i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2023 9:03:07 GMT
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Perhaps the GREEN APPLIN strapped to his chest on a baby carrier is drawing a little too much attention. He'd already stopped for a handful of women— young, old, and motherly alike— who had insisted on sharing their affections with HERSCHEL in any way they could. And, rather than sink back into the safety of his apple, the Applin ate all of that sweet attention up.

But, eventually, they would make it to the line for the BUMPER CARS. Once there, Remiel found himself standing behind a mother and the crying child she held against her shoulder. Herschel shied away from the cries at first... then, through some urging on Remiel's part, reemerged to try and soothe the child by waving its long eyeballs around.

At first, the child appeared unamused— confused, even. Then, when Herschel crossed his eyes, the child laughed. The crying session had ended. And, by then, they'd already reached the front of the line.

"Are you riding alone, sir?" The ride attendant asked.

"Just me and my Applin here."

"Ah-huh. It's two riders per car. You don't mind if we pair you up with another single rider, do you?"

"Oh? I suppose not."

"That's great, come on in."

The attendant lifts the chain blocking the royal from entering, then escorts him to a bumper car alongside somebody else. Once Remiel is inside, sitting as the passenger in this case, he puts on his seatbelt and turns to the stranger with a polite smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Remiel and this is Herschel. Have you any experience driving these?"


✔️ Cheer up a distressed kid

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vyce Crowley
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 4:52:53 GMT
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The single rider was none other than Galar's finest punk, rebel, and all around best witch in the region. Minus the guitar, Vyce was enjoying her day in the park so far. She'd come behind the staff member, wearing a size too small of a FUNTASIA t shirt that showed off her midriff, but keeping the glasses and such. A hand went for her lighter before the person currently talking with the bookish fellow. In her hand was a stick of Doduo Dango, made by some chefs that had set up shop here that were originally from Kanto. She kind of stopped paying attention to their story after that, having been too hungry. The last piece slipping in her mouth as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and strode into the bumper cars arena.

”Heh, thanks fer lettin' me ride tagalong witcha.” The woman said in a thick Galarian accent, noticeably one that was a dead mark for the southern border. She'd stick out a hand, flicking her sunglasses back up the bridge of her nose. Remiel could smell the scent of tobacco faintly inside of her pocket, alongside the faint perfume she had on. It was a mixture of artificial roses and spring time gardens and all that jazz. Whatever it took to sneak her cigs in.

”I'm Vyce. Nice to meet ya two.” she winked, her eyes turning to the Applin and showering it with praise. She really did love that little dragon type from back home. One day, she'd get one for herself. ”Herschel's adorable. Never really had time to try an' catch one before I moved here. As fer that other question...” Vyce said, laughing with a hearty chuckle, she'd grin as her hands gripped the wheel.

”Maybe not these, but I've hotwired and joyrode in a couple of cars back home. So these are prolly the same, yeah?”

- Eat a carnival treat.

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2023 7:39:19 GMT
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The lass who joins him elicits a skeptical glance from the exiled prince at first. The manner in which she wiped the sticky dango residue from her mouth with the back of her hand drew mixed feelings from him. In part, it went against the life of etiquette he'd been taught to abide by his whole life. But also, he supposed... it was sort of cute.

Nevertheless, he gets over it fairly quickly and even offers a gentle smile... until she mentions hotwiring cars back home. "Where's back home for you?" He curiously inquires. Just then, however, the buzzer sounds and the bumper cars come to life with electronic whirs.


✔️ Ride in the Bumper Cars

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Vyce Crowley
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 4:00:44 GMT
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”Back home fer me? 'ammerlocke.” Vyce replied back as the ride begin. Her fingers flexed on the wheel in order, ready to hammer the break down and slam into the first person that they could. With her foot on the pedal, the three were quick to accelerate into a nearby kid, bumping into him. Vyce chuckled, while the kid's vehicle would be pushed backwards as he'd be in jolly spirits as well, tunneling towards another person, leaving Vyce and her partner to zoom around.

”I bummed around fer a bit there, got inta some mischief, the usual. Mainly just writin' music and stuff before I got my shit together. 'ang on a sec.” Vyce rammed into another couple much like the kid at full speed. SHe was a simple woman, enjoying games like this than some boring office job or a cushy workplace. ”Sorry. Anyways, I came over ta Hoenn fer a nice change of pace. It's pretty lively. What about you?” She asked the man and his apple companion.

”What're you doin' 'ere?”

- Ride in the Bumper Cars

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 5:28:09 GMT
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The sudden jerk that came with the bumper car moving only served to distract him for a moment before he turns to regard Vyce with his gaze once more. If she was from there then... did she already know she was sitting next to the CROWN PRINCE? Perhaps not.

There were countless people in Galar who didn't know or care who the current royalty was, after all. Just as Remiel wasn't up to date on much of the current ROCKSTARS of today's generation. So, naturally, he didn't blame them.

