Grigori Sokolov's Plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 26
Slateport City
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6"1' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Grigori Sokolov
Grigori Sokolov's Plotter
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2023 16:07:52 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori Sokolov
Team Rocket Grunt, 'Better than before'

Motivations (Relevant History)

Things are how they are because...

 - Grigori did not grow up in a 'good' place. A rough household with an even rougher father pushed him into a direction of crime almost by default. Before he knew it, he was a Team Rocket Grunt with a shitload of anger and plenty of opportunity to take it out on people. Even if he deeply regrets the path he's taken in life, he's still a part of the organization. Despite his newfound dislike of his job, he will still perform it to the best of his abilities. After all, deserters do not always get what they desire...

 - Doesn't mean he can't try to change who he is. Grigori is rather proud of the strides he's made into becoming a better person. No longer as violent, no longer as cruel, and even a better appreciation for the finer things in life. Cuisine, philosophy, personality, and the interests of others. A few of those might be promises to those he's slain, but progress is progress. If he can not be a man of honor, then at least he will be a man of his word.

 - Redemption. Those who do bad things end up in terrible positions, and so far Grigori is waiting for the second shoe to drop. It will come, that much is certain. Perhaps he can make its impact less harsh if he tries to make up for all the stuff he's done. Not that it'll ever be possible to truly fix all the wrongs, but maybe at least leave the world roughly the same way as it had been when he was born. That sort of thing. Just needs Team Rocket to keep their attention at all the young aspiring recruits and firmly away from him and his miles long track record.

Activities (Potential Threads)

Have to get some things done...

 - Grigori still has a job to do, even if he doesn't like it anymore. People still need 'talking' to, territory still needs to be expanded, and the organization still wants to dominate Hoenn. This includes the standard grunt stuff: intimidation, escorts, guarding, the works. Potential threads would be any of the standard Rocket Missions or just about anything one could think of that needs a big, strong mane like himself to accomplish.

 - However, Grigori absolutely loves to do all the stuff that is quite unbefitting man of his status and looks. Go to all the cafes and order the sweetest drinks possible, engage in thoughtful discussion about any topic at all, or even try to learn fun, new things. That or just go out and help people truly in need of it (in a way that doesn't go against his organization). Potential threads include a variety of Slice of Life activities, missions based around helping others, or deep discussion threads that help one another gain a better understanding of a field or situation.

 -  He fucked up. Arceus above, he fucked up bad. So bad he had to break one of his harshest rules and biggest promises. Now he needs to... what the hell does he do? How does one get help for a problem like this? Threads for this 'prompt' would need someone rather close to the man, but involve helping him out to fulfill the latest promise he made: help someone get over a death. Given the situation, it's quite a conundrum on how to best do it...

Friends, Colleagues, Or Anything In between

Those who keep popping up in life are...

 - : Perfect man for the job of Beast, that's for certain. He tries his best to care about the man, but he makes it very hard sometimes. Especially when on the job.

 - : Better for the position of admin than he would've predicted. At a bit of a rough patch with the man, but Grigori knows he means well. Unfortunately, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

 - : Strange, peculiar man. Tries to avoid him like the plague, but they're interests align so well its hard to forget the man is under the command of Chien-Pao and has a track record arguably viler than his. That and the somehow considers him a friend, despite their lack of knowledge of one another. Maybe... one day, he can confide in the man. But not now, and not soon.

 - : One of the few to scare him in a way he doesn't understand. He wants to feel bad for her, as she is clearly not doing well mentally, but her continued warpath leaves a trail of pain and agony in her wake. In a strange way, though, he wants to know how'd she be without the influence of her Avatarships. And with therapy. Lots and lots of therapy.

 - : Scares him, but in an entirely predictable and understandable way. Different from Elisabeth in that his frustration and anger comes from a very well-founded place, but they'll both still kill him without a moment of hesitation. Best to avoid seeing him again at all costs.

 - : Hard to get a read on the man. He's heard things, but he treats Grigori well enough. Maybe that's all an act too. Best not drop his guard, no matter how nice he may seem at times.

 - : Only met her once, but his first impression was... okay. Needs a long nights rest and a week off, and maybe then he'd like to try another conversation. Shred is infatuated with her, which is something. He's actually trying and that's all that matters.

 - : The closer he gets, the more it hurts. Who knew a concious would make outside relationships hard? But he must stay strong. He must fulfill his promise. After that, then...
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
Grigori Sokolov's Plotter
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2023 11:08:17 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
lulu and grigori are similar in that they seem to be repenting in their own ways while remaining in team rocket. i think that alone has some potential for nice threads if we could find a way to pair them together. maybe they run into one another some time by chance after bmi?



it's a long life full of long nights