paint. With a heavy sigh, Naia made her way over to the victim, taking out both her checkbook and another pokeball. Her plan was to summon Zoe to keep care of Colie and get her washed up while Naia compensated the damages.

[break][break]"I'm sorry for that. How much?" She wasn't in the mood to deal with angry people today.




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