Just as he's about to answer her question, another bumper car driver slams into them with a hoot. Herschel cheers, swinging his long yellow eyes to and fro as he urges them to retaliate. Remiel, in the meantime, clears a breath he hadn't realized had been stuck in his throat.

"I came to HOENN to be an archaeologist. I'm from HAMMERLOCKE, too." Though his accent made it quite clear that he'd been raised in a different Hammerlocke than she.


✔️ Ride at least one carnival ride

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vyce Crowley
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2023 22:08:33 GMT
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Vyce had been worried that the cutest Applin in Galar would be knocked out of the car or otherwise troubled by their little bumping session, but the nerdy boy across from her would chime in about why he came to Galar. ”AN Archeologist, huh? So when yer not dressin' up like mum's dressed ya, yer out an' about divin' into tombs like in the movies, yeah?” She laughed to herself, becoming interested in his choice of profession. Normally rocks and all that boring stuff didn't take her interest, but now that she could see. Vyce was a bit abrasive but she did mean well to most people, when not irritated about not having a cig.

”Ah, come off it, mate. That's pretty cool. I couldn't really get inta that kinda stuff in school. I was one of 'em band kids. Played guitar an' all that. Rubbish in math an' science, but history? Forget about it. Love me some medieval books. I was readin' one just the other day 'bout-”


The bell rang, signaling the end of the ride as Vyce was interrupted by the bell to signal the end of the ride. Everyone began to get up as she'd frown, waving her hand at the employee running this thing. ”The bloody hel-” Her eyes looked at the kids present as she bit her tongue and restarted her sentence. ”The bloody heck do you mean the ride's over!? The sign says 3 minutes an' that was barely 2! Give us another go at least!” She argued with the employees present for a moment before they were allowed to go for one more ride. Vyce huffed and crossed her arms, sitting back down in the seat. There was a period of silence before she'd let out a sigh. Her jolly and arrogant side had all but faded for a moment.

”Sorry 'bout that. I'm...still trying to work through some anger stuff. You can take a girl outta Team yell , but not the other way around, easily.”

- Be a troublesome customer.

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 7:16:30 GMT
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Remiel has to take a moment to look at himself. Well, the parts that aren't concealed behind a baby carrier and the Applin therein. "What's wrong with how I dress?" He innocently mutters. He's far too wrapped up in that to answer her rhetorical question in earnest.

Given the chaotic driving, however, the royal is surprised she's holding up her end of the conversation so well. At least until she blows up at the carnival attendant for cutting their time short in the bumper car. Feeling strangely responsible for this, despite the fact that they'd been paired together with no input of their own, Remiel unbuckles his seatbelt to stand beside her.

"Apologies if we startled you, but she's correct," The former GALARIAN AMBASSADOR assures the attendant as he removes his cap to better share his identity. It went against his rule for laying low and beneath TEAM ROCKET's radar, but... was such a simple design really doing much anyway? Probably not.

Hushed whispers all around them ensure Remiel that the power of his fame has had the intended effect. Crown Prince of Galar. Zekrom's avatar. Galarian Ambassador. Though each title had brought plenty of trials and tribulations of their own, this was one of the boons that they all shared. And, before long, the attendant agreed to 'give them all another go' so long as there wasn't another outburst from anyone participating.

"Thank you. I sure there won't be." The royal responds, placing his cap back on before taking his seat and buckling in once more. Shifting a somewhat amused look at Vyce, he smiles. "Team Yell? Really? I don't see it in you." The black-haired man teases as the bumper cars suddenly come to life once more.


✔️ Help a carny with a troublesome customer or other issue

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Vyce Crowley
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 23:45:06 GMT
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”That's a first.” Vyce said, chuckling to herself again as the Galarian woman would once again get onto bumping into cars again, enjoying her time on the bumper cars ride. ”Usually everyone just thinks I'mma punk or somethin'. They ain't wrong, but I'm more than just another pissy 'ead in an army of burgandy an' black. I joined when I ran away from home an' thought I'd have friends an' shit. That kinda "poor lost souls come together to overthrow evil" an that wanky jank. But everyone's just usin' it as an excuse ta do crime. No kinda group cohesion or anyfin'. Jes chaos.” She sighed, turning to smack into another car.

”That's why I left. The burgarly, the valdalism, the idol worship, everythin' was fun fer the first month. But that's all they do. Nobody wants to improve anythin'. I know ya think it's all a buncha punks an' thugs, most people do, but a lot of 'em are just people down on their luck an' wanting to get even against a system that ain't treatin' 'em right.” She stayed quiet after a bit, maybe giving a pout from spilling her guts out. But as the ride ended, Vyce looked back over to the boy and his applin. ”It's cute. The way ya dress. Like yer bein' all important~” She winked and then the ride would end.

Vyce waited for him as he got off and would cross her arms over her chest. ”Oi, I was wonderin'...You mind if I 'ang out a bit? Yer pretty cool to yam it up with. An' my lot's not exactly a trustworthy bunch.”


