lulu's plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
lulu's plotter
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 17:09:48 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
lulu is a head scientist of team rocket and former avatar of darkrai. she is a workaholic that toes the line of mad scientist, who has done much research on infinity energy, porygon-z, space travel, and dreams. though she comes from an aristocratic galarian family, she has a colorful past, including prison time for crimes related to hacking the galarian military.

she is difficult to get close to and feels a deep sense of loyalty only to her kin and team rocket by extension, though her relationships with some colleagues have warmed into deeper bonds. she can also be volatile, vengeful, and at times ruthlessly violent. however, the loss of her avatar powers and the exhaustion she feels from lingering insomnia have toned down her rage.

there is too much history to write out in detail, but i’ve updated her (fairly brief) infamy file here.

for the most part, the is meant to cover and clarify what she’s up to currently and introduce a new plot/arc i’d like to explore moving forward.

summer 2024

time has passed since team rocket’s lunar research mission last november, and the almost disastrous attack by a cresselia. lulu had hoped to reason with it, having dreamt that it would aid the world in sealing off the interdream zone, thus protecting the universe from unleashed chaos. however, the attack and silence that followed from the lunar duo have left her feeling that perhaps she has no place in this battle for reality.

while her work with dreams continues for team rocket with the invention of the dream machine, its development has ceased short of its goals to emulate the dream world, leaving it instead as a tool for spectra training and intel. she finds herself jaded with the work as her sense of connectedness fades. numb with bitter internal conflict, her caution surrounding tera crystals and paradox pokemon withers. bouts of madness will see the occasional experimenting she would have once deemed too risky.

as she feels her sanity crumbling in ways again, she takes moments away from dreams to return to old interests reawakening. the rifts hold puzzles unsolved in far-off places to feed an adventurer’s soul, in a way a submarine laboratory cannot. the wilds of ultra space become getaway destinations, and soon, her intrigue with megalopolan spacecraft will inspire a new personal project.

at least, perhaps, until she is approached by someone to make it more than just that.

tldr: though she continues dream research on the submarine, scientific focus will make a shift from dreams to spacecraft as she explores the rifts more.


  • EXPLORATIONS INTO THE WILDS with characters of all walks – she will be there exploring megalopolan tech (mission)
  • non-science-related plots with both factions, esp SLICE-OF-LIFE
    threads and chance run-ins, possibly involving her past in galar and kanto (infamy file briefly covers history, pls dm for more details)
  • DREAM MACHINE: spectra training (mission) intel gathering plots involving the theft of dreams from league characters

please feel free to reach out to be on discord with any other ideas!


it's a long life full of long nights