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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 3:01:39 GMT
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It seemed he wasn't the only one who had the occasional tease fly over their head. Nevertheless, said tease opened up a side of Vyce the royal honestly hadn't expected to see. She almost seemed... vulnerable. Truth be told, he knew exactly how she felt. He'd gone through the same with TEAM ROCKET for years.

Would he show as much vulnerability here and now, however? Not a chance. There was a reason he had a BULLETPROOF Applin strapped to his chest, after all. And it wasn't just to show Herschel a good time.

Regardless, her words serve to shift his understanding of her. He was even beginning to find her somewhat attractive. And that revealed itself in a faint blush on his cheeks when she called him 'cute' and gave him a wink.

He sits there afterward for a moment, trying to remember exactly what she'd just said before she'd plunged him into the beginning of this schoolboy crush. But, before long, the attendant arrives to usher him towards the exit. Once there, the royal is surprised to find her waiting for him.

"Of course. It'd be my pleasure. And I've found myself enjoying your company as well." He smiles, patting Herschel's apple at the sound of excited chirps. Before long, they're walking down the festival boardwalk together headed in no particular direction at all.

It isn't until a game host attendant calls out to them that they stop: "Ahoy there JOAN JETT and PRINCE CHARMING! You two make quite the odd couple! Why don't you try guessing how many POFFINS I've put into this mason jar here? The first guess is free for each one of you!" He grins, presenting said mason jar for all of them to see.

And, needless to say, the announcement of a ROCK STAR and a PRINCE draws a small crowd: just as the attendant had intended.

Remiel scans said crowd for a moment, ensuring there isn't a shifty-looking character in their midst, before scrutinizing the mason jar and the poffins therein. "I don't know... one-hundred and fourteen?" He turns to his companion afterward. "What do you think, Vyce?"


✔️ Participate in a “Guess-how-many-there-is” Contest

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Vyce Crowley
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 0:44:07 GMT
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Vyce appeared surprised that he even agreed to let her bother him more, but the woman's lips went into a pleased smile as she put a hand on her waist. ”Yeah? Had me worried that ya weren't gunna make me all chuffed.” She picked up a large guitar case on the fence outside, slinging it over her shoulder as the large black case smacked her in the back with a familiar rustling of something inside. Her eyes met his, maybe even questioning why he was sticking around, but then moved on as they began to walk through the fair crowds.

Their journey took them to the beginning of the boardwalk, where Vyce and the boy could enjoy the view. ”Any new archeology finds lately?” she asked, inquiring about Remiel's little job for getting into Hoenn for. ”Ain't too mindful of what's out needin' to be dug up. 'Specially if it's part of ancient history.” For as crass and punk as she loved to flaunt herself as, the woman did have her little interests in things. Maybe not trigonometry homework, but if it was interesting enough to produce results, her attention would be easily gained. ”Like I was sayin' back on the carts, I'm a huge medieval buff. Fancy any kinda book or topic 'bout it. I was readin' a book the other day from some old guy sayin' that 'e believed Pokérus could be traced back as far back as then. It was way more fucked up though. Imagine seein' a Nickit but it's fur's slightly green and is visibly rottin'.” As graphic as it was, Vyce's love for the time period was as clear as day. It only came to being interrupted by one of the barkers shouting out to the two of them.

It was then a sudden wave of people surrounding them. A Rock Star and a Royal, just hanging around together. Vyce looked around but decided to focus on that mason jar full of poffins. A hand rubbed at her chin as she's try and wonder how she could guess how many were inside. She couldn't just smash it on the old geezer's head and count them that way either. Remiel made a ballpark guess that sounded good on paper. SO she'd just have to copy him and pretend she knew what she was doing.

”No idea. Could be a million in there fer all I know.” she huffed, looking to the barker. ”I'll lowball it. Eighty seven?”

- Participate in a “Guess-how-many-there-is” Contest.

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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2023 12:49:53 GMT
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Admittedly, he hadn't even seen the large guitar case. It blended in with the rest of the carnival aesthetic in his eyes. But now it did confirm one thing: Vyce wasn't just wearing rock star clothing for show. She was probably the real deal on some level.

"Lately? I found some Draconid flutes at the SKY PILLAR." Remiel responds. "I'm not sure how exciting you might find that, though. Most people didn't."

The tidbit about the medieval Pokerus was interesting. The black-haired archaeologist personally hadn't read much about that era if it didn't include old draconian legends and mentions of ZEKROM. He ponders if there might be any connection while Vyce makes her guess.

"TWO HUNDRED! WRONG!" The game attendant announces. "NICE TRY, MOVE ALONG!"

Finding the man obnoxious, to say the least, Remiel scoffs and happily complies. "You're a musician, then? What's your genre? And what drew you to the music industry overall?" He inquires.


✔️ Participate in a “Guess-how-many-there-is” Contest



it's a long life full of long